super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 110 Because I'm Happy

Chapter 110 Because I'm Happy
"What!" Chen Zheng's eyes widened when he heard that the female bodyguard wanted him to protect Wang An and share the rent with Wang An. How could this be possible?He felt that Wang An was weird. If it was before, although he was depressed, it was still normal, but now, he blushed from time to time, and he also took the initiative to act like a baby with Chen Zheng, which made Chen Zheng feel uncomfortable. He said to the female bodyguard: " The task of protecting Xiao An is so heavy, I still have to entrust it to you, after all, the person who sent you to protect Xiao An was because of his trust in you!"

"Brother Xiaozheng, you are also very powerful." Wang An next to him looked at Chen Zheng, his eyes were full of longing, she wanted to live with Chen Zheng now, and with him by his side, she would not be so sad.

"Brother Xiaozheng?" Chen Zheng heard waves of coquettishness in Wang An's voice, and felt even more uncomfortable. He said to the female bodyguard, "Let's leave the heavy task of protecting Xiaoan to you."

"Chen Zheng, in this world, I am afraid that only you can truly protect Xiaoan. Even I have no strength, because compared with you, I am just an ordinary person, but you are a terrifying ancient killer!" The ancient killers, the female bodyguards were trembling all over, with awe and fear shining in their eyes: "The ancient killers are cultivators who survived from ancient times. They have spiritual pills in their bodies, which can be seen to absorb the air from the outside world. Then turn into spiritual breath, they can fly to the sky, they can open mountains, they are terrifying existences, in front of the ancient killer, I am just a tiny ant!"

Looking at the fiery eyes of the female bodyguard, Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders: "Where is the ancient killer you mentioned?"

"It's far away in the sky, right in front of you! If it's not bad, you're the ancient killer!" The female bodyguard stared at Chen Zheng, "You're the terrifying ancient killer. I'm afraid that if you look at the whole of China, there aren't many people who can fight against you!" Existence, in the legend, the ancient killer has the aura of a king, bombarding all directions, compared with you, all other boxers and martial arts scholars are scumbags!"


Chen Zheng nodded helplessly: "Okay, I admit that I am an ancient killer, but the problem now is that it is very inconvenient for Xiao An to live in my place. My place is just one room and one living room. The space is narrow and there is not enough sunlight. , the air is blocked, and most importantly, there is only one bed! So it is inconvenient for Xiao An to live with me!"

"What? There is only one bed?" Wang An was stunned, staring at Chen Zheng with watery eyes in a daze, and said in his heart: This is troublesome, if there is only one bed, then I can't live with brother Xiaozheng. together.

The female bodyguard glanced at Chen Zheng and Wang An, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she said to Chen Zheng: "It's okay, just let Xiao An sleep on the same bed as you."

The female bodyguard was not afraid at all. Wang An was a woman anyway, and she also liked Chen Zheng. Letting Wang An and Chen Zheng sleep together would further promote the development of their relationship.But when Chen Zheng heard it, his face changed: "What! What did you say? You let me sleep with him? Is there a mistake? We are men!"

"You said that you are men, so what's the embarrassment? In the army, on the march, in school, don't people of the same sex often sleep together? Everyone is a man, so what are you afraid of?" The female bodyguard laughed. said.


To be honest, it is not a big problem for two men to sleep on the same bed, but the problem is that Chen Zheng thinks Wang An is weird, with pale and rosy skin, cheeks that can be broken by blowing bombs, lips as red as red, With a slender figure like a willow, and smooth and soft skin, it is definitely a very weird thing to sleep with such a person: "I still feel a little disgusted!"


The female bodyguard stared and smiled inwardly. This Chen Zheng simply didn't know what to do. How many people in this world would want to sleep with Wang An?Moreover, Wang An's family is the Hua family with a long history, but can't her granddaughter enjoy it?And he was disgusted by Chen Zheng?

The female bodyguard was a little depressed.

How many people in Huaxia want to live with Wang An?

Although the power of the Hua family is in full swing, there are no successors. Wang An's uncle has no heirs for 20 years. , Grandpa asked Wang An to find a man back a year ago, to be his son-in-law, to inherit the power of the Hua family, and to guard this great country of China together with the Xia family!
In fact, as early as in the old days, Gaozu once said that the Hua family and the Xia family may suffer disasters in the future, because these two families are the guardians of China, and bull-headed ghosts and horses from all walks of life will jump up to suppress them, but Unexpectedly, in Huaying's generation, disaster really came!

Now, the existence of Huaying is very important!Because she is the only descendant of the Hua family!
If she continues to sink into sadness, pain, darkness, escaping from the world, and wanting to commit suicide, then the Hua family will really end!And when she knew that Hua Ying had fallen in love with Chen Zheng, the female bodyguard became firmer in her heart, no matter what, she had to grab Chen Zheng as a life-saving straw. Only Chen Zheng could save Hua Ying!

After being transformed by Gu Yu, Chen Zheng became an ancient killer.

Although Huaying failed, as long as she is by Chen Zheng's side, then she has hope!

Thinking of this, the female bodyguard firmly said to Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, don't be disgusted with it. Xiaoan living with you is definitely your happiness!"

"Happiness?" Chen Zheng shook his head, but there was still some disgust on his face.

Looking at Chen Zheng who was full of disgust, the female bodyguard couldn't help but said in her heart: "Chen Zheng, are you still disgusted?"If you make Wang An fall in love with you, you will soon become the son-in-law of the Hua family, enter the Hua family, and inherit the power of the Hua family!In the whole of Huaxia, I don't know how many people envy you, but you still despise it?

The female bodyguard coughed, and then said: "In any case, I will disappear for a while, so you must take care of Wang An, because I am afraid that the killer will be impenetrable, so you must live with Xiao An, as for the others , you can figure it out yourself!"

"Okay." Chen Zheng also knew that the outside killer wanted to kill Wang An, so after thinking about it, he had to agree: "That's okay, you disappeared during this time, and I will take care of Xiao An for you!"

"Brother Xiaozheng, is it true?" Wang An raised his small head and looked closely at Chen Zheng. That little face was flushed red, very cute.

Looking at the excited Wang An, Chen Zheng felt weird, but he still nodded: "Well, I will take care of you while she disappears."

"That's great." Wang Anle smiled grinningly. On her small face, there was no sadness, no pain, and no escape, but there was a little more hope, warmth, and sweetness. The thought of being able to live with Chen Zheng , she was very happy in her heart, and she would not have to face the darkness alone in the future!Wang An laughed heartily.

Looking at the excited Wang An, Chen Zheng shook his head, feeling weird, he walked out: "I'll wait for you outside, after you get things done, come out, let's go back to rest, we have to go to work tomorrow. "

"Okay." Wang An nodded, then turned to look at the female bodyguard.

The female bodyguard smiled: "Xiao An, you are finally like a person now! I don't want to see you lost and sad, I want you to be happy, go quickly, go to Chen Zheng's side, let him protect you, let him take care of you , I will go back to find Dr. Hua later, so don't look at me here."


Wang An nodded heavily, then walked out, chasing after Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, wait for me..."

Chen Zheng turned his head, looked at Wang An's rosy face, and felt Wang An's excitement, he couldn't help but said, "Xiao An, how old are you?"

"It's already this year, and I'll be 19 soon. Brother Xiaozheng, why are you asking me this question?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously with his black and bright eyes.

"You are 19 years old, why are you still running around?" Chen Zheng stared at Wang An.

"This?" Wang An blushed, "Because I'm happy."

"Well, you're 19 years old, and I'm only a few years older than you. Why do you call me brother Xiaozheng? It's as if I'm abducting and trafficking minors!" Chen Zheng said a little annoyed.

When Wang An heard it, he smiled cheerfully, his black eyes were full of smiles: "Brother Xiaozheng, it sounds very nice to call him, and most people, I don't know how to call him, only Brother Xiaozheng, I That's why it's called that."

Chen Zheng rubbed his sore temples: "Okay, I've convinced you, let's go, let's go back."

"Okay." Wang An yelled cheerfully, followed behind Chen Zheng, and walked out of the hospital. The two got into the car and drove towards the village in the city. Half an hour after they left, In the ward, the female bodyguard took out her mobile phone and made a mysterious call. After a while, the call was connected, and a mysterious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiaoying, is her condition stable now?"

"It's stable, and she has more pursuits in life, and she no longer escapes from reality, because she met a man who brought her hope. This man is the ancient jade who got you, doctor, and completely inherited the ancient killing. In other words, the effect of ancient jade has succeeded on him!"


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(End of this chapter)

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