Chapter 49 Chapter50 Heaven (7)

The two most mainstream methods for man-made diamonds are HPHT and CVD.

Among them, HPHT refers to high pressure and high temperature (high-pressure, high-temperature), and CVD refers to chemical vapor deposition (chemical vapor deposition). '

Although artificial diamonds are recognized as diamonds by the world-recognized gemstone authority A National Gemological Institute GIA (called the Gemological Institute of America in the 21st century, the abbreviation is GIA), but the GIA certificate will indicate HPHT or CVD, and artificial diamonds are from Nature and structure are different from natural diamonds, so the general public thinks that natural diamonds can be regarded as real diamonds.

That's why Zuo Jiuning came up with this hypothesis.

However, these two mainstream methods can only produce colorless diamonds, yellow diamonds, brown diamonds, blue diamonds, green diamonds and orange diamonds, but not pink diamonds.

Yellow diamonds get their color from exposure to nitrogen over a century of formation; blue diamonds get their color from boron; purple diamonds get their color from hydrogen gas; and green diamonds get their color from radiation.

The reason for the color of pink diamonds is still in doubt. Scientific evidence shows that the color of natural pink diamonds is caused by distortion of the crystal lattice, so pink diamonds are one of the most difficult colored diamonds to artificially manufacture.

Irradiation technology has been used by people to make pink diamonds since the beginning of the 21st century, but because of its high cost and the continuous development of new technologies, mainstream artificial diamond manufacturers have almost stopped using it. This technology is used to make pink diamonds, and only a few research laboratories that conduct independent research, such as the branch family of Zuo Jiuning's original family, will study this technology.

The advantage of light penetration technology is that it can produce large pink diamonds.

However, no matter which method is used to artificially manufacture diamonds, there will basically be fine precipitation in the diamond, and the method of manufacturing pink diamonds is no exception.

However, this kind of fine precipitation is generally invisible to the naked eye...

"Just use a magnifying glass?" Sake suggested, "I remember when you mentioned precipitation... I saw this method of making pink diamonds with light penetration technology in a document in the 21st century. The document said that these sediments It can be seen under a high-power magnifying glass."

"Not bad, Sake. You can even find documents from 1000 years ago." Zuo Jiuning smiled and waved the glass in her hand towards Sake to show her respect. Of course, she knew that with the strength of Sake's family, she could find it, but she couldn't. It is not easy to find literature with such partial knowledge.

But how did the design team of such a remote knowledge game company know?This is a question worth investigating, Zuo Jiuning thought to himself.

"Very good, Sake, you finally provided some useful information." Drunken Mengsheng nodded, and then asked, "But, Sake, did you realize a problem?"

"what is the problem?"

The one who answered the sake was Zui Si Meng Sheng with a cold smirk: "Ask Von, you are not as good as him!"

Sake was puzzled: "Von?"

"I! We! No! Yes! Put it! Big! Mirror!" Von replied loudly and word for word. He realized the problem after Sake said that he needed to use a magnifying glass, but he didn't send it to the team channel but directly Tell Zui Si Meng Sheng.

"Well... then there's no way..." Sake said deflatedly.

Everyone was silent for a while, the lack of a magnifying glass was indeed a serious problem.

In the end, it was Bloodbone who broke the silence again: "Can we find something to replace the magnifying glass?"

The other four replied in seconds: "Go ahead, be more specific."

"Uh, it's just an idea..." Bloodbone awkwardly replied the same answer again.

People: "..."

To put it bluntly, the situation of the blood bone is to guess slowly and blindly without thinking, and the guess is right to the point. To put it bluntly, it is a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

Since he was really just guessing, he had no idea what to do next.

Last time Zuo Jiuning thought of the possibility of artificial diamonds from his thoughts, but this time Von had an idea: "Yes, how about pouring a big drop of water on the gem?"

"Brilliant, Von!" Drunk Mengsheng, who understood, applauded and praised, "You didn't study all these years for nothing!"

Zuo Jiuning also understood what Von meant, and nodded in agreement: "Well done! GoVon!"

"Von's thinking is really creative." Sake, who also understands, agrees.

"What?" Only the blood bones couldn't keep up with Von's jumping thinking.

"Hahaha, Bloodbone...I have a proposal..." Von laughed and looked at Bloodbone pretending to be mysterious, deliberately lengthening the tone to sway Bloodbone's appetite.

Bloodbone: "What proposal?"

"Return to the stove and practice again, dear! Hahahaha!" Zuo Jiuning took over the conversation tacitly, and while laughing, he unceremoniously sprinkled salt on the bloody wound.

"Hahaha, sister Dionysus, you are too direct!" Von laughed out of breath.

"Hey! You two!" Bloodbone protested.

Sake smoothed things over: "Drunk to death, it's not good to waste time..."

"Hahaha, forget it..." Drunk Death Mengsheng himself was also laughing, so he didn't stop Von and Zuo Jiuning, but said to Qingjiu, "Sake, although this elm head like blood bone probably won't be able to open it forever , but you should explain it to him."

Although Drunken Dreams' words speeded up the progress, it was still a venomous last shot, which made Von and Zuo Jiuning laugh even more happily.

Sake couldn't smooth things over, so he had to go down the steps given by Zui Si Meng Sheng to be in charge of explaining: "Blood bones, look, didn't the middle school textbooks mention it? A bottle of water in the sun may cause a fire?"

"It's mentioned." Bloodbone replied affirmatively, "Because a bottle of mineral water will have a converging effect on the sunlight at a certain angle... I know this, so what?"

"Hahaha!!!" Drunken and dreamy, Von and Zuo Jiuning laughed even harder.

"So...water droplets are like a bottle of water, they will converge light, just like a convex lens." It looks like a magnifying glass."

Blood Bone nodded to express his understanding, and then remembered that sake could not be seen, so he replied: "I understand."

"Then start the appraisal quickly! The task is mine, I want to see if there is any sediment in the gem!" Von volunteered excitedly.

"OK." Zui Si Meng Sheng nodded in agreement, "Then you do the appraisal! The rest will be handed over to you."

"Great!!!" Von replied very happily, "I love you to death, drunk to death! You are so kind!"


ps: I have to say first that the harmonious words for 47 and 48 are Yi/rong/mian/ju, which have been uploaded and revised a few days ago. I really don’t understand why this is a harmonious word...

Then about the specific operating principle of the method of artificially manufacturing diamonds, there is Wikipedia. I will not translate it because it is relatively long. If you are interested, Google "SyntheticDiamondWiki".

As for the irradiation technique, I don’t know how to translate it is the most appropriate, so I marked it in English. I didn’t find the specific operation principle of this method on the wiki, but there are still websites with English introductions, which are also too long to translate. If you are interested, please Google "Irradiations synthetic diamond" by yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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