Fantasy Anti-Japanese

Chapter 88 Airborne

Chapter 88 Airborne
The flood on the official road has receded quickly, and now most of it is only as deep as bare feet, but the mud is unpredictable. It is really difficult to get to the opposite mountain. life threatening.Fortunately, there are a lot of "stepping stones", which are easy to solve. You only need to throw down a lot of "animal carcasses" and step over them step by step.

Today is really good weather, the sun is very gentle, and the mountain wind is very harmonious.Everyone was elated, laughing and laughing all the way.Singing a cheerful military song, he stepped on the road to the mountain with easy steps.All the hardships and toils seem to have disappeared with the wind.The only thing that makes people uncomfortable now is the yellow mud on the mountain road. After walking for a long time, the shoes will weigh several catties.But what is this difficulty?Compared with this unexpected harvest and this day's big record, it is really not worth mentioning.

After walking for more than an hour, there was a sudden buzzing sound above his head, and a ghost reconnaissance plane appeared at the far end.Everyone looked at Liang Yu, Liang Yu looked at his clothes, tidied them up, and said: "The old way, I hide those who don't wear devil clothes!" He laughed: "This little devil's reconnaissance plane came back It's really fast, I'm in a good mood today, so I just need to beat it." Shan Hu asked: "Boss, the little devil's plane is so high, how can I fight?" Liang Yu said: "Won't you tell him to come down?" Shan Hu asked. The tiger let out a cry and widened his eyes.

Liang Yu smiled and said, "Don't use such an expression," he ordered in a low voice.Everyone got excited and acted immediately. Lu Cha, who was not wearing devil clothes, hid immediately, while Liang Yu led Fang San and others not to avoid hiding, and swaggered up to an open hill, with both hands raised to the sky. waving.

Xiong Ji even held up the Niu Dao brigade flag strung up with wooden sticks, waving it non-stop.Soon the ghost plane found their traces, and it really swaggered over, maybe it wanted to see more clearly, or maybe it was relieved to see "our own people", it flew over slowly.At this moment, the two machine guns of Cui Dong and Liang Yu hidden behind a rock fired at the same time, and hundreds of bullets were poured towards the plane.
That devil's plane just wanted to have a good time with "our own people". After looking at what happened, the results of the reconnaissance all the way really made it very anxious. Unexpectedly, "our own people" released so many bullets over, and the cockpit immediately felt like a little bit. It exploded like snowflakes, and the devil pilot didn't know how many bombs were hit. The plane struggled crookedly in the air for a few times, and then bumped into a mountain peak unwillingly. There was a violent explosion, and mushroom clouds rose up

Everyone cheered and cheered, Shanhu said with a smile: "Boss, this little devil's plane is really obedient!" Liang Yu said calmly: "Hurry up, maybe the devil's other planes will arrive soon." Everyone dared not Negligence, immediately quickened his pace and walked towards the deep mountain.

But half an hour later, there was another buzzing sound in the sky, and this time there were as many as six bombers, all of them bombers from devils.

Shan Hu excitedly said: "Boss, shall we beat them again?" Liang Yu scolded: "Smack your head, that's a devil's bomber, flying high, you are looking for death? Hide them all for me!" He spotted a cave and immediately let everyone hide in it.

Not long after, the roaring echo of the explosion echoed in the valley, and the devil's plane started dropping bombs. The sight here was blocked, so I don't know where they bombed?Liang Yu was a little worried, so he took Shan Hu and Fang San to a small forest outside the cave to watch.

But they saw thick smoke billowing from a mountain peak seven or eight miles away, and the six planes were actually entangled with that mountain peak, pulling lumps of black particles non-stop, as if they were venting their anger.There were explosions and sparks all over the mountain, the mountain almost exploded

Liang Yu asked curiously: "Fang San, what is that place?" Fang San watched with a telescope for a while, and said, "Tuan Zuo, that's Vulture Peak!" Liang Yu hummed, "It's that Lai Mazi Fang San said: "That's right, that's right there. I'm not very familiar with this area, but I didn't expect that we were near Lai Mazi's territory."

This Lai Mazi, Liang Yu had heard from Fang San and Sisi, was the third group of bandits in Dalong Mountain. They occupied most of the northern part of Dalong Mountain, and stood at the same level as Longxu Village and Huanglong Cave.The combat power may be slightly weaker than that of the two villages, but the number of people is not small, and it seems that there are more people than the two villages.At that time, Liang Yu still had the ideal of "uniting all the forces that can be united" in his heart. He once had the idea of ​​​​incorporating the Vulture Peak bandit, but when he found out, Lai Mazi turned out to be a purebred bandit who did all kinds of evil, bullying his neighbors, killing people and stealing money. , Do all the bad things, definitely not a good thing!Moreover, this guy has great ambitions, relying on the large number of people, he pulls up the two villages from time to time, with the intention of annexing the two villages and unifying Dalongshan.However, he has a lot of people, but his strength is not good. He has fought several battles with Huanglong Cave, but he suffered a big loss, so he dare not make any more moves.Liang Yu changed his mind at that time. If it wasn't for the long distance here and the dangerous terrain of Vulture Peak, he would almost send troops to wipe out this evil force.Fortunately, the so-called villains have their own way, and the devil's plane actually came to the door for no reason. The Vulture Peak is very dangerous, it's only on the ground, but it can't stop the attack from the sky.

The six devils' planes bombarded Vulture Peak for nearly an hour, smashing the Vulture Peak to pieces, and then they left with a sense of satisfaction.Liang Yu shrugged his shoulders. He was too lazy to care about the life and death of the people on Vulture Peak. It was important to go home. As soon as the plane left, he called everyone to continue on the road.

The mountain road was too difficult to walk, and it was extremely difficult to climb over the mountains and ridges. After walking for two or three hours, the straight-line distance would not exceed five miles.Liang Yu simply found a cave to rest. At this speed, he couldn't go back within a day or two, so there was no need to rush.As soon as I sat down, the buzzing in the sky sounded again, and there was another devil's plane!Listen to the sound of at least six frames!This time the devils seemed to be really angry, they came again and again, bombing again and again, probably the result of the reconnaissance made them crazy.

Wu Chang said with a smile: "That Lai Mazi from Vulture Peak is really powerful, he has attracted so many planes from devils!" Everyone laughed, and Niu Qi said: "Brother Wu, isn't this good? Lai Mazi has been with you all day You Huanglong Cave are fighting against each other, this time, let the devils take the lead for you!" Wu Chang laughed and said: "We beat the devils, and the devils beat Lai Mazi, isn't that good! Who are we in charge? We beat Lai Mazi, There is no need for our Huanglong Cave to take action." Lin Younan laughed and scolded: "What about Huanglong Cave and Vulture Peak, Xiao Wu, we are now an independent group!" Wu Chang patted his mouth with a smile and said: "Yes, yes. , We are all the soldiers of the regiment commander, the independent regiment of the independent regiment."

At this time, Liang Yu, Fang San, Shan Hu, and Liu Jiahao were lying in the bushes and watching the devil's plane with binoculars. This time, the devil seemed a little strange. Two were fighter jets, three bombers, and a large transport plane in the middle. Handing the telescope to Liu Jiahao, he said, "Jiahao, what do you think?"

Liu Jiahao watched for a while, thought for a while and said: "Tuan Zuo, it seems that the devil is about to airborne!" Liang Yu nodded and said: "I think it looks like it! Now that the official road is flooded, the devil's reinforcements can't rush over. But the fastest way. Well, Jiahao, do you know how many people the transport plane can carry at one time?" Liu Jiahao said: "The maximum is about 30 people. Well, group seat, do you?"

Liang Yu nodded and said, "If it's nearby, it's impossible to keep those paratroopers. It's hard to tolerate some devils!" But Liu Jiahao worried: "The devils have so many planes, if they find their whereabouts, it will be very bad." Yes." Liang Yu said: "This is a problem, so there can't be too many people! Go, go back." He immediately went back to the cave with the three of them, and after a discussion, he brought Fang San, Shan Hu, Lu Cha and Xiong Ji four The man quietly found out the cave and went outside to try his luck.Of course, proper attire is still necessary, and now the five of them are all wrapped in mountain vines, and then inserted with thin branches, to disguise themselves as "trees".

The five of them came out quietly and climbed over a high peak, only to hear the explosion sound again, and the three bombers of the devils continued to trouble Lai Mazi again, as if the two had a vengeance, and they bombed again after the bombing. , After frying, it will be fried again.However, the two fighter jets and transport planes were circling over a valley. The valley was slightly flat and the trees were sparse. It seemed to be a good airdrop point.

Liang Yu and the others quietly looked at the direction in which the plane was circling from the dense forest and touched it. Fortunately, the place was only about three miles away from here, not too far away, and the road was not too dangerous. He sighed in his heart: "Good devil!" Wow, I chose this place, and I don’t have to travel so far.” The feeling of walking the mountain road is not so pleasant, even if I sing songs in my mouth, I can’t help crying in my heart.

Although the distance of more than three miles was difficult, it was reached quickly. At this time, the devil plane above was still circling to observe the movement below.Liang Yu looked at the terrain, and immediately ordered the five people to disperse as much as possible, and each chose a position, but the request was to have a big rock in front of him to prevent the devil's fighter jets from strafing.

After everyone was in position, the devil's fighter plane suddenly circled and swooped down, sweeping wildly at the surrounding mountains and forests. After sweeping one round, he was still worried, so he swooped down again.Only then did it circle up and return. After all, it was flying from Hefei, and its battery life was limited.

After the fighter jet left, the transport plane flew in the direction of the valley, "pulling" dozens of "white eggs" along the way at an altitude of 4000 to [-] meters, and then flew away following the fighter jet's trajectory regardless.

Liang Yu counted, and there were exactly thirty devil paratroopers, wandering down from the sky.Then he shouted loudly: "Brothers, watch out for me, don't miss out, none of these devils can stay." Four voices echoed in unison from around.Liang Yu said again: "Fang San, Xiong Ji, you two are in charge of the ones in the valley, Shan Hu, you are in charge of the ones in the middle of the valley, and I'm in charge of the ones outside the valley. Lucha, you go to the mountain and look carefully, if you see a devil who deviates from the direction , Immediately catch up and destroy them!" The devil's paratroopers were lined up, and they might land several miles apart.Now that there are few people, I really can't take care of it, so I can only ambush in sections.

After issuing the order, he immediately sprinted in the mountains and forests, and rushed out of the valley. The devil's plane flew away, and he didn't have to hide his figure too deliberately.Liang Yu rushed out of the valley panting, and the devil's paratroopers had reached a few hundred meters above. It could be seen that they had all undergone special training. Most of the thirty umbrella flowers were still lined up. Not much deviation.

Liang Yu took a breath, put the sniper rifle on the fork of a small tree, aimed at the devil at the front, and fired the first shot. The paratroopers were not moving fast, so it was easy to aim. The paratrooper's head burst.

The head of the regiment fired, and Xiong Ji and others followed suit. The poor thirty devils couldn't hide, had nowhere to hide, and had no chance to fight back. Flying, four or five umbrella flowers saw that the situation was not good, and they desperately moved the parachute to the side, but the wind was obviously not strong enough in the air of 300 meters, and it was too late to move, and they couldn't avoid the shooting from the ground. of bullets.Two devils became ruthless, took out their sabers, and cut off the umbrella rope with one blow, but they fell down in a straight line, but the height was a bit high, and they fell down with a thud, one fell to the tree. Ya pierced her body and died.The other one was more lucky, and fell directly on a big rock in the valley, resulting in a pile of meat sauce.

There are also two good skills. Shengsheng deviated the parachute by 50 meters and landed in the forest. One saw that he would be able to step on the treetop in a dozen or 20 meters. The bullet shot into his head very long.The other landed on a clearing in a hurry, and when he couldn't wait to untie the rope, he saw a very wretched man holding a big tree to breathe heavily, and then raised his gun

In less than half an hour, the thirty devil paratroopers were all cleaned up. This was a one-sided massacre without any difficulty.Naturally, Shanhu was very dissatisfied, and couldn't help cursing: "Damn the plane, don't throw more down!" He only fired eight shots, and it seemed that he hit five devils.

Liang Yu walked up to a parachute, opened the parachute, his eyes lit up, and he burst out laughing. The paratroopers were dead, but look at their equipment, Shanhu rushed over and complained: " Boss, it’s really boring, what are you laughing at?” Liang Yu said with a smile: “His grandma, this devil is really the captain of the transport team! There are so many good things!” Shan Hu didn’t know, touched his head and said: “Captain, boss , Did you kill the devil's lieutenant captain? But he's too young, right?" His vision is now high, and he has no interest in the devil's lieutenant.

Liang Yu scolded with a smile: "Hit your head, Shan Hu, and take off all the equipment of those dead devils. These are all good things." Shan Hu picked up a gun on the dead devil's body, but saw that under the gun was a The one with the handle, he had never seen such a gun before, so he asked suspiciously: "Boss, what is this devil's gun? Why does he have a gun? It's weird." Liang Yu said: "You are really ignorant, good stuff, this It’s called a submachine gun, the Devil’s Type [-] submachine gun, and it’s pretty good.”

Liang Yu has read the information before. The devil’s Hundred-style submachine gun is very expensive. Little Japan is very poor. These luxury weapons can only be equipped with special arms such as Japanese paratroopers, special operations troops, and infiltration troops behind enemy lines. Dare to popularize in the army.This hundred-style submachine gun has a very high shooting intensity when firing in bursts, and higher accuracy when firing a single shot. Each box contains 30 rounds, with an effective range of 120 meters and a maximum range of 700 meters.If there are enough bullets, it is definitely a good weapon!

Of course, Shanhu believed what the boss said, and said that good things must be good things, but he was still a little puzzled, and asked: "Boss, this thing is so short, is it useful?" Liang Yu took the gun, played with it for a while, and said yes Facing the mountain wall, he pulled the trigger fiercely, and saw dozens of bullets being swept out instantly, which only shocked the mountain tiger. He yelled strangely: "Boss, isn't this a machine gun?"

Liang Yu smiled and said, "You know it?" At this moment, Fang San and Xiong Ji also ran over. They had never seen a submachine gun before, so they wanted to try the gun when they saw Lie Xinxi.Liang Yudao: "This submachine gun is very useful, but it consumes too much bullets and eats a lot. Rifle bullets are not universal, and devils are reluctant to equip them lightly. Without bullets, it is almost like a fire stick!" The three still couldn't bear it. I tried a few rounds at the place of residence, and my mouth watered after I tried it. Shanhu and Xiongji rushed to pick up guns and bullets from the dead devils scattered all over the place.

Lucha rushed back, couldn't help itching, and tried to shoot a few shots, and then ran back impatiently, there were still two over there, so they couldn't be wasted.

What is gratifying is that these thirty devils each have a Type 16 submachine gun in their hands and a Southern-style [-]-shot automatic pistol in their waists. This is also a good thing.There is also a special saber and four grenades. The equipment of this group of devils is really elite.And this time the submachine guns they carried had as many as four to five hundred rounds, and the pistol bullets were about the same.It seems to be preparing for a long battle.

The spoils of war harvested this time are amazing.The most regrettable thing is the one who cut the rope and broke himself into meat paste. Not only did he break himself, but his submachine gun and pistol were also broken into pieces. Shan Hu was so angry that he really wanted to shoot them a few more times. Yes, luckily the bullets are still usable.

Liang Yu was very satisfied, his special forces could finally change from shot to shot!The devil is so "polite", I can only be disrespectful.So he ordered the four people to keep the devil's paratroopers, including their clothes and equipment, without missing a trace. Of course, the "diapers" were omitted.The parachute can't be let go, these materials are still very useful for modification.After tidying up the battlefield, the five of them returned victorious with bags on their shoulders and hands in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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