Chapter 976

It is impossible for anyone to understand Zhou Yangshen's thoughts. After all, he is already tired of mental illness. Maybe he has a history of mental illness?He escaped from the Spirit Wall Hospital, but it may be that his IQ is too high, which is why he invented so many weird things and made the world go further and further.Darkness and red, this makes Lin Ye and the others feel a little uncomfortable. After all, they don't want to continue living in the dark. He likes light, he likes warmth, so it is impossible for her to do something with her. Although he has been following him for seven years, he must kill him here, follow him and carry this thing all the time, and then he will be hurt all the time.

"I'm afraid you're daydreaming for us to follow you. We're here to kill you. Can you stop talking to me with your low EQ? It's really speechless. I think you are a very strange person, do you feel that you really can’t have a few illnesses, and you feel that you are great, or that it is impossible for us to follow you if you start now, don’t worry, but if you If you are really sincere, you don’t want to fight us now, and you can really throw yourself into the trap. You can promise me that you will not do other bad things in the future, and give the antidote to the poisonous corpse king, let him go My friend, we can let you go mercifully, maybe maybe, you can think about it, are you willing to go to hell or continue to live in this world, but normal people will definitely say, continue Living in this world, who would think about what to go? Where will become a new species, what new events will happen? It is not reliable at all, you may not be conscious after you die, how can you still Do you know if I only went to that unknown country to travel? Anyway, I can’t do it, and I don’t want to do that. I just want to continue to live on the earth and build the earth’s home more and more beautiful , After driving away this Doomsday, he asked you to learn how to let human beings learn to love nature, and not to live against nature and do such unreasonable things. You can say, why do you have to use this most terrible thing? What about the most extreme way? I really don’t understand what you are thinking, you should think about how to do it, how will you end up in the future, you won’t, you will let me go, I won’t necessarily let you go, So you still don’t want it. It’s too frustrating, we only need to fight once, and we will know who is the real winner.”

"Thank you for asking this question. I don't care what you are talking about, but the real winner must be me. You must be fighting, but I found that you are really confident. The one I released just now Ability Guangbo, are you in Xiaozhi? It is so high to a certain extent, it is the highest in the world, and you have never seen the attribute of supernatural power. You idiots will definitely want to know. Impossible, I may tell you, and then I will tell you my weakness, and you will collectively attack my weakness, and you may not be able to defeat me, so you should save it, the condition I made before It’s pretty good, why didn’t you agree? So you have low IQ, low IQ, you don’t understand all the interests, pros and cons, but you can’t tell which is good and which is bad. If I fight you, what kind of virus should it spread? I also spread, and the damned people are all dead. Even if you kill me, I will become a new species and return to this world again. What's the use? But you gave your death for nothing, and you may not be able to kill me. If you don't have that confidence, don't come to me again. You are simply wasting my precious time."

"" # Arrogant and arrogant, no matter how arrogant you are, I really don't understand what you are being arrogant about?It seems that you really need someone to teach you a lesson, and teach you what is etiquette and what is polite?Why do you feel that if your skill level is higher, you will feel that you are almost the most invincible person in the world, and he also regards you as a god to you. How can you do something that you can't even imagine?You really make people feel helpless, you should think about whether what you did is right or wrong, so many people say you are wrong, you must be wrong, it is your ability level that is messing with you , We don’t know about that supernatural attribute, but I’m not curious, and I don’t want to know what kind of drugs and crooked ways you must have used to make yourself like this. This kind of thing will be easily reflected soon , and then turn into a monster, your fate may be like this in the future, hey, do you like to harm human beings?You have become a monster, you are still going on, what is there to be afraid of here?What fun is there in being a monster?I found that your thinking is really different from other people's. Even if you work here day and night, you still give up when you are damned. What is the species?You don't know, you won't even be able to see it at that time, because you will lose consciousness after death, so how can you get rid of yourself?Put your thinking on other people, even if other people have your thinking, see that this is the real enemy, and then you kill it, it is not bad to find that you are really a head grabber. "

"I found out that you have a lot of nonsense. You have said so much, I don't care at all. I don't care. What I care about now is that new species come to this world again to make this world a better place. , you will no longer have to, you must be bullied by your current species, and you are now obviously relying on the earth to love the earth."

"Let's stop talking nonsense with him, let's fight him quickly, as long as he is defeated, he will not be so arrogant. This person has never encountered any enemies since he was a child, and he feels that he is invincible. It seems that everything can be done, but he has not met us, we will let him be so carefree, so arrogant and so unassuming, pull out?" Li Jie said, alas, he really did not expect Zhou Yangshen is such a talkative person. Originally, he actually admired this person despite the evil things Zhou Yangshen did. After all, this person is very smart and invented so many viruses, which is also very powerful, but he did not expect it Yes, he is actually such a mother-in-law. Although he is also a mother-in-law himself, he never thought that such a smart person would have such a low EQ. It is really 15. There is no complete person in the world, and a person with a high IQ has an EQ Generally very low.

(End of this chapter)

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