super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 124 He is the Dragon King Among People!

Chapter 124 He is the Dragon King Among People!
"Grandpa, what did you say? You actually want me to quit?" Wang Wenhua looked at his grandfather, Wang Fu, in surprise. just?Thinking of this, Wang Wenhua felt a little uncomfortable: "Grandpa, did you make a mistake? You actually want me to give up on my own initiative?"

"You're right. I just want you to give up." Wang Fu nodded.

Wang Fu also wanted to climb up to the Xia family, but he knew too well what kind of character his grandson was, how could he compare to Chen Zheng?Although he felt a little pity in his heart, Wang Fu still shook his head.

"Why? Is it because of Chen Zheng?" Wang Wenhua said stubbornly: "Chen Zheng is just an outsider, what qualifications does he have to get your approval? Grandpa, you actually asked me to give up voluntarily to an outsider, it's really surprising! Is Chen Zheng worthy? Compared with him, I am the right one! I am the dragon king among men!"

Wang Fu's face darkened: "Wenhua, you can be arrogant, but it depends on your strength!"

"A mere wild boy, what strength does he have!" Wang Wenhua said firmly.

"First point, are you as good at fighting as Chen Zheng? In the entire Donghai underground boxing ring, from No.4 onwards, everyone has been beaten into a disability by Chen Zheng, can you?" Wang Fu asked blankly. .

"This..." Wang Wenhua's face turned pale.

"Secondly, Chen Zheng has super-high appraisal ability. He can see through at a glance whether there are precious stones in this rough stone, and can tell at a glance whether this painting is expensive or not. Big welcome, do you have any?" Wang Fu asked blankly.

"I..." Wang Wenhua was anxious: "Grandpa, how can your eyes be so short? Even if Chen Zheng really has such strength, so what? I am your grandson, I am a high-level celebrity, and my background is exactly [-] times that of Chen Zheng. How could he be able to get Xia Xue as a mere wild boy?"

"You do have a background, but let me ask you, can you get the approval of Xia Xue's fourth uncle? Can you get the appreciation of Xia Xue's cousin Xia Lei? You can get Xia Xue's second grandfather, the commander of the Jiangnan Military Region Chang Xiawei's approval? Can you make the majestic Hua Tiandu and Xia Shangguo bow down on the chessboard?" Wang Fu said blankly: "Wenhua, tell me the truth, you can be like Chen Zheng, Has it been recognized and appreciated by so many people in the Xia family?"


This time, Wang Wenhua completely froze there. He never thought that Chen Zheng was so terrifying!Whether it is combat strength or appraisal ability, he is a genius-like existence, and the most important thing is that Chen Zheng has also been recognized and appreciated by Xia Sishu, Xia Lei, and Xia Wei. Hua Tiandu and Xia Tian are completely defeated.Hua Tiandu and Xia Tian are both arrogant and arrogant, so how can they just obey others casually?But he was defeated by Chen Zheng on the chessboard, and he recognized Chen Zheng's existence from his heart!

To be honest, compared with Chen Zheng, Wang Wenhua is on the ground and the other is in the sky.

If Wang Wenhua was born with a golden key in his mouth, then Chen Zheng would be the real son!

Thinking of this, Wang Wenhua turned pale.

"Now you know why I asked you to withdraw voluntarily? To be honest, compared with Chen Zheng, you are not worthy of competition at all! You are my grandson, so I know it very well, so you should voluntarily give up!" Wang Fu said. Too much, the mouth was very dry, picked up the teacup and took a sip of Longjing tea to moisten the mouth, glanced at the pale Wang Wenhua, shook his head, and then walked out.

In the office, Wang Wenhua stood there with a pale face. He had just been mercilessly hit by Wang Fu. Wang Wenhua was so desperate that he said helplessly: "Compared to Chen Zheng, I am just a failed trash! Hehe..."

Chen Zheng drove Wang An and Xia Xue to have breakfast, but as soon as he drove out of the intersection, Chen Zheng stopped, jumped out of the car, and said to Wang An and Xia Xue in the car: "You wait here. I."

"Brother Xiaozheng, where are you going?" Wang An asked suspiciously.

"It's okay, I'll come back when I go." Chen Zheng smiled, walked towards the opposite breakfast point, and came to a table. There was a young man sitting at the table. This young man was very strong, with a full height of 1.8 meters. Tall, with a bronze complexion and sharp eyes, you can tell at a glance that you are not someone to mess with. There is a black leather bag at the feet of the young man. The leather bag is more than one meter long, and the young man is wearing a gray sail. Clothes, on his shoulders there is a symbol, a dragon and three knives.

It is the Huaxia Dragon Special Forces!
Chen Zheng bought two red bean paste buns, sat in front of the young man, and ate them like no one else was there.

"It's you..." When the young man saw that it was Chen Zheng, he was trembling all over. When he thought that Chen Zheng caught his bullet at high speed just now and slapped it back with his palm, the young man's eyes were terrified. How can he resist such an existence?He was eating breakfast, but Chen was sitting across from him, he felt uncomfortable all over, he froze there, his face pale.

Chen Zheng finished eating the bean paste buns, stood up, patted the young man on the shoulder, and said, "Give me the money."

"Okay." The young man nodded. He watched Chen Zheng walk out, then got into the car and drove away, disappearing into the boundless traffic. It was full of sweat, and for a moment, his face was extremely embarrassed, but when he thought of Chen Zheng's horror, he felt that he was not wronged. After all, in front of Chen Zheng's terror, it is already good if you are not nervous to death .

"This Donghai, is there no one who can fight against him?" The young man suddenly murmured, thinking of his two comrades in arms in Donghai, he stood up: "Chen Zheng, you wait for me, I will go to my comrades now, These two comrades-in-arms are also martial arts practitioners, so I don't believe that I can't suppress your arrogance!"

At this time, Longxing Hotel.

In a VIP room, Wang Dong was sitting there waiting. After a while, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in. It was none other than Song Zhisong, the owner of Longxing Hotel.Seeing Song Zhi, Wang Dong quickly stood up, smiling all over his face: "Boss Song, you are so busy, unexpectedly you are willing to come and entertain me in the end?"

"Mr. Wang, stop joking. You are the chairman of Baoqi Group. How can I neglect you?" Song Zhi quickly asked Wang Dong to sit down, smoked a cigarette, and asked, "It's nothing. If you don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall, I don’t know why you are here today?”

"I would like to ask you to send a killer to kill a person." Wang Dong said gloomyly: "If I can kill him, I am willing to ask for 1000 million!"

"1000 million?" Song Zhi suddenly became serious and asked, "Who is he?"

"His name is Chen Zheng."


(End of this chapter)

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