Chapter 974

Li Jie said very bluntly, because after all Zhou Yangshen had never been polite to them, so now he just wanted to make Zhou Yangshen feel a little bit scared, but although what he said was handsome and intimidating, he didn't do anything to Zhou Yangshen. What kind of reaction, with human nature, is not afraid of them at all. No matter what they say or do is important, people are very indifferent, because he already feels that he has the chance to win.

No more nonsense. It seems that Zhou Yangshen no longer wants to talk nonsense with Lin Ye and the others. He has started to have a lot of supernatural light in his hands. He is about to attack Lin Ye and the others. Of course they are also ready to watch Zhou Yangshen made some moves, and they immediately began to gather energy, and then suddenly all kinds of supernatural powers broke out together, and then they fought together, all kinds of supernatural powers were bright and all kinds of voices gathered together, Lin Ye and Li Jie, the two of them came Xinyu, Zhou Yangshen's left and right sides, posted on Zhou Yangshen's account. They surrounded Zhou Yangshen, and then continued to attack him, but Zhou Yangshen's surroundings used something to protect his body, and then they The attack couldn't hit him at all. It seems that this body protection ability is still very powerful. This is the first time Lin Ye and the others have seen it, but they can't panic, they can only change their attacks constantly, and then use their spirit Differently, I can want to attack Zhou Yangshen's spirit again, but Zhou Yangshen's brain spirit has already been covered with layers of protective shields, as Qi Lian said, and there is no way to attack his brain. Any damage to the central nervous system, it seems that this person's mental strength is very weak, it must be his weakness, as long as they break through, break through his protective shields, they will be able to defeat Zhou Yangshen, and there is hope of defeating Zhou Yangshen , So Lin Youyou transmitted this idea to Lin Ye with psychic powers. After Lin Ye received it, he also began to use ice powers to attack, and the other side used psychic powers to attack. Zhou Yangshen's central nervous system and brain , found that those protective shields are still very powerful, not so easy to attack, then Lin Ye added physical attacks to his mental abilities, and then worked hard again to break through those protective shields, but the protective shields still did not move at all. I don't care about Lin Ye and You Qiran's attack at all. It seems that this thing is not so good, it is easy to crack, and there is Xin Yu who is studying martial arts outside. The two are still attacking Zhong Yangsheng, and then Xin Yu releases herself Zhou Yangshen was in the darkness, he couldn't see anything, but Lin Ye and the others could see him, and then attacked him from different directions, but it was useless. After all, there was a protective cover next to its body, and he was standing there, completely unaffected by it.

"I advise you not to waste your efforts in vain. You see, you all use your housekeeping skills to buy them. There is no way to cause a little damage to my protective cover. In this situation, I don't need to export it. You will spend yourself. Hey, it’s too weak. I don’t even want to make a move. I can wipe out your entire army with one move. What else is there to say? There’s nothing left to fight , Are you all so weak now? I’m really helpless. I’m really not smart enough, and my ability is not strong. What confidence do you have to fight with me? Fighting with you is a waste of my time. I have this time I can develop a new virus again." Zhou Yangshen folded his arms very comfortably inside the protective cover and said that he was not afraid at all when he saw the constant supernatural powers attacking him, because his protective cover was very tough, All the supernatural powers can be isolated outside, and he can't even get close to him, so how can he hurt her, so Zhou Yangshen is still very relaxed, although he can't see Lin Ye and the others in Xinyu's dark world now, but He didn't care, because no matter which direction Lin Ye and the others attacked from, he couldn't cause her any harm.

"Are you arrogant? Don't worry. Although your ice shield is very strong, it is impossible to withstand such a strong attack from us. It will be shattered soon. When the time comes, your death will not be far away. Now You will have to cry, and when you die, you will not be able to, and you should cry and kneel and beg us to let you go." Li Jie said, this Zhou Yangshen is really too arrogant, they must hurry up and get rid of this protector. The shield broke, and then he gathered a very strong ability in his left hand, and the speed was very fast. He quickly dodged towards Zhou Yangshen, and then punched Zhou Yangshen's protective cover, and only heard a click, and everyone around Zhou Yangshen That protective cover unexpectedly appeared with a crack extending in it. I looked at the crack in disbelief. I didn't expect it to be in a protective state. It had been tested and it couldn't be easily broken by them. It seems that he really Can't underestimate this group of people, um, actually punched a crack in his protective cover, and then Zhou Yangshen looked in Li Jie's direction, Li Jie was smiling triumphantly, it seems that the method he envisioned can still be successful.

"So you can't be too arrogant. If you are so arrogant, you will be struck by lightning sooner or later. With your protective cover, are you invincible? So you have to keep a low profile."

"Don't be so complacent, okay? I've exhausted my highest ability today just by punching a crack in my protective cover. I haven't made a move yet. What are you happy about? It's not that you really defeated me." , I have really convinced you people, are you complacent just for a little bit of success? No wonder you only pursue this, you just break a crack, and you feel that you have already defeated me, I am afraid You think too much, I really have never seen you so thick-skinned, I am afraid that your mother should go back and practice hard, your abilities are coming, I will let you go now, you can go Ah, I will not do anything to you, and I will definitely not stop you. You go back and practice your abilities for a few years. After a few years, I will still be here. Come here to find me. If the earth has not been completely destroyed in the past few years, if it destroys you, all human beings will perish, maybe you will not be able to come, and you will not be able to become a new species, because the dead people on earth will always be forever. Reincarnation, it is impossible to become a new species and return to the earth again, and the real me will be the essence of the new species, I will be the one that will be recorded in history and will last forever, and you are the one that has been stigmatized for thousands of years. The earth has brought countless disasters to human beings, so you should think about what you belong to, hey, don't be so stingy anymore, it's just a crack."

(End of this chapter)

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