Gold Investor

Chapter 93 Equity War

Chapter 93 Equity War (6)
Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Cheng's mouth.Although the opponent's fatal mistake did not appear for a long time, he still found an ant nest on the long embankment.All that needs to be done now is to launch a ruthless attack to expand the tiny gap infinitely.

At this time, the secretary reported: "Fang Yubin has arrived in Binhai and is on his way to the company."

Wang Cheng nodded: "Let him wait first, I'll go home and change my clothes, and rush to the company immediately."

An hour later, Wang Cheng appeared in the office, and he said with a smile on his face, "I called you here today because I have a piece of good news." He took out a document from the drawer, "The evidence of Yu Fei's seat in Zhuang Qiancheng's stock has finally been obtained. We got it."

Fang Yubin took the document and looked at it seriously.After only turning a few pages, I was very excited.Although it is well known that Yu Fei is in the Qiancheng stock market, there has been no hard evidence that he can seal his throat with a sword.The document Wang Cheng took out was surprisingly detailed.From the flow of funds to the details of the establishment, it is clearly written in black and white.

For Fang Yubin, Yu Fei is not only an opponent, but also the mastermind who once framed him. His disgust and hatred for this person has reached the point where it cannot be added.Fang Yubin waved his fists: "With this information, Yu Fei will die!" Manipulating stock prices is no small matter, once there are real evidence, Yu Fei will have to prepare to be imprisoned.

Fang Yubin asked, "How did you get this information?"

"It doesn't take much effort to get here." Wang Cheng said, "Yu Fei is mean and ungrateful, and his subordinates have long been dissatisfied with him. His company headquarters is also in Binhai, several executives from Qiancheng and one of his subordinates It can be regarded as acquaintance. After the equity war started, this person took the initiative to hand over the information."

"Now, I've come to understand a truth—the stronger the enemy, the more friends." Wang Cheng said, "A powerful enemy must have offended many people, but there are many who dare not speak out. After the shareholding war was made public, I received a lot of materials, all of which stabbed Cao Bohua and Yu Fei in the back. It's just that there are too many things that are speculative, but this one is of great value."

Fang Yubin smiled happily and said, "What are you going to do next?"

Wang Cheng said: "Of course it is to publish the content. Let some people play around for a few more days, and destroy Yu Fei, a pawn, first. It is also a victory."

Being able to witness Yu Fei's defeat, Fang Yubin was elated.But when he changed his mind, a trick came to his mind.That's right, for a person like Yu Fei, even if he dies, he can't let him die too happily.Fang Yubin picked up the materials again, and said, "Judging from the contents, Yu Fei's capital chain is very tight after Qiancheng stock was suspended."

"Naturally." Wang Cheng nodded and said, "Yu Fei's financial strength is much worse than that of Cao Bohua. He was the first one to bear the brunt of Qiancheng's suspension."

Fang Yubin's eyes showed murderous intent, and he said, "In this case, why not wait for Yu Fei's capital chain to be completely broken before we throw out what we are holding."

Wang Cheng thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I probably understand what you mean. It's like catching a mouse. You can use traps and poison, or you can use poison to fight poison. Catch a big mouse and stuff a soybean into its asshole." After a few days, the soybeans swelled, and the mice were in pain like crazy. They burrowed from one hole to the other, and bit them when they saw them. After killing a large number of them, I died of pain too. .Don't let Yu Fei die quickly, but let him be that mouse with soybeans in his ass."

Fang Yubin also laughed: "Yu Fei's capital chain is in an emergency, and he will definitely ask Cao Bohua for help. If Cao Bohua makes a move, maybe we can catch evidence of their collusion. No matter how bad it is, Cao Bohua's funds will be wasted. He lent the money to Yu Fei, in the end, Yu Fei is still doomed, and his money was wasted."

"Your move is better than my previous idea." Wang Cheng nodded and said, "On the battlefield, one bullet kills one enemy is a sharpshooter. When it comes to the capital market, it's best to kill two enemies with one shot."

Fang Yubin said: "The top priority is to break Yu Fei's capital chain as soon as possible."

Wang Cheng tapped his fingers on the desk and said: "Yu Fei's situation is bad enough, but we still have to be clever, push the waves to help the fire." He continued: "Maybe let a piece of news spread widely in the circle." Rumor has it that Yu Fei’s cash flow is in an unprecedented crisis, and his company is about to go bankrupt.”

Fang Yubin asked: "Can such a piece of news fuel the flames?"

"It's more than fueling the flames!" Wang Chengzhi proudly recalled a past event, "After the financial turmoil in 2008, the world-renowned investment bank Bear Stearns was acquired by JPMorgan Chase, and the brand that lasted for 85 years was terminated. When I was on a business trip in New York, Met and chatted with several former Bear Stearns executives."

Wang Cheng went on to say: "Bear Stearns was founded in 1923 and was called 'the bear that never hibernates' by Wall Street. Before the subprime mortgage crisis, this company survived the Great Depression in 1929, and even in 2003, it surpassed Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have become the most profitable investment banks in the world. Because of the subprime mortgage crisis, the market is bearish on subprime mortgage derivatives, and it is not surprising that Bear Stearns was hit a bit.”

Wang Cheng also said: "In June 2007, Bear Stearns issued an announcement saying that due to the sluggish mortgage market, its two hedge funds were damaged. However, the report also clearly stated that the assets lost by the two funds were only a few hundred million dollars. It was not a big loss. By the end of 6, affected by the general environment, Bear Stearns announced a loss for the first time since its establishment, with a loss of 2007 million US dollars. For a large investment bank with tens of billions of dollars, this loss is not No big deal. Going into March 8, Moody’s downgraded Bear Stearns’ bond rating. At the time, this was nothing more than a normal thing. Many companies on Wall Street were downgraded.”

Wang Cheng continued: "At that time, a deadly rumor appeared. There were rumors everywhere that Bear Stearns was in a liquidity crisis. Today, no one knows where the rumors came from."

The outcome of Bear Stearns is known to everyone in the global investment community.Fang Yubin took the conversation and said: "Because of this rumor, the global financial institutions issued an order almost at the same time, requiring any transaction with Bear Stearns to be approved by the credit risk manager. In this way, Bear Stearns was pushed into danger. The matter of Bear Stearns also alarmed the Federal Reserve. A few days later, the Federal Reserve decided to provide 300 billion US dollars in loans to enterprises.”

"Yes." Wang Cheng nodded and said, "After getting the loan, the executives of Bear Stearns were happy for a while, thinking that the company's cash flow was not a big problem, and they got another 300 billion US dollars in loans, and it has been as stable as Mount Tai since then. , They even prepared the earnings announcement for the first quarter. I never thought that this 300 billion loan would become the last straw that crushed Bear Stearns.”

Fang Yubin went on to say: "The news of the Fed's borrowing was interpreted by many people as confirming the rumors. You see, the Fed has taken action. How dare you say that Bear Stearns has not encountered a liquidity crisis? Just one night later, there was a panic run on the market And selling. Those short-selling institutions that had no idea in mind, one by one, also rounded up their arms, poured real money, and shorted Bear Stearns on a large scale. The company's stock price plummeted, falling from 48 US dollars to 2.5 US dollars. A few days later, Bear Stearns management was faced with a choice: go bankrupt or sell shares. By the end of March, Bear Stearns had to be acquired by JPMorgan Chase."

Wang Cheng said with a smile: "A rumor actually destroyed the former world's largest investment bank. Besides, we said that Yu Fei's cash outflow problem is not a rumor, but an unmistakable fact. This is called asking him to take advantage of his illness. Life!"

Fang Yubin nodded: "Everyone can make gold, not to mention that Yu Fei has no gold in his pocket."

Wang Cheng said: "Yu Fei's base camp is in Binhai, and in the Binhai business community, if we want a message to spread like wildfire, we have a lot of ways."

6 Repay kindness with kindness, and repay grievances with straightness

As the sun sets, the barges at the Star Ferry Terminal in Hong Kong are crowded with people.

After people filed onto the barge, the barge slowly left the dock.A few minutes later, the barge would approach a cruise ship anchored in Victoria Harbour.The tourists came out one after another, and after a while, they were all on the deck of the cruise ship named Starfish.Apart from the humid sea breeze, there was clearly an emotion mixed with restlessness and excitement on the deck.

At 8:30 in the evening, the starfish started, and it will leave Victoria Harbor and sail towards the depths of the sea.Following the broadcast reminder, some tourists walked out of the guest rooms of the cruise ship and arrived at the nightclub on the 5th floor, where there will be a song and dance performance waiting for them.

The hour and minute hands slowly advance on the dial, and the breath of restlessness becomes stronger.The lights in the nightclub were flickering and the singing was thundering.And on the other side of the 5th floor, there are already groups of people waiting in line at the entrance of the "playground".

The whistle sounded for a long time, and the cruise ship finally stopped.At the same time, the music in the nightclub ended, and the flow of people came together from several places, rushing towards the "playground".

At 9:30, the gate of the "playground" opened on time, and the night of carnival was about to begin.

Haixing is a six-storey ship with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons. It is a five-star hotel at sea with complete equipment and first-class service.The core part is undoubtedly the "playground" on the 5th floor - the casino.This well-known high-seas gambling ship in Hong Kong, Macau and even the entire Southeast Asia has received hundreds of thousands of gamblers from all over the world since it was put into operation.

The Starfish sails out of Victoria Harbor every day, and breaks down after sailing to the high seas. The "playground" on the gambling ship will also open for business at this time.After a night of gambling, the "playground" was closed the next morning.The gambling ship set sail and sailed back to Hong Kong.

Due to the "three-way zone" sailing on the high seas, gambling boats do not need to pay gambling taxes, do not require government authorization, are not subject to legal restrictions, and are not within the scope of police supervision.Yu Fei, who is almost obsessed with gambling, is a frequent visitor of this gambling boat.He once said that he prefers the boat gambling environment to those luxurious casinos in Macau and Singapore. "Gambling wildly on the high seas, there will be a psychological hint that nothing happened when you get off the boat."

Recently, although the news of Qiancheng's suspension of trading has strained the company's capital chain, Yu Fei is not too anxious.After so many storms and waves, he was sure that this time, the auspicious star would still shine, and he would pass through dangers.

The "playground" hall on the gambling ship has thousands of square meters, and various gambling facilities are arranged in a patchwork, including "blackjack", "big and small", "baccarat", etc., and scattered around the periphery Electronic gaming machines such as mahjong tables and slot machines are provided for single-player entertainment.

After the "playground" opened for business, gamblers flocked in.Among the dozen or so dark green tables, three croupiers stood neatly to greet the guests.Two people on one side are responsible for dividing the chips to the left and right, with a chip box in front of them; a croupier on the other side is responsible for distributing cards.Compared with the large casinos on land, the scale of the "playground" on the gambling ship is not large.Therefore, for some prepared gamblers, it is very important to seize the position.

Of course, a VIP guest like Yu Fei doesn't have to worry about grabbing a seat, he won't even be crowded in the bustling hall.Yu Fei's battlefield is in the VIP room upstairs in the hall.That's where he wanted to be.

After boarding the cruise ship, Yu Fei took a nap in the room for a while.It wasn't until after 10 o'clock in the evening that he walked out of the room and took the direct elevator to the VIP room of the gambling boat.

In the VIP room, the guests sat around for a week. On the table were large rectangular chips stacked one on top of another. The dealer in uniform elegantly distributed the cards to each player.Yu Fei didn't go to the gambling table, but quietly sat in the northeast corner of the room.He crossed his legs and watched the changes on the poker table a few meters away with all his attention, and took a sip from the Dahongpao in his cup from time to time.The two bodyguards stood beside Yu Fei like two iron towers.

What he is playing at the moment is a gamble called "underpinning".The so-called "underpinning" means that the person does not participate in the gambling on the table, but increases the betting off the stage.If the gambler on the stage loses 10, then he has to lose another 10 to the "bottom" person; if the gambler on the stage wins 10, he can win more from the "bottom" person 10. "Backing" is an unspoken rule in the casino, which depends entirely on the credibility among gamblers.Yu Fei had good luck today. In just over two hours, he won millions.

When the clock pointed to 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the radio sounded again, and the buffet restaurant on board prepared a delicious midnight snack combining Chinese and Western, and guests could enjoy it for free.In a good mood, Yu Fei stood up and said, "Let's go, fill your stomach first."

Entering the restaurant, Yu Fei picked up some snacks and ate them happily.At this time, a man wearing glasses and a black suit sat across from him and said courteously, "Boss, you're lucky tonight."

Yu Fei felt that this person looked familiar, but he couldn't recognize his name for a moment.The man reported himself: "I am Xiao Qiao, the business manager on the ship, and I have served the boss before."

Yu Fei nodded and said, "I remember now. What's the matter?"

Xiao Qiao said: "I think the boss is lucky today, why don't you take advantage of his luck and play with lanterns for something more exciting?"

"What's exciting?" Yu Fei asked.

Xiao Qiao said: "There are a few big bosses who think the games on the boat are too boring, so they are going to have a table of Texas Hold'em. Do you want to join?"

Yu Fei has always been very interested in Texas Hold'em, and considers himself to be a master of poker.He said: "Yes. I will join when I play."

"Just tonight." Xiao Qiao said, "I've always wanted to play, but I couldn't find anyone with enough strength. If you are willing to join, the number is enough."

"Just play on the boat?" Yu Fei asked.

Xiao Qiao shook her head and said, "The environment on board is too noisy. We arranged for a private yacht. We'll go directly to that boat in a while. It's very clean and the service is top-notch. All the cards are dealt by blond beauties."

"Okay." Yu Fei's interest was hooked.

Although the night was dark, the high-power lighting equipment still allowed Yu Fei and his party to board the yacht smoothly.The decoration on the yacht is really extravagant, and there are several people who boarded the boat with Shanxi accents, and they must be coal bosses.The yacht was sailing on the sea at full speed, and the game of cards in the boat was also staged as scheduled.

But just a few minutes later, the yacht stopped suddenly and all the lights on the boat went out.A lone boat, drifting in the vast sea, everyone was terrified.Yu Fei's heart skipped a beat, isn't this a black ship?

After a while, the lights came back on, and Xiao Qiao walked into the cabin, saying sorry repeatedly: "The yacht's generator has a small fault. Now it is using the backup unit to generate electricity."

A boss from Shanxi said loudly, "Is there any problem?"

"It's all right." Xiao Qiao said, "The mechanic on the boat said that the power system has been restored and there is no problem. It's just that a part of the engine's navigation instrument was burned out just now. But it can be as short as a few hours or as long as half a day. can be repaired."

Immediately, several people yelled: "The generator navigation is broken, how do we get back to the shore?"

Xiao Qiao looked embarrassed and said: "The mechanic said that they will rush to repair it. Without a navigation ship, it is like a headless chicken. Instead of running around, it is better to wait for the instrument to be repaired and return."

"Can it be fixed?" Yu Fei asked with concern.

"It will definitely work." Xiao Qiao promised, patted her chest.

Yu Fei said: "When something like this happens, we can only wait. Give me the phone and report to the people on shore."

What Yu Fei said was, of course, the Maritime Satellite Phone.Ordinary mobile phones have already lost their signal when they reach the sea.But Xiao Qiao shook her head and said: "The boat was originally equipped with a satellite phone, but I didn't bring it with me on this voyage. I thought it would be just one night, but I didn't bring that thing, but unexpectedly something happened."

Everyone complained, and Yu Fei couldn't help cursing: "You don't even have a satellite phone, what the hell are you doing, what the hell are you talking about luxury yachts, first-class service!"

(End of this chapter)

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