Online game technology flow hunter

115 Chapter 128 Hell Welcomes You

Chapter 115 Chapter 128 Hell Welcomes You

"Welcome to hell, adventurer." A slightly familiar voice said.

Zuo Jiuning looked up, he was a handsome man, dressed like a gentleman, with an amiable and moderate smile.

The person wearing a smiling mask, Zuo Jiuning took a glance and understood what the other person was, because she had been with too many people like this.

There's no way, who made Zuo Jiuning like this type.

The other party's hypocritical mask, and all kinds of calculations under the mask.
These are all so beautiful and attractive to her.
She likes people like this the most.

It's a pity, this is not a player but an npc, Zuo Jiuning thought regretfully, the npc can't be played with casually.
But speaking of people wearing smiling masks
Because of the autobiographical memory, various memories about this flashed through Zuo Jiuning's mind uncontrollably.
"He's a man with a smiling mask," Alice had said once.

"I'm the person you're looking for." This was the voice Zuo Jiuning had heard in the Monastery of Mount St. Heinrich, and it was almost the same as the voice of the npc he just heard.

Through these two memories of all the flashed memories, Zuo Jiuning can almost confirm that this male npc is Loki, the god of mischief.

But there's one thing that doesn't make sense.
Why is a god in hell?
Logically speaking, gods who are creatures of heaven should hate hell and hell creatures, and it is impossible to go to hell.

Taking a step back, even if this god doesn't really hate hell and its creatures, he should at least act like it, unless this god is a no-brainer, and the god who wears a smiling mask to disguise his true nature is obviously not Probably mindless.
Although there are these and even more suspicious points, Zuo Jiuning, who is unwilling to expose to the other party, has no way to find out the information.
The only way left is
"Oh! My God!" Zuo Jiuning opened his eyes wide and said with a nympho expression, "Oh! My God! You are so sexy!"

"What?" The other party was stunned.

Without giving the other party time to react, Zuo Jiuning pounced on him and hugged him: "Honey, you are so perfect!!! Come and have a drink with me! Or we can open a room! You. "

Under Zuo Jiuning's nympho look, the other party's brain completely froze, what is going on?
In the state of being completely confused about the situation, the other party could only pat Zuo Jiuning on the back comfortingly: "Wait, adventurer, uh, calm down. Uh, do you want to have a glass of wine together?"

"Okay, okay!" Zuo Jiuning nodded immediately, "The bar in Elizabeth I City is very good, let's go there! There are many cocktails that are not found in other places, you should try it too! Ah, but it seems like the one in Eaton City The atmosphere in the bar is better! I heard that there is a special booth for two people in the bar there. It is not as noisy as the one in Elizabeth I City. It is a quiet and romantic bar. How about we go there? Oh yes, I heard xx city ​​bar”

"." The other party was about to go crazy, what he was most afraid of was this kind of talking without taking a breath, so in order to stop Zuo Jiuning's mouth, he hurriedly said, "Just drink here, I have a lot of wine in stock, so I don't need to introduce the bar."

"Really? Can I drink it? You/are/so/sweet!"

The other party breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that as long as the adventurer stopped talking, it would be fine: "Well, of course, please sit down first."

The other party's goal has been achieved, which is to let Zuo Jiuning be quiet for a while.

Zuo Jiuning's goal was also achieved, that's why she calmed down as the other party expected.

The reason why Zuo Jiuning acted like a nymphomaniac was to make the other party's brain freeze and confusion.

Of course, this is based on Zuo Jiuning's assumption that the other party is Loki.

If the other party is Loki, then appearing in front of her this time must be intentional.

Then in Loki's prediction, Zuo Jiuning should have three reactions: A, if he didn't guess that he was Loki, he would act like a normal adventurer who came to hell; B, guess He figured out that he was Loki, but pretended not to guess, and his specific behavior was roughly the same as that of A; C, guessed that he was Loki, so he took action to test him.

It was precisely because he knew that Loki would predict this way that Zuo Jiuning came up with a performance beyond the other party's predictions, such as nympho.

In this way, the other party's brain, which is calculating the situation, will freeze.

Then, according to the other party's personality, it is estimated that in order to find out why his prediction was wrong, he will test her, so that Zuo Jiuning will have a chance to get the other party's information from the other party's temptation, and at the same time, he has not revealed that he guessed who the other party is this matter.

All this is still under Zuo Jiuning's control.

This ability to control the game is also the most important talent for her to become a top gambler.

(End of this chapter)

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