Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 56 57 Special Tattoos

Chapter 56 Chapter 57 Special Tattoos

Jim Omar, who woke up now and uncuffed the handcuffs and ankles by himself, was in the hall, with his back facing the stairs, searching Ye Xi's body.

It's summer now, Ye Xi doesn't wear a lot of clothes, and doesn't carry a lot of items with her, so the search should be finished soon.

Although Jim Omar is unarmed, he has a sofa as a cover, a decoration as a prop, and Ye Xi as a meat shield, so he has an advantage in objective conditions, that is, the location.

The floor of the villa is a very ordinary solid wood floor. Although Zuo Jiuning has installed some equipment under the floors of each floor, there is no suction cotton or carpet under the floor of the hall on the first floor.

So Zuo Jiuning couldn't jump directly from the second floor, otherwise he would make a noise that would startle Jim Omar.

Zuo Jiuning can't go down the stairs either, because the stairs are also made of solid wood that doesn't absorb sound and creaks when he walks on them, which will also surprise Jim Omar.

As long as Jim Omar is surprised, and the distance between the two is not close, he is likely to throw the trinkets around him at Zuo Jiuning. Although Zuo Jiuning has the confidence to avoid it, it is not good.

But the anesthesia guns are all in the basement, and I am afraid that the bullets will remain with ordinary guns...

There's no way, Zuo Jiuning thought, fortunately she was prepared for this before she came out of the bedroom.

Zuo Jiuning put on the full-face gas mask that he had been hiding on his body, threw a tear gas bomb, and quickly jumped down from the second floor.

Considering that Ye Xi was next to Jim Omar, Zuijiu threw the tear gas bomb at the stairs on the first floor.

So Jim Omar first saw Zuo Jiuning rushing over wearing a gas mask, and then he saw the tear gas bomb, and immediately covered his mouth and nose with his left hand, cursing: "Cough, cough, cough...Fu/ck!..."

This is a reaction after a certain amount of training. Many military trainings train students to cover their mouths and noses with hands they are not accustomed to when there is poisonous gas, so that they can fight with the hand they are most accustomed to. Obviously, Jim Omar is right-handed.

Zuo Jiuning ignored the reaction of stepping on Jim Omar, but quickly rushed to Jim Omar's side, stabbing Jim Omar's left hand covering his mouth and nose with a knife in his left hand.

"Oh, fu/ck!" Jim Omar quickly tried to block the knife on Zuo Jiuning's left hand with his right hand.

Zuo Jiu was concentrating on this, and she saw that Jim Omar's attention was successfully attracted to the knife in her left hand, so she smiled and focused on the movement of her left hand with her eyes, and then looked at it in her mind based on what she had seen before. Seeing Jim Omar's body posture, guessing the opponent's current body posture, without looking at it, he used the needle in the palm of his right hand to pierce Jim Omar's naked/exposed skin.

"Ugh! You!" Jim Omar groaned under the unexpected attack, then realized what it was and lost consciousness, falling to the ground.

Zuo Jiuning first took out a gas mask and put it on Ye Xi who also fell on the ground, and then started to clean up the mess.


The so-called cleaning up the mess is to tie up Jim Omar in a simple way first, instead of using handcuffs or anklets with locks, because for those who can unlock, handcuffs and anklets with locks are easier to open.

The reason why Jim Omar was able to open the handcuffs and anklets that bound him before was because he could unlock the locks and these handcuffs and anklets worked by locking them.

After that, Zuo Jiuning turned on the high-intensity air filtration system to filter out the poisonous gas in the air.

Then Zuo Jiuning carried Ye Xi upstairs and put her on the bed in her room.

"It's done so quickly?" Aikewa, who was sitting at the desk, heard the voice, turned her head and saw Zuo Jiuning carrying the unconscious Ye Xi into the room, and asked with raised eyebrows.

"That's right, but the next part is the troublesome part..." Zuo Jiuning said, picked up his notebook and put it on the ground, then smiled and said to Aikewa, "You can help me restore the data first, dear~"

"OK." Aikova nodded.

After Zuo Jiuning saw that Aikewa continued to work hard to restore the data, he turned his gaze back to his notebook with satisfaction. On the notebook, there were multiple surveillance images of Jim Omar collapsed on the living room floor from multiple angles.

Zuo Jiuning tapped the keyboard, and used the mechanism to transfer Jim Omar to the underground secret room again.

Then hit the keyboard again to call up Jim Omar's EEG, confirming that he is in a coma.

So, Zuo Jiuning manipulated the mechanical arm with a notebook, handcuffed Jim Omar with the latest technology handcuffs and anklets, covered him with a black mask, and stripped off his clothes by the way.

Stripped off his clothes, one purpose is to search the body, and the other is to see what tattoos he has.

The search did not find anything, which was the expected result, because if there was something, the security system set by Zuo Jiuning would respond when he entered the 20-meter range around the villa.

There are tattoos, but they are tattoos that Zuo Jiuning has never seen before.

Why check tattoos?This is because tattoos often have some clues to the person's identity.

Tattoos generally identify two types of people: military personnel and gang members.

The tattoos of soldiers were used to identify soldiers in the early days. During the war, due to the incomplete body of casualties, the identity of soldiers can only be identified by tattoo marks on the body.

Many armies now have their own tattoos for identification. Of course, this is not a legal requirement but a spontaneous action of the soldiers.

So military tattoos are easily recognizable.

Not to mention the tattoos of gang members. The tattoos of different gangs cannot be the same, so it is easy to identify them.

But now, Zuo Jiuning saw Jim Omar's tattoo for the first time.

This tattoo of a lion and a leopard hunting a prey at the same time has many special sinuous and detailed textures.

Logically speaking, Zuo Jiuning has been in the gray area for so many years, and has seen the tattoos recorded in the databases of the intelligence agencies of many countries, but he has never seen anything like this.

Because Zuo Jiuning has an autobiographical memory, she can be sure that she has never seen it.

Maybe it's not a gang tattoo or an army tattoo, but just a regular tattoo?

No, this is impossible, Zuo Jiuning quickly dismissed this idea.

The technique of this tattoo is very high, and ordinary tattoo artists cannot achieve such a detailed texture, and this special texture cannot be achieved with ordinary equipment...

Also, tattoo artists with the equipment and skills to do so simply don't exist in the Middle East...

Who are you, Jim Omar?

(End of this chapter)

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