Gold Investor

Chapter 9 The richest man lost contact

Chapter 9 The richest man lost contact (1)
Fang Yubin knew that in any unit, the relationship between the top leader and the second leader was always delicate.The experience in the workplace also told him that whenever gods fight, it is best for the little people to stay far away.

1 The richest man in Jiangzhou was arrested at the airport
The plane encountered turbulence and shook violently at high altitude.

The secretary who was lying on his back on the wide seat of the first-class cabin was awakened by the shaking.He opened his eyes, only to see Hua Zixian beside him staring blankly ahead.Hua Zixian asked listlessly: "How long will it be?"

Before the secretary could answer, the stewardess' clear and sweet voice sounded in the cabin: "Ladies and gentlemen, this flight will land at Shanghai Pudong International Airport in about half an hour."

The secretary had a courteous smile on his face: "This plane is more than an hour late, and the car to pick it up must have arrived long ago."

"Tell the people in the office that next time you book a flight, choose a reliable flight." Hua Zixian seemed to be in a bad mood and spoke coldly.

The secretary got bored, so he had no choice but to keep silent.The secretary has been with Hua Zixian for more than three years, but the boss's temper still eludes him.During this trip to the Middle East, Hua Zixian paid a visit to the head of the local oil company and gained a lot.In China, the stock price of Jinsheng is even more gratifying.It stands to reason that the boss should be in a good mood these days, why is he still so stern?
Hua Zixian opened the visor and looked down.Thick clouds covered the earth, and nothing could be seen in the gray.

Finally going home, soon to see his wife and child who had been separated for half a month, and his grandson who was learning to speak, Hua Zixian was a little excited.Aside from being happy, he couldn't help feeling sad, did he get old?Back then, Hua Zixian, who bravely ventured into the world for his career, was also in love with his family?

Hua Zixian used to be an out-and-out poor boy. He went to the Northeast to serve as a soldier after graduating from junior high school.I still remember that when he was in the recruit company, because of his short stature and awkward southern accent, his comrades gave him the nickname "Hua Shorty".

Today's Hua Zixian also has a nickname, but he is full of domineering, called "Hua Bancheng".The so-called "Hua half city" means that Hua Zixian's wealth can almost buy half of Jiangzhou city.

More than 30 years ago, Hua Zixian retired from the army and returned to Jiangzhou to run a restaurant.The restaurant's business was booming, which brought him the first pot of gold in his life.Immediately afterwards, a fellow from Shanghai encouraged Hua Zixian to play futures.Hua Zixian, who lacked basic knowledge of futures, did not have a good record at the beginning, and almost lost all the money earned by the restaurant.But his extraordinary business talent also allowed Hua Zixian to gradually become familiar with the pulse of the futures market from repeated failures.He confidently believes that it only takes one chance to make a fortune and make a lot of money.

This opportunity finally came, and that was the famous "327 National Debt Incident".


However, just that night, the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced after an emergency meeting that all transactions after 2:23:16 on February 22 were abnormal and invalid.As a result, the bears lost all their money and the bulls made a lot of money.

In the Chinese capital market in the 20s, the funds used in this long-short battle were undoubtedly astronomical.What is even more embarrassing is that this battle has changed the fate of countless people. The former godfather of securities is sad, and the future capital tycoon is on the stage.

The representative of the short side is Guan Jinsheng, president of Wanguo Securities.Born in a poor family, he studied abroad in Belgium in the 20s and was one of the first batch of Chinese who opened their eyes to see the world after the reform and opening up.Even before China had a stock market, he vowed to create China's own Merrill Lynch.

Later, Guan Jinsheng founded Wanguo Securities and served as the president. He also served as the executive director of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the director of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.He was one of the first pioneers of China's securities market, known as the "Godfather of China's securities".Based on his own analysis, Guan Jinsheng aggressively shorted the 327 treasury bond futures, but in the end he lost his fortune because of the decision of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and was imprisoned shortly thereafter.

There is also a small person in the short side, a futures trader named Chen Wanning.Chen Wanning, who was also a loser, probably understood that he was not suitable for this job. A few years later, he changed his job as an Internet writer and wrote a well-known TV series "Wulin Biography", and gave himself a pen name: Ning god of wealth.

Along with the disastrous defeat of the short side, the long side has achieved an unprecedented victory.Among those who brought the godfather Guan Jinsheng down from the altar, there are two fledgling young people: one is from the Northeast, named Yuan Baojing; the other is from Sichuan, named Liu Han.Relying on this battle, both of them became rich overnight, and then became black and white figures.Later, the two turned against each other.Yuan Baojing failed to send a killer to assassinate Liu Han, and was sentenced to death for taking revenge on the killer.A few years later, Liu Han repeated Yuan Baojing's mistakes.

On the long side, there is also a Shanghai native named Zhou Zhengyi.Through this battle, he completed the primitive accumulation of capital.In the future, he will control four listed companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and he will be known as the "richest man in Shanghai".The high-profile Zhou Zhengyi not only bought luxury cars and houses, but also took care of a well-known Hong Kong actress.In the end, Zhou Zhengyi was imprisoned in Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison.That's where Guan Jinsheng served his sentence.

Among the parties was a guy from Hunan named Wei Dong, who was said to have made 41 million yuan in that battle.Later, Wei Dong took control of a number of listed companies and created the "Yongjin Department" that has become famous in the Chinese capital market.However, at the age of [-], Wei Dong jumped from a tall building and ended his life.

Hua Zixian from Jiangzhou was also a member of Dufang back then.Relying on the "327 National Debt Incident" to get rich overnight, Hua Zixian began to build his own business empire - Jinsheng Group.Liu Han, Yuan Baojing, Zhou Zhengyi, Wei Dong, Hua Zixian and others may have entangled life-long grievances and enmities, or may have never met in a lifetime, but they must all remember that crazy night on February 1995, 2.

After years of hard work, Jinsheng Group has become a large-scale enterprise with an asset scale of tens of billions. Its real estate companies, large supermarkets, and shopping centers have a decisive influence in the East China market.At the same time, Hua Zixian also extended his tentacles to the energy field. He invested several billion yuan and purchased several oil fields abroad.

The ever-expanding wealth, as well as the headshots that often appear on the covers of financial magazines, did not bring much happiness to Hua Zixian.

When he first started his business, even if he played poker for a few cents and won more than ten yuan overnight, Hua Zixian would be overjoyed.But now, no matter whether you win or lose millions of dollars in Macau casinos, you don't seem to feel it.There are also people around, all of whom are extremely humble, but what I experience is not sincerity, but hypocrisy and indifference.

What makes Hua Zixian even more unbearable is the pain of insomnia.There are too many things in my heart. When I close my eyes, there will always be countless ghosts circling in my mind. These ghosts open their bloody mouths, as if they want to devour themselves.Since last year, Hua Zixian has been taking sleeping pills.Over the past year, the dosage has been continuously increased, but the effect is getting worse and worse.

Hua Zixian felt that he had fallen into a huge net, no matter how hard he struggled, it was difficult to get out!
The plane finally landed.First-class passengers are arranged to be the first to walk out of the cabin door.Hua Zixian walked in front, the secretary dragged his luggage, and several bodyguards followed behind.Crossing the covered bridge, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd: "Hua Zixian!"

Is someone calling yourself?Hua Zixian wasn't sure.After all, it had been a long time since no one had called him by his first name.He looked displeased and turned his head slightly.

Three more people gathered around, sandwiching Hua Zixian in the middle.After all, Hua Zixian had seen the big world, he stood where he was, with a very calm expression.The secretary shouted: "What are you doing?" The bodyguard also stepped forward quickly, and the two groups formed a confrontation.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a black jacket came out.He came to Hua Zixian and took out his ID very politely.After Hua Zixian had read the documents, the man said in a mandarin with a Beijing accent: "Some things need to be verified with you, please come with us."

Hua Zixian waved the bodyguards to leave, and then said, "I just got off the plane and haven't entered the customs yet. Do you want to go to the customs first and stamp a stamp on my passport?"

The middle-aged man said: "We have already communicated with the customs. You don't need to stamp, just follow us."

Hua Zixian remained calm, he pulled the suitcase from the secretary's hand, and asked, "Bring a change of clothes, is it okay?"

Hua Zixian's hands were handcuffed, and two men, one on the left and the other on the right, carried him towards the corridor bridge with strides.There was a black Passat waiting here. When getting into the car, a man unceremoniously pushed Hua Zixian's head down.After getting in the car, Hua Zixian smiled at the people beside him and said, "Sorry, the plane is late and kept you waiting." The people around couldn't help being surprised, and stared at Hua Zixian with strange eyes.

The car drove out of Pudong Airport, Hua Zixian sighed softly as he watched the scenery passing by outside the window, all of this was too familiar.At this moment, he had already foreseen his own ending.However, he didn't panic much, instead he felt a sense of relief...

Miao Zhenguo, who was waiting for the chairman and his party at the terminal, immediately received a call from Secretary Hua Zixian.Knowing that the boss had been arrested, Miao Zhenguo fell into a panic, so that when he faced Fang Yubin, his words did not match his words.Seeing that Miao Zhenguo was hesitating in his speech, Fang Yubin didn't want to ask more questions, so he had to leave.

Fang Yubin, who was close at hand, did not know the news of Hua Zixian's arrest; thousands of miles away in Beijing, the headquarters of Rongding Capital grasped the information immediately through other channels.When Fang Yubin returned to Lujiazui crowded in the subway car, Yuan Ruilang called.

Yuan Ruilang happened to be on a business trip in Hong Kong today, and he asked urgently, "What are you doing?"

Fang Yubin said: "He Zhaowei is going abroad today, I will go to Pudong Airport to see him off. He will be back to the company soon."

"You were at Pudong Airport just now?" Yuan Ruilang asked.

"Yes." Fang Yubin said.

"Just over an hour ago, Hua Zixian was arrested at Pudong Airport, did you know?" Yuan Ruilang asked.

"I don't know." Fang Yubin was taken aback, but the doubts in his heart were immediately dispelled.No wonder Miao Zhenguo lost his mind and Hua Zixian was arrested!
Yuan Ruilang said: "I received a call from Mr. Ding a few minutes ago. He told me himself and called me to go to Beijing immediately. I have already left the hotel and am on my way to the airport. Collect information about Jinsheng Group , and then book the earliest flight and come to Beijing as well.”

"Okay!" Fang Yubin agreed.

After Fang Yubin arrived at the Capital Airport, he waited for more than an hour, and Yuan Ruilang's flight also arrived from Hong Kong.As soon as the two met, Fang Yubin asked, "Who took Hua Zixian away?"

"It's not clear yet." Yuan Ruilang shook his head, "Before I left Hong Kong, I called Mr. Ding again, and he only said that the arrest mission at Pudong Airport was neither from Jiangzhou nor from Shanghai. , but went directly from Beijing."

Yuan Ruilang added: "I'll go to Rongding's headquarters to meet Mr. Ding first. I heard that Hua Zixian's family is also in Beijing. I'll meet them later."

After arriving at the headquarters of Rongding Capital, Yuan Ruilang immediately picked up his briefcase and went to the office of Chairman Ding Yifu.At Fang Yubin's level, he was still unable to enter Ding Yifu's office, so he could only wait in the parking lot knowingly.

Ever since he heard the news that Hua Zixian had been arrested, Fang Yubin was in a state of shock.Even if he was sitting alone in the car at the moment, Jin Sheng's affairs were still turning over and over in his mind.

The headquarter of Jinsheng Group, Jiangzhou, is located in East China. According to the business division of Rongding for each branch, the Shanghai company is in charge of this project on the front line.Therefore, Fang Yubin has to go to Jiangzhou almost every few weeks, and he is quite familiar with Jinsheng Group.

For a long time, Rhodium Capital and Jinsheng Group have been close partners.In the past few years, Rongding has invested 10 billion yuan in Jinsheng Group and has become its important shareholder.Last year, on the eve of Jinsheng Group's listing, Rongding added another 5 million investment.

At least in the past, the cooperation between Rhodium and Jinsheng was a win-win situation.In the process of expanding around, Jinsheng fought successively, and Rhodium's investment also received rich returns.However, the sudden arrest of Hua Zixian has brought huge changes to the development of Jinsheng and the cooperation between the two companies.

During the entire cooperation process, there is one more thing that has to be mentioned-the personal friendship between Ding Yifu and Hua Zixian.Ding Yifu and Hua Zixian were comrades-in-arms in the same company when they guarded the northern border.After Ding Yifu was promoted, he rose all the way, and then changed careers and went to sea to become a bigwig in the investment industry.Hua Zixian's performance in the army was not outstanding, but after retiring from the army and returning to his hometown, he created Jinsheng Group by himself.

Fang Yubin thought, facing the situation where his old friend was arrested and his investment might lose all his money, Ding Yifu must be extremely anxious.Otherwise, Yuan Ruilang would not be urgently called to Beijing to discuss countermeasures.

When Yuan Ruilang came downstairs, it was already after 8 o'clock in the evening.He waved to Fang Yubin: "Let's go to Ziyu Villa."

Although the name contains the word "Shanzhuang", the place is actually located in the center of Beijing.Sitting in the prime location of the North Fourth Ring Road, Ziyu Villa is surrounded by thousands of acres of greenery. It is an out-and-out quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle, and is known as the paradise of peach blossoms in the capital.Villas are the main villas in the villa, and there is also an artificial lake, which is modeled after the lake in front of the Lincoln Monument in the United States. There are black and white swans, mandarin ducks, peacocks and other animals by the lake.

As soon as Fang Yubin heard about Ziyu Villa, he knew he was going to meet the Hua family.Hua Zixian bought a villa here at the beginning, not only as his residence when he came to Beijing, but also as a place to meet people from various parties.About a year ago, Fang Yubin followed Yuan Ruilang to visit Hua Zixian at Ziyu Villa.

Fang Yubin's impression of Ziyu Villa was that it was a big one.From entering the gate to arriving at the gate of Huajia Villa, it takes seven or eight minutes to drive.It was getting late today, and the driver was not familiar with the roads in Ziyu Villa, so it took more than ten minutes to arrive at Hua's villa after entering the villa.

The villa was brightly lit. Hua Zixian's son Hua Shouzheng, daughter-in-law Chu Man, and several company executives were discussing countermeasures in the living room.Seeing Yuan Ruilang, Hua Shouzheng opened his mouth and asked, "Did Uncle Ding come?"

Yuan Ruilang's face darkened, and he replied coldly: "Boss Ding is on a business trip, not in Beijing." In the process of cooperating with Jinsheng, Yuan Ruilang was only the front-line person in charge in name, because of the personal relationship between Hua Zixian and Ding Yifu, Many decisions bypass him at times.Today Hua Shouzheng said "Uncle Ding" as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Yuan Ruilang feel even more unhappy. You kid didn't take me seriously!

Ding Yifu was clearly in Beijing, but Yuan Ruilang lied.Of course, without Ding Yifu's instruction, Yuan Ruilang would not dare to do this.Perhaps Ding Yifu feels that under the current circumstances, it is not appropriate for him to meet with the Hua family.

After taking his seat, Yuan Ruilang asked straight to the point: "How many people know the news that Mr. Hua was taken away?"

The executive of Jinsheng Group on the side replied: "Not many people know about it. But now the news spreads very fast. It will take less than two days for everyone to know about it."

"Two days? I'm not so optimistic." Yuan Ruilang said, "I think it will be tomorrow, and this matter will be exposed on the Internet."

Everyone present shook their heads and sighed.Yuan Ruilang lit a cigarette: "In the current situation, every second counts. We must rush to announce the suspension of trading before the news spreads. The chairman was arrested. This is a bad news, and Jinsheng's stock price will definitely plummet."

The room fell into silence, and everyone's eyes turned to Hua Shouzheng.After his father was arrested, Hua Shouzheng is undoubtedly the new power core of the company.But this son, who is used to sensuality, is obviously at a loss for today's changes.He just kept smoking, but couldn't come up with an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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