Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 107 115 Special Effect Pet

Chapter 107 Chapter 115 Special Effect Pets
"Sake, drunk to death." When the three were about to leave the tavern, Ye Xi suddenly stopped the two of them.

Sake and Zui Si Meng Sheng turned their heads at the same time: "yes?"

"I'm going offline, bye."

"Going to the party again? You're really busy too. Go ahead, enjoy/it~" Zui Si Meng Sheng waved his hand with a smile, turned around happily and left.

On the other hand, Sake was full of doubts: "what'swrong? You look weird."

"Nothing." Ye Xi shook her head, "As Zui Si said, I'm going to a party. see/ya."

After speaking, Ye Xi went offline.

Sake frowned: "What happened to her? What happened?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng pretended to hold his chin with his left hand: "hum maybe she went offline before because the dress was broken?"

"No, I don't think it's because." Before Sake finished speaking, he looked up and saw two people approaching, "Bacchus?! Von?!"

Zui Si Meng Sheng immediately turned his head, and saw Zuo Jiu Ning standing there smiling strangely, and Von beside her.

He came to the door by himself
Although I have already started to speculate about various possibilities in my heart, on the surface Zuimengsheng is still smiling brightly: "Hey, what/brings/you/here?"

"Wow, turn your face and deny people~" Zuo Jiuning said teasingly, "Didn't you also send a message saying that you want to talk to us?"

Drunken Dreams reacted quickly: "I just didn't expect you two to miss us so soon~"

"I miss your cousin even more~" Zuo Jiuning said, rolling his eyes, "By the way, speaking of Xixia, where is she?"

"There is a real event, so I am offline. Xixia is a very outgoing and lively child~" Drunken Dreams said with a bright smile, and opened the door of the private room they just closed, "Anyway, how about a glass of whiskey first?" ?”

Did he really leave? Zuo Jiuning blinked: "I want scotch~"

Von: "I want the blue side!"

"no problem."

Before Zuo Jiuning came to the tavern, he had already guessed that Ye Xi would leave.

The reason why he could guess it was because when Zuo Jiuning was offline, he heard Aikewa say that Ye Xi was dumped and went to the bar to drink away his worries.

If it wasn't someone who knew Ye Xi's nature very well, he would definitely feel that things were exactly what they sounded like.

But Zuo Jiuning, who knew Ye Xi's nature well, doubted this very much.

She didn't think Ye Xi was a person who would lose like that because of being dumped.

To be honest, Ye Xi is definitely the person Zuo Jiuning has seen who has been dumped the most times. Every time Ye Xi has no special reaction other than wanting to kill the other party, let alone being disappointed, and Zuo Jiuning didn't feel that either. Ye Xi has more feelings for the boyfriend who dumped her than other ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends.

Therefore, Zuo Jiuning guessed that Ye Xi was lost for other reasons, so he went to get drunk. When Aikewa asked Ye Xi, Ye Xi was willing to tell the real reason, so he used the incident of being dumped that happened at the same time as an excuse.

Moreover, Zuo Jiuning knew that if Ye Xi was really disappointed because of being dumped, Ye Xi would definitely give another excuse when asked.

When Ye Xi was really down, she was absolutely unwilling to let others comfort her, because other people's comfort made Ye Xi feel as if she had admitted her own failure.

Therefore, when Ye Xi was really down, she would usually be a little depressed, and if someone asked her, she would find an excuse to fool her, and then quickly adjust her image to show the same appearance as usual, or even more than usual. active.

Therefore, Zuo Jiuning could guess that Ye Xi would not stay in the game, but would go to various parties in reality.

It was precisely because he knew that Ye Xi would go offline that Zuo Jiuning appeared in front of Sake and Zuisi Mengsheng without any scruples.

However, why are Von and Zuo Jiuning suddenly willing to show up by themselves?
Well, the answer to this question is to go back to when the goddess Alice appeared in Von's private domain.

Due to the game experience in the previous life, Zuo Jiuning knew that gods and demon kings have the right to perceive everything that exists in the territory they own or guard.

And here, it is precisely the territory guarded by Alice as the patron saint, so it is impossible to hide the existence of everything in the territory from her, it just depends on whether her level is above this item.

Therefore, when Alice tried to fool her with the unclear and vague answer of "I am the patron saint of this territory", Zuo Jiuning did not expose her.

For Zuo Jiuning, she doesn't care whether Von knows or not, and the reason why she asks is just to see how Alice will react for bad fun.

However, this time Alice's reaction was completely expected, which made Zuo Jiuning even more bored.

Zuo Jiuning, who lost his interest, stopped playing around and asked Alice directly: "So, do you know what kind of pet egg this is?"

"Well, pet eggs for special effects pets." Alice answered directly, and it was also a thank you to Zuo Jiuning for not asking why she knew there were pet eggs.

I really need to be more careful next time, Alice reminded herself that she should not accidentally say things she shouldn't know like this again.

Not only should we pay attention to Zuo Jiuning, but also this increasingly sharp Von.

Although she doesn't know why Zuo Jiuning let her go this time, Alice will not pursue the reason, because she knows very well that some things are better not to get into the details.

Since he didn't get to the bottom of it, he considered himself lucky.

Closer to home, Von didn't know what Alice was thinking about, but asked curiously, "Special effects pet? What is that?"

Alice squinted her eyes. Because of Von's presence, she made her usual arrogant gesture: "As a goddess, do I need to answer your mortal question?"

Von didn't back down, at least on the surface: "But you are my mentor!"

"As a goddess, I am willing to be your mentor, and you should be grateful for your whole life, so you can thank me to your heart's content." The goddess Alice said, shaking her head, "But, sad mortal you are here Don't you know your fault now? Do you think that you are entitled to insult me ​​as a goddess just because of your low status? You don't know how much it is to me as a goddess to show the sin of greed in front of this goddess Blasphemy?"


"But, you are Von's mentor, aren't you? Shouldn't the mentor provide guidance?" Zuo Jiuning deliberately quarreled with the goddess Alice, and asked Alice to help them hatch the pet eggs of special effect pets with the spiritual perception of the subordinate skills.

Alice has nothing to do, after all, Zuo Jiuning let her go on the issue of the patron saint before, but it is equivalent to leaving a handle, so she can only obey Zuo Jiuning's request, but her tone is still arrogant: "However, as a goddess I am tolerant, so I can forgive your sins only once, be grateful! As a loving goddess, I will answer the prayers of my followers, so I not only forgive you this time, but also act as The mentor guides you with knowledge about special pets. Don't be too grateful, because your gratitude will never be comparable to what I give you as a goddess, and you are not worthy of thanking me. But don't worry, I will give you A chance to show your gratitude. Ah, how kind and kind I am~"

(End of this chapter)

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