Gold Investor

Chapter 2 The Age of Capital

Chapter 2 The Age of Capital (1)
Yuan Ruilang took another cigarette and took a deep breath: "Investment has three criteria: the first is people, the second is people, and the third is people."Investing means investing in people and teams! He paused for a while, and then said: "In my eyes, there are three kinds of people who are the most worth investing in." 』

1 Three stages of entrepreneurs looking for investors

Yuan Ruilang is not an ordinary reader at the new book conference, Fang Yubin can't use diplomatic rhetoric to prevaricate.He walked quickly to the corridor and said in a low voice, "Mr. Yuan, Jinsheng's stock price has risen a bit strangely during this period."

Yuan Ruilang said: "I was on a business trip in Beijing today, and I met several friends from securities companies. They knew that Rongding had invested in Jinsheng Group, and they all talked to me about this stock. This kind of increase is simply inexplicable! You can go tonight Go to Jiangzhou and ask Hua Zixian face to face, what is he doing?!"

"I'll go to Jiangzhou in the afternoon." Fang Yubin promised, but he was complaining in his heart.Hua Zixian, chairman of Jinsheng Group, is a well-known rich man, and he has been friends with Ding Yifu, chairman of Rongding Capital for many years.Let alone a small character like me, even if Yuan Ruilang went in person, he might not find time to meet.It is easy to go to Jiangzhou, but there is no chance to ask Hua Zixian face to face.But what Yuan Ruilang told him, he knew it was impossible, so he had to go through it.

After leaving the hotel, Fang Yubin went straight to Hongqiao Railway Station.After boarding the high-speed rail train, he planned to take a nap during the journey.

Just squinting his eyes, the phone rang again.Fang Yubin took it out and saw that the calling number was unfamiliar. He hesitated for a few seconds before sliding the answer button: "Hi, hello! Who is it?"

The other end of the phone said, "Yu Bin, can't even hear my voice?"

The voice sounded familiar. Fang Yubin searched hard in his mind, and after a while he said, "You, what are you..."

"That's right." The other party said excitedly, "I am He Zhaowei. You finally remembered."

"Old classmate, it's you!" Fang Yubin said happily, "Didn't you stay in Chengdu all the time before? Why is your mobile phone number from Shanghai?"

He Zhaowei said: "I have been in Shanghai for more than half a year, and this is my new mobile phone number."

Fang Yubin asked: "Are you still angry if you haven't contacted me after coming to Shanghai for so long?"

"Am I such a stingy person?" He Zhaowei laughed. "After coming to Shanghai, I was too busy with work, and I didn't have time to contact my old classmates. Take it easy during this time, and I will think of you immediately."

He Zhaowei said: "I'm treating guests tonight, let's come out and get together!"

"I can't do it tonight." Fang Yubin said, "I'm on the train to Jiangzhou, and I'm going back to Shanghai tomorrow. Let's meet tomorrow night, how about it?"

He Zhaowei said: "Okay. Tomorrow night, see you soon."

As the train sped across the plains of the Yangtze River Delta, Fang Yubin's sleepiness eased a lot.He Zhaowei's familiar accent can always evoke fond memories of "Cha classmate boy".After all, they are old classmates, even if they have not been in touch for many years, they always have a sincere relationship with each other.

Both Fang Yubin and He Zhaowei are from a small county in Sichuan. They have been classmates for six years from junior high school to high school.He Zhaowei is the top student in his class, no matter what exam he has never dropped out of the top three.Fang Yubin's grades belonged to the upper-middle level. When he came to the examination room, he did not forget to ask He Zhaowei for help: "Move the paper to the side of the table and let me take a look."

During the college entrance examination, Fang Yubin's performance was fairly normal, and he was admitted to a comprehensive university in the provincial capital, majoring in economics and management.However, He Zhaowei stumbled and missed the mock exam by several points.Although he barely passed the score line of key undergraduate courses, he was still far from the prestigious university he had filled in.In the end, I was only admitted to an obscure general undergraduate college.

Because the university is not in the same city, the contact between the two gradually decreased.Fang Yubin only knew that He Zhaowei later went to work as an engineer in an electronics company.After graduating from university, he obeyed his parents' wishes and was admitted as a civil servant in his hometown.

After working as a township cadre for more than two years, Fang Yubin was seconded to the county party committee office and was responsible for writing speech materials for the leaders.During the year of temporary secondment, he tried his best and often worked overtime until late at night in order to catch up with materials.Fang Yubin's ability has also been unanimously recognized by the outside world. The leaders of the county party committee praised him as "a pen of the county party committee" at a meeting.

Just when Fang Yubin felt that he could definitely stay in the county party committee, the leader talked to him and told him to continue working in the township after the secondment period expired.Fang Yubin inquired around, only to find out that there was only one place in the county party committee, and he was squeezed out.The one who squeezed out Fang Yubin was the county magistrate's nephew.This person's establishment is also hung in the township, but he never goes to work, and has been running a hotel business in the county.

Fang Yubin did not return to the village, but chose to resign.The people around were very puzzled by this decision.But Fang Yubin told himself that this was definitely not a momentary impulse after being cut in line by a related household.He just didn't want to end up in a small county town, let alone struggle in a network of sophisticated relationships for the rest of his life.The world is so big, he wants to see it!

Fang Yubin came to Shanghai.He worked as a salesman and as an office director in a Taiwan-funded enterprise.Later, he joined an investment company founded by the second generation of Zhejiang merchants and became an investment manager.

Entering the investment industry is Fang Yubin's dream.He studied economics in college and always believed that the highest level of business is money making money!

However, the cruel reality poured several ladles of cold water on Fang Yubin.After entering the investment industry for two full years, his performance has not improved at all.He, who has no background, can't get a huge order from a state-owned enterprise.Fang Yubin's optimistic venture capital project was repeatedly rejected by the company's top management.The most depressing time was that he had to spend a lot of effort to persuade the leader to invest in a technology company. After half a year of investment, the company encountered a bottleneck.Fang Yubin originally thought that this was not a big problem, as long as he firmly supported the enterprise, it would surely make a difference.But the leader disagreed with the additional investment, and even sneered at his judgment.

After working hard in Shanghai for a long time, Fang Yubin has entered his thirties, and his old dreams have been shattered.He was even a little confused, is it doomed to accomplish nothing in this life?The splendor and prosperity of Shanghai Beach really doesn't belong to me?

Fortunately, at this time, he met Yuan Ruilang!

Yuan Ruilang, the general manager of Rongding Capital Shanghai Company, took the initiative to extend an olive branch and invited Fang Yubin to join the company.Yuan Ruilang said that he felt Fang Yubin's vision and talent from the operation of several projects.Don't waste your youth in a small company, come to Rongding!

Fang Yubin could hardly believe that such an unknown person like him could enter Yuan Ruilang's field of vision.Anyone who has been in the investment circle has heard of the name of Rongding Capital.It is one of the top investment companies in China, with nearly 500 billion yuan under management.Compared with the small investment company Fang Yubin worked for before, Rongding is definitely a colossus.

Facing Yuan Ruilang's kindness, Fang Yubin chose to defect without hesitation.Soon, he repaid Yuan Ruilang's trust with his performance.The several projects he managed brought huge profits to Rongding.The outside world was very surprised. They didn't expect Fang Yubin, who was doing nothing in a small company, to come to Rongding and turn into a phoenix?
Fang Yubin knew in his heart that he was not a black-bone chicken, but he had never met a Bole like Yuan Ruilang!

Shortly after joining Rhodium Capital, He Zhaowei took the initiative to contact Shang Yubin.He Zhaowei said that he planned to quit his job and start a business. Since his old classmate had a high job in an investment company and was close to the water, he quickly got a venture capital investment as the company's start-up capital.

He Zhaowei, who wears glasses with profound myopia, is dancing around when talking about the software he designed.Fang Yubin expressed helplessly that large investment companies like Rongding Capital would not be interested in small projects worth several million.He also suggested He Zhaowei to try out an angel investment fund.

Three years passed in a flash, and He Zhaowei also came to Shanghai unexpectedly.This old classmate who was full of ambition at the beginning, I don't know how he has achieved on the road to entrepreneurship?
The trip to Jiangzhou did not exceed Fang Yubin's expectations. Hua Zixian said that he wanted to accompany the provincial leaders for dinner, but he couldn't spare time, so he only sent a department manager out.Fang Yubin asked about the abnormal fluctuation of the stock price, and the other party spread his hands together: "We don't know either. Probably the market has confidence in the development of the company!" Fang Yubin continued to ask a few words, and the other party said perfunctorily: "Why are you nervous about the stock price rising? Do you feel at ease after a big drop?"

This trip was a waste of time!Fortunately, Fang Yubin was mentally prepared, stayed in the hotel for one night, and returned home the next day.

After returning to Shanghai, Fang Yubin went to the office to process some documents.At around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, He Zhaowei received a call: "Did you forget the party tonight?"

"I will never forget it." Fang Yubin said happily.

He Zhaowei asked, "Where are you now?"

Fang Yubin said: "I'm in the company, right in Lujiazui. There's a nice Sichuan restaurant here, let's go there tonight."

He Zhaowei said, "I'm in Zhangjiang Science and Technology Park, not too far away. I'll drive over to pick you up."

Fang Yubin said worriedly: "You have been in Shanghai not long ago, are you familiar with the road?"

"What an era!" He Zhaowei said disdainfully, "Even if I don't know the way, isn't there navigation in the car?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Fang Yubin said.

He Zhaowei said again: "Are you married? Remember to bring your wife or girlfriend with you."

"I have a girlfriend, but it's a pity that I'm on a business trip today." Fang Yubin didn't want to lie in front of his old classmates, but he was just his girlfriend, and it was really not suitable for her to show up in public.Fang Yubin's girlfriend is Qi Yu, who works in the financial department of Rongding Capital Shanghai Company.Ordinarily, there is nothing shy about marrying a male college and a female college, but Rhodium Capital has a conservative attitude towards office romances. Usually, as long as the relationship is made public, one of them has to leave the company.

At around 6 o'clock, He Zhaowei drove downstairs.Fang Yubin saw that it was an Audi Q5 with a Chengdu license plate.He opened the car door and sat down on the co-pilot seat: "I said you were so kind and came to pick me up. Dare to buy four laps, and come to show off in a hurry!"

He Zhaowei said with a smile: "What's there to show off? The entry-level version of Q5, caught up with 4S stores to hold activities, is only more than 30 yuan in total, and it's not a luxury car."

"The tone of the rich is strong!" Fang Yubin said, "Now, I'm still driving a Sagitar worth more than [-] yuan."

He Zhaowei said: "You are a filial son, and after earning money, you first think about buying a house for your parents. We all have to learn from you!"

"How do you know?" Fang Yubin didn't earn much at all in the first few years when he came to Shanghai.After joining Rhodium, the economic situation gradually improved. Last year, he became the deputy director of investment, and his annual salary was finally 40 yuan.When I went home during the Spring Festival, I hurriedly bought a house for my parents. I spent 60 to [-] yuan on decoration, and all my savings for many years were thrown into it.He was very surprised, how could He Zhaowei know these things?

He Zhaowei said: "My hometown in the county is only a little big, and you gave birth to such a good son. Why don't your parents go all over the world to praise him!"

Fang Yubin turned his head and saw two people sitting in the back row.He Zhaowei quickly introduced: "This is my wife and child. I originally thought that you would bring your girlfriend out so that the two families could have a good reunion."

"This family of three is so happy!" Fang Yubin sighed thinking that he had been wandering for many years and hadn't gotten married yet.

"It's a family of four." He Zhaowei corrected, "You didn't realize that my wife is pregnant again."

Fang Yubin gave a thumbs up: "You were a top student when you were studying, and you are so good at giving birth now."

When he came to the restaurant, He Zhaowei took out a newspaper and said, "It's amazing! After reading the news, I realized that you are not only an executive in an investment company, but also a writer. The news of the new book launch was published in the newspaper. gone."

Fang Yubin said: "Correct your two concepts. First, the general manager and vice president are considered executives, and a deputy director is a middle-level manager. Second, I am not a writer. The so-called writer is someone who can I support my family by writing. If I write a book in my spare time, I can only be called a writing enthusiast.”

He Zhaowei was amused: "Well, when you were studying, you were eloquent, as if your mouth was oiled. But seriously, writing a book can make you a lot of money, right?"

Fang Yubin shook his head: "I don't talk nonsense in front of my old classmates. Books like this kind of professional books have a limited audience, they can't become bestsellers, and it's no use trying to make a lot of money." Fang Yubin licked the melon seeds on the table: "I said you This man, why does he mean money when he speaks, isn't he vulgar?"

He Zhaowei smiled wryly and said: "In the past few years since I started my business, I have been thinking about money every day. As time goes by, it is inevitable that I will lose money."

Fang Yubin asked: "The Q5s of the four circles have all been bought home, have you distributed them in the past few years?"

He Zhaowei took advantage of the opportunity to chat about his entrepreneurial experience.After resigning, he started an Internet company.There are only three people in the company. I am the CEO, CTO and marketing director, and I am also a hard-working programmer and salesman. My wife is the chief financial officer, accountant, and cashier. All work done.

The business was bleak at the beginning, but last year, relying on a software developed by itself, it made millions.He Zhaowei developed another mobile social software non-stop. He is very confident in this software. In order to expand the national market, he moved the company to Shanghai.In the past six months, he led more than [-] employees to test new software day and night.Today, the product has been officially launched, and the market response is very good.

Fang Yubin was delighted with He Zhaowei's achievements. He joked, "No wonder you are not angry with me. It turned out that you didn't need other people's investment to start your business."

"At the beginning, I was really angry for a while. But later I realized that I didn't understand the rules of the investment circle at all." He Zhaowei said, "Entrepreneurs generally have three stages in finding investors. The first stage is Angel investors, angel investors are usually friends, relatives or business partners of entrepreneurs. Because they have no doubts about the abilities and ideas of entrepreneurs, they are willing to invest money before the prospects of the company are clear. A typical angel investment is less The second stage is venture capital, which is often called VC. The operation mode of VC is to invest capital in the research and development of high-tech and its products that contain the risk of failure. It is commercialized and industrialized as soon as possible. When the value of the invested company increases, VC will withdraw capital through various equity transfer methods to achieve value-added; the third stage is equity investors, so-called PE. PE raises funds through private placement. Usually invest in non-listed companies and promote the growth of the value of non-listed companies, and finally sell shares to cash out through listing, mergers and acquisitions, management buybacks, etc. "

He Zhaowei continued: "It's like investing in a student. PE focuses on college students, VC favors middle school students, and angel investors cultivate elementary school students at the budding stage. Your company, Rhodium Capital, is a well-known big PE in the industry. At that time, I In this case, I’m afraid they can only be counted as preschool children, and there is naturally no possibility of cooperation between the two parties.”

"Not bad!" Fang Yubin said, "I haven't seen you for a few years, you not only sold the software well, but also figured out the way to invest."

Fang Yubin went on to say: "The topic of investment is very hot nowadays, but many entrepreneurs do not understand the three stages of start-up financing. As a result, they go to the wrong person at the wrong time, not only cannot solve the funding problem, but also make a joke."

"Are you mocking me?" He Zhaowei said.

"Don't dare." Fang Yubin waved his hands and smiled, "You have already started your own company and become the boss, just don't make fun of us wage earners."

He Zhaowei picked up the wine glass: "Let's talk nonsense! The old classmates met, and I haven't had three glasses of wine yet."

While drinking, the two chatted about their current situation and the friendship between classmates. More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.He Zhaowei said to his wife: "There is a children's play area at the entrance of the restaurant, you take your son there to play for a while."

After his wife and children left, He Zhaowei took out a cigarette, handed it to Fang Yubin, and quickly lit it himself: "For the sake of the next generation, I dare not let my wife smoke second-hand smoke."

(End of this chapter)

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