super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 102 Your Company's Business Is My Business!

Chapter 102 Your Company's Business Is My Business!

Director Weng jumped into the car, took out his mobile phone and notified several subordinates of the Health Bureau, saying that he was going to mess with people. When those subordinates heard this, they hurried over. They had never seen Director Weng with such an angry expression, as if The anger that their father was killed made them mutter to themselves, which guy wouldn't miss it?He actually offended the dignified health director?Some time ago, a guy who ran a hotel offended Director Weng, went to inspect him, charged him with substandard sanitation, and asked him to close the door. Now, which guy didn't pay attention?
"Go to Tianhe District Science City, the company is called Zhengzhen Trading Co., Ltd." Director Weng ordered a few words.


The car drove towards Tianhe District Science City.

At the same time, Chen Zheng didn't realize that the danger was approaching at all. He came to the headquarters of Baoqi Group and looked at the 50-storey building. Are you looking for Baoqi Group to sell? Baoqi Group is a well-known jewelry group in the entire East China Sea. They have already formed their own set of procedures for producing and selling jewelry. If we come here to promote, will we be rejected?"

Dalizhen is right. A large group like Baoqi Group has business in all aspects of jewelry, from mining to processing, from packaging to sales, and so on. Baoqi Group has arranged all operations and has already formed Without its own industrial chain, it is difficult for ordinary middlemen to infiltrate.

Chen Zheng nodded: "Yes, you are right, but I still want to try."

Chen Zheng was sure that the pile of rough stones in his warehouse was full of precious stones. He didn't believe that Baoqi Group could not be moved. He and Dalizhen walked into the building, but were stopped by the security personnel in front of the door. Chen Zheng said that he was coming Looking for President Wang Ting of Baoqi Group, but was asked to register for an appointment first. Chen Zhenghe Dalizhen registered at the front desk, but the indifferent MM at the front desk said: "If you want to see our general manager Wang Ting, you need to make an appointment one day in advance. Come back tomorrow."

"We are here to talk to your boss about business." Dali was upset, but the MM at the front desk said indifferently: "Every day, dozens of people come to see the general manager Wang Ting, and there are many of them. Enterprises, they have to line up according to the rules, sorry, please come back tomorrow."

Dalizhen wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng took out his mobile phone and called Wang Ting directly. At the Antique Culture Festival that day, Wang Ting gave her private phone number to Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng got through as soon as he called, and Wang Ting's doubtful voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "Are you Chen Zheng?"

"Well, I'm downstairs in your building and I want to talk to you about business." Chen Zheng cut to the chase: "I have a batch of rough stones and I want to sell them to you."

"Oh, then wait a minute, I'll ask the secretary to go down and look for you." On the other end of the phone, Wang Ting said something and hung up. Chen Zheng and Dalizhen waited in the lobby for about 5 minutes. , The woman with the gray wrap skirt on her lower body came out of the elevator, came to the front desk and asked a few words, and saw that the face of the MM at the front desk became extremely pale and bloodless, she pointed to Chen Zheng and said a few words, then The woman nodded, walked over, and said to Chen Zhenghe Dalizhen: "Our general manager wants to see you, please follow me."

Under the panicked eyes of the MM at the front desk, Chen Zhenghe Dalizhen followed behind the woman, went through the security check in the lobby, and took the elevator to the 18th floor. He thought it would be smooth going up to the 18th floor, but there were a few people standing in front of the door. The security personnel were carefully checked again, and finally they arrived at the conference room smoothly. Chen Zheng secretly admired the entire process, as it really deserves to be a big group.

After sitting in the conference room for a while, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground, the door opened, and a capable and beautiful Wang Ting walked in. Seeing that it was Chen Zhengshi, she was not so embarrassed anymore. The opposite sat down, ordered the secretary next to him to pour a cup of high-quality Longjing tea for Chen Zheng, and then looked at Chen Zheng quietly. Seeing this man with whom she had sex with in the hotel room again, Wang Ting's heart ached. I can't tell what it's like, but at least it's not so embarrassing. She said first: "Mr. Chen, I don't know what business you want to talk about here?"

"Mr. Wang, I would like to ask, where do you ship the ore for the production of gemstones from?" Chen Zheng asked without answering.

"From the mines in the west, or from Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and other places, and then refine and process, Baoqi is a big group. This whole production process has been finalized. In many cases, we don't need to cooperate with other people. "Although Wang Ting had a relationship with Chen Zheng, she was very grateful to Chen Zheng for his rescue, but when it came to the interests of the company, she still handled business as usual.


Chen Zheng nodded, this is the same as what Dali Zhen said, except that Chen Zheng's rough stones were found out with the technique of clairvoyance: "My batch of rough stones is full of precious stones, which is much more expensive than what you buy from other mines. All the rough stones must be pure! How much did you spend for each ton of rough stones? How many gems were refined? How much did you earn from the last ton of rough stones? Can I ask?"

When Wang Ting moved, her heart skipped a beat.

She knows that Chen Zheng is very good at gemstones. If a rough stone is in front of him, he should be able to see whether there are gemstones in it. Although Baoqi Group has its own set of production processes, the efficiency and cost of it are very high. There is indeed room for improvement, and Chen Zheng’s question is on point. She buys 10 yuan per ton of rough stone from the West, 13 yuan from Southeast Asia, and [-] yuan from South America and Africa. , plus customs and transportation costs, the cost of each ton of rough stones is at least [-], but a ton of rough stones can only be refined into a few carats of gemstones. Sometimes, the entire ton of rough stones may not have any gemstones!
This set of production system has been formed long before the establishment of the group.

A few years ago, Wang Ting suggested that she simply buy a mine for development. After careful consideration, the chairman agreed to Wang Ting's proposal. Over the past few years, [-]% of Baoqi Group's raw stone materials are her own. Thirty percent of the developed ones were shipped back from South America and Africa. In this way, the cost of purchasing rough stones was indeed reduced, but there are only so many mines in China, and the gemstones that can be dug out from each mine will not be much higher. , although the cost has been reduced, there are still a handful of gems, and it takes several tons of rough stones to refine a complete gem.

Thinking of this, Wang Ting suddenly asked: "Are you sure that there are gemstones in your rough stones?"

"Yes, there must be all of them, but I don't know how many are in them. At least this is much better than buying a ton of rough stones and getting only one carat of gemstones." Chen Zheng paused, then said: "And I want to do long-term business, if you cooperate with our company, I can provide you with a batch of high-quality rough stones on a regular basis, which will greatly increase your gem income!"

When Wang Ting heard this, an uncontrollable excitement surged in her heart.

To be honest, her father is about to abdicate, and it is the time when the chairman is competing. Although she is considered to be the candidate for the chief executive, the other brothers are not fuel-efficient, and all kinds of small problems will be infinitely magnified for you , but if I make a fuss about rough stones and introduce a batch of higher-quality rough stones to greatly increase the group's income, I'm afraid the old guys on the board of directors will still succumb to her. After all, in this world, money That's the most important thing!
Thinking of this, Wang Ting stood up: "Of course we can cooperate, but I want to see your rough stone first."

"of course can!"

At that moment, Chen Zheng and Dalizhen hurriedly gave the address of the company to Wang Ting's secretary, and the group took the elevator downstairs.Chen Zhenghe got on the BMW vigorously and waited for Wang Ting in front of the building, but the phone rang uncomfortably. Chen Zheng saw that it was Xu Ying calling. It is working hours now. Could it be that there is something wrong with the company?He quickly answered the phone: "Xu Ying, how is the situation over there?"

"Mr. Chen, there is trouble. The health director of Tianhe District brought people over for inspection. He said that our place does not meet the standards set by the health bureau. He wants to ban us and close the door!" On the other end of the phone, Xu Ying's voice was very anxious .

When Chen Zheng heard this, Director Weng's chubby face appeared in his mind. There was a stern look in his eyes, and he didn't panic at the moment, and said, "Try to deal with them as much as possible, and drag them until I come back."

As soon as Chen Zheng hung up the phone, Dalizhen next to him asked, "Did Director Weng cause trouble?"


Chen Zheng rubbed his temples and was thinking of a countermeasure when he saw a domineering Rolls-Royce driving out of the parking lot and then parked next to the BMW. The windows of the car were rolled down, revealing Wang Ting's Wang Ting saw that Chen Zheng's complexion was not good, and asked suspiciously, "Chen Zheng, what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Chen Zheng shook his head, not wanting to tell Wang Ting, but Dali Zhen next to him, his eyes moved, and he quickly said to Wang Ting: "Mr. Wang, our company has some troubles. Our fault! This guy wanted to rob our company's female employees last night, but after being taught a lesson by us, he took it to heart, and today he deliberately came to find fault!"


When Wang Ting heard this, she was also angry. Ever since she was drugged that night, she hated men who only think with their lower body, and Chen Zheng was the key to her success. She also wanted to rely on Chen Zheng to stabilize her position in the group. As for his position, how can Chen Zheng's company be allowed to have an accident?She quickly took out her mobile phone and made a call. After a while, the call was connected, and an excited voice came from the other end of the phone: "President Wang, why are you free to find me?"

"Director Li, Tianhe District Health Bureau is in your charge, right?"

"Of course, I'm the Donghai City Health Bureau, the health sub-bureau that governs all the districts below the city. President Wang, what's wrong?"

"I'll give you an address, you rush there now, I'll need your help later," Wang Ting said.

On the other end of the phone, when I heard that I could help Wang Ting, I became excited: "It must be, I will rush there immediately..."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ting said to Chen Zheng: "Your company's business is my business! Come on, let's see, which guy dares to jump on the tiger's head and pluck the beard!"

 Thanks for the 100 gold coin reward from the book friend [Lifetime Cherish]
(End of this chapter)

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