Chapter 158
"Xiao An, what's wrong with you?" Li Yanran asked with some doubts on the other end of the phone.

Wang An was silent for a while, and then asked: "Li Yanran, tell me honestly, is your mother Li Danhong from the Energy Bureau?"

"Ah!" On the other end of the phone, Li Yanran's face was extremely surprised. She never thought that Wang An would find out her relationship with Li Danhong. Suddenly, she thought of something, and said cautiously: "Xiao An, are you Know everything?"

"What do I know!" Wang An burst into tears, "Did you know that you asked your mother to send someone to kill me!"

"This..." Li Yanran's face turned pale. Unexpectedly, Wang An really knew everything. She quickly explained: "Xiao An, don't get me wrong. I didn't ask my mother to send someone to kill you. You are the only hope of the Hua family. Would not do such a thing!"

Li Yanran really didn't want anything to happen to Wang An.

After all, there is only one granddaughter left in the entire Hua family, Wang An. Wang An's elder brother had a car accident and became a vegetable. Painful, tormented by the virus.

To be honest, Wang An is the only hope for the entire Hua family!
Li Yanran didn't know that her mother was going to make trouble, so she told her mother. How could she have thought that her mother would send someone to kill Wang An instead?
"The only hope? Hehe." Wang An sneered: "If I die, you will become the only hope, and you two, mother and daughter, can enter the Hua family!"

"Xiao An, what are you talking about?" Li Yanran frowned.

"Let me tell you, Li Yanran, you and your mother are very disgusting, and your tricks will never succeed! The hope of the Hua family is me and brother Xiaozheng, not you, an illegitimate daughter!" Wang An drank. , then hung up the phone, with an angry face, smashed the phone on the seat forcefully, and said angrily: "This Li Yanran is a villain!"

Chen Zheng felt puzzled, the Hua family's hope was Wang An and Chen Zheng?

What does it mean?
If Wang An is Hua Ying, plus Wang An loves Chen Zheng, then it is indeed the hope of the Hua family!

However, Chen Zheng looked at Wang An's flat chest, shook his head, and said in his heart: First, Wang An is not Hua Ying, and second, Wang An doesn't love me either, so don't think about it!

On the other hand, Xu Yingle, who was next to her, giggled and said to Wang An: "If Li Yanran gets there first and brings a son-in-law home, then we have no hope!"

When Wang An heard this, he became a little anxious. This little girl doesn't have any capital, and she doesn't know how to play any tricks. She looked at Chen Zheng pitifully: "Brother Xiaozheng, you must quickly make me an ancient killer. If you are late, you will be fired first."

"what's the situation?"

Chen Zheng couldn't help asking.

"I... Anyway, you have to work hard and let me become an ancient killer!" Wang An said pitifully.

If Chen Zheng quickly turns Wang An into an ancient killer, then Wang An will return to normal. At that time, she will appear in front of Chen Zheng with the most perfect, self and true side, and then confess to Chen Zheng that she will Chen Zheng took it back to stop Li Yanran and Li Danhong's treacherous scheme!
But Chen Zheng didn't know about this, he wanted to open his mouth to scold Wang An, but the scolding girl couldn't speak clearly, but looking at Wang An's pitiful appearance, there were still tears on his little face that had just cried, Bai Li When they were blushing, there were some cats with colorful faces, which were very cute. Chen Zheng really couldn't bear to scold them, so he shook his head, stepped on the accelerator, and the car ran forward.

Now the situation is clear.

Li Yanran is the illegitimate daughter of Li Danhong and Hua Xingbang, and Wang An's aunt.

Wang An and Li Yanran are not much different in age.

Li Danhong sent people to kill Wang An because of Li Yanran. There are many complications in it. Chen Zheng puts his hope on Hua Xingbang. Now we can only hope that Huaxingbang will solve these troubles!

But at this time, far away in the capital.A domestic red flag car drove quickly on the road, drove for half an hour, and stopped in front of a villa. Hua Xingbang got out of the car, and the bodyguard behind him wanted to follow. Hua Xingbang waved his hand quickly and said: "Don't follow, Just wait here for me."

Hua Xingbang didn't ring the doorbell because he had the key here.

It has been 20 years, and the door has not been changed, but the world is changing, and people are changing.When Hua Xingbang walked into the garden of the villa, the lights of the villa were on.There was a glimmer of light in Hua Xingbang's eyes, and he walked in. When he opened the door, a pair of soft hands hugged her. It was a woman. This woman was very similar to Li Yanran, and it was Li Danhong.She hugged Hua Xingbang, Hua Xingbang also hugged her, and the two rolled from the hall to the bedroom...

When the 20 years of lovesickness subsided, Li Danhong leaned in Hua Xingbang's arms and stretched out his hand to draw circles on Hua Xingbang's chest.

Hua Xingbang said: "Danhong, it's my fault, please let Xiaoying go! Now the entire Hua family has only one hope, if something happens to her again, the Hua family will really have to die! Are you really like this? Watching something happen to the Hua family cruelly?"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Li Danhong's eyes: "Do you want me to let Wang An go? Yes, I want you to divorce your wife, and then welcome our two mothers and daughters into the Hua family. You want incense, and I want titles. Everyone gets what they need. Isn't it great?"

Hua Xingbang said: "I can't achieve this! But I promise you, I will come to reunite with you every week! I won't be indifferent to you like I have been in the past 20 years!"

Li Danhong was quite moved when he heard this.

Hua Xingbang hit the snake with a stick: "I am also retired, and I have plenty of time. What I owed you in the past will be repaid slowly in the next life! Just please, don't vent your anger on Xiaoying, she is the only hope of the Hua family! , she returns to normal, finds her son-in-law, and when she joins the Jihua family, you will be Mrs. Gaotang they will pay homage to!"

Li Danhong was moved by Hua Xingbang's sweet words, and asked: "Huaying is Wang An now?"

"Well, Xiaoying suffered sequelae because of the failure of the balance experiment." Hua Xingbang said truthfully: "However, there is one person who succeeded in this experiment. He is Chen Zheng. As long as you follow Chen Zheng, Xiaoying can Complete recovery, plus Xiaoying has also fallen in love with this Chen Zheng, let them develop naturally, as long as Xiaoying can return to normal, everything is easy to talk about."

But Li Danhong's eyes flashed with surprise: "So, you have acquiesced that Chen Zheng is the son-in-law of the Hua family?"

"Everything goes with the flow."

Far away in the East China Sea.

Chen Zheng and Wang An drove, sent Xu Ying back to school, and then drove towards the back street of Science City. Along the way, Wang An was very silent. He didn't know what she was thinking. Soon, the car returned to the intersection of the village in the city , but Chen Zheng frowned, and saw a car on the street ahead, and it was none other than Li Yanran. Chen Zheng stopped and said, "Xiao An, Li Yanran is here."

"What!" Wang An's face changed color, and he said, "Brother Xiaozheng, just drive over and ignore her!"

Chen Zheng also knew that Wang An was losing his temper, so he drove forward, but Li Yanran got out of the car and stopped in the middle of the intersection.Chen Zheng stopped the car, lowered the window, and looked at Li Yanran: "Captain Li, what's the matter?"

"Xiao An, is she in the car?" Li Yanran walked over and looked at Wang An in the car: "Xiao An, let's talk if we have anything to say."

"Go away immediately, I don't want to see you! Brother Xiaozheng, drive quickly, let's go." Wang An lost his temper, which was also surprising. Seeing Li Yanran still standing outside the car, Wang An picked up the car. Paper towels, pads, stiff pillows, etc. were thrown towards Li Yanran outside the car. Although they didn't have much strength to feed, the energy was still quite scary. Chen Zheng hurriedly grabbed Li Yanran: "Captain Li, now Xiao An Knowing that you are his grandfather's illegitimate daughter, I can't accept it for a while, so I suggest that you don't talk to him for now."

Li Yanran looked innocent, and said to Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, Xiaoan should only listen to you now, so please tell her that I didn't ask my mother to send someone to kill her!"

Looking at Li Yanran, Chen Zheng nodded: "Don't worry, I will tell him!"

"That's good!" Li Yanran took a deep look at Chen Zheng, then got into the car and drove away. After all, Chen Zheng was the ancient killer, so it should be possible if he took action.

As soon as Li Yanran left, Chen Zheng wanted to get in the car, but at this moment, an excited voice sounded from the front: "Master! Master!"

Chen Zheng looked back, but saw the king.

The king was so excited. He was originally ordered by Chen Zheng to monitor Li Yanran. He chased here all the way, but found that Chen Zheng was here. He ran over and said excitedly: "Master, I didn't expect you to live in this place." Here!"

"Are you here to monitor Li Yanran?" Chen Zheng ordered the emperor to send someone to monitor Li Yanran, but he never thought that the emperor would come to monitor Li Yanran in person: "Aren't you and the emperor opening a martial arts gym? You can let other disciples come and monitor of."

"How is this possible! Master, your task must be carried out by me and the emperor. How can you call some younger brothers?" Of course, the emperor will not let the younger brothers come to carry out the task. It is rare to have such an opportunity in front of Chen Zheng. Be nice, how can you let other people do the errands?Chen Zheng is an ancient assassin, if he behaves well, he might be appreciated by Chen Zheng!
"Hehe." Chen Zheng patted the king's shoulder: "Little Jun, stop monitoring Li Yanran, because it's unnecessary."

"Okay okay."

The excitement in the king's heart, unexpectedly, the majestic ancient killer would call him Xiaojun kindly, and if he went back and told the emperor about that guy, he would definitely make him envious, jealous and hateful!

"Okay, if there is nothing else, you can go back first." Chen Zheng said.

"Yes!" The king nodded respectfully, and was about to go back, but at this moment, the phone rang in a hurry, and it was from the emperor. The king was puzzled, and he answered the phone quickly. It sounded: "Your Majesty, it's not good...cough cough...the one-eyed dragon from Jingwu Tuomen on the opposite side ran over to kick the hall, they were very powerful...I was injured...cough cough...please call Master to come back and save me ..."

The king's face changed drastically, and he looked up at Chen Zheng: "Master, something is wrong, the one-eyed dragon from Jingwu Tuomen ran over to kick the hall, and the emperor was injured!"

"What! Jingwu Camel?"

(PS: I have something to do today, two chapters will be updated, and three chapters will continue tomorrow! Also, thanks to the book friend [Non-Humans Do Not Approach] for the reward of 100 gold coins!)
(End of this chapter)

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