Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Avalanche (1)

"Probably far there has been no such information." After listening to Zuo Jiuning's words, and seeing Zuo Jiuning's weird and bright smile that frightened people to death, Qingjiu was also a little shaken, but he still analyzed and compared himself confident.

Now Zuo Jiuning doesn't need to say anything, Drunken Mengsheng directly despises sake: "Are you so stupid that you do intelligence? Has anyone encountered a boss who summons a small boss so far?"

"..." Sake had to admit that Zui Shi had a point. He really valued the existing information too much and forgot to consider the unknown situation.

"It doesn't mean that the boss can be summoned many times! How will you know if you don't try!" Von is still not reconciled.

"I agree with Von this time. If you don't try once, how will you know whether to summon once or multiple times. Anyway, it's okay to die once." Bloodbone agreed with Von's opinion.

"Hey... why are you guys so reckless?" Drunken Mengsheng sighed, "It's good to be brave, but also to be resourceful. Don't you know that shooting the first bird? Don't you know that trying without preparation is equal to death ?…”

blah, blah, blah... Once the mode of drunken complaining + preaching + Tang Seng is started, it is difficult to stop.

After experiencing the painful bloody lesson, everyone knew that trying to interrupt at this time would only get a longer paragraph, so they had to endure it.

But this time, to everyone's surprise, Zuo Jiuning interrupted: "Let's go skiing~"

This sentence from Fei Tian Wai Tian successfully interrupted Zui Si Meng Sheng, and he subconsciously replied: "Huh?"

"This game focuses on restoring reality, so there will be ski trails and ski equipment." Zuo Jiuning said, pointing to the snow-capped mountain in front of him, and then sat on a chair at the foot of the mountain with other people, "I finally came to the snow-capped mountain, You can’t justify it if you don’t play skiing~”

Zuo Jiuning really likes the ski slopes of Walter Snow Mountain. In his last life, the official said that this is a restored ski slope based on the actual Olympic track.

"..." How did this person jump from fighting the boss to skiing, he thought helplessly.

"Okay, okay! I agree with Dionysus this time!" Von was very excited after hearing this, jumped up from his chair, and was the first to agree. He is also a person who likes to enjoy games rather than being played by them.

Bloody Bone hesitated for a moment and asked, "What about the boss?"

"It's okay, I'll call it next time. Let's go skiing, I haven't seen the ski slopes in the game yet." As soon as he got involved with unknown information, Sake lost all image, and he eagerly suggested to go skiing.

Zui Si Meng Sheng looked at Zuo Jiu Ning: "What plan do you have?" Although he believed that Zuo Jiu Ning was a person who likes to enjoy games, he intuitively felt that Zuo Jiu Ning had some plan this time.

Zuo Jiuning smiled innocently: "I want to ski~"

"Then stop skiing, and go to the foot of the mountain to see how they ski." Zui Si Mengsheng said.

"Speaking of which, Zui Si seems to be..." Qingjiu remembered something, and was stopped by Zui Shi Mengsheng's sudden smile at him. He didn't want to offend Zui Si Mengsheng who held a grudge.

Zuo Jiuning is not afraid of offending Zuishi, she understands after listening to Sake's words and seeing Zuishi Mengsheng's expression: "Oh? Can Zuishi know how to ski?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng heard this, and smiled even brighter at Zuo Jiu Ning.

But Von was not afraid of death and added: "Hahaha, drunk dead can't ski! Let me teach you!"

Drunk Death Mengsheng turned to look at Von with a smile. After he made a deal with Zuo Jiuning, he didn't have Zuo Jiuning's grip, but he had Von's grip: "I remember you still owe gambling debts? Now return?"

"It's not fair! Why does Dionysus say it's okay, but I say it's not!" Von yelled loudly.

"That's because Dionysus is different from you. He spends his money gambling every day." Bloodbone rolled his eyes at Von.

Zuo Jiuning, who was playing with the snow on the chair, smiled: "I also gamble almost every day~"

"Ah?" Bloodbone was so surprised that he almost fell off the chair, and he quickly moved back to keep his balance.

"Look! Dionysus also gambles every day!" Von found support and immediately said cheerfully.

"You really gamble every day?" Sake also thought it was incredible, he never thought that Zuo Jiuning likes to gamble.

"The moment you bluff with a broken card and wait to see if the opponent with two pairs gives up, that kind of excitement is so attractive that you can't help yourself." Zuo Jiuning looked at the snow mountain, replied intoxicated, and then Winking at Von again, "But I win every time, I'm not a loser~"

"..." A gust of cold wind mixed with snow blew over everyone's heads.

"Why are one or two gamblers?" Zui Si Meng Sheng leaned back, there was no back of the chair, but a snow mountain, so he took advantage of the opportunity to lean on the snow mountain, and said in a tone of headache, "This team still Is there any normal person? Why am I so unlucky, on the…”

blah, blah, blah... Another barrage of whining preaching hell.

In the end, it was Zuo Jiuning who interrupted Zui Si Meng Sheng: "Why do you think I have a plan?"

"Intuition. Do you think you are like a simple person?" Zui Si Meng Sheng replied with his back against the snow-capped mountains.

"It makes sense." Zuo Jiuning raised her eyebrows. Sometimes she has a plan, and sometimes she doesn't. Few people can see through when she has a plan. Is it an avalanche?"


"That's right. Since this is a game to restore reality and there are snow mountains, don't you think there will be avalanches?" Zuo Jiuning patted the snow on the snow mountains with his hands.

"It is indeed possible." Sake at the side took out his notebook and recorded, and said quickly, "Avalanches refer to snow-covered hillsides, when the cohesive force inside the snow cannot resist the gravitational pull it receives Then, it slides down, causing a large amount of snow to collapse. And then?"

Everyone was waiting for Zuo Jiuning's next words with burning eyes, only Zui Si Meng Sheng looked helpless, he already understood what Zuo Jiu Ning wanted to do after hearing this.

"If there is a cave on the snow mountain, the avalanche can affect that cave, right?" Zuo Jiuning continued.

Sake nodded: "It is indeed possible. In theory, as long as the approximate location is calculated and the avalanche is triggered, it can affect the cave on the snow mountain. It is not very difficult in practice."

"In other words, use Xue Beng to fight the boss?" Hearing this, the rest of the people also understood Zuo Jiuning's meaning.

"Sister Dionysus, you are truly a genius!" Von said adoringly, giving Zuo Jiuning a thumbs up.

"However, it will be difficult to actually operate in the game." Sake said while recording in the notebook, "After all, there are many factors to be considered to cause an avalanche to affect a specific location. Currently, data such as wind speed and temperature cannot be measured in the game. So it’s definitely not easy to be successful.”

After all, Sake is still a relatively stable person.

"Life lies in innovation." Zuo Jiuning spoke seriously with a light-hearted tone, "and every setting in this game is meaningful. There is no solution to the boss at the level. Since it exists, it means that there must be an unconventional solution~ Besides, you also want to look at collecting information about the avalanche, don’t you?”

Sake was also moved when he heard this, and had the opportunity to collect first-hand information on innovative gameplay. No intelligence expert could refuse this temptation: "Okay. If you really can't die once and lose some experience, then you will dedicate yourself to intelligence .”

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you make a mistake and die once." Von excitedly echoed beside him.

Blood Bone also nodded with interest: "I also want to try Xue Beng."

"All of you..." Zui Si Meng Sheng looked helplessly at the three people who were successfully instigated by Zuo Jiu Ning, but to be honest, he really wanted to see if Xue Beng would work, so he waved his hand, "Go, go first Buy your ski gear and hit the slopes for an avalanche!"

"Oh, yeah!"

(End of this chapter)

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