Tang Dynasty Crossing Guide: Chang'an and People's Life Manual

Chapter 12 Do as the Romans do, you must have basic life knowledge

Chapter 12 Do as the Romans do, you must have basic life knowledge (2)
The ultimatum is the same as before.If someone corrects and sues later, if he hides a word, he will be punished for violating the edict.Sincerely. (The meaning of this line is: I have reported all the population and land in my family truthfully, and I am willing to take legal responsibility for any mistakes or omissions)

On a certain day in the fifth year of Kaiyuan, the household advocated the three-three ultimatum (the three words "Zhang Sansan" in this line should be signed by Mrs. Zhang herself. If she can't write, she should press a handprint or draw a cross)
After finishing the long-winded "handbook", Mrs. Zhang and you will go to the local Lizheng to hand it in.The so-called Lizheng can be understood as a civil servant between the director of the neighborhood committee and the director of the sub-district office, usually a wealthy local household or a veteran.

Lizheng accepted the "hands-on" and listened to Mrs. Zhang's situation, and took a look at you, a wanderer who has just been registered, whether you are in line with the age and appearance written in the household registration book - this step is called "group appearance". essential.Because you have a household registration and land, you have to pay taxes and serve in the service. Many people deliberately report their age as young or old in order to evade taxes and services, and even falsely report serious illness and disability. Comrade Lizheng must investigate and correct these illegal acts one by one. .If Lizheng missed his job for a while and missed his duty, and it was found out in the future, Lizheng would be punished.

After the group appearance is over and the nationality matches, do you think it will be all right?Li stretched out his hand and said, "Bring me the money!"

money?what money?You were scratching your head when you saw that Mrs. Zhang had already prepared to take out 8 copper coins and handed them to Li Zheng one by one.This is also stipulated by the law of the Tang Dynasty. When conducting a census and making a household registration book, the paper, pen, ink and labor costs used are quite high. Then pay a total of 1 penny.Your family has a total of seven people including good people and slaves, and you will hand over 1 Wen.

After receiving the money, Li Zheng accepted the "hands-on".He then sorted out and copied the "hands-on records" of every household in the whole village and square, compiled them into "accounts", and sent them to the county.The staff in the county also need to count and register each "accounting" again, and the household registration is compiled in this way.A total of three copies of the household registration must be copied, and one copy should be sent to the household department in the capital Chang'an for filing, another copy should be kept for the prefecture and county, and one copy should be kept for the county.At this point, you, an illegal immigrant from time travel, can be regarded as freed from the treatment of black households, and you don't have to worry about being caught and deported anytime while walking on the street.

If you plan to live with Mrs. Zhang honestly from now on and not leave the county for the rest of your life, a household registration booklet is enough.However, most of the brothers who gritted their teeth and crossed resolutely have the ambition to guide the country and unify the earth. If you are asked to be a farmer in the Tang Dynasty for the rest of your life, I am afraid you will leave the group and come back and sue us in court.

For example, after a year of farming at Mrs. Zhang's house, she discovered that you, a silver pewter gunhead, knew nothing about farm work.The couple was angry. One day, a group of Hu merchants from the Western Regions suddenly came to this village and said they were going to Chang'an City to sell silk. The bad weather encountered on the way, so the staff was reduced a lot. They needed to hire a few local people to drive camels.

As soon as you see the opportunity, go home and discuss with your wife. You don’t know how to farm anyway, so you might as well be hired to do business, maybe you can make a fortune.Mrs. Zhang was a little bit reluctant, and couldn't hold you back, so she agreed, and very conscientiously asked you to take a male slave in the family with you on the road to take care of your life.

As long as the common people in the Tang Dynasty left the county, they had to apply for a letter of introduction from their unit, that is, a "public inspection". There are many kinds of "public inspections", such as the "report" used by officials, the "general calendar" used by the militiamen, the "talents" used by post station staff, and even the certificates for buying and selling land and property, as long as they are stamped with the official seal All official certificates can be called "public verification".

For ordinary people like you, the "public inspection" to be issued is called "Guo Suo". to release.

Theoretically, an adult male like you has the responsibility to pay taxes and serve in the military, so he cannot wander around without the responsibility field, and the local government should not issue a "excuse" for you.At this time, the team of passing Hu merchants came in handy. They wanted to negotiate with the local government, and even paid a bribe to allow them to hire good people to go on the road together.Then, you signed a contract with these Hu merchants and volunteered to be their employees, which was called "Zuoren" at that time, so that you could apply for "passing".

To apply for "passing through", you should also go to Lizheng to handle it. First, submit the materials written by yourself:

In the sixth year of Kaiyuan, Tang Chuan, a citizen of a certain county, asked for an ultimatum

In a certain village/fang/Liding in a certain county, a man in Tang Chuannian, [-] years old, and a slave, Ah Mai, was born in [-] years old. Because of a bad harvest, he went to Chang’an as a man with Hu Shang Mi Shifen (this is where you and your slaves come from) , age, reason for going out and destination)
I am afraid that the guards will catch you at the gate, and if you don't practice the reason, please let me know. (I'm afraid that the places I pass by don't know my situation, and it will be difficult to stay, so please write me a letter of introduction)

The guarantors Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, Zhao Liu and other five people: Tang Chuan's people and animals are not guaranteed to be seduced by cold robbers. (You need to find five neighbors as guarantees to prove that the people and animals you took away came from legal sources)
Wife Zhang Sansan: After Husband Tang wears away, all household corvees are more than one thing, and please Sansan only. (Look for a male or head of your close relative to promise that after you leave, if you don’t come back before the next tax service, then he/she will bear your taxes)

A certain day in the sixth year of Kaiyuan

Lizheng received this ultimatum, and first checked whether the information written in it was true, and if it was true, he signed it and sent it to the higher-level government (county government).The county lieutenant is in charge of this work, and he has to check the situation again, sign and report to the county-level government.

The official in the state government who is responsible for reviewing and issuing "Guo Suo" is "Hu Cao". He judges whether a letter of introduction should be issued to you based on the materials reported by the county. If the materials are incomplete, he will ask the county in writing to continue the investigation. Report and supplement the situation until he decides whether to open the letter to you.

When the politics of the early Tang Dynasty were clear, the efficiency of the government was still very high.Within a few days of submitting your application, the "Guo Suo" will approve it. Basically, you will copy what you wrote, and then there will be a responsible official who will write "Ren Qu", as well as your signature and the official seal of the state and county government.

However, you will find that this "passing place" has probably been glued together with a long roll of paper coupons.That scroll is the "pass" of the Hu merchant camel team that hired you.After they apply for this thing at the place of departure, every time they pass by, they have to hand it over to the government for inspection, signature and stamp, and make up for missing omissions. Therefore, the more places they travel, the longer the official documents added before and after.

Of course, this volume of precious and important letters of introduction must be kept by your employer, Mi Sufen.Before he takes it away, take a quick look.

Zhaowu Miguo Sabaomi Lost Fen Year Four Thirteen
Nephew Yinu is thirty years old

The target language person, An Lushan, was [-] years old

Nu Xinzi Year [-] Shilu
Twenty-two Years of Slave Return
The Year of the Slave Holds the Whip
Year of the Slave Chasing the Horse

Maid Chun'er Year [-]

The Second Year of the Maid's Green Pearl

Maid loses her childhood

For the person on the right, please refer to the attached letter (the above persons are all registered on the original certificate at the beginning of departure)
The [-]nd year of Annu, the nephew
The twenty-first year of Nuhutuo

Nu Baisha Nian Shi Si

The right person died in the desert (these three unlucky people disappeared in the desert)

The author Tang Chuan was thirty-one years old
The Eighteen Years of Nua Mai

The person on the right was hired here. Seeing that there are market bonds, they are not Yaliang fugitives, etc. (these two were hired locally, and the employment contract is attached to ensure that the source is legal)
Ma Babu, Wubiao, eight years old, Jujube father, nine years old, Congcao, eight years old, Ji father, six years old, Cong Dun, six years old, Liu father, seven years old, Piao father, two years old, and Cong father, two years old
Two camel heads...

(Don’t look at the large section of livestock property registration in the middle, let’s skip to the back of the volume and look at the long review and investigation records)
Gao Bin, the guardian of the Xuanquan spring, inspects the west

Chang Le Shou Guan Guo Yi Meng Jin Exploring the West

Xin Wuyong, the arresting officer of Kushui Shou, went west

Lv Chukan, the guard and arrest officer of Yanchi
Dongting guards captured the athlete Wang Chuanyi surveyed

These are the clearance records of Mi Shifen and his party in the Tang Dynasty.According to the regulations of the Tang Dynasty, when pedestrians pass through checkpoints in dangerous places and crossing river piers, the guards must check each person's "public inspection", and if there is no problem after the inspection, they will sign and seal and keep a record in case something happens. .Then, when pedestrians enter states, counties, and cities, they may also be required to show "public inspection" inspections.

Under normal circumstances, the validity period of the "pass" is within 30 days from the date of issuance, and it is invalid when it expires, so grab it and hit it.Fortunately, it is easier to apply for an extension. As long as there is a legitimate reason, report to the local government, and the government will generally approve the extension.

For example, you have traveled for more than 20 days before arriving in Chang'an, and it will take a certain amount of time to buy and sell goods. It is absolutely impossible to return to your original place within a few days, so you have to go to the shop where you are temporarily staying in Chang'an. , Apply to him for an extension of the "pass".After the extension, the "passing place" can be used as a temporary residence permit.Of course, it is very troublesome to apply for an extension every month, but the court made such a rule to urge you to return to your original place as soon as possible—this year’s rent has not been paid yet!

In addition to the "passes" of bullying ordinary people, you also saw a lot of other "public inspections" during the customs inspection. For example, when a southerner took office, he showed the guard at the gate. Sue", that is, the letter of appointment given to officials by the imperial court.

Under the door: The meaning of "Spring and Autumn" is to measure talents.Wang Guokezhen, Mo Xianxiang.If you use it to increase your life, you must correct your name. ... The doctor Zhongshu Shilang and the Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhang are the bachelors of the Jixian Academy, the deputy magistrates and the history of the country. The purple gold fish bag is on the Zhuguo. ...Since the privy ministers carry the light, and the relatives and sages are the head, the judges can group the meeting, and there are fuss, Ning Wei is a daily counselor, so after many years of elections, the country Jun is dependent, the state's rites are restrained, and it is appropriate to call it a tripod Minister, put it in the gallery temple. ... Dr. Jiuling Keyinqing Guanglu abides by the order of Zhongshu, and Jixian Academy repairs the history of the country as before. ...the master executes it.

There are also guards who are more knowledgeable. For example, in the Zhenguan period of a certain plane ①, the guards of the Guanyi in the Western Regions may have seen such a "pass":
Monk Xuanzang of Hongfu Temple in Chang'an to fetch Buddhist scriptures from the west
The imperial conferment of the left monk, the right monk, the world's great explanatory capital, the monk, the Dade Xuanzang, who is nine years old, and the white face does not need
Royal imperial edict bestowed a cassock of brocade and rare treasures, a purple-gold bowl with a collar, a nine-ringed tin rod, and a mouthful

The person on the right has a confession
The disciple Sun Xingzhe is [-], [-] years old, originally from Dongsheng Shenzhou, Aolai Country, Huaguo Mountain, Water Curtain Cave, Lei Gongzui

The year of Wu Neng, an apprentice male pig, is unknown to Gao Laozhuang in Uzbekistan. He has a long mouth and big ears.

The apprentice Sha Wujing's year is unknown, his hometown is Liushahe, he has a blue face and red hair
The person on the right was accepting disciples in the local area, and saw that there was a guarantor, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who ensured that he was not a cold robber, seduced by others, etc.
A white horse, transformed by the third son of Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, presented by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the Eagle Sorrow Stream of Snake Pan Mountain, see coupon

According to the imperial decree of the emperor Tang Dynasty, to go to the west to learn scriptures, I am afraid that the guards in the gate will catch me, and if I don’t practice the reason, I will give it to the past.

Monk Xuanzang on a certain day in the 13th year of Zhenguan

Cao Mojia, a householder in Gongzhou, surveyed
Surveyed by a certain B of the General Guard of Hezhou
Surveyed by Zhenshan Taibao Liu Boqin
Heifengshan bear monster investigation

Survey of Yuan Daxian in Wuzhuangguan Town, Wanshou Mountain

Mrs. Bone of Baihu Ridge surveyed

Bottom survey of the black chicken king

Che Chiguo Deer Li Daxian topped


Jindoushan green cattle stepped on

The King of the Xiliang Women's Kingdom Failed to Confiscate

Cuiyun Mountain Bajiao Cave Iron Fan Princess wants to watch the stars and the moon together


Nine lions under Taiyi Tianzun curse your master and apprentice to death


①Plane was originally a noun in the setting of different landscape campaigns in desktop role-playing games, referring to an independent universe.

References & in-depth understanding recommendations for this article:
Cheng Xilin. Research on the Tang Dynasty. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2000
Chen Lihua. The Household Registration System of the Tang Dynasty as Seen from Dunhuang Handwritten Documents. Journal of Guizhou Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2009 (05). Sorry, this dynasty refuses to accept taels of silver. If you are sincere, please bring back 50 catties of copper coins

After experiencing the blind life of ordinary people, as an adjustment, today you will become a child of aristocrats, and come to make some contributions to the entertainment, leisure and cultural industry in the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

My son, when you went deep into the grassroots research and learned about the sufferings of the people in Pingkangfang, you met a working-class woman with a miserable life experience.The woman is a literary and artistic worker. She has deep attainments in bel canto and dance. She also has experience in tailoring, makeup, hair design, literature, poetry, psychological counseling, and heterosexual massage. She is really a woman Ingenious, versatile confidante.

The most rare thing is that although she was unlucky since she was a child and was trapped in a weathered area, she has noble morals and a rigorous and upright style of life. She has not been included in the monitoring list by the Anti-Pornography and Anti-illegal Affairs Office.Of course, for such a noble white lotus that emerges from the mud and is not stained, the false bustard who is greedy for money and the background cannon fodder full of impure desires will not be let go.

No, the fake mother is engaging in illegal and discipline-breaking activities at home tonight, and invited you and a bunch of cannon fodder to publicly bid for the night of White Lotus's filthiness.You heard this young man offer 1000 guan, and the man offered fifty pieces of silk, and seeing the white lotus sitting next to her, bowing her head in a charming and silent way, your blood surged up all of a sudden, in order to keep my confidante from falling into dust, I gave it all up!Stretching out his hand to take a picture, he shouted: "A certain lady redeemed her life with 1000 taels of tattooed silver!"

Sure enough, both the false mother and Bai Lianhua were startled, and they both turned their heads to look at you.The fake mother was probably getting old and had a bad ear, so she asked again: "How much is your husband?"

"1000 taels of silver!" Haha, are you startled?Are you scared?Looking at others is also stunned.As for where did the 1000 taels (equivalent to more than 40 kilograms) of silver come from?I hate it, don't ask me irrelevant questions at this time!
The false mother looked at Bai Lianhua, and Bai Lianhua looked at the false mother, she curled her mouth, pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and began to wipe her tears.The fake mother stood up and bowed to you, and then gave the order to chase away the guests with a livid face: "The laws of the country are strict, and the households are poor. I can't accept the kindness of the nobleman. Please, sir, I will not send you away."

①Fake mother-in-law, the female boss who runs a brothel, is usually a retired older prostitute, commensurate with the mother and daughter of young prostitutes, so it is called "false mother".

You, who were kicked out of the door with your neck in your hands, must be confused, with black lines all over your face, and feel that this old bustard is too ungrateful! Is 1000 taels too little?Too little, brother can add more!Why did you just blast out the door?Could it be that the money was stolen?
Congratulations, you're right!If you were in the Tang Dynasty, if you took out silver to buy things in the street, you would really be stealing or grabbing, or you would be a madman.

why?Is there no such thing as silver in the Tang Dynasty?
Silver, of course there is, but before the Song Dynasty, most of China did not use silver as a currency for circulation.

For example, we also have silver products in modern times, and many people still wear some silver jewelry with them, but if you buy pancakes on the street and take off the silver bracelet on your hand as money, will the uncle who sells pancakes accept it?You go to the Apple store to buy an iPhone, throw out a silver ingot to pay the bill, do you want the clerk?Of course people don’t want it, because Apple stores don’t have the means to test the quality and authenticity of silver. In addition to this reason, Uncle Pancake may also be because he can’t find so much money to return to you.In short, if there is no social environment where "silver is used as currency in circulation", even if everyone knows that silver is a good thing and valuable, it will not be collected in general trading transactions.

You just said it, the bustard doesn't accept money, she can just say it, if you bid for something else, she doesn't have to kick him out of the house right away!

Sigh, guest, do you know if 1000 taels of silver could be provided in the Tang Dynasty, where would so much silver come from?
Everyone knows that the territory of the Tang Dynasty was very vast, but the detection and mining technology of gold and silver mines was not very good, so what is the annual silver production in the whole country?Only about 1.5 taels.

The 1.5 taels of new silver, together with local officials from all over the country collecting private deposits of silver and donating them to the emperor, and sometimes states and counties also convert the taxes handed in into silver and transport them to Beijing. These silver are usually cast into rectangular shapes. Silver collars are one foot long and two inches wide, and there are more 50 tael collars.The weight, fineness, and origin of the silver, the name, official position, year, etc. of the tribute should be engraved or written on the collar.

(End of this chapter)

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