super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 112 Brother Xiaozheng, I am the Huaying you are looking for

Chapter 112 Brother Xiaozheng, I am the Huaying you are looking for
"I'm going, Dalizhen, you bastard, don't think wrongly, it's not what you think!" Chen Zheng shouted, changed his clothes and rushed out. If Dalizhen spread the news, then Chen Zheng Zheng Zheng had to buy a piece of tofu and was killed, so he hurriedly chased after him, and Wang An behind him thought it was fun, changed his clothes and chased after him, his little face was flushed, and he smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng!" , why is Mr. Wang here?"

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An.

It was fine just now, as long as Wang Anlue explained, everything would be fine, but this guy not only didn't explain, but also had a weird smile on his face, which gave him an urge to befriend someone. Now seeing Wang An's small face Flushing red, very cute, he couldn't help but say, "You bastard, you're killing people!"

"What's going on? Brother Xiaozheng, what are you talking about?" Wang pretended to be innocent.

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, then ran out, and shouted at Dali Zhen from a distance: "Damn, do you want to insult my famous name?"

Dalizhen turned his head and saw Chen Zheng and Wang An running up, looking at Wang An's flushed little face, he found that his skin was extremely icy and translucent after taking a bath, which made him stunned for a while: "Xiao An, you How did you live with Xiaozheng?"

"My bodyguard has to go back for a few days, so I'm staying with brother Xiaozheng, and it's only a few days." Wang Anle smiled grinningly.

Looking at Wang An's bright and flowery smiling face, Chen Zheng was stunned for a while, thinking that Wang An was very beautiful.And Dali Zheng just wanted to say something, but Chen Zheng had already said: "Let's go, let's go to the big gear."

At that moment, the three of them walked out of the alley, came to the opposite food stall, ordered a few barbecues and a few bottles of beer, then sat down and enjoyed it slowly. Chen Zheng and Dalizhen discussed the next business development: "We plan to do A long-term middleman! Specializing in providing high-quality rough stones for Baoqi Group. Baoqi Group is the most famous jewelry group in the entire East China Sea and even the entire Yangtze River Delta. When we have stabilized, we will develop other businesses!"

"This plan is good. I don't know how Wang Ting met you. Anyway, every time I see you, I am very polite." Dali Zhen's words shocked Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng remembered that in the hotel room that night, Wang Ting was drugged, and in order to save her, Chen Zheng had a relationship with her.

"Wang Ting is the general manager of Baoqi Group. If she is good, she will be the chairman of the group. Her eyes should be very high. Why does she have anything to do with us?" Dalizhen asked suspiciously.

Chen Zheng made a haha: "She must have taken a fancy to our rough stone!"

"Even so, she wouldn't defend us like that! You forgot, that day when she learned that Weng Chao was going to do something bad, Wang Ting said without thinking, 'Chen Zheng, your company is my company, and your company is mine. Things are my business', tell me, if you are just an ordinary business partner, how can you protect you like this? I think this is very weird!" Dalizhen said, drinking another bottle of beer, while the next to him Wang An stared at Chen Zheng with wide-open eyes.

Chen Zheng's heart skipped a beat.

He already felt that Wang Ting was biased towards him, but now that Dali Zhen said it, Chen Zheng suddenly said in his heart: Is Wang Ting interested in me?Maybe it means that she didn't mind that he violated her that night?

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Zheng laughed: "Business matters are sometimes very weird, come and drink!"

After Chen Zheng and Dali Zhen had been drinking for three rounds, they suddenly talked about Huaying again. Dalizhen glanced at Wang An, and then said to Chen Zheng: "I don't know where this Huaying is. Her father should be very happy." Anxious, after all, there is only one daughter. I originally thought that my daughter would pick a man to come back to be the door-to-door son-in-law, and then nurture him well, let him grow up, and be able to take over in the future. Now, I can't even find her daughter. Secretary Hua will definitely be very upset anxious!"

"That's right. After all, parents in the world love each other. My daughter is my own flesh and blood. Which parent doesn't worry?" Thinking of Hua Ying, Chen Zheng also felt a little pity.

The little face of Wang An next to her was a little pale, but she was not noticed by the dim light of the food stall. On the surface, she pretended to be calm, but her little hands were constantly pinching under the table, and she couldn't help but feel the pain in her heart. Extremely guilty, I have been out for half a year, and I haven't called back. The house must be in chaos, right?My brother had an accident again, and I can't be with my grandparents, it's really unfilial!
"Xiao An, you look very similar to Huaying, will you and Huaying..." Na Dazhen suddenly asked Wang An.

Wang An was very nervous, but she still shook her head and puffed her chest out: "I'm a man, so how can I be Huaying?"

Dalizhen glanced at Wang An's flat chest, sighed, a little disappointed.

Chen Zheng next to him poured Dali Zhen a glass of wine: "Why are you sighing!"

"It would be great if I found Huaying, just fly up to the branch and become a phoenix." Dali Zhen's eyes were full of excitement: "Huaying only has one daughter in the Hua family, and they want to recruit a son-in-law, if we find it, We flew up to the branches to become phoenixes. Of course, I am not qualified to attract Huaying's attention, but Xiaozheng, you do. You are handsome, very rich, and even more powerful , if Huaying is by your side, she will definitely fall in love with you, so she will take you back to her home, and say to the previous national leader: Grandpa, this is the man I picked, please nurture him well! "

"I go!"

Seeing that Dalizhen was bragging, Chen Zheng quickly stopped drinking Dalizhen, poured Dalizhen a glass of wine, and said, "You all said that Huaying's grandfather was the last leader of the country, and she will be the leader of the country from now on." Pick some cats and dogs from the side of the road to come back? Even if she is really by our side, she will not look down on us. After all, as the granddaughter of a dignified country leader, she has a high position and can pick more people. There are so many sons in Beijing , so many rich people, so many handsome celebrities, she will like us? So, let's help Hua Tian find Hua Ying honestly, and don't talk about the rest!"

When Wang An next to him heard this, his heart became sweeter. Looking at Chen Zheng, he said in his heart: Compared with you, no matter how many sons, no matter how many rich people, no matter how many handsome celebrities, they are all fake!Only you can give me the hope of life, the longing for love, and the warm love!

"Brother Xiaozheng, eat this piece of chicken quickly." Wang An picked up a piece of chicken and put it in Chen Zheng's bowl.

Chen Zheng looked up at Wang An, and saw that he was looking at him quietly, his eyes contained a kind of tenderness. At this moment, Chen Zheng felt strange in his heart, as he said, this Wang An's eyes could be dripping Is there a tenderness like water?And he also put a piece of chicken in his hands?What's happening here?And Dalizhen next to him also felt a little weird, and said in his heart, could it be that Wang An is Huaying, and then fell in love with Chen Zheng, so he expressed his love to Chen Zheng?However, looking at Wang Anna's flat chest, she shook her head vigorously: Impossible!Wang An is not Huaying!
Chen Zheng and Dali looked at each other, shook their heads, and then continued to chat.

Wang An, who was next to her, smiled happily in her heart, and she secretly decided: Brother Xiaozheng, I am the Huaying you are looking for, but I can't tell you yet, when I fully return to normal, I will Confession to you!

Thinking of this, Wang An decided to keep concealing Chen Zheng.

Because she fell in love with Chen Zheng and wanted to show him the most perfect side of her. If Chen Zheng knew that she was a monster, and other places were girls, but her chest would be hidden during the day, Chen Zheng would definitely feel that she was a monster. It's a monster that hates her!So Wang An secretly decided that when he completely returned to normal, he would confess his love to Chen Zheng with the most perfect side!

"Premier Hua has made so many contributions to our country. If it weren't for him, our country would still be living in dire straits. But now, Prime Minister Hua's granddaughter is missing, and the Hua family is in trouble. It was also caused by other hostile forces!" Dalizhen drank a few bottles of beer, his voice became louder and Chen Zheng frowned, and quickly stopped Dalizhen: "Stop talking nonsense."

"What nonsense, I think it's clear that other families in the capital want to play with the Hua family!"

Seeing Chen Zheng staring at him, Dalizhen had no choice but to stop, and finally said: "Forget it, don't talk nonsense, let's find Huaying first."

Next, everyone continued to drink beer and eat barbecue. At this time, Wang An, who had been silent all this time, suddenly went out with an excuse, saying that he was going to the bathroom. Chen Zheng told Wang An to be careful, but his eyes suddenly moved, and he saw The big guys at the opposite table saw that they were all wearing suits, but they came to eat and drink at such a big stall, but they only ordered a few bottles of beer, and they didn't order anything else, which seemed a bit weird, which made Chen Zheng add more Pay attention, soon, Chen Zheng found that these men looked towards this side from time to time, with murderous looks in their eyes.

Chen Zheng's heart skipped a beat, knowing that he was being targeted.

But by whom?
Chen Zheng was using the see-through technique and looked around. Suddenly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. There was a BMW parked on the opposite road. There were two young people sitting in the car. It was none other than Wang Wenhua and Li Xiao, Wang Wenhua is Wang Dong's son, and he has a grudge against Chen Zheng, and Li Xiao even directed Xie Jian to attack Chen Zheng, and was finally taught a lesson by Chen Zheng. At the same time, a sneer flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: Sure enough, the enemy's enemy is a good friend, no, these two unrelated people actually joined forces?It's really surprising, just use any tricks!

While Chen Zheng and Dali Zhen were eating food stalls, Wang An walked to the entrance of the shopping mall opposite, took out her mobile phone, looked at the contact named "Dad" in the mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and finally dialed the number .

Far away in the Xiangdong provincial hall, a middle-aged man was buried in his desk, but at this moment, there was a sound of anxious footsteps, and the dark red door was pushed open, and a man with the appearance of a secretary was holding a mobile phone, and said to the middle-aged man with an excited face: "Boss Hua, your daughter is calling back!!!"


 Ask for a ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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