Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 998 The Finale

Chapter 998 The Finale
The two sides are attacking each other back and forth in a stalemate like this, no one can beat the other, no one will succeed, and no one will fail, so discounting each other is like fighting each other's physical strength, if whoever shows a weakness first, then whoever If you lose, this battle is a tug-of-war, so you must persevere, because if you persevere, it will be a new world. If you can't persevere, it will be hell.

"Don't you feel that there is something strange in Zhou Yangshen now? He has such powerful power fluctuations, and we can also feel his endless and endless power, but the attack damage it releases is not very high, not at all. What's the reason why you can't do real damage even if you release such a powerful ability of your own body?" You Qiran said, he had already observed this before, because Zhou Yangshen's strength was what they felt. With a powerful ability, he should have defeated them soon, but up to now, Zhongshen has been constantly defending, and it has no effect on their offense, which makes him feel very strange, he seems There is no way to release the supernatural power in the body.

"Yes, I feel it too. He seems to be unable to control his body well. Wait, is it the real Zhou Yangshen who is resisting him? Maybe the real loyal minister is not completely controlled by this monster. Resisting this monster, and then restraining him, so that I can't release the powerful abilities in my body, and then I have to drink constantly, fighting against Zhou Yangshen every day. Now he looks like he is suffering from the enemy, maybe it is this Look, then we still have a chance to wake up Zhou Yangshen, don't we?" Lin Ye said, if this is the case, Qi Lian's wish can still be realized.

"Is it really possible to wake him up? I really want to talk to him now." Qi Lian said.

"Qilian, don't worry, I will do my best to help you wake up Zhou Yangshen, because now Zhou Yangshen is also working hard, he also wants to regain his body as soon as possible, he must have a lot of things to tell you " Lin Ye said to Qi Lian soothingly.

"Maybe we can cooperate with Zhou Yangshen now, come to an internal and external cooperation, and then kill this monster, maybe you guys have a try, contact Zhou Yangshen with true psychic powers, and see if you can get in touch with him, if you can That would be great, if not, you can also use your mental abilities to feel a little bit, which part of Zhou Yangshen's body is in, we should avoid attacking that part, and then.

, cooperate with him to kill this monster in this body. "Xin Yu said, this may be a better way.

You also nodded, then closed your eyes, concentrated your mental power, released your mental powers, and then felt Zhou Yangshen's real thinking in this huge body in front of him. Near the location, Zhou Yangshen's thinking was found. Zhou Yangshen obviously also felt Lin Ye's existence. He hurriedly got in touch with Lin Ye: "Attacking this monster's back has almost been attacked by me. Now his back The back and ankles are very fragile, as long as you attack these two parts, you can kill him in no time."

"Okay, I understand, but if this monster dies, will you be in danger? After all, he is using your body now. You must know that Qi Lian is still waiting for you. He has a lot to say Telling you, I also want you to tell her yourself whether you can survive?"

Hearing Lin Ye mention Qi Lian's name, Zhou Yangshen hesitated for a while, then he sighed and said: "I don't want to lie to her, to be honest, I definitely won't survive, I will die with this monster, But I hope you will tell Qi Lian that what I said to him before is sincere, and then, if there is an afterlife, I hope I can find him. Although I am also the one who brought her, there is only pain, but I still want to find him, and I want to pay him back what I owe her next time."

Lin Ye suddenly felt Zhou Yangshen's deep remorse. He knew that he had done something wrong. Now he wanted to make up for Qi Lian, but found that he had no chance. He could only pray to God for a next life, hope, next time Things that can bring him joy and happiness for several years.

It was inconvenient for him to say anything more, and then he returned to the real world and told other people the method Zhou Yangshen said, and Zhou Yangshen asked him to tell Qi Lian what Lin Ye said, and he didn't want to tell Qi Lian either.

Then all of them started to activate the back and ankles of this mutated monster, which had obviously exposed two weaknesses. He couldn't withstand such a fierce attack at all, and soon, he couldn't hold on anymore, and his huge body fell to the ground. On the ground, there was a bang, this is the person who has plunged the whole world into the doomsday for many years, and finally fell down. When he falls, it means that the doomsday is coming to an end. it's over.

You can also see Zhou Yangshen lying on the ground, his body slowly shrinks from a huge body to the size of a normal person, and then everyone is looking at him, he fell on the ground, motionless, Qi Lian walked over, Looking down at him, he was waiting, he was waiting, the central voice opened his eyes, and was waiting for Zhou Yangshen to sit up and hold his hand, while she was waiting, if she spoke to him in person.

The sun is slowly rising from the east, and the zombie virus that spread across the world is slowly dissipating. Those human beings who have turned into bones and become zombies will never come back again, and those who have gone through so many years of suffering In the end, those who survived came out of the dark cave and the human base that had never seen light, bathed in the sunshine of rebirth.

"Lin Ye, is everything over?" Li Jie asked, he suddenly felt a very unreal feeling.

Lin Ye looked at the sun and felt the warmth: "It's over, it seems to be really over."

After experiencing two doomsdays, the top is the doomsday dog ​​who has lived for ten years. In the doomsday of this life, he sent the doomsday away with his own hands. He saw the rebirth of the new world, and suddenly a warm feeling slid across his cheeks. Lin Ye Weeping.

No longer need to live in fear, no longer need to sleep together, no longer need to worry about a mutant monster coming out of nowhere, because the end is over, they will return to their normal life , go to and from get off work every day.Living happily with relatives and friends every day, Lin Ye has thought about such a life for two lifetimes.

Zhou Yangshen didn't wake up in the end, he didn't open his eyes, and saw that Qilian Qilian didn't cry, and he didn't say that he wanted to seek death. He went with Zhou Yangshen, because he had already thought about it, and he also understood. What do you want? He wants to gain weight and live well in this world. He is someone who has already died. The second life he has now was given by Zhou Yangshen, so he will replace it for him. Zhou Yangshen lives well and makes greater contributions to mankind and this new world.

Lin Ye and his group lay down on the ground, because they had no strength left.But it is really a very comfortable thing to be irradiated by the warm sunshine. They hope that this kind of sunshine and this kind of warmth will never disappear again, and the end will not come again. You have had enough, he has already Having said that, in the days of the Doomsday Clock, even if he has a very powerful ability, he is enough. Even if the end is over, he will take away this powerful ability from her, and he is willing.

Finally everything is over, the world is reborn, human beings have won, and human beings are not facing extinction, because they are very strong.

[use up]
(End of this chapter)

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