super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 127 Brother Xiaozheng, Wait For Me

Chapter 127 Brother Xiaozheng, Wait For Me (Please Subscribe)
"You!" Chen Zheng looked at Wang An in surprise. Just now, Wang An fell to the ground, passed out, blushing like a tide, but now, he threw himself into Xu Ying's arms and acted like a baby. What's going on?Looking at Wang An's shy face, Chen Zheng's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that this Wang An likes me?

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng felt sick.

He is a big man, he likes women, and he already has a wife named Xia Xue. Although Wang An's skin is rosy and his face can be broken, men are always men. Chen Zheng just kissed Wang An , it was just an accident, he didn't like men at all!

"Chen Zheng, is Xiao An interested in you? After being kissed by you, I became so shy!" Dali Zhen's voice was full of evil.

Chen Zheng pushed Dali Zhen away: "Don't talk nonsense, Wang An is a man, and he has a dime meaning!"

"Hehe." Xu Ying who was next to her laughed when she heard it. She deliberately pushed Chen Zheng and Wang An out to participate in this challenge. The purpose was to make the two of them ambiguous. Her goal was also achieved. Hope Seeing Wang An shrink into her arms shyly, she felt a sense of accomplishment.

"What are you laughing at!" Chen Zheng frowned.

"Giggle..." Xu Ying rolled her eyes and said, "Chen Zheng, why don't you stay with Xiaoan, anyway, you even kissed her lips."

"Together?" Chen Zheng was surprised. He never thought that Xu Ying would say such a thing. Wang An is a man, so why not be with him?Everyone is perverted now?Like the same sex?But this has nothing to do with him!Chen Zheng poohed several times.


For some unknown reason, Dalizhen actually yelled.

When the people around heard it, their evil intentions rose, and they all shouted: "Together, together, together!"

When everyone shouted, Xu Ying smiled even more smugly. Seeing Chen Zheng's expressionless face, she smiled in her heart and said: Brother Chen, I am helping you. All the men in China want to marry Xiao An, and then they will be successful. , don't look disgusted!

And Wang An in her arms turned red when she heard the people around her yelling together. She huddled tightly in Xu Ying's arms, and beat Xu Ying with her small hands: "I hate it, bad sister, I hate it to death."

Hearing Wang An's acting like a baby, Chen Zheng was even more surprised. This guy Wang An didn't explain at all?And still eager to be together?Chen Zheng performed the see-through eye technique again, and probed Wang An's chest, it was still so flat, this is a boy at all!Damn it, Wang An, it's fine if you look so motherly, and you're still keen on fucking?
Thinking of this, Chen Zheng got goosebumps all over the floor.

"Hehe." Xu Yingle giggled, patted Wang An's jade back, and then said to Chen Zheng with a smile, "Brother Chen, don't be disgusted. If you really marry Xiao An, you will definitely be happy for a lifetime!"

Who is Wang An?

Wang An is Hua Ying, the granddaughter of Hua Xingbang!The only daughter of the Hua family!The entire Hua family is counting on Wang An to find a son-in-law who will come back and inherit the power of the Hua family!
If Chen Zheng marries Xiao An, will he be happy?

A fool knows happiness!
So Xu Ying was very dissatisfied with Chen Zheng's disgust.

When Wang An in his arms heard Xu Ying's voice, he quickly squeezed Xu Ying's waist, and warned Xu Ying not to say any more. After all, she didn't want Brother Xiaozheng to know that she was Huaying. Brother will think she is a monster!She wanted to completely return to normal, to appear in front of Brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect side, and to confess to Brother Xiaozheng!

not now!
Thinking of this, Wang An stood up, his small face tensed: "Okay, okay, everyone, stop joking."

It's just that her little face was flushed with red tides, which made everyone think she was shy.

Chen Zheng glanced at Wang An. To be honest, Wang An is really beautiful, especially when he is shy, his little face is red and very attractive. Except for his flat chest, everything else is completely girly, a fascinating existence. If Wang An is a woman, Chen Zheng will definitely lose control of himself and fall in love with her, but Wang An is a man!
This is what Chen Zheng saw through the clairvoyance technique!
So he shook his head and said, "Wang An, go back when you've had enough fun!"

As he said that, Chen Zheng walked out, but was stopped by the host, who came up and said with a smile: "Sir, you and your little lover have performed very well, we decided to reward you one Gift, please come over and take a group photo."

As soon as he heard the award, Wang An cheered, ran over, hugged Chen Zheng's arm with both hands, and walked towards the podium.

Chen Zhenggang wanted to push Wang An away, but when he saw that the award-giving Santa Claus had come, he couldn't get angry, so he could only stand with Wang An, was photographed, and then accepted a gift, but the surrounding The audience looked closely at Chen Zheng and Wang An, and sighed a little: "This is simply a pair! The man is handsome and upright, the woman is beautiful and tender, and the man is beautiful!"

Hearing this, Chen Zheng was speechless.

But when he looked at Wang An next to him, he found that this girl was enjoying herself very much, with a happy smile all over her face, which made Chen Zheng's eyes full of helplessness.

Amidst the envy and sighs of everyone, Chen Zheng and Wang An stepped off the awarding platform. As soon as they stepped off the stage, Xu Ying immediately came up to congratulate Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen, congratulations, you have completely won Xiao An's heart. , Xiaoan will love you forever!"

"What did you say!" Chen Zheng glared at Xu Ying, then pushed away from the crowd and walked out. He didn't notice that behind him, Wang An was full of shyness, lowered his head and said secretly: "Brother Xiaozheng, what's in his heart?" Stolen by you, I will be your woman for the rest of my life!When I fully return to normal, I will confess my love to you with the most perfect side, brother Xiaozheng, you wait for me!

Chen Zheng didn't know what Wang An was thinking, he pushed away the crowd and walked forward, saw Tian Gong at the corner, Chen Zheng moved and walked up.

And Tian Gong also saw Chen Zheng, he was startled suddenly, and subconsciously took a step back, how did he expect to meet such a terrifying existence as Chen Zheng here?It can be seen that Chen Zheng has already discovered him, so Tiangong could only bite the bullet and walked up: "God Chen, why are you here?"

Looking at the pale-faced Tiangong, Chen Zheng asked, "I'm asking you, why are you here?"

"I've already moved in here, so it's convenient to protect Wang An in the future." Tiangong said respectfully.

Seeing Tiangong's nervous face, Chen Zheng stretched out his hand and patted Tiangong's shoulder: "Xiaogong, you have to keep an eye on me."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Tiangong became excited. He didn't expect such a terrifying existence as Chen Zheng to pat him on the shoulder affectionately, and even called him Xiaogong. He was so excited, even though he was Huaxia. The dragon group is a special soldier, but Chen Zheng is a terrifying existence. When he thinks of Chen Zheng catching his bullet with his bare hands, Tian Gong feels an urge to worship him.He suddenly thought of something, and asked cautiously: "God Chen, I heard that you are... the ancient killer?"

He got this news from Chairman Hua.

"Ancient Assassin? Be it." Chen Zheng nodded. Along the way, many people said he was an ancient Assassin. He had no choice but to admit it.

When Tiangong heard it, his whole body was shocked, he froze there, trembling all over: "It's true! It's true! You are indeed an ancient killer! No wonder! No wonder!!!"

In the legend of China, there is a group of people who fly over walls, climb into the sky and enter the earth, open up the sky and the earth, and are omnipotent. Some of them have lived from ancient times to the present, and some have been practicing since their mothers' wombs, but all of them are terrifying existences!As a special soldier of the Huaxia Dragon Group, Tiangong heard such legends a long time ago.At first he was very skeptical, how could people fly around walls?But since meeting Chen Zheng, he has completely changed his values.

Chen Zheng caught the bullet he hit with his bare hands!

And when he slapped the bullet with his palm, the bullet flew back upside down!
This terrifying existence, what is it if it is not ancient killing?
Before, Tiangong respected Chen Zheng very much, but now he is trembling.

Seeing Tiangong's pale face and trembling body, Chen Zheng shook his head, just in time to see Xu Ying and others following up, he said to Tiangong: "Xiaogong, you can just come to work in our company directly from now on."

"Really? Thank God Chen!" Tiangong said respectfully.

"En." Chen Zheng nodded, and then walked into the wing room. After he sat in the wing room for a while, Xu Ying, Wang An and others came in, and even Tian Gong walked in and sat silently on the side.

The banquet has begun.

There was laughter in the wing room.

During this process, Xu Ying kept toasting Chen Zheng, and kept saying: "Brother Chen, I will follow you from now on. You are simply a lucky person. If you follow you, you will definitely be able to make a fortune!"

Every time Xu Ying said that, Wang An beside him had a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

This gave Chen Zheng a headache, but when he went to the toilet, he met Tian Gong and asked directly: "Chairman Hua sent you to protect Wang An, do you know Wang An's identity?"

When Tiangong heard it, his eyes were full of doubts: "I don't know about this, tell God Chen. Chairman Hua only sent me to protect Wang An, but he didn't tell me who Wang An is. However, Wang An and Hua Tiandu looks very similar. Could it be that Wang An is Hua Tiandu's son? However, Hua Tiandu's son had a car accident a few years ago, so it shouldn't be! It's really strange. Who?"

Chen Zheng glanced at Tiangong, then walked out.

But at this moment, the urgent bell rang. Chen Zheng saw that it was Song Zhi calling. He frowned, and finally answered, and Song Zhi's cold voice sounded: "Xiaozheng!" , where are you now? The hunchbacked young master who ranked No.3 tonight challenged you by name and wanted to fight you to the death. He said that if you don’t participate, then he will. your woman!"

"Oh!" A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.


 Explain, two or three chapters may be combined into one chapter in the future, so some chapters may be more expensive, please be considerate, that is, several chapters will be combined into one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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