super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 135 The Prince Charming in My Heart!

Chapter 135 The Prince Charming in My Heart!
"What should we do now?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face. Before she knew it, she had made Chen Zheng the only person she could rely on.

"Why is this poisonous gas so familiar, isn't it?" Liu Li stared closely at the streams of poisonous gas emerging from the corpse, her face became extremely pale.

"Back immediately!" Chen Zheng hurriedly asked Wang An and others to retreat. He walked up and helped Dali Zhen up. While retreating, he observed all around and saw that all the doors and windows around him were closed by steel plates. Stopped, now there is some trouble, Dalizhen next to him was panting fiercely, trembling all over, foaming at the mouth, tightly grasping Chen Zheng's shoulder: "Xiaozheng, am I going to die soon? "

Chen Zheng didn't speak, he helped Dalizhen to the wall, and ignored it, the dead horse was treated like a living horse, the spirit in the dantian surged out, and then diffused into Dalizhen's body.These spiritual breaths have a very strong spirituality. Last time in the Jiangnan Military Region, Xia Wei was rescued in this way. Now Chen Zheng concocted it according to the law, diffused the spiritual breath into his body vigorously, and then let the spiritual breath invade and kill the poisonous gas.

"Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang An grasped Chen Zheng's clothes tightly, his face was pale.

Seeing that Chen was treating Dali Zhen, Xu Ying leaned over, her eyes were full of hope, she knew that Chen was the ancient killer, there must be a way!Only that day worker held the tencel needle plate in his hand, glanced at the green poisonous gas in front of him, and then at the tencel needle plate in his hand, his face became extremely pale and bloodless, as if It's like thinking of something.

Of course, the others didn't notice the panic on Tiangong's face, and they didn't know what Tiangong was thinking at the moment, which made him so scared.

And Liu Li next to him didn't notice Tiangong's panic, she just looked closely at the poisonous gas in front of her, and said in her heart: Unexpectedly, Song Zhi let the poisonous gas be applied to the human body!


On the contrary, vigorously, Chen Zheng's spiritual breath was diffused, and the poisonous gas in his body was purged, and he even opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of rotting blood, opened his weak eyes, and looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face: "Little Right, am I dead?"

"I saved you!" Chen Zheng said. When he stood up, he found that there was not much spiritual energy left in his dantian. Come up, everyone will die here and find a way to get out of here. Chen Zheng glanced at the steel plate door, walked up, stretched out his hand and pressed on the steel plate.

"President Wang!"

Seeing that Dali Zhen had been rescued, Xu Ying and Wang An behind them were surprised. Wang An was better, but Xu Ying sat down with tears in her eyes. I have experienced too much, many times of life and death, but in the end, it was Chen Zheng who settled all of this. Thinking of this, Xu Ying looked at Chen Zheng with excitement, her eyes were full of excitement, she felt that her own Life has become extremely exciting because of Chen Zheng's appearance!

"Ah, God Chen, you actually saved Dalizhen!" The originally pale Tiangong turned his head to see Dalizhen who had come back to life, and his face was extremely surprised.

Of all the people here, I am afraid that only he knows what these poisonous gases are!
As a special soldier of the Huaxia Dragon Group, Tiangong felt familiar with weapons like the Tencel Needle Plate at first, but when the more than 30 corpses turned into poisonous gas, Tiangong suddenly reacted, the Tencel Needle Plate and the poisonous gas poison pill, They all come from the same organization, this organization is from the United States, it is very scary!In the past few years, most of the entire Huaxia Dragon Team have been tracking down this organization, and even his captain has concentrated on tracking down this terrorist organization in the United States.

But to Tiangong's surprise, here, he saw the weapon Tiansi needle plate developed by this organization, as well as the poisonous gas used by this organization!

Tiangong was very surprised, he didn't expect Song Zhi to have an affair with the American organization!

But what surprised him even more was that Chen Zheng actually rescued Dalizhen who had been poisoned!Tian Gong remembered that three years ago, when his captain took him to a small country in Southeast Asia to track down this American organization, he thought he could catch their leader, but unexpectedly, the other party committed suicide, and then melted out a stream of poisonous gas At that time, except for him and his captain, the small country's auxiliary army and local residents, as long as they were within that area, all died!

After being hit by these poisonous gases, no matter how you try to rescue them, you will not be able to survive.

But what made Tiangong tremble was that Chen Zheng brought Dali back to life!

"How is this possible!!!" Tian Gong's eyes were full of terror, he stared at Chen Zheng, and said in his heart: "This is the horror of the ancient killer! Captain, if you are here, you will find out that The poisonous gas that made us helpless at that time was easily dealt with by Chen Zheng!"

Hearing Tiangong's exclamation, Wang Anle smiled happily. She ran towards Chen Zheng suddenly, hugged Chen Zheng's back, leaned on Chen Zheng's body, and said with a cheerful smile: " Brother Xiaozheng, you are too powerful."

"You!" Chen Zheng was a little upset. He was using his spiritual breath to wipe out the steel plate door in front of him, but this guy Wang An rushed up unexpectedly. He wanted to swear, but he looked at Wang An's red little Chen Zheng really couldn't bear to scold his face, because Wang An was so cute, he quickly activated the aura in his dantian, and it rushed out and condensed on the steel plate. A surprising thing happened, and he saw the three-thousandth-thick The ten-centimeter steel door was violently transformed by the spiritual breath, and all of it was transformed into spiritual breath, which was scattered in the wind. Chen Zheng quickly absorbed all the spiritual breath transformed by the steel plate door into his dantian, but when he turned around, he found that his face was full of surprise. Tiangong, Xu Ying and Dalizhen all stood there, staring blankly at Chen Zheng.

For a while, Chen Zheng shouted: "Are you all stupid? Are you still not leaving? Do you want to wait until the poisonous gas comes up before you run?"

"This is simply a god! Damn, you actually let the steel plate door dissipate in the wind! It's a god!" Dalizhen jumped up from the ground, punched Chen Zheng's chest, and ran outside.Xu Ying took a deep look at Chen Zheng, with a hint of love in her eyes, she felt that Chen Zheng at this moment was very perfect!Just like the prince charming in her heart!
"Captain, if you are here, you will be surprised that there is such a terrifying existence in this world!" Tian Gong said, looked at Chen Zheng respectfully, and ran out after him.

Chen Zheng saw Liu Li standing there, frowning tightly, staring straight at the poisonous gas emanating from the corpse in front of him. A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "Liu Li, what's wrong with you?"

"There's trouble now!" Liu Li said suddenly.

"What trouble?" Chen Zheng was puzzled. Just now, when Song Zhi escaped, Liu Li's face was very anxious, and she said that Song Zhi must not let Song Zhi escape. If the consequences were dire, Chen Zheng was always wondering why Liu Li Is Li afraid that Song Zhi will escape?Seeing Liu Li's face turned pale and staring blankly at the poisonous gas in front of him, Chen Zheng was even more puzzled. Does this Liu Li know anything?
"Let's get out of here as soon as possible!" Liu Li said to Chen Zheng, and then walked out.

Only Wang An stuck close to Chen Zheng's side and didn't run away, so he smiled happily and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, I'm so happy, can you leave behind my back?"

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, ignored this guy, and ran out directly, but Wang An behind him ran up with a blushing face, and she didn't know why he asked Brother Xiaozheng to carry her on his back, could it be because The electric feeling produced when the two people's skin touched made her addicted?Thinking of this, Wang An's little face turned red: Huaying, Huaying, you are simply a pervert.

At the moment, everyone ran forward.

Halfway through, Chen Zheng took the time to condense a spirit shield behind him to block the spread of the poisonous gas, and now he ran forward with confidence. A group of people ran forward along the passage in the basement of the hotel, but they didn't know they had run away. After a while, everyone finally stopped, out of breath, and sat down to rest. Only Liu Li stood there, looking at the deep corridor behind her, her face turned pale.

Chen Zheng glanced at Liu Li, and quickly asked, "Liu Li, do you know anything?"

"Chen Zheng, don't you doubt why there is such a high-tech weapon as the Tencel Dial here?" Liu Li asked suddenly.

"Oh." Chen Zheng moved, and said, "Could it be that this tencel needle plate is related to poison gas?"

"That's right, that's right!" Tiangong was panting all the time, and when he saw Liu Li's worried face, he ignored it and said directly: "Shen Chen, the tencel needle plate and the poisonous gas should come from the same organizational!"

"What organization?"

Dalizhen stood up, looking closely at Tiangong.

Tonight, I have experienced too much, almost narrowly escaped death, which made Boss Dali very upset. He came here to make money, not to suffer. If it wasn't for Chen Zheng, he would have died long ago. Even so, Dalizhen was still very depressed, and wanted to know which beast made these tencel needle plates and poisonous gas?

"Is this organization terrifying?" Xu Ying is a girl from an ordinary family. She has never been in contact with any organization. When she heard about the mysterious organization, she became nervous.

Only Wang An and Liu Li remained calm, while Chen Zheng was curious: "Could it be that Song Zhi is not only a killer, but also in collusion with a mysterious organization?"

"That's right, this mysterious organization is from the United States, called Satan!" Tiangong said.

"Satan?" Chen Zheng and others felt very puzzled when they heard this, but Liu Li's face was pale and bloodless when she heard about this organization. it!"

"Damn, what kind of organization is this!" Dalizhen saw that Liu Li and Wang An's faces were pale, so he was very curious, and quickly asked Tiangong.

And just as Tiangong was about to say something, suddenly, a barking sound came from the passage in front of him, and when he heard the barking sound, Liu Li's face changed drastically, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes: "Unexpectedly, Song Zhihe really let them out...these things are harmful to others...I didn't expect him to let them out in the end!"

"Liu Li, what's wrong with you? What are you talking about?"

Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts. Ever since Song Zhi escaped, Liu Li was very nervous. Now when she heard a dog barking, Liu Li was even more panicked. What the hell is this?How could Liu Li be so scared?
"Ah! Look quickly!" Wang An's exclamation attracted everyone's attention. They looked towards the passage ahead, but saw more than a dozen big wolfhounds with a height of more than one meter walking towards They were culled from here, and these big wolfhounds were all covered in blood, the kind that was bloody and bloody, and the rotting blood kept splattering on the ground, and their eyes were blood red.

Seeing these big wolf dogs, Liu Li's face was pale and bloodless: "Unexpectedly, Song Zhi finally released them! Now we are dead! This is a virus dog!!!"


(PS: Thank you book friend [Big Beard] for 2 monthly tickets, and book friend [1864632389] for 1 monthly ticket, the group number is: 526732122)

(End of this chapter)

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