Chapter 112 Chapter 125 Partner
"I've been spoiled by you, you know, drunk!" Spencer complained without hesitation, pointing at Zuimengsheng.

"Really?" Zui Si Meng Sheng looked at Spencer with a surprised look, and sat down opposite Spencer at the same time, "Isn't it because you have made me miserable?"

"Me? Shame on you?" Spencer was more surprised than Zuishimengsheng, and sprayed all the beer on Zuishimengsheng's face, "Are you kidding me?"

"Teasing you? No, no, no. How could I tease you?" Zui Si Meng Sheng still smiled very sweetly, picked up the napkin on the table and wiped the beer that was sprayed on his face and body, "Could it be Wasn't it you who told Dionysus the news about the location of the blood bone? Alas, it's fine if you can't count on you, but now you can't even do such a small thing as protecting the intelligence, and even sprayed beer on the boss's face. What do you want?"

"Well, then please be sure to fire me, and it would be even better if you can send me an air ticket to Bordeaux~" Spencer said, and opened the webpage to search for flight information, "look, the next flight is at 19:55 in the evening~ "

Zui Si Meng Sheng waved his hand: "Since your attitude is so good, I forgive you this time~ Am I very tolerant, kind and great?"

"." The corner of Spencer's mouth twitched. It's been a long time since he was captured by Zui Si Meng Sheng and forced to be hired. He has always wondered how the other party's honey/juice self-confidence that is shown from time to time came from.
By the way, aviation is a modern aircraft, but strictly speaking it cannot be called an aircraft, but should be called an air-suspended aircraft. It is a bit like the car set to the automatic driving mode mentioned earlier. The fare is not very expensive and the speed is very fast for the automatic driving on the tens of thousands of meters high-altitude path.

However, for the sake of safety, passengers can only choose an air flight at a speed that meets their own health conditions, and the fastest speed is not allowed to exceed the speed of sound.

Spencer's destination, Bordeaux, is one of the few cities that has not changed its name in the past 1000 years. Even though the world regime has been completely reshuffled, as the world's most famous wine producing area, the name of the city and the wine industry are still intact by the new ruler. of retained.

Closer to home, Zui Shi Meng Sheng no longer paid attention to Spencer, but turned to look at Zuo Jiu Ning: "Then, what's your answer, Miss Dionysus?"

Zuo Jiuning smiled strangely: "I agree to cooperate~"

"Cooperation? What cooperation?" Spencer immediately interjected, looking at Drunken Mengsheng eagerly, "I'm your assistant, why didn't I know you guys wanted to cooperate?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng already got the answer he wanted, so he ignored Spencer and said directly to Zuo Jiu Ning: "Then, I hope you can send me what I want directly using the embedded system of this game, happy cooperation~"

Zuo Jiuning nodded and sent the materials he had prepared before to Zui Si Meng Sheng: "Happy cooperation~"

This cooperation, in terms of Zui Si Mengsheng's understanding, is just Zuo Jiuning giving Zui Si Mengsheng information, and in return Zui Si Mengsheng not revealing Zuo Jiuning's true identity and giving her the appropriate convenience, He didn't know Zuo Jiuning's series of designs behind this.

Therefore, Zui Si Meng Sheng had no doubts about the purpose of this information, opened it in the game and read the summary, and immediately went offline to investigate.

Spencer, who didn't get any response, raised his eyebrows, then turned to look at Zuo Jiuning: "What cooperation are you talking about?"

"Guess~" The tone was as flat as ever.

"Beauty, why are you so hesitating to cooperate with Zui Si, who is so shady that people don't pay for their lives? Do you know how narrow-minded he is? I accidentally told you a piece of news last time, and I didn't tell you that I deducted all my salary this year." You know, every time I went to a bar to pick up girls, I was disturbed for no reason! In just one day, I was poured by a dozen beauties in several bars, you know! I have never been so lucky. And last time, I accidentally made a mistake and didn’t tell Zuishi. I don’t know how he knew. As a result, I was tied up on the bed by the beautiful woman I just got for a few days. Do you know! This must be Zuishi Good job!"

Zuo Jiuning laughed loudly as he listened, and then jokingly said, "Let's not mention the story about being splashed with alcohol before the later story, isn't it because the story you made up when you hooked up with the girl is too nonsense?"

Spencer thought for a while: "Is it nonsense that I was robbed?"

Zuo Jiuning nodded: "At least now under the law and order, no one will believe it."

"I'm a Yankee?" Spencer continued to ask without giving up.

"With your frail body, can anyone trust you?"

"Then I'm a sniper?"

"How about you at least take your glasses off before telling this story?"

In conversations like this, Spencer told all the stories he used to make up to seduce girls, and after Zuo Jiuning found out the bugs, Spencer said unconvinced: "But some beauties believe it!"

Zuo Jiuning rolled his eyes: "I guess they are too stupid? Or are they too greedy?"

Spencer laughed, and put a hand on Zuo Jiuning's shoulder: "I've decided, I'm going to get drunk to death! From today, you're my partner!"

(End of this chapter)

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