super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 119 Hua's Granddaughter

Chapter 119 Hua's Granddaughter
"Old butler, what's going on?" Wang Ting looked at the old butler suspiciously, wondering why the old butler would come out to stop everyone.

"Xiao Ting, it's like this. I have something to ask this girl." The old butler looked directly at Wang An and asked, "May I ask if you are Hua Ying?"

"Ah..." Wang An was stunned. The first time she heard that this hotel was visited by her grandfather, she knew that the manager of the hotel should know her grandfather. Unexpectedly, the other party directly asked her if she belonged to Huaxingbang. Granddaughter, her little face is pale, but brother Xiaozheng must not know that she is a girl, if not, brother Xiaozheng must think she is a monster.

"What? Hua Xingbang's granddaughter?" Chen Zheng shook his head, pointed at Wang An's chest and said, "Look carefully, his chest is flat!"

"What!" The old butler stared at Wang An's chest, his face changed drastically. When he was in the wing room just now, the lights were not very bright, and Wang An was very beautiful. , with bright lips, and a slender body like a willow, he thought Wang An was a girl. Now that he observed carefully, he found that Wang An's chest was flat and without breasts. This is not a girl, it is clearly a boy!For a moment, the old butler's face turned red, full of embarrassment. Just now he called Wang Fu and said that he had met En Gong's granddaughter. This is not Hua Ying, she is clearly a man!

"See you? He's a man!" Chen Zheng smiled.

And Xu Yingle next to her giggled, walked up, grabbed Wang An's arm, and said with a smile, "My classmate looks very much like a woman, but he is a real boy!"

"This..." The old butler looked embarrassed.

"Hehe." Xu Yingle giggled, and said to Chen Zheng: "Mr. Chen, look, others think Xiao An is your girlfriend."

"Hehe." Chen Zheng smiled, seeing Xu Ying smiling very happily, her big eyes bent into crescent moons, and two cute and charming dimples appeared on her face, now, Chen Zheng stretched out his hand and flicked Xu Ying. Ying's charming nose, but just such a flick, Xu Ying's face turned red, she lowered her head shyly, seeing Chen Zheng was taken aback, and scolded herself in her heart: Chen Zheng, what are you doing?He actually touched Xu Ying's little face?This is simply a tease!

"Cough!" Dali Zhen behind him coughed hastily, and said, "Okay, let's go back."

"Let's go."

Chen Zheng patted Wang An's little head, and then walked out. Behind him, Xu Ying stuck out her cute little tongue and followed. At that moment, the four of Chen Zheng walked out of the parking lot and drove the BMW out. Go, but just after driving out of the hotel, the tire burst. Chen Zheng got out of the car to check it, and cursed: "Damn, the tire was punctured. This is an oak tire, can it be punctured?"

Helpless, Chen Zheng had no choice but to drive the car to the car dealership next to the hotel to change the tire, and the four of Chen Zheng went to the opposite KFC to order some burgers, and then chatted while eating, but, from the beginning to the end, Xu Ying They were all very quiet, eating hamburgers with her head down, usually she was the liveliest, but today she was so quiet for some reason, and looked up at Chen Zheng from time to time, with tenderness in her eyes.

After Chen Zheng and the others left, the old butler in the hotel made a call.

After a while, the phone went through.

Wang Fu's voice sounded: "Old Wu, what's the situation with you?"

"Master, are you going to come here? I seem to have made a mistake..." the old butler hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Wang Fu asked quickly.

"This..." The old butler hesitated, and finally said: "Forget it, master, come here first, and I will talk to you slowly."

"Okay!" Wang Fu frowned, he hung up the phone, thought for a while, then picked up the phone and made a mysterious call, which turned out to be from the capital!The phone beeped for a long time, and finally got through. A deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Wang Fu? Do you have any news from Xiaoying?"

Hearing this sound, Wang Fu trembled all over, with tears in his eyes, and he thought of the dark and difficult days 30 years ago. If it weren't for Engong's action, Baoqi Group would not have achieved the achievements it has today!En Gong was the last leader of the country. He tried his best to turn the tide, helped the building before it collapsed, governed the country, and reformed and opened up. It made China's economy double and the people's lives became richer and richer.

The benefactor Wang Fu mentioned was Hua Xingbang.

"Engong, you are right, there is news about Xiaoying." Wang Fu's voice was a little excited: "It was in the Longlai Hotel, Engong, your granddaughter was eating, and my old butler recognized her!"

"Really?" The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "Is she a man or a woman?"

"Ah?" Wang Fu was puzzled. He didn't know why Engong would ask this. Wasn't Hua Ying always a woman?

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said solemnly: "I give you a task, no matter if he is a man or a woman, find him! Finally keep him and know where he lives! If he grows up with the sky If they are extremely similar, then it must be Huaying! The Hua family only has her last descendant, so don't let her have any accidents!"

Hearing Engong's excitement from the phone, Wang Fu nodded, knowing the plight of the Hua family, he nodded heavily: "Engong, please rest assured, I will find Xiaoying!"

"Then go, let me know as soon as you have any news!" On the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang hung up the phone, stood up, came to the window, looked at the white snow falling outside, and looked at the white sky with a calm expression. He murmured: "Xiaoying, even if you become a man or a woman, why do you need to run away from home? Grandpa will make you recover even if you do everything in the family! Why has it been half a year? , you haven't called grandpa yet?"

As early as three months ago, Hua Xingbang let people find out that the reason why Hua Ying ran away from home was because she had done Hua Tianping's experiment and became male and female.

Although this experiment, Hua Tianping has been hiding it from everyone!

But how to hide it from the dignified Hua Xingbang?However, he is not sure whether there is really an experiment in this world that allows people to shrink their breasts!He is now waiting, waiting for Wang Fu to confirm whether the one at Longlai Hotel looks exactly the same as Huaying. If they are exactly the same, then no matter whether the other party is male or female, it must be Huaying!
"Xiaoying, grandpa is still waiting for you to come back to pick a son-in-law for the Hua family. Why did you run away from home so cruelly? Even if you become a man or a woman, grandpa will do everything in his power to make you happy. You recovered, why did you leave grandpa so cruelly?" Hua Xingbang murmured.

A sneeze!

Wang An, who was far away in the East China Sea, was drinking Coca-Cola, but for some reason, she sneezed. As a result, she sprayed it all over the table, and her face turned red for a while.

Chen Zhenggang wanted to swear a few words, but it was obvious that Wang An's little red face was very beautiful and cute. He couldn't continue to swear, so he stood up and said, "The car is repaired, let's go back."

"Okay." Wang An hurriedly followed Chen Zheng, walking out with a smile.

However, when Chen Zheng and the others returned to the garage, they saw Wang Ting. Wang Ting was wearing a white suit on her upper body and a gray wrap skirt on her lower body. Soon, she also saw Chen Zheng and the others. She hurried up and said, "When I went back just now, I heard the old housekeeper say that your tires are punctured. What's the matter? Do you want me to ask someone to take you back?"

"Depends on the situation." Chen Zheng said, came to the BMW car, observed it, saw that the tire had been replaced, so he said with a smile: "Manager Wang, you see that the tire has been replaced, so There is no need."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Wang Ting took a deep look at Chen Zheng, and then walked out. Just about to get in the car, she was suddenly shocked and stopped there, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"what's the situation?"

Chen Zheng also noticed Wang Ting's strangeness, followed Wang Ting's gaze towards the road, and saw a Mercedes-Benz driving over, then stopped at the side of the road, an old man got out of the car, the old man It looks somewhat similar to Wang Ting, if it is good, it should be Wang Ting's father or something.Chen Zheng glanced at Wang Ting, saw Wang Ting go up to greet him, and knew in his heart that this should be Wang Ting's father, Wang Fu, the chairman of Baoqi Group.Chen Zheng wanted to go up to make a relationship, but he thought that Xia Xue was still urging him, so he called Wang An and others into the car, and was about to drive away, but saw Wang Ting came over with a surprised face, and said to Chen Zheng: : "Chen Zheng, don't leave yet, my father came here to see you! Why is Hua's granddaughter here..."


 Nine thousand words have been updated today, so two chapters have exploded!Continue to explode tomorrow!Thanks to [Emperor Moon] and [Xingyun Changtian] for the reward of 1000 gold coins!

(End of this chapter)

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