Fantasy Anti-Japanese

Chapter 397 The First Battle Breaks Out

Chapter 397 The Outbreak of World War II
Liang Yu led his troops to join Liu Ming's troops soon, and soon Umezu Yoshijiro's Japanese treacherous troops also rushed over to join them. His troops marched smoothly and did not suffer much loss. Instead, they surrendered the Japanese Fourth Mixed Brigade. With many sporadic Japanese troops and a bunch of imperial association troops, the strength is even stronger.

Major General Yamada Daishige, the brigade leader of the Fourth Mixed Brigade, was Umezu Yoshijiro's former unit. Liang Yu came back to show his strengths in Shanxi. How could Major Yamada Daishige dare to fight with others? After losing one, he took the initiative The land retreated again and again, and when they retreated to Inner Mongolia, they almost became nomads.

A small group of Liang Yu's troops entered Mongolia. He had detected this, but he didn't send anyone to intercept him. He was afraid that if the small ones were stopped, the big ones would come.But he knew that this small group of troops must be uneasy and well-intentioned, and it was very likely that he, the fourth mixed brigade, had the idea.But so what if you know, are you enough to fight?He had no choice but to defend in two dangerous places. It was useless to ask for help. If there was a real fight, before the reinforcements arrived, he was sure that his head would not be saved.There is no need to have the slightest doubt that Liang Yu is powerful, as countless leaders of the empire's generals have already proved this point.

When he was being cautious, the old officer Umezu Yoshijiro sent someone to approach him. At that time, he became excited. It was undoubtedly the long drought that met the rain. Without hesitation, he immediately expressed his willingness to follow the old officer.He has no psychological burden at all now. Not one and a half of the generals of the empire surrendered to Liang Yu. All the former generals of your empire can surrender to Liang Yu. Why can’t I, a major general who is too small to be small, surrender? ?He is very calm.Those of his subordinates who were startled early were even more excited, and there was no objection.

Umezu Yoshijiro's prestige is still quite high. In less than half a month, Inner Mongolia has almost become his rear base. With the outbreak of the Soviet-Japanese War, he also followed Liang Yu's instructions and wiped out several groups on the border between Mongolia and Manchuria. The Soviet army indirectly helped Neiji Okamura.

Neiji Okamura also appreciated it, or he had no strength to deal with this rebel army. The two armies have been living in peace, but they cooperated more tacitly.Now there is not much confrontation between the Soviet Union and Japan in China, only the swords are drawn on the edge of the Heilongjiang River, Okamura Ningji is exhausted and unable to attack again.The Soviet army was resting due to heavy losses, and at the same time had to free up its hands to subdue Mongolia. The war was relatively peaceful.Umezu Yoshijiro took the opportunity to lead his troops north to join forces with Liang Yu.

In the next half month, due to the absence of aircraft raids, the Soviet mechanical troops did not progress smoothly. After annihilating two Mongolian troops and a small Soviet army in central Mongolia, Liang Yu stationed his troops in the southern Sukhbaatar province of Mongolia. Resting in the territory, the supply here is relatively easy.Of course, you can't stay idle all the time, all the fierce generals have been sent out to work.

He never told Lao Jiang about his arrival in Mongolia, and only made frequent phone calls with Hu Zongnan.Now Hu Zongnan is proud of the spring breeze. As soon as Okamura Ningji retreated, he wanted to command the troops to attack from behind, but he received a telegram from Liang Yu, asking him not to care about Okamura Ningji, but to collect the lost land south of the Yellow River .He knew Liang Yu's intention was to let Okamura Ningji go to fight the Soviets to the death.Of course he was also willing, and he faithfully carried out Liang Yu's order. In his own name, he suddenly led a large army to cross the Yellow River south, defeating the panic-stricken Japanese army in Henan. It is all restored.Now Hu Zongnan's reputation is in full swing, and he has become China's No.3 general after Liang Yu and Xue Yue.

The current anti-Japanese situation is very good. Due to the sudden attack of the Soviets, the Japanese were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. In view of the importance of Manchuria, they had to deploy troops to defend their rear bases.The main force of the North China Front Army basically went north to fight against Russia.Under Hu Zongnan's blow, he could only give up all the territory in Henan south of the Yellow River, and shrink his troops to the north of the Yellow River to hold on.

The south of the Yangtze River has also basically given up. Almost all the South China Front Army of Seishiro Sakagaki withdrew to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and several elite divisions were transferred to the northeast. With the assistance of Wang Jingwei's puppet army, these two provinces could only defend passively. state.

President Jiang is in a good mood now, and the situation of the war of resistance is so good that he can hardly believe his eyes.The situation is very good, of course we have to strike while the iron is hot.With a feverish mind, he mobilized a large force to attack Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. After all, there is his ancestral tomb there, which is his hometown.But what disappointed him was that the hundreds of thousands of national troops were actually losing in consecutive battles. Instead, they lost more than three armies, and many troops were almost disabled.After all, they don't have Liang Yu's fighting power.Although he was very angry, he could only give up in the end, ordering to stop the attack and switch to a strategic defensive state.He wants to wait for Liang Yu to return to his teacher, and then kill those bastards.

The war is basically a foregone conclusion. Liang Yu has nothing to do in Shanxi. It is definitely not a wise choice to attack Okamura Ningji at this time. Liang Yu does not seem to have done so. He gave up going north and let Jizong go south instead. This is absolutely in line with the current strategy.But what the hell has he been doing all this time?The telegrams did not come very often. Instead, they called Dai Li to ask him to pay attention to the European side. I really don't know what he wants to do?He called Shanxi to ask Liang Yu to go back to Wuhan to meet him. Now that there are not many Japanese planes under the attack of the Soviet Union, flying in the air is relatively much safer.

To his surprise, Liang Yu didn't come, but another favorite, Hu Zongnan, came uninvited. Only then did he know that Liang Yu was not in Shanxi, but went to Mongolia to mess with the Soviets.He was amazed at Liang Yu's strategy, and he didn't blame Liang Yu even for keeping it a secret from him. This really needs to be kept secret. The Soviets can only be provoked by the Japanese, not by the Chinese. Liang Yu's doing this is right of.

He is very satisfied. In fact, the strategy of this daring and loving general is quite successful. The Northeast may have caused disaster, but the Japanese are imminent. The loss is definitely not ordinary. The Northeast may fall into In the hands of the more powerful Soviets, but at least the life on my side is much easier now, and the country has recovered a lot. This is gratifying.

The Japanese are at the end of their game, and now they must work harder to capture Wang Jingwei's idiot, defeat the Japanese army's South China Front Army, and completely take back the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Of course, the increasingly powerful Communist Party cannot let them develop. It is time, President Jiang thought. As soon as he moved, he immediately mobilized his troops. His target was first placed on the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui, and he issued several secret orders one after another.

The pressure on Liang Yu's side has also begun to increase. According to intelligence, the large Soviet army has arrived in Hulun Buir. The scale is not small, at least more than 20 people. It is also basically repaired and can be used in a few days.The Soviet army is powerful, but it seems to be easier to fight than the Japanese, so there is no need to worry too much.But after a bunch of fights, another group comes again, no one can stand it.Liang Yu couldn't help cursing inwardly in his spare time: "You old Xi, what the hell are you doing? Why don't you attack the old man? I have worked so hard to create such good conditions for you, yet you are still there Wait, can you stand up to me, can you stand up to us China?"

The Soviets were getting closer, and there were reconnaissance planes flying over their heads from time to time.Liang Yu discussed with Umezu Yoshijiro, Guan Yuan and others for a few days, and immediately acted. The large army retreated south, but he himself led a division of troops to lie quietly in ambush on the spot.

After the Soviets detected the news, they immediately accelerated their pace of pursuit. Although the Soviet army was strong, it had not withstood the test of war after all. In addition, a group of elite veterans were purged. The discipline was still there, but they were too coquettish Heng, the difference in vigilance is far worse than that of the Japanese.As a result, on a snowy night, Liang Yu led the independent regiment to wipe out all their tank units, and the previous division was also smothered in the wind and snow. The reinforcements of the Soviet army, the fate of the reinforcements of this division was also very sad. In a dangerous place, a bunch of tanks from "our own people" rushed out, shot and fired everywhere, rolled around, and ambushes were everywhere around them. It didn't take long for a division of the Soviet army to be completely wiped out.

Liang Yu immediately ordered the troops not to retreat but to advance, took the opportunity to go north, and attacked the follow-up Soviet army with lightning speed, killing Major General Mendelev, the commander of the 72nd Army of the Soviet Army, and basically wiped out the elite 72nd Army of the Soviet Army.Lieutenant General Vlatov, commander of the 15th Army, the supreme general of the Mongolian Front Army, almost fainted after receiving the news. Due to the iron fist of the great leader Stalin, he did not report, but ordered all ministries to attack those damned "Japanese". In a hurry, two reorganizers were lost one after another.The loss of officers was unbearable. Many troops disappeared as soon as they were dispatched. There are so many cold shots.He was very angry. He mobilized sharpshooters from various armies to die with the "Japanese", but it turned out to be a bad start. None of them came back. I'm afraid they all died honorably.

With great difficulty, the airport in Ulaanbaatar was restored, and forty or fifty planes also moved over to prepare to dispatch the next day, but the result was very bad. That night, there was another mortar attack, and the location of the attack was still At the place where the attack was originally made, no one thought that the damn Japanese would sneak back there.This time it was even worse. They didn't even leave their bodies. After they fired the cannon, they were picked up by their responders. The troops were too chaotic to organize effective forces to intercept them.

The paper can't always cover the fire. In the end, Lieutenant General Vlatov failed to wipe out the "Japanese", but he himself was wiped out by the KGB. Lieutenant General Ivanov replaced him, and his life was not easy. , The troops sent out basically never return. Not only the Japanese are fierce, but even the Mongols are becoming more and more disobedient. If you slap him in the face, he may dare to shoot you.

Lieutenant General Ivanov's temper was very strong. The simple Mongols dared to shoot at the noble Soviets, which was absolutely unbearable for him. He immediately issued an order: Whoever dares to resist will be destroyed.With more and more incidents of you hitting me and hacking you, the relationship between Summons and Mongolia, which had been improving, fell into a freezing point again.Now even the airport can't find anyone to repair it. Although the soldiers are not afraid of hardship or tiredness, repairing infrastructure in the ice and snow is not a fun thing, and the re-destroyed airport does not know how long it will take to repair it.

For more than a month, the loss of his troops was too great, and more than one army was missing in total. The Japanese became more and more arrogant, and almost all of them went to his barracks and fired cannons.It's useless to attack, those Japanese are very cunning, if you move, they will disappear long ago.It often makes people look at the sky and the earth and cry alone.As soon as you relax, the Japanese will come immediately, firing guns and cannons, always making you restless. For a month, the troops hardly slept well.

He also wanted to retaliate with an eye, but his teeth were very sharp, if he let it out, he would definitely not be able to get it back.Lieutenant General Ivan had no choice but to ask for reinforcements, but Marshal Zhukov was also a little nervous. His troops had already re-attacked Heilongjiang and were fighting hard against the Japanese in the ice and snow. There was no extra troops to support him. He was able to go to the headquarters to transfer troops, and Stalin was very angry when he received the news, but the Far East Army had already shot several commanders, so it was difficult to continue shooting, so he had to dispatch troops to support.This time he made up his mind to include Mongolia and Manchuria into the Soviet territory, so this time he mobilized millions of troops to digest such a large land, people are indispensable.

The troops transferred to the east were still halfway, but the Germans suddenly launched an undeclared war on New Year's Day, January [-], [-], and launched an attack on Poland. They annexed Poland with a blitzkrieg and opened the door to World War II. prelude.Britain and France immediately strongly condemned Germany's actions, and declared war on Germany at the same time on the fourth day.

Germany quickly annexed Poland. In view of the pressure from Britain and France, Hitler immediately showed his favor to the Soviet Union and offered to add two to one to Poland.For the thirst for land, coupled with the judgment that Germany will be under great pressure in the face of the British and French attacks, Stalin smiled and prepared to accept it all.Unexpectedly, when Britain and France were still dispatching troops and generals, the Germans took the lead. Instead of attacking Britain and France, they directly broke into the border of Russia, destroying them one after another with lightning speed. Millions of Red Army attacked the Soviet Union in depth with aggressive advancing speed.

Britain and France saw that Germany was attacking the Soviet Union, but they seemed to have a heart-to-heart and stayed where they were. Of course, they still need to shout a few times, and they still need to declare war.They didn't reach a tacit understanding with Germany, and they definitely didn't sing oboe, but wouldn't it be great if they attacked the Soviet Union? After all, those old men are not joking, so let you two fight. Take advantage of it.If it is profitable, it would be foolish to step on you.

Churchill and de Gaulle were drinking and congratulating each other.Neither of these two countries is a good thing. It is best to fight in a mess, and both die together, and wait for them to clean up the mess.This result was really beyond their expectations. You must know that Germany is sharpening their knives against them, and they will attack them at any time. Unexpectedly, they turned their knives to cut off the polar bear. Such a result is absolutely fantastic. They Who will stop him if he dies?If the rope is not thick enough and the knife edge is not sharp enough, they are more than happy to do it for them.The two old friends were discussing while drinking, you help this, I help that, whoever can't support it, we will help him well, we are a democratic country, the humanitarian spirit must be carried forward hahaha ho ho ho ho
The Soviet Union was caught off guard, and its losses were not generally serious. At this time, Yugoslavia and Romania, the vassal states of the Soviet Union, began to declare war on Germany under the pressure of the Soviet Union, but their strength was too weak.Finland and Sweden, which had feuds with the Soviet Union, also joined the battle group under the call of the Germans, wanting to pluck out a few bear hairs and release a few drops of bear blood.Mussonelli of Italy, Germany's staunch ally, also stepped forward and declared war on the Soviet Union unwilling to be outdone, and planned to send troops to the Soviet Union.

The Soviets were terrible, and Britain and France, with their great humanitarian spirit, were naturally unhappy. They acted bravely and fought against injustice, and immediately declared war on Italy, Sweden, and Finland, and sent troops to the three countries to contain them and prevent them from participating The war against the Soviet Union.As for the German territory, they will not commit any crimes.The Soviet Union is still powerful, and their army is not much smaller than the population of their own country. Germany has to work harder.As for you little shrimps, stop shouting, and play with me to accompany you.Europe is completely messed up, you hit me and you hit you, it's a mess.

At this time, a team of agents sent by the Germans to sabotage the United States was accidentally caught by the CIA of the United States. As a result, the German conspiracy was thorough.The United States, which was already battered by the black and white civil war, although the government used powerful force to finally suppress the black resistance, the people's hearts are still unstable, and domestic conflicts must be passed on. President Roosevelt, who understands this well, immediately delivered a speech, exposed the heinous crimes of the Germans.The speech was very successful. It not only calmed the hatred between black and white in the United States, but also filled the hearts of all American people with anger.President Roosevelt followed public opinion and immediately declared war on Germany.

War has been declared, of course troops must be mobilized.Going to Europe is not a joke. Due to the civil war, the US military suffered serious equipment losses, and many ships were damaged as a result, making it difficult to repair.President Roosevelt immediately ordered the remnants of the warships to be assembled for troop transport, but the journey was too long, and German submarines were not vegetarians, and the U.S. military would have to wait until the year of the monkey to participate in the war in Europe, and the risk was quite high.The most convenient way is to transport troops by land. President Roosevelt immediately contacted Stalin, who was in a state of distress, and asked him to open the east. The US military will transport troops from Alaska to the Soviet Union to help them fight Germany.This was a timely rain. Stalin, who had suffered successive wars, did not hesitate, and immediately agreed to open the eastern ports of the Soviet Union and invite the US military to come over.The German offensive was too fierce, and the Soviet Union could no longer bear such a huge loss.

(End of this chapter)

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