Gold Investor

Chapter 46 Encountering the Oil Gang

Chapter 46 Encountering the Oil Gang (4)
Mr. An drank a lot, and he staggered a little when he walked.He put his hands on Ren Xiaojun's shoulders and said, "Xiaojun, is it fun to be a big brother this time?"

Ren Xiaojun supported Mr. An, and said gratefully: "Brother, when is he not mean to us little brothers!"

"It's good to know." Mr. An patted Ren Xiaojun heavily.

After stepping out of the hotel gate, Mr. An held Fang Yubin's hand again: "Brother, although it's the first time we met, we hit it off very well. If you need Big Brother in the future, just open your mouth."

Fang Yubin clasped his hands tightly: "Thank you for your care."

Mr. An also said: "The last time Xiaojunzi was the host, I couldn't come because I had something to do. Today I treat guests, and Mr. Ding is on a business trip again. It's a pity that I missed it twice."

Fang Yubin said: "Mr. Ding said that he has been friends with Mr. An for a long time, and he is very sorry for a temporary business trip today. He said that after returning to Beijing, he will hold a banquet to invite Mr. An to get together. I must invite you to honor him then."

"Okay!" Mr. An readily agreed.

After seeing off Mr. An, Fang Yubin got into Ren Xiaojun's BMW.Ren Xiaojun's face was flushed, not only because of drinking, but also because he was in a good mood, he patted Fang Yubin's arm: "The last time Boss An didn't come, I felt a bit cold, unexpectedly, just the day before yesterday, he took the initiative to call and said that he would like to invite me and When Mr. Ding ate, I was stunned."

Ren Xiaojun asked again: "How did Mr. An change his mind?"

Fang Yubin replied: "Mr. Ding didn't want to disturb too many people at the beginning, so he asked Mr. An in private to resolve this matter, and everyone was happy. But you know what happened last time, and Mr. An refused to reward him. After returning, Ding Mr. Zong told me that since we couldn’t get through the back door, we had to jump through the dragon’s gate. Mr. Ding went to find a leader, and the leader called Mr. An on the spot.”

Ren Xiaojun gave a thumbs up: "Boss Ding still has a lot of face!" Then he asked with a smile: "Boss Ding didn't go on a business trip today, did he?"

Fang Yubin also smiled: "It's impolite to come and not to go. He missed an appointment once, and Mr. Ding didn't come immediately. Didn't I say that? Another day, Mr. Ding will hold a special banquet to invite Mr. An, and you will also be invited by then." Come on."

"Definitely, definitely." Ren Xiaojun let out a hearty laugh.

Fang Yubin asked: "Are you satisfied with Mr. An's statement today?"

"It's not just satisfaction, it's a surprise!" Ren Xiaojun was so happy that he was about to jump up from his seat, "He not only promised to move the release time of Hollywood blockbusters back to give up the golden May Day schedule, but also promised to coordinate theaters and guarantee the release of our new films. The rate of filming is high. I have been in the industry for so long, but this is the first time I see Mr. An so cheerful."

Fang Yubin was a little puzzled: "Based on your face, you still can't coordinate the relationship between the theaters. Do you have to ask Mr. An to do it yourself?"

Ren Xiaojun shook his head: "It's no problem for me to win most of the theaters, but there are a few, I really dare not guarantee it, especially the one or two big theaters, which are invested by film companies. That is to say , the film company not only invests in film production and distribution, but also owns theater chain resources, achieving the integration of production, distribution, and screening. The popular saying is the whole industry chain thinking, which is essentially an industry monopoly. In these theaters line, of course they will give priority to films made by their own company. Regardless of how you buy box office and rebates, they may not accept the offer."

Ren Xiaojun sighed: "This kind of monopoly in the film market has long been banned abroad. In the 20s, Paramount Pictures in the United States was targeted by the government's anti-monopoly department because it was too powerful. In 20 , the Federal Court issued the Paramount Jurisdiction, prohibiting major Hollywood companies from vertically operating production, distribution and theater business. But in China, such one-stop giants covering the entire industry have formed one after another. Alas, business is not easy!"

Fang Yubin asked again: "Brother An stepped forward, can these theaters be settled?"

"Of course." Ren Xiaojun said, "These theaters may not give me face, but they dare not offend Mr. An. Mr. An has imported blockbusters in his hands. If anyone is disobedient, he will just pick the time when your new film is released and throw out Hollywood blockbusters." , see if you accept it or not!"

With everything in place, and borrowing Dongfeng from Mr. An, Fang Yubin became more and more confident about the new film.For several days in a row, he sat in the film and television company, doing the final sprint work for the film to be released.One morning, Fang Yubin, who was busy in the office, suddenly received a call from Ren Xiaojun, and the other party's tone was sharp: "An hour ago, someone posted an open letter on the Internet, which was written to Haochen Film and Television. Did you see it?"

"Open letter?" Fang Yubin was at a loss, "Who sent it? What was it written in?"

"I'll forward it right away, you can take a look." Ren Xiaojun said.

The open letter was written by a writer to Haochen Film and Television.The letter stated that the film and television company's new film was adapted from his original work, but judging from the plot revealed so far, his original work has been completely changed.What is even more intolerable is that he himself did not grant the relevant organizations the right to adapt the original work at all.Further legal action against such infringement cannot be excluded.

After reading the open letter, Fang Yubin immediately dialed Yuan Ruilang's phone number: "Mr. Yuan, didn't you plan this?" In order to create momentum for the new film, Yuan Ruilang found a lot of drummers on the Internet.In view of the characteristics of new media, Yuan Ruilang even asked someone to write a few "negative comments".The so-called "negative" is of course a small curse but a big help, and the entry point chosen is very topical.Soon, public opinion was divided into pros and cons, arguing endlessly over these issues.The more the two sides quarreled, the more the film became popular before it was broadcast.Fang Yubin was a little uncertain, whether this open letter was also a hype stunt?
After Yuan Ruilang read the open letter, he quickly replied: "I didn't plan this thing. The open letter was not only posted on the forum, but also reposted on the author's Weibo. Judging from the click-through rate of the forum and the number of reposts on Weibo, there is a lot behind it." There's a group of sailors pushing the envelope."

Fang Yubin asked again: "Could it be that the people in Huoshi Technology made this thing on their own?"

"Absolutely not." Yuan Ruilang said categorically, "Those controversial articles that were published before are good for a small amount of scolding and a big help! How to get the medium scale right is a technical job. I have said hello. The article must be sent to me for reading. I have never read this open letter, so it was definitely not sent by someone below."

"Since it wasn't sent by you, there must be someone playing tricks." Fang Yubin said, "I also asked Zhao Xiaoyu, and he said that this movie is indeed based on the author's original book. Zhao Xiaoyu had talked with him and signed it. An agreement. However, the contract is too crudely written, and there are many ambiguities in it, which are easy to be exploited."

Yuan Ruilang said: "I have to contact the writer himself to find out what he means."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yubin immediately arranged for someone in the company to contact the writer.At noon, a subordinate came to report that the writer lives in Hangzhou, but his mobile phone has been turned off.Fang Yubin stomped his feet anxiously, telling his subordinates to continue searching.It wasn't until evening that I finally got in touch. It turned out that the writer's daughter immigrated to Japan, and he went abroad to see her two days ago.Thanks to an employee who has learned Japanese in Haochen Film and Television, he made an international call to the company where the writer's daughter works, and then asked for her home phone number.

Fang Yubin said a good word and invited the writer to return to China for an interview, but the other party flatly refused.In desperation, Fang Yubin resorted to an offensive of gold and dollars, saying that as long as he was willing to come back, the company would cover the round-trip first-class air ticket, and for this trip alone, he would have to pay the other party 1 yuan in lost wages.As for the copyright matter, Fang Yubin patted his chest and assured that everything was negotiable.But even so, the writer still finds various reasons to decline.

After thinking about it for a while, this matter gradually became clear in Fang Yubin's mind.He called Ren Xiaojun again: "Mr. Ren, this writer doesn't take hard things."

"The matter is already very clear." Fang Yubin continued, "He just made trouble on purpose. If it's for money, everyone can talk about it. He doesn't even want to talk about it, which means he has already taken money from other people."

After pondering for a while, Ren Xiaojun said, "According to my judgment, your feeling should be more or less the same." "Who is it?" Fang Yubin frowned.

Ren Xiaojun said: "Remember I mentioned to you that there is a movie that will be released in time for May Day?"

"Remember." Fang Yubin nodded.

Ren Xiaojun's face was gloomy: "I went to them at the beginning, hoping to coordinate the schedule, but they didn't give me any face. Later, I persuaded myself that competition is inevitable in the market economy, so let the quality of each film speak for itself and make the decision. The power is left to the audience. Unexpectedly, these bastards don’t follow the rules at all, and just do some backstabbing work.”

Fang Yubin's brows furrowed tighter and tighter: "He's a bastard who is determined to eat weights, what should we do?"

Ren Xiaojun thought for a while and said, "You don't have to deal with that writer anymore. I'll go to Mr. An to find a way. His old man has a lot of face, and his words are still useful."

A day later, good news came from Ren Xiaojun.Mr. An personally called the person in charge of the film and television company, and without further ado, the other party agreed to do the coordination work and asked the writer to withdraw the open letter.Mr. An also greeted the reporters who went to the entertainment outlet. Regarding the copyright dispute, the reporter friends pretended not to know, and stopped reporting the hype.

"In this circle, Mr. An's speech has weight." Fang Yubin sighed.

"Of course." Ren Xiaojun said, "From the previous schedule arrangement to this matter, Mr. An has given us great face. By the way, he also mentioned a small matter by the way."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yubin asked.

Ren Xiaojun said: "One of Mr. An's friends used to be an actor, but now he wants to transform into a director. The few films he directed in recent years have not been successful. Mr. An thinks that the quality of the new film is good, so he wants this friend to sign with Zhao Xiaoyu."

"It should be fine." Fang Yubin said.

"Don't do it." Ren Xiaojun was a little anxious, "This matter is sure to be sure. Mr. An has helped a lot. It's just such a small request, we have to satisfy him."

Fang Yubin held his chin: "I'll tell Zhao Xiaoyu later."

5 Only when you become a more powerful person will you have the opportunity to obtain more fairness

Fang Yubin naturally did not dare to be sloppy with what Mr. An explained.After thinking about it, he didn't bring Zhao Xiaoyu to the office, but invited him to a small restaurant.

With a little wine, Fang Yubin chatted about the progress of the film during this period, and learned that Ren Xiaojun personally handled the distribution work, and Mr. An also agreed to give the green light for the new film, Zhao Xiaoyu seemed elated.

Putting down his chopsticks, Fang Yubin said, "I have something else to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

When Fang Yubin said the director's co-signature, the smile on Zhao Xiaoyu's face disappeared suddenly, and turned into a kind of anger: "This film has condensed so much effort, she is like my child. I can't let my child , recognize an inexplicable person as a parent."

"Don't get excited." Fang Yubin said, "I completely understand your feelings. However, in the face of reality, we have to compromise, and there is no way!"

Zhao Xiaoyu patted the table angrily: "Aren't I compromising enough? You said you wanted to change the script, and I agreed; you said you wanted to make 3D bullshit, and I did it out of conscience. But you guys are pushing an inch. "

"Although it is a joint signature, you will definitely be in the front row." Fang Yubin spread his hands, "This not only gives Mr. An face, but also protects your interests. There is only so much I can do. This new film is You Zhao Xiaoyu's hard work, but in order to make this hard work pay off, you can't do without the help of Mr. An."

Zhao Xiaoyu sneered: "Do you think I should thank you?"

Fang Yubin shook his head: "I don't have such extravagant expectations. I can't be as good as I want, but please be worthy of my heart."

Zhao Xiaoyu stood up: "If you insist on doing this, I will hold a press conference to make public all your dirty deeds under the table. As I said, this movie is like my child. You should also understand, parents For my own children, I will do whatever it takes." After leaving these words, Zhao Xiaoyu walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

Fang Yubin looked at the table full of food and wine, and smiled helplessly.Of course he could understand Zhao Xiaoyu's resentment at the moment.After all, both of them come from ordinary families, without a prominent family background, without a powerful father, but they are equally talented and full of ambitions.They can only rely on their own hard work to climb up with difficulty; they don't want to bully the weak, but they are always afraid of being bullied; what they desire most is a fairness, so that their efforts can get what they deserve.

However, how could the world be fair to them?

After experiencing many things, Fang Yubin gradually realized that fairness is by no means a reward from others, but must be striven for by himself.How fair is the former self in front of Yuan Ruilang and Yan Fei?Do Yuan Ruilang and Yan Fei dare to demand fairness when facing Ding Yifu and Fei Yunpeng?Only when you become a more powerful person will you have the opportunity to obtain more fairness.Therefore, on the road of fighting for fairness, we are doomed to endure injustice again and again!
Isn't the reason why Mr. An dared to ask for his signature blatantly because he bullied Zhao Xiaoyu for not being famous?One day, when you become a big director like Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, even if you are like Mr. An, you will not think anything wrong.

The paradox or cruelty of fate is that it will bring two equally talented and hard-working people to a life-and-death collision.For example, today, Zhao Xiaoyu's persistence has pushed Fang Yubin into a corner.They are both fallen people in the world, but why is it too urgent to confront each other?
After putting out the cigarette butt, Fang Yubin called softly: "Boss, pay the bill."

In the next few days, Fang Yubin kept trying to talk to Zhao Xiaoyu again, but the other party avoided seeing him and even turned off his phone.Ren Xiaojun calls several times a day to ask if the co-signature matter has been coordinated.Fang Yubin was prevaricating while stomping his feet anxiously.

It was not until the third night that Fang Yubin finally got a call from Zhao Xiaoyu.As soon as he saw the number of the call, Fang Yubin answered it quickly, but it was not Zhao Xiaoyu's voice on the other end of the phone.A young man said timidly, "Is this Mr. Fang?"

"Who are you? How do you use Zhao Xiaoyu's cell phone?" Fang Yubin asked.

The other party faltered and said: "I am Zhao Xiaoyu's friend. We were playing together in a bar. I had a conflict with a group of people on the way and was taken to the police station. I asked Zhao Xiaoyu to call for help, but he refused, so I had to call for you."

"Which police station are you at?" Yu privately said that although Fang Yubin and Zhao Xiaoyu were having an awkward dispute, they were still sympathetic to each other; Yu Gong said that the director of a new movie that is about to be released must not be involved in these matters.Rescuing Zhao Xiaoyu was naturally his top priority.

After putting down the phone, Fang Yubin hurriedly asked for help, but with little success.Rongding Shanghai Company is controlled by Yan Fei, so of course he can't tell the other party about this kind of thing.Even though Ding Yifu from Beijing has great powers, he should not let his boss wipe his ass for his dereliction of duty unless it is absolutely necessary.Finally, Fang Yubin found Su Jin.Su Jin has a lot of connections in Jiangzhou. I wonder if he can contact his acquaintances in Shanghai through the Jiangzhou police?
It worked.Su Jin approached the secretary of the Jiangzhou Municipal Law Committee, and the secretary personally asked a friend in Shanghai to entrust him.At three o'clock in the morning, Fang Yubin finally met Zhao Xiaoyu at the gate of the police station.

Zhao Xiaoyu was disheveled, and when he saw Fang Yubin and Su Jin, he said with shame, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Fang Yubin has learned what happened from the director of the police station.Zhao Xiaoyu and a group of friends were in a bar, and because of a trivial matter, they had a big fight with the person at the next table.The bar owner also said that Zhao Xiaoyu would come to the bar every day these days and get very drunk.

"There's no need to be polite between us. Let the matter pass. The company pays for the medical expenses, and the person who was beaten promises not to speak up again." Looking at Zhao Xiaoyu's appearance, Fang Yubin also felt a little guilty in his heart.The turmoil in signing the film may be the reason why Zhao Xiaoyu used alcohol to soothe his sorrows and anesthetize himself.

"Thank you!" Zhao Xiaoyu repeated repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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