space medicine girl

Chapter 233 I'm Not Jealous By Nature 2

Chapter 233 I'm Not Jealous By Nature 2
Under the double pressure of the fifth prince and the emperor, Jing Zhaoyin was not careless in investigating the case, but those thieves and tens of thousands of catties of rice seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. There is no whereabouts, I just remember that Jing Zhaoyin is about to turn gray hair.

After three days of closing down, Miao Yinshu didn't have much hope for the recovery of the rice. At night, he secretly transported the rice in the space to the shop and resumed normal business.

In mid-June, the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and the palace began to prepare for a trip to escape the heat.But Miao Yinshu, who thought that the emperor's summer vacation had nothing to do with her, received an unexpected invitation. She was also one of the people who went to the summer resort to escape the summer heat.

After seeing off the eunuchs in the palace, Miao Yinshu didn't come to her senses for a long time, wondering whose idea it was to let her escape the summer heat?Could it be Ye Feiran?

Ever since the emperor came to her house, Ye Feiran suddenly became busy. He would often be busy until midnight, and had to go to the palace early in the morning. Occasionally, he met two or three times during the day. Came to see her in a hurry during the spare time.Almost unable to even say a few words, he left in a hurry.

When going to the Summer Resort to escape the summer heat, Ye Feiran naturally wanted to go with him. Could it be because he felt that he couldn't stand not seeing him for two months, so he told the emperor to take him with him?

However, this guess was completely ruled out when he met Ye Feiran.

"You said, you were also invited to go to the Summer Resort together?" Ye Feiran couldn't bear the lovesickness, ended today's affairs early, returned home in a hurry, washed up, and when she arrived at Miao Yinshu's main courtyard, she was already It was halfway through the first watch, and this was the earliest day he had come back in recent days.

"Don't you know? I thought it was you!" Ye Feiran's astonishment was not fake, but Miao Yinshu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be "No good feast" again?
Recently, there are no days worth celebrating, so there is no banquet held in the palace to let the ladies from various houses enter the palace. Is it because of this that some people in the palace want to take this opportunity to let me go with them? calculating?
"Arranging a boudoir daughter above first rank to accompany the concubine to escape the summer heat is a proposal from the harem, usually the empress dowager and the empress appoint someone, or concubines above the rank of concubine can also suggest whoever they want to go." Don't say Miao Yinshu was overwhelmed, and even Ye Feiran felt that something was wrong, "And you, although you have the title of 'Skillful Lady' personally awarded by the emperor, and you have a seventh-rank official rank, it is impossible to rank according to seniority. He was selected as one of the people who went to summer vacation together!"

"That's exactly what I think." Miao Yinshu felt a little uneasy, looked up at him and said, "Tell me, could someone call me on purpose, such as..."

She paused, and said with some jealousy: "For example, Feng Yuyan?"

"It can't be her!" Ye Feiran directly shook his head and vetoed it.

"Why can't it be her?" Miao Yinshu became even more jealous, because he had such unshakable trust, she suddenly sat up straight from his arms, and almost hit his chin.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and turned his head to avoid the past, only to avoid the impact.

"Shu'er, are you jealous?" Someone smiled cheerfully, instead of returning to her, he just asked back.

"Who is jealous! Miss Ben is not jealous by nature!" Miao Yinshu pouted and denied.

"Hehehe!" Ye Feiran was extremely happy, he scooped her up with both hands, and then wrapped her in his arms and explained, "Second Miss Feng, she wished that you would not appear in front of her, how could she even propose to the imperial concubine to take you?" How about going together?"

"Pfft! You do know that she has a special liking for you! You also know her quite well!" Miao Yinshu's heart became more sour. What is this brat going to do with this romantic debt?

Ye Feiran's jade-like handsome face warmed up slightly, he touched his nose with his hand, and said embarrassingly: "I don't know her well, but according to her arrogant and domineering temperament, I think she might not think of such a thing. It's just a strategy!"

"Then can you guarantee that Concubine Feng Gui will not make this decision on her own for some reason?" Miao Yinshu knows that Concubine Feng dotes on her own sister very much, and might try to lure herself to escape the summer heat for her sake. Shanzhuang, the two sisters deal with themselves together.

"It's not impossible!" Ye Feiran pondered for a moment, and agreed, "But don't worry, I won't let them bully you!"

"I'm afraid they are prepared, and I'm in the inner family, and you will be too late!" Miao Yinshu once again lamented that in her previous life, she watched too many Gongdou dramas, so she felt a little unfounded.

"Don't worry, I'm making preparations for this trip to the summer resort. I will definitely arrange a quiet courtyard for you when the time comes, and I won't be too close to them!"

"So you've been busy with this these days?" No wonder he was busy until late.

"Yes!" Ye Feiran nodded, "At first I thought I wouldn't see you for more than two months, but I didn't expect someone to help me!"

He tightened his arms and hugged her delicate body tightly, looking forward to the two-month trip to the summer resort, which will make the relationship between them even closer, and also take this opportunity to let the empress dowager accept her and fulfill his whole life. If you have a good heart, that is the best.

"Shu'er! I'm really glad to have you go with me!"

"Okay, with you here, I can barely relax a little bit!" A certain girl said in a tugging voice.

"Hehe..." Ye Feiran couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words, kissed the top of her hair lightly, and said dotingly, "You duplicity little girl!"

"It's almost an old girl!"

"Really? Let me see, what is it like to be old? If it is too old, I have to consider whether it is worth marrying!"

"Ye Feiran, you...uh..." In the end, a certain person couldn't make any sound because his mouth was gagged.

For a big family in the capital, it can be said that a small seventh-rank "skillful lady" who can't be moved on the table is also honored to be invited to spend the summer with the royal family, dignitaries and dignitaries, which naturally caused a lot of controversy in the capital. Inspur, almost everywhere you go, you can hear the legend of this great little man that everyone talks about.

But at this moment, many ladies in the boudoir who had withdrawn their membership cards at the beginning were very annoyed, secretly regretting that they would have offended Miao Yinshu because of the withdrawal of their cards, because it was said that not only the two most favored concubines of the emperor went to ask for advice Thanks to the craftsmanship, even the emperor used to go to the Miao Mansion for breakfast.

What does this mean? It means that after learning Miao Yinshu's skills, not only can he capture the heart of the fifth prince, but also the stomach of the emperor.

It's a pity, it's too late to regret it now, the VIP card settings of others are much less than before, and those who didn't catch up before, have already seized the opportunity to buy rare VIP cards.

Moreover, I heard that the current curriculum does not allow people to learn every day, but only two kinds of dim sum can be learned in a month, and the making of these two kinds of dim sum is something that they can't eat for a long time.

Therefore, under the mentality of not being able to eat grapes and saying that grapes are sour, there are also rumors that Miao Yinshu is a person with deep scheming. In order to get close to the royal family, she approached the fifth prince in different ways. Her purpose was actually not The fifth prince, but wants to win the emperor's dragon heart and be able to enter the palace as a concubine.

When Zhong He told these rumors to Miao Yinshu very angrily, he said angrily: "I guess the person who spread such rumors must have seen that the lady's craftsmanship is outstanding and praised by the emperor. !"

"Yes! Miss, you didn't go out, so I don't know what it's like outside now. It's like the emperor came to the mansion for breakfast that day. They saw it with their own eyes. They said it vividly, even the seats where the emperor and the fifth prince sat You said everything clearly!" Zhong Lan also said angrily, "Even some nobles who came to buy feed couldn't help asking me if there was anything wrong!"

"What else?" Miao Yinshu frowned slightly.

"There are also some good people at the rice shop, who asked how our store lost so much rice all at once, and why it was full of warehouses within three days, is it a bluff, the purpose is to attract more attention from everyone! In other words, did these new rice grains come in directly from the treasury!" Feng Xiaohong's face was very heavy, and after glancing at Zhong Qi, he paused and said, "Miss, I always feel that this is a rumor. The rumor is weird, as if someone is manipulating it behind the scenes!"

"What do you think, Zi Zi?" Miao Yinshu didn't ignore Feng Xiaohong's look at Zhong Qi. He guessed that after they heard the rumors, they must have secretly inquired and analyzed it.

"Pharmacy store, rice store, pet store, and Huahaoyueyuan. In front of our four shops, rumors seem to spread the fastest. Most of the rumors are that you already have a fiancée, but you are entangled with the fifth prince. After entering the palace and seeing the emperor, he became greedy again, and under the guise of offering gifts to the empress dowager, he actually wanted to attract the emperor's attention and wanted to take the opportunity to enter the harem." Zhong Qi unified these rumors into a main thread, and then expressed his opinion Said, "Even if the fifth prince accompanied the emperor to the mansion for breakfast that day, and was seen by interested people, it is nothing to spread some rumors. However, the empress dowager's birthday that day, and the fact that you entered the palace to celebrate the birthday, the only people who knew were those who attended the birthday party that day. The person at the banquet. That person chose to hide the fact that the empress dowager passed out after eating a small rice dumpling stuffed with jujube paste by mistake, but spread rumors based on your admiration for the emperor. I think all of this is targeted. Deliberately targeting you!"

"Well! Then why do you think he (she) did this?" Miao Yinshu asked Zhong Qi, wanting to listen to things from the perspective of a bystander, and at the same time, she was also analyzing.

Those who participated in the birthday banquet were nothing more than those people, and the person she suspected the most was naturally the person who had attacked her.But she didn't understand again, what kind of benefits would such a rumor spread to that person, didn't he understand that it also offended the emperor and Ye Feiran at the same time?

Or, is he just giving her a warning, don't try to win anyone over, otherwise, he will ruin her reputation?

In fact, if she was really just an ancient person, maybe she was so frightened that she became schizophrenic.

But she is just a soul from another world, and if she disdains the lowly status of a woman under the feudal ethics, she naturally doesn't care about these rumors, and if she doesn't care, she won't be able to hurt her heart even more.

But he was a little puzzled, a person who really wanted her life, why would he go to such lengths to create these rumors just to slander her?

But if not that person, who would it be?Is it someone from the harem?Even if it was from the harem, she guessed that it couldn't be the old hag, the empress dowager. She didn't like her so much, it was impossible for her two most precious sons to be entangled with her bad reputation.

Is that Concubine Feng Gui?But what's the point of her doing this?Just to vent your jealousy towards her?But she wouldn't be so stupid that she could not have imagined that the moment the rumors are exposed, even if the emperor loves her again, it is possible to drive her into a place of eternal doom, right?

Miao Yinshu felt more and more confused.

well!Using your brain to make money is really not very different from using your brain to calculate with others. She felt that she was a little broke.

(End of this chapter)

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