Chapter 101 Chapter 104 afight
Mount St. Heinrich Abbey, as a holy place of Nolan religion, is a sacred and inviolable place (at least Nolan religion thinks so), so it should be a very quiet and peaceful place.

However, as soon as Zuo Jiuning was teleported, he heard the sound of arguing, and it was quite familiar.

".oh, Grow/up, kid! Learn to learn from experience and learn to respect people, kid!" A deep voice roared.

"See? You/are/doing/this/again! You're calling me kid again! Yes, I can respect people, but only if they respect me! Old age is not a privilege unique to you! You don't You can disrespect me because you are older than me, but ask me to respect you! This is not knowing how to respect people! People are equal! There is no distinction between men, women and children! We are all one race as human beings Don’t rely on the old to sell the old! Besides, the so-called lessons learned, what lessons have you learned, huh?! Speak up and listen! Yes, all the wrong decisions you have made can be lessons learned! How wonderful, all the people in this world Everyone can write autobiography to make money! But, wait! Most people can’t make money from this! Can you make money from this?! No! The wrong decisions you have made are just jokes!” Mr. Zheng Tone impassioned rebuttal.

Zuo Jiuning looked over, and the quarrel came from her acquaintances—Bloodbone and Von were arguing, and Sake was trying to persuade them but couldn't intervene.

Zuo Jiuning walked over, patted the sake: "hey, it seems that you get along well~"

"Oh, god, no, God of Dionysus!" Qingjiu stroked his forehead, looking as if he was facing an enemy, "Miss, God, you are my dear God, please don't make trouble at this time? "

Judging from past experience, Sake knew that Zuo Jiuning's personality was definitely not the kind that would help him break up a fight, it must be a personality that just watched the excitement with a bad taste and added it in for fun.

"Trouble me, me? No?" Zuo Jiuning looked at Sake with an innocent smile, "I haven't done anything~"

"Great! Don't do anything! Go and play on your own!" Sake pushed Zuo Jiuning away, and then tried to join the fierce quarrel between Bloodbone and Von again, "You two! Stop fighting, okay? That The beauties are gone! It doesn't make any sense for you two to still fight here."

Zuo Jiuning raised her eyebrows. Beauty?

"Then tell me, which one of us is right, Mr. Big Doctor?" Von sneered at Sake.

"Yeah, you've been on the sidelines for a long time, let me tell you what you think, sir, you can't just talk about it?" Bloodbone continued Von.

"Oh, this/is/getting/interesting~" Zuo Jiuning, who could foresee the future development, said with a wicked smile, and took a step back to watch.

Although Sake was a little irritated, as a European C who doesn't like conflicts, he still tried to stay rational and tried to persuade them: "I think both of you have their own reasons."

"Have their own reasons?! What's the difference between not saying it?!" Bloody said disdainfully, "You think you know everything, huh? Mr. Encyclopedia? You just say 'xxx thinks so', 'xxx Theorem', 'xxx scholar's summary'! You just don't know how to understand it yourself! You can't do anything except call the method summed up by others! There is no creativity! You don't have your own point of view at all, you just repeat other people's ideas robot!"

Zuo Jiuning praised silently, he really deserved to be a sharp-edged man, what he said was completely correct and hit the nail on the head.

"Exactly! And do you think you have a good personality?! Our Mr. Gentleman, Mr. Nice Mr.!" Von went on to say, "Putting others to reconcile makes you feel very fulfilled, huh?! Do you think persuading people to quarrel The person who solves the problem is the one who solves the problem?! Do you think you are the all-inclusive saint?! Whenever there is a quarrel, you try to dissuade it as a peacemaker. Do you think you are helping others?! Stop joking! You It’s just that you don’t want to face disputes at all! Do you think a gentleman who doesn’t quarrel is a tall man, huh?! Let me tell you, that’s stupid and a hypocrite’s behavior! A coward who dares to speak out his opinion directly and only compromises! You can only run away! Nothing else!"

wow!well said! 32 likes!

Zuo Jiuning applauded silently. She agreed with what they said, especially what Von said. As a person from country A who always faces quarrels, what she can't stand most is a gentleman like sake who only avoids problems.

"Bacchus." Sake turned his head and asked Zuo Jiuning for help.

After being scolded like this, you still have to act like a good man?

Zuo Jiuning laughed mockingly, and then she changed her style of painting, deliberately showing that angry smile: "I agree with their opinion. On the surface, put on a noble and polite look, pretend that everything is fine, do it If you look out of the overall situation, you will only compromise and avoid problems. For the sake of the overall situation? Ha, what is the overall situation? You are not an image ambassador who bears the responsibilities given by others for every move. What’s wrong with having public responsibilities? Quarreling is an exchange of ideas and a way for human beings to solve problems. What needs to be avoided? Gentleman?! It’s just that you’re afraid of trouble, you’re just looking for an excuse to avoid disputes with women! Don’t care about women?! It seems that you have a lot of tolerance, but in fact you don’t take women seriously at all! Or in your eyes, women are just Should be weak and protected?! No matter which one, you have not put women and men on an equal footing from the beginning! This is sexism! So don’t talk about fairness with me in the future! From the time you discriminated against women From the moment you start, you are not qualified to talk about this topic! Admit it, you are a coward who is timid, afraid of disputes, avoids problems, blindly compromises, has no opinion, and discriminates against women! This is your ideal gentleman!"


(End of this chapter)

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