Chapter 44 Chapter45 Heaven (2)

"Rainbow? Isn't it the thing with seven colors that appears after it rains?" Von continued to look at Zui Si Meng Sheng suspiciously. He didn't understand what Zui Si Meng Sheng meant by saying this.

"Well, yes. Then do you know how a rainbow is formed?" Drunken Mengsheng continued to ask.

"Uh... I remember the textbook said it was the reflection of light or something..." Von answered uncertainly, seeing the expression of "this child is hopeless" in Zui Si Meng Sheng, he immediately changed his words, "No, no ...Wait, let me think about it... Ah, yes! It's refraction, right? The specific reason... Um... Anyway, I remember sunlight, right?"

Before Zui Si Meng Sheng could speak, Bloody Bone opened his mouth to despise: "Is your brain just a display? This is taught in elementary school."

"No, no, no, his brain is not a decoration." Zui Si Mengsheng followed up with the knife, "Decorations, such as vases, are useless, but they are still necessary to look good. It doesn't matter whether he has a brain or not." , it doesn't make any difference."

"Hey! My brain is useful!" Von said angrily, "If you two are really good at it, then tell me how rainbows are formed! If you say it, I will admit that I am stupid!"

"Rainbows are formed when sunlight strikes nearly circular water droplets in the air, causing dispersion and reflection of light." Bloodbone replied.

This was learned in the fourth grade of Blood Bone Primary School, of course it is impossible not to.

"That only shows that the blood bones know." Von still refused to admit that he was stupid, "Drunk to death? You know? Didn't you let sake talk all day long? Tell me! Don't repeat what the blood bones said!"

"When sunlight hits water droplets, it will be incident at different angles at the same time, and it will also be reflected at different angles inside the water droplets. Among them, the reflection at 40-42 degrees is the strongest, forming the rainbow that people see." Drunk Mengsheng replied, and then After a pause, the merciful Von said, "Admit that you are stupid, kid. You know, people must first have self-knowledge before they can correct their shortcomings."

"Hmph!" Von turned his head away, "What's the use of knowing how rainbows are formed? It's not raining here!"

"You first admit that you are stupid, and say that you are the most brainless idiot in the world." Drunken Mengsheng said, "Don't forget, this is your task, not ours."

"I...well, let me admit that I'm stupid...I'm the most mindless idiot in the world..." Von said while looking tearfully at Drunken Dreams and Bloody Bone, trying to win sympathy, "Don't talk to me Sake and Sister Bacchus, please, especially Sister Bacchus... If she finds out, she will definitely make a fuss about it..."

In the end, Von's voice became lower and lower. He had a premonition that if Zuo Jiuning knew about this matter, he would bring it out from time to time to choke him from letting him do things, and it might even spread out and affect his way of picking up girls. It would be great if Zuimengsheng and Bloodbone could not talk about it...

It's a pity that the same sex repels each other, and Von's trick can't earn the slightest sympathy from the same sex.

"I recorded it." Blood Bone sent the video just shot with the built-in system to Zui Si Meng Sheng.

"Very good, blood bone." Drunken Mengsheng nodded, "Remember to send it to Sake and Dionysus later."

"Hey! No such!" Von protested.

"In short, what you mean is that if sunlight is refracted through glass, it can also appear seven-color light like a rainbow, but it's not as big as a real rainbow. So we have to create our own rainbow now." Bloodbone ignores Von, " And it says the rainbow is the key, so I think the rainbow should show up on the keyhole."

"I agree...the key is how to make a rainbow..." Zui Si Meng Sheng touched his chin, "Do you have any transparent glass products?"

"Um, no..." Bloodbone shook his head, "Now everyone uses drinks and food for normal recovery and status enhancement in Time-Space OL, and it can also replenish hunger points. I don't have any special potions, so I don't even have glass medicine bottles. .Drinks are again in colored plastic bottles..."

"I don't have either." Von also shook his head, then remembered something and suddenly pointed at Zuimengsheng and shouted, "Ah! Don't you have glass wine bottles and glasses!"

"There is no wine bottle, and after being drunk by the god of wine, the dead alcoholic, he threw away the bottle." Drunk Death Mengsheng spread his hands and sighed, "The wine glass is a classical glass, so the glass is very thick, and the glass lines are also very complicated. It’s not easy to control the angle of light incidence.”

"... "

"However, it should be impossible for this task to require the person doing the task to bring glass products..." Bloodbone tried to think optimistically about this issue.

"It makes sense." Zui Si Meng Sheng nodded, "If that's the case, then this glass product that we can use to make rainbows should be nearby.

"Then go and look around for any glass products!" Von replied energetically.

Blood Bone and Zui Si Meng Sheng had no objection to this, and the three of them turned around, only to be dazzled by the reflected sunlight.

There is a large rotatable prism on the iron chains at both ends of the suspension bridge some distance away from the gate, just behind the position where the three of them arrived here, and just now the three of them saw the gate and walked over without looking back at all. So I didn't notice the prism behind it.

Three people: "..."

So the three walked over in silence, and under the command of Zui Si Meng Sheng, they finally adjusted the position of the prism smoothly, so that the seven-color light emitted by the sunlight through the prism hit the keyhole.

The gate of the castle finally opened slowly...


On the other hand, Sake failed to change the topic, so under the situation of being bored, as a gentleman who could not refuse women, he was dragged by Zuo Jiuning to play poker to pass the time, and almost lost all his money.

"Haha, mine is a loose card!" Zuo Jiuning said while laughing and spread the cards in his hand on the ground, "I've been fooled~"

Knocking down means admitting the outcome of this round, and will not participate in the next bets in this round, but the bets already placed cannot be returned, and even if you find out that your bet is bigger than others, it is not a win.

In the case where there is only the last person left without deducting the card, it is generally not necessary to show the card, so Zuo Jiuning showed the card just to cheer up the sake.

"..." Sake had a smile that was uglier than crying, and he pushed the money he bet to Zuo Jiuning in a gentlemanly manner, "Let's change the game."

"Basic draw poker (DrawPoker), Texas Hold'em, BlackJack and so on have all been played... What do you want to change to?" Zuo Jiuning asked with a smile, anyway, she has a way to win .

"I don't play poker anymore." Sake replied, he knew that Zuo Jiuning was counting cards, and he also knew that Zuo Jiuning's mental manipulation was superb, so he planned to play a game without luck, "Do you have a chess board? Let's play chess."

"Okay." Zuo Jiuning replied with a devilish smile on his face.

Yes, the most beautiful smiles are not from angels, but from devils.

(End of this chapter)

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