Gold Investor

Chapter 30 Getting Into the Film and Television Circle

Chapter 30 Getting Into the Film and Television Circle (7)
Fang Yubin said: "In the cyberspace, there is no problem of the screening rate of theaters. All kinds of TV dramas are basically on the same starting line in the competition. From the analysis of click-through rate, domestic dramas are better than American dramas. Even though there are many American drama fans around us, in fact More people are domestic drama fans. I think the key point for a drama to become a drama is that it attracts the largest common divisor crowd in this society, which reflects the acceptance level of most audiences. Perhaps Chinese audiences like to make dramas The characters in the drama are divided into simple good guys and bad guys, instead of portraying complex human nature like American dramas; Chinese audiences like the rhythm of soap operas, and don’t like American dramas that use their eyes and brains to think at the same time.”

After pondering for a while, Yuan Ruilang said: "Although Yubin's words are only the words of a family, they are indeed very profound. In the past, we only said that China could not make Hollywood blockbusters, but ignored the other side. Even if good movies are made, audiences really like them." ?"

When it comes to movies, everyone's chatterbox seems to be completely opened.Chu Man asked, "Is it because the Chinese people have money that the film market has exploded in recent years?"

Yuan Ruilang shook his head: "My feeling is just the opposite. The film market is booming because the Chinese economy is facing huge downward pressure."

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Yuan Ruilang explained: "When the American economy is booming, Hollywood is not doing well. Whenever the economic crisis comes, Hollywood's box office will increase significantly. It's very simple. When the economy is bad, the money is getting worse. Earning money, everyone is tense, and the entertainment industry is needed to relax."

Zhao Xiaoyu said: "Hearing what you said, I figured out another point. Why comedy movies have sprung up in recent years. It turns out that this is what is just needed!"

"That's really the case." Fang Yubin said, "Among domestic directors, I admire Feng Xiaogang more. His "Tangshan Earthquake" and "1942" are supposed to be excellent works. In my opinion, the latter has higher artistic value. .But the former one was a big hit, but the latter one suffered from Waterloo, and I have never been able to figure out the reason."

Fang Yubin went on to say: "After listening to Mr. Yuan's analysis, I immediately understood. When "Tangshan Earthquake" was released in 2010, it was the era when China's economy was booming, and people could still bear some tragedies. When "1942" was released in 2012 In [-], the downward trend of the economy has been revealed, and people don't want to come to the theater to feel sad."

"Yubin likes Feng Xiaogang's movies, but I admire Xiaoyu's works." Yuan Ruilang said with a smile, "A few days ago, Haochen Film and Television cast a movie, and Xiaoyu directed it himself. Go into battle and play the second female lead in the play."

Yuan Ruilang went on to say: "This film can only be considered a low-cost production, and the budget is not large. I didn't expect that something happened to Mr. Hua, Jinsheng Group's capital chain was broken, and the promised investment could not be in place. Xiaoyu's side is a tricky woman." There is nothing left to eat. Seeing that the filming work is drawing to a close, it has to be stopped, and the actors' salaries and even the venue fees are in arrears."

When talking about this matter, Zhao Xiaoyu's handsome face was full of sadness, and the cigarettes in his hand were one after another.Chu Man reached out to snuff out Zhao Xiaoyu's cigarette, and gave him a look: "You've been coughing, why are you still smoking so much?"

Yuan Ruilang's addiction to cigarettes is not small, he smoked leisurely: "It's good for Miss Chu to care about Xiaoyu's body, but for a person like him, how can he get artistic inspiration if he doesn't smoke?"

Chu Man smiled and said, "Well, for his inspiration, I am willing to smoke your second-hand smoke."

Fang Yubin said: "It is indeed troublesome to stop the movie halfway through filming. What does Mr. Yuan mean?"

Yuan Ruilang shook the cigarette ash: "I've read their script, and I've watched some of the previous clips. I'm very interested in this movie. Xiaoyu is short of money, and I'm an investor. Didn't the two hit it off right away? I intend to make this film my first project after joining the new company.”

"That's a good thing." Fang Yubin said, "Jin Sheng has no money to invest in Haochen now. If you are willing to lend a helping hand, it will be like sending charcoal in a timely manner."

Yuan Ruilang shook his head: "I'm investing, not charity. Every penny invested must be considered in return. Now Haochen's major shareholder is Jinsheng. If I invest in, how will the equity be calculated? The final How will the income be divided?"

Fang Yubin thought for a while and said, "You mean to change Haochen's shareholding structure through this round of investment, and you want to be the major shareholder?"

"No!" Yuan Ruilang said categorically, "My purpose is to complete all my merits in one battle, so that Jinsheng's equity will be withdrawn from Haochen, and the fund led by me will invest in this film."

Fang Yubin shook his head subconsciously: "I'm afraid it won't work. Everything has to be said on a first-come, first-served basis. Now it's not easy to ask Jinsheng's equity to withdraw." He stared at Chu Man again: "You are the young lady of the Hua family, you Tell me, will you agree to Mr. Yuan's plan?"

"Stop teasing me. Is it that important whether I agree or not?" Chu Man sat up straight, resting her chin with both hands, "I can't be the head of the Hua family. My mother-in-law and my husband are the ones in charge now. Besides, Hua Can the family be the master of Jinsheng? Who doesn't know that Jianghua Group and you Rongding have the final say on Jinsheng's big and small matters now."

Chu Man sighed: "It's really regrettable to come to this point. With Jinsheng's current situation, it is impossible to invest any more money in Haochen. Without money, the film cannot be made, and even the money Jinsheng invested before is not worth it." Asking Jinsheng to withdraw his shares seems a bit unfeeling, but it may be an acceptable ending for everyone."

Yuan Ruilang added: "If the situation continues to be stalemate, Jinsheng will not be able to get back any of the money invested in the past few years. This is a hard loss. If it is to withdraw the equity, many things can be discussed. For example, I can sell Jinsheng The money invested in the year will be returned intact, even if the interest is calculated according to the bank interest rate, it is not impossible to consider. After this circle, Jinsheng actually did not lose money. "

Yuan Ruilang also said: "Even if this movie can make money in the future, Jin Sheng has no strength to make this money, and even Xiaoyu suffers accordingly. If this is the case, why is it still in the middle? Jin Sheng quit without loss, Wouldn't it be nice to let capable people continue the game!"

Watching Yuan Ruilang and Chu Man sing together, Fang Yubin felt that their words were not completely unreasonable, but as Chu Man, they would give people the feeling of being overwhelmed.Fang Yubin knew better that for today's meal, he probably planned to drag him through the meal.

Fang Yubin was silent for a while, and said: "Jinsheng did not transfer the investment funds to Haochen Film and Television on time as agreed in the contract. The equity in hand."

Yuan Ruilang smiled: "I've seen the original investment contract, and it was written in black and white that if any dispute arises, you can only go to the Jiangzhou court to file a lawsuit. Everyone knows Jinsheng's current situation. In order to keep Jinsheng, Jiangzhou City The government spent a lot of money, and even assigned state-owned enterprises to inject capital. If you come to Jiangzhou to file a lawsuit against Jinsheng, wouldn’t it be a lawsuit with the Jiangzhou government? What are the chances of winning?”

Yuan Ruilang went on to say: "Even if the court wins the case fairly and wins the case in the end, it will take two to three years for a lawsuit like this from the first instance to the second instance. Who will make up for the lost time cost? If new funds are injected, the film Shooting can be restarted immediately. But it will take two or three years, and the day lily is cold."

After a pause, Yuan Ruilang emphasized his tone: "I also thought about coming directly to Jinsheng to negotiate and buy the equity in your hands. But Yubin, I still remember the past when we slapped Ye Yunlai hard. No one asks about it on the side of the road, so it is naturally worthless, but when the buyer comes to the door, the seller immediately raises his tail. Ding Yifu and Shen Ruping are veterans in shopping malls, don't expect them to be soft!"

Fang Yubin understood the other party's plan, but he still asked knowingly: "If you don't come to discuss the acquisition, and don't settle it through legal channels, what should you do?"

Yuan Ruilang said: "That's why people from Haochen came to collect debts, and even asked the media to follow up and report. I know that Jinsheng can't stand it now, and I'm even more afraid of getting negative news. If we make trouble, Ding Yifu and Shen Ruping will not sit still. At that time, let them come to talk to Haochen. In this way, we will take the initiative, and it is possible to force them to submit."

Yuan Ruilang continued: "In the beginning, Xiaoyu was asked to negotiate with them, and the condition was to repurchase the shares at the original price. After Jinsheng agreed to let Zhao Xiaoyu repurchase the shares and Haochen became independent, I signed a new investment agreement with Haochen, and everything will come naturally. Yubin, now you are the plenipotentiary representative of Rongding stationed in Jinsheng, as long as you turn a blind eye and close your eyes, you will be on the negotiating table in the future, and then work on both ends of the needle, and we will get twice the result with half the effort."

Fang Yubin didn't nod, didn't shake his head, he just laughed and said, "Dare to let me be your internal response!"

Chu Man chuckled: "What internal response? It's too ugly! I think it's called cooperation."

Fang Yubin asked again: "Director Zhao, what do you think about this matter? Also, what story is your new movie about?"

Zhao Xiaoyu said calmly: "The share repurchase you are talking about is too advanced for me. I really don't understand these financial skills. My point of view is very clear, that is, I hope that money will continue to invest in it, so that I can invest in the film. The filming is over. I only take the director's salary and am not interested in other things."

Next, when he talked about his own movie, Zhao Xiaoyu became excited. From the storyline, the characters to the shooting ideas, he talked for nearly an hour...

(End of this chapter)

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