Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 982 Main Combat Strength

Chapter 982 Main Combat Strength
"How? What do you think now? Now Lin Ye has become like this, while Zhou Yangshen's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and our current pet fighting power has become a wedding. We don't know what to do now. How to continue, if we continue to fight like this, we may all feel negative at that time, it is really not worthwhile for everyone to die here, so should we think of another way, we can't continue like this Let’s go on, so what do you think, what do you think, just say it all, don’t want that hidden Zhou Yangshen, I already feel that she is about to lose her mind, as if controlled by some strange thing, The most important time for us now is to think of a way, to think of a perfect plan, should we retreat now, if it is better to retreat, then they should retreat, don't care this time, although we didn't shoot this time, we can take pictures next time Let's come more prepared. Although we are running out of time, we can't let everyone risk their lives with earphones because of running out of time. After all, Lin Ye is seriously injured and unconscious. And Xiao Wu, you have to calm down now, because you know that you can’t beat Zhou Yangshen, you use friends with him now, just let yourself lose your life, if you wake up to his name, he will blame us, if you see You lost your life or were seriously injured, so you must calm down now, we must think of a way now, okay? I know I can’t fight now, the main reason is not to use it with him, friends must keep calm, don’t be like just now That's it, just like that, if the central government gets angry and beats you to death, there is no possibility for us to save you." She said, she was really worried about this matter now, Where is Xingtai?I don't know what to do next, because he really has exhausted all the methods he can think of, so now he can only slowly see if he has other people's opinions, he wants to hear other people's opinions I feel that I am about to lose my sanity now. Now that he is studying medicine, he has to persuade others to spend money, and he has to persuade himself to calm down. They just came here, and they had only a glimmer of hope, but now the only glimmer of hope has passed out. If they continue to stay here, they will really be watching their grandson helplessly, so he must now Everyone calm down, and he has to persuade himself to calm down. He is afraid of what other people will think. If they really want to stay here, he can't say anything. After all, everyone has everyone's thoughts, even if they die, they may want to follow Zhou Yangshen usually uses high-speed rail, but it is also possible that they have other ideas, so he thought of asking.

"Well, whatever you said is right, we must now think of a surefire plan. If we continue to fight with Zhou Yangshen like this, then he will definitely not let me go so easily, and he will definitely kill us. After all, we can't rely entirely on the company to protect us. Now we really can't do it, so let's retreat, because we can't beat them now. We can't lose our names because of hatred. A good way, after retreating, we can go to Lin Ye to heal his injuries first, and then choose a better way. After all, we now have a general understanding of Zhou Yangshen's strength. If you try your best, you can still call him, but the condition is not the average result of losing the combat power of the warlord. We are all doing our best now, we must save our lives, and discuss better plans when we go back. It is the real rational choice. Maybe they will meet Ling Wei's disappointed eyes when they go back, but this is not what we can think of now, and it is not what we hope. Lu Ti went back, but after all, things are unpredictable. After all, it is mainly because you have improved so much suddenly, which is not what they want to see, so they don't want to just go with me, but if we all go back like this, I don’t want to put all of the above here, because although they want to annoy the main force to death, they don’t want us to lose our lives here, don’t you think so?” Li Jie said, he is now the leader of the entire team The person with the highest combat power, he has the right and no obligation to come up with this idea. Judging by the appearance of other people, he doesn't want to leave. He definitely wants to beat Zhou Yangshen to death, especially with a human face and a pig body. I definitely want to get the money. Leaving from this, um, he wants to save his friend, Li Jie understands it, even if he understands, he doesn't want everyone to stay here and take risks.

Having said all this, he depends on what everyone has to say. After all, Lin Ye and You Qian are the main fighting forces in the combat team, and what they say has a certain weight, but we have to see What the rest of them think.

"Your family put themselves in such a dangerous situation again this time to save me. I really don't like letting his life be thrown here. I'm mainly Lin Ye now. As long as I can let you live When I get down, I will do the test, it may be the best way, then let's retreat, I want to be idle, go back quickly, and heal Lin Ye's injury, I am really too sorry, he really is. In order to save me, I let myself suffer such a serious injury. How could I continue to let him stay here and lose my life? Now I will do my best, give up my life, and help her well. So I just want to go back. If I go back, heal the injury first, and then think of a better way to come back. If I don’t come back, I don’t want to, it’s not impossible. After all, we have no fighting power now, and the two of you also said so If we continue to stay here, isn't that really stupid? Although I know that everyone wants to beat Yang Shen to death and avenge everyone, but this is not what they want to see now. Now that the situation has become like this, he and we shouldn't be so irrational." Xin Yu said, this time, Lin Ye really rushed over to save him, regardless of his own safety. Yu is very touched, the kindness between the two of them is really too much, you have saved him for the second time, so now he must focus on Lin Ye and ignore you at all, you are also for Zhou Chaohong Quan Lin Ye can choose whatever she wants, so this is what he thinks at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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