Chapter 984
I hope he is not controlled, controlled, that is not Zhou Yangshen's sloppy death, whether the soul after death is Zhou Yangshen's, this is something that he is very concerned about, he just wants to be with Zhou Yangshen, he does not want to be with anyone Strange things are together, so he doesn't know what to do now. He is thinking whether to help Zhou Yangshen first, to see if his mental thinking is controlled, because the current state is not Zhou Yangshen's appearance at all. Still taking pictures, it will definitely not be like this, it is watermelon that makes others cry, how can he let others touch his own thinking, it is really the strangest point, how can he let others control him like this ?So they are very strange now, he is really very strange now, washing his face, he wants to tell this other person, but seeing other people crying like that, he told them, they will have to think about this problem again. Absolutely not to mention it, let him think about this question, suddenly Zhou Yangshen's facial expression became more gloomy, he raised his head to the sky and let out a long growl, it was completely unexpected, and then his body slowly recovered It doubled in height, and it rose to about three meters, three or four meters. Then they, he, Lin Ye, and the others got on good terms, and then her whole body seemed to be rushed towards her at an extremely fast speed. Next year They didn't react at all, and when he was about to recover, it was Li Jie who suddenly rushed to the front and used all his doctors to create a protective shield to protect them.

"Run, now Central City is not him, not himself, he seems to be controlled, I don't know what is controlling him, you run quickly, if you don't run now, you will really be killed by him , This matter has completely lost its nature, you must leave here quickly, so run quickly, his strength has suddenly exploded now, so powerful, it is not something you can deal with at all, he is already already He is completely irrational, he won't know who we are when he plays someday, and he can't control himself anymore, so you should run quickly and don't stay here anymore, there is still a lot of time to beat him, he Now I have completely lost my mind, this is not what he was like at all, how can the central government be controlled by others, this is the most difficult question for me to think about, so it is possible that he is now under the compulsory control of others, and can only be controlled by force I really didn't expect such a person to exist, so I just leave quickly, leave here, leave here, go to a safe place and give Lin Ye first, I just want to heal Lin Ye, let me restrain her, okay? I will help you to contain him now." Qi Lian jumped in front of Zhong Xiangshi as he said, and then used his supernatural power to affect the central city, and moved his own supernatural fluctuations. After all, Zhongsheng didn't want to hurt her, but Now there is really no consciousness and nature on the table, so even if it is Qilian in front of him, it is still Zhao Gongjibu, but the speed of the hand tool is a bit slow, the card is coming to the central city, and I am also resisting, not wanting to hurt Qilian Lian'er, let it be, they didn't dare to waste any more time, they were busy with everyone, someone carried Lin Ye on their backs, and then they used this ability to quickly escape from the current situation. Farther and farther away, only the sound of continuous bombing can be heard there, obviously Qilian and Central City have already started a fierce battle.

"If we just leave the money like this, will his life be in danger? So should we go back to help him, at least let him retreat safely, stronger than you pretend to be now, when the time comes, we will definitely There is no chance of survival."

"Then how about some of you leading Lin Ye to retreat first, and the two of us get up and let her retreat safely? How do you feel about it? After all, the two of us are the whole The person with the highest strength in the team can't let other people take risks, let them withdraw first, and then we can go find it to contain Zhou Yangshen." Li Jie said, after all, the only way now can only be like this, They can't just throw the money away like this. Compared to being Lin Ye's good friends and helping him with so many things together, it is really unkind and unrighteous to treat his lover like this, so they must return now. Get up right away.

Hearing Li Jie's words, he also nodded, knowing that this method is the best method, and now he has to rush back. After the two were rescued, the others led Lin Ye to retreat first.

"Then you two must be careful. You must keep your senses. You can't apply for a job with Zhou Yangshen, and then retreat as soon as you get out of the country. Don't waste any more time. You must not put yourself in danger. You must find a way to withdraw quickly, and then you can't Losing my mind, Xiangxiang must remember what we just said. The most important thing now is to preserve your own strength. If something happens to you two, then our team is really finished, and we don’t have to go anywhere in the future. You are our two teams, the only support in our team, you know we still have the matter of Lord Corpse King, there is still some ties between the two adults, so you two must keep a distance, you must be good Yes, come back and bring Lin Ye back, and after bringing the others back, we will leave this place as soon as possible. I will help you heal your wounds and wait for us to recover our true strength. After discussing a plan, it is not that we will not eat when we call back. He, After all, Zhou Yangshen will definitely not disappear from the world." Xin Yu said.

"Don't worry about this, we have our own measure now, we will definitely put the overall situation first and decide to sleep together, don't worry about this, you leave me quickly, I will go back to rescue Qi Lian now. "

"Okay, then take care of yourself." After speaking, they took Lin Ye and left.

Then Yu Qiran and Li Jie looked at each other, and then they nodded, they both understood each other's meaning, and then the two quickly turned back, and the starting point here was already beaten to the ground by everyone, spitting blood , has been seriously injured, this Mr. Zhong is not right, you are so ruthless, and then they went over, and then when they saw Zhou Yangshen Qilian, a well-known chicken, and then the two of them went over, and immediately pulled it up, It was pulled to the round table of dozens of people in Lizhuang Village, obviously not, thinking that they would come back, there was some movement, a little slow, and then I saw the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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