super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 133 I am a troublemaker, who am I afraid of?

Chapter 133 I am a troublemaker, who am I afraid of?

"If this is the case, then let me try your so-called terror of the tencel dial!" Chen Zheng snorted, and it is better to act first, because he is afraid that the instructor will make a move first, and there are Wang An and others behind him. People, so Chen Zheng must be fast.He ran out of the rein, sprinting at a speed of [-] meters, and phantoms appeared behind him. The next second, he had already arrived in front of the coach, and said with a cold face: "I'm sorry, you may not have the opportunity to use the Tiansi Needle !"

As Chen Zheng said, the spirit in his dantian surged out, condensed on the palm of his hand, and then slapped on the needle plate of Tiansi.

But what surprised Chen Zheng was that he couldn't break the Tencel dial!

Not bad!

He used [-]% of his strength in this palm, but he couldn't break the tencel dial.

What the hell is this made of?
"Huh! This is the latest technological weapon, how can you resist it!" the instructor said coldly, he picked up the Tencel needle plate, and then pressed the chassis, and in a short time, the lines were as thin as a cow's hair The needle light blasted towards Chen Zheng, the needle light was densely packed, Chen Zheng frowned, and he subconsciously turned backwards. This time, he exerted a full [-]% of his strength, and within a distance of half a meter , ran all the way out, but when he fell, his chest was pierced by the needle light, and some blood flowed out.


Wang An, Xu Ying, Dalizhen and Tiangong were all shocked. They didn't expect that the teacher's Tencel dial was so terrifying that even Chen Zheng was stabbed.Although Chen Zheng's body was only injured on the skin, everyone was still very surprised at the speed of the Tiansi dial.

Chen Zheng looked down at the scratched scar on his chest. Although it was only a superficial injury, his expression was extremely surprised: "You are so fast with the tencel dial!"

Just now, Chen Zheng used [-]% of his strength, but he still couldn't surpass the speed of the Tiansi dial!When facing the bullet, Chen Zheng only used [-]% of his strength to deal with it easily!It can be seen from this that the horror of the Tencel dial!Whether it is hardness or speed, it is extremely terrifying!

"Haha..." The coach laughed loudly, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Chen Zheng, didn't you say that you are very good? What? Can you resist the Tencel needle plate in my hand? This is the latest The researched secret weapon is suitable for single-soldier combat, when it goes deep into the enemy's siege, it can kill everyone lightly in an instant, its speed is even incomparable to bullets, how can you fight against it?"

The teacher's eyes were full of sarcasm.

Not only the instructor, but even Song Zhi in the monitoring room on the second floor had excitement in his eyes. Finally, there was something that could suppress Chen Zheng's arrogance!So what if you are an ancient killer?Are you faster than the Tencel dial?

"Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang An looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face.

Chen Zheng waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. Although he was injured by the needle glow, it was only a skin trauma. However, he was still very surprised by the horror of the Tencel needle plate. Looking inside, he felt dizzy after just one glance, and couldn't help but said: "The current technology is indeed very good!"

"Are you a cow? I'll send you to the west now!" The coach shouted, and saw that the sky silk needle discs emitted needle lights again, and charged towards Chen Zheng.


Chen Zheng snorted coldly, and dodged to the left, dodging the killing of the Tiansi needle, and then rushed up towards the instructor, before the instructor fired the second time, he pinched the instructor's wrist .


Everyone around was startled and stared at Chen Zheng intently, even the head teacher had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Your Tencel Needle Disk is really powerful! I will be killed by you if I am within one meter of you, but if the distance is more than one meter, you will not be able to hurt me anymore. In other words, I Only make it impossible to launch within a distance of one meter, then I can make you tremble!" Chen Zheng said lazily.

"You!" A trace of panic flashed in the instructor's eyes. He thought that the tencel needle plate could directly kill Chen Zheng, but, at a distance of one meter, Chen Zheng was able to evade freedom!
"Kill him!" In the monitoring room on the second floor, Song Zhi's face was extremely angry. He didn't expect that the tencel needle coil was one meter away, and it couldn't directly take Chen Zheng's life!

"Chen Zheng, the Tencel Dial is an existence that you cannot destroy. It is your natural enemy!" The instructor just wanted to get angry, but Chen Zheng had already made a move. He hit the Tencel Dial with one hand and knocked it into the air. , smiled and said: "This tencel dial is indeed very terrifying, no matter it is hardness or speed, it is unique. I can't afford to provoke you, young master, won't you hide?"

"You!" The instructor's face was extremely angry.

"By the way, do you want to pick up the Tencel needle plate, and then come to deal with me?" Chen Zheng asked again suddenly, before the instructor could answer, Chen Zheng had already made a move, grabbed the instructor's shoulder, and then savagely With a firm pinch, there were two crisp bone cracking sounds, and he heard the teacher groan twice, then sat down on the ground, his face pale and trembling all over, Chen Zheng smiled lazily: "Now, I I crushed your shoulders, can you still use the Tencel dial to deal with me?"

"You! You! You are simply a troublemaker!!!" Where did the coach encounter such a rascal character like Chen Zheng, he was so excited that his face became angry.

"I'm a troublemaker, who am I afraid of?"

A smile flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He also knew the horror of the Tiansi needle plate. It would be very dangerous if the thirty killers behind the coach got it. I'm afraid he can't fight against such a domineering technology, so he strikes first, as long as he knocks down all the thirty killers!He pounced on it, and immediately launched an attack. He used all his energy without any reservations, and hit anyone he saw. Although Chen Zheng had no way to deal with such a lethal weapon as the tencel needle plate, he could face it. Chen Zheng could still handle the thirty killers behind the coach.

No, Chen Zheng was like a wolf in a herd of sheep, he beat a killer flying with a knife in his hand.

However, there is an obvious difference between these killers and the previous fighters of the Luo family, that is, they are not afraid of death, they still jumped up and continued to kill Chen Zheng after being beaten until they vomited blood.This time, Chen Zheng seemed to be in a bit of trouble. He had to beat him out again, but after a while, he saw that guy jumping up from the ground and rushing towards Chen Zheng. Although he was almost crippled by the beating , the other party is still so reckless!

After hitting here, Chen Zheng realized the horror of these killers!
Their will and violence are unmatched by ordinary warriors!

"You guys are very difficult! This is forcing me to kill!" Chen Zheng said, this time he made a murderous intent to take the opponent's life. Every blow will either kill the opponent or cripple him!Chen Zheng didn't have any sympathy for these killers, and his ruthless attack did have an effect. As a result, within 5 minutes, the thirty killers could no longer get up.


In the monitoring room on the second floor, watching Chen Zheng deal with the [-] killer elites, Song Zhi's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to be negligent, and fled out quickly, and the fair-skinned young man next to him also hurriedly followed to protect Song Zhi leave here.

"You... are really scary!!!" The instructor saw that Chen Zheng knocked down all these killers to the ground in less than 10 minutes. His face was pale. These killers were cultivated by himself. The torment of death, the will is different from ordinary people, the violence is stronger than ordinary people, and most importantly, the lives of these people are all in his hands. They will not give up until the last moment, but within 10 minutes, this Thirty killer elites were all dealt with by Chen Zheng!

Looking at a famous killer lying on the ground, blood dripped from the instructor's heart. This was a painstaking effort he had spent several years cultivating, and it was all destroyed by Chen Zheng.

"Chen Zheng, you bastard!!!"

The coach roared wildly, and his first reaction was not to rush at Chen Zheng, but to run towards the Tiansi needle plate in the corner. He knew very well that even ten of them would not be able to fight against Chen Zheng, but one Tencel The needle plate can kill Chen Zheng!

However, as soon as he moved, Chen Zheng on the opposite side moved a step first, and his figure flashed, came to the corner, picked up the day silk needle plate, and said with a lazy smile: "Do you want it very much? But I am I won't give it to you, because its power is the only existence that threatens me!"


The instructor vomited blood in his heart. Looking at Chen Zheng's lazy smile, he was so angry that he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of rotten blood. He looked at Chen Zheng firmly: "Very good! Chen Zheng, today we lost You have it! But I tell you, you will die!!! You are all going to die here tonight!!!”

The instructor roared wildly, a venomous light flashed in his eyes, and he bit hard, breaking a tooth. Then, surprisingly, the instructor fell to the ground with a rotten face, struggling in pain, and finally died in pain.

"It's poison!"

Chen Zheng was startled, the instructor should have put poison in his teeth, and when he died, he would bite his teeth and commit suicide!

"Brother Xiaozheng, they!" Wang An's exclamation sounded, and Chen Zheng looked up, seeing all the killers around him biting their teeth, crushing the poison pills, and then dying in pain.For a moment, a trace of surprise flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "This is a group of desperate killers!"

"It's finally safe now!"

Wang An's little face was completely pale. She had gone through several disasters tonight, and now she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at Wang An's rosy little face, Chen Zheng smiled: "You are simply a troublemaker! Whoever follows you will suffer!"

"Hee hee." Wang An was proud of it, walked up, hugged Chen Zheng's arm, and said with a cheerful smile, "With brother Xiaozheng protecting me, I won't be afraid."

Being hugged by Wang An, Chen Zheng felt uncomfortable, and wanted to push her out, and then scold her a few words, but looking at Wang An's cute little face, he couldn't bear it, so he had to urge Tian Gong to take the Tiansi needle Put away the tray.

Dalizhen snatched the dial of Tiansi, his eyes were full of surprise: "Xiaozheng, what kind of technology is this?"

"How do I know? You just need to know that it is a weapon that is more terrifying than me!" Chen Zheng said, then greeted everyone, and was about to leave here, but a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded. It was very loud in the empty basement, Wang An and others were pale, but Chen Zheng looked up, but saw Song Zhi suddenly came out holding a woman, that woman turned out to be Liu Li!

"Why is Liu Li here?"

Chen Zheng looked at Liu Li in surprise, and after a few glances, he finally realized, isn't Liu Li the young man who protected Song Zhi just now?When Chen Zheng saw this young man at the first sight, he felt that he was very weird, like albinism, with weird skin. Thinking about it now, it turned out that it was Liu Li who put on makeup!

Then Liu Li should have come to kill Song Zhi, but after the burst of gunfire just now, Liu Li was subdued by Song Zhi.

"Don't move at all!!!" Song Zhi squeezed Liu Li's neck, walked out, glanced at Chen Zheng, and said firmly: "Chen Zheng, you immediately explode yourself with the silk needle plate! If not, I will kill you right now!" Kill Liu Li!!!"

"What!" Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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