Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 965 The Perfect Solution to Dissatisfaction

Chapter 965 The Perfect Solution to Dissatisfaction

"Wait, wait, how can it be like this? I came here to settle accounts with Zhou Yangshen. Although I don't have a supernatural level, I really counted on me drinking just now. Qi Lian also said that even if I sacrificed my face Even if it’s just a stab in Zhou Yangshen’s body and it won’t hinder his wound, I’m willing, as long as I see her uncomfortable, I’m happy. I really hate Zhou Yangshen very much, so I have to go. Haha I Don't be afraid of heartbreak, I just want to look at him uncomfortable, I really hope you let me go, please? I beg you, I must go to my city and be tortured like that by her, my My companion was also murdered like that by him, how can I stay here and not go out to fight in order to save my life? I really can't do it, Lin Ye, please let me go, please, please Decided, I must go in the future, I really really want Zhou Yangshen to die, he is my enemy, if you don't let me go when you let me face the enemy, I will really feel very uncomfortable." Ling Wei said, he didn't expect Lin Ye to think of such a way to prevent them from going like this, so how could he do this?How could he not go?Then he must go, he must look at Zhou Yangshen, crying bitterly after being beaten by them, he must go, his heart is really clamoring to go, even if he sacrifices his life, he will go.

"That's right, we have been made like this by him, how can we not go? Then you must let us go, please, we, even if we don't have too high abilities, we can still distract him Power, you can be a target, you can be anything, you can attract his attention, and then you can take the opportunity to sneak attack him, we are still useful, please, let us go, we really don't want to just stay behind like this Hidden, I hope you can let us go, because we want to watch Zhou Yangshen die and see Zhou Yangshen suffer, really, we already hate him so much. Isn’t it his fault that we have changed from an ordinary person to the way we are now? He said our real enemy, and now I know I was wrong, how can I hold it up in front of me, we really want to see this, he is watching him being defeated by you, please, please let me Go ahead, even if we don't have a supernatural combat team, I really still have a role to play." Qi Shisi wrote in his notebook, and he was right, they were a batch of experimental products raised by Zhou Yangshen in the hospital. They also understood how much they hated Zhou Yangshen and Lin Ye, but Lin Ye had his own ideas. He didn't want them to go out and take risks. He hoped that they would stay here and watch them defeat Zhou Yangshen.

"I know what you are thinking and hating Zhou Yangshen at this time, I understand it, and I know it all, but I really want you to use it together because I want to tell you this, I am not going to die with Zhou Yangshen this time, because I am confident to defeat him, and even let him die, but you don’t go, don’t make unnecessary sacrifices, because even if you go, to be honest, it’s true It won't have much effect, and I don't want you to participate in my own plan. Although this is hurtful, you have to understand that I have already thought about how to go? Zhou Yangshen is defeated, understand? Although my strength Not as good as Zhou Yangshen, but I have a way to defeat him, so you don’t want to die just because we fight him this time, so what do you want, ah? Give him a little if you lose your life , this really doesn’t work, because I have a way to defeat him, I just need those of us who have superpowers to do what you can’t do, cheer us up and pray behind our backs, watching us defeat Zhou Yangshen, if If you want to see it, I can bring back Zhou Yangshen’s investment to you, so how about letting you get rid of the hatred in your heart? I, Lin Ye, will say it here. I have this confidence and I also have this ability. You just have to believe I, just wait for me here, if you don't believe that I insist on going my own way, I, Lin Ye, have nothing to do, and I won't stop you, it's up to you to make your own decision." Lin Ye said, he said himself Confident and capable of defeating Zhou Yangshen, but I don't know what method he came up with to make him say this sentence with such confidence. Even letting it happen, they felt very, very puzzled, but he didn't ask a few times. This time, Lin Ye definitely didn't want Ling Wei and their half-human half-zombies to die, because if they passed by, they might not even touch Zhou Yangshen's mountain, and they would have been beaten to death by Zhou Yangshen. An important fact, you are so It's terrible, how can ordinary people like them afford it?So, Lin Ye may be a cypress, because he also hopes that they can stay here safely and wait for them to come back. Maybe Lin Ye really has some way to defeat him. When the time comes Just say, hold on now, Ling Wei and their half-human half-zombies will do.

"But I really want to go, I don't want to stay here anymore, I don't want to be so wretched, watching you fight Zhou Yangshen here, I hope to fight with you, to defeat him, because Zhou Yangshen is a man, Why am I already here, but I can’t fight? He said I don’t have the strength, but I really want to beat them. Ah, I’m going to accompany you. Give me this chance. If you don’t go down, just hide here. Really, I want to pay for my city, I want to watch him say I want to watch Zhou Yangshen die, I want to watch him die!" Ling Wei shouted.

"Because, listen to the master now, since Lin Ye said that he has a way to defeat Zhou Yangshen, you have to believe him, don't you? He will help you avenge, he will help you all outflank, since he belongs to your team Leader, you have to trust him and his strength, he will definitely do what he says."

"I told you before that Zhou Yangshen's strength is formidable and terrifying, but since they have already said that they can defeat him, then they must be a surefire plan. You must believe him, okay? Even if you are serious, just tell me You said you wanted to give him a set, but it wasn't the master who hit you. If you really couldn't even touch him, he would have been beaten to death by him. It's really a meaningless sacrifice for you to go, so you have to trust Lin Ye Also listen to Lin Ye's words, stay here, and wait for the news of their victory. I believe they can succeed. The master is really here to guarantee you, okay? You really can't do anything if you go there At most, it is to make unnecessary sacrifices, take sick leave, and let Lin Ye and the others distract you to protect you, so that he will not be able to concentrate on dealing with Zhou Yangshen, so don't go, you will only add to the chaos Okay? Wait for them here, wait for them to defeat Zhou Yangshen, and then avenge you. I believe you have their strength. Maybe a few of them can defeat Zhou Yangshen together. After all, they are Zhou Yangshen's nemesis, and so is Zhou Yangshen. I am very afraid of Lin Ye. The two of them are traveling together. The obstacle shows that he is very afraid of Lin Ye and the others. That's why he set up this obstacle. You have to believe that they don't want to go, and if they go, it will add to the chaos. Be sensible, Ling Wei." Qi Lian began to help Lin Ye and the others persuade Ling Wei and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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