super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 169 Destroying Core Weapons

Chapter 169 Destroying Core Weapons
"Isn't the one-eared madman dead? Why are you running towards this side?" Wang An's face was pale, and he subconsciously shrank behind Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng looked back and saw the one-eared madman. A little surprised: "He must be dead, maybe a fraudulent corpse!"

"Fake corpse?" Wang An panicked.

She is a girl, how did she encounter such a situation?His face was pale with fright.

"Chen Zheng, what's the situation!" Hearing Wang An's voice, Li Yanran came out of the cave, and first glanced at Chen Zheng, feeling quite embarrassed in her heart. Embarrassed, but seeing Chen Zheng staring forward, she breathed a sigh of relief, followed Chen Zheng's gaze, but was startled, and saw a big man running towards this side, it turned out to be One-eared madness.

Isn't one-eared man already dead?
How did it appear here?
Li Yanran was surprised, and quickly came to Chen Zheng and asked, "Chen Zheng, do you know what's going on?"

"Fraud corpse."

"Fake corpse?" Li Yanran exclaimed, but she shook her head: "Impossible, this world is still scientific, if it is true, he was activated by the TC8 virus and turned into a terrifying virus man! As long as the person dies three times If his cells haven't died within hours, then the TC8 virus will make him go berserk!"

Chen Zheng was startled, and said, "Then, Dr. Smith has returned? Very good!"


I saw the one-eared maniac let out a low cry, and then rushed up. Except that he lost consciousness, the one-eared maniac was still the same as ordinary people, but the speed and strength became much greater. This may be because the muscles in his body were stimulated. The cells are stimulated, which is different from ordinary people. In addition, the body of the one-eared man is a little hard, and there will be no pain when a piece of flesh is torn out.Li Yanran fired two shots at One Ear Maniac, and the bullets hit One Ear Maniac's body. Surprisingly, One Ear Maniac was hit by the bullet, but he was still fine.

"He's already dead, driven by the virus! So bullets have no effect on him!" Chen Zheng snorted, then rushed up and kicked One Eared Maniac heavily on the chest.

With a muffled sound, the one-eared madman was kicked and flew backwards, but he jumped on the ground and rushed up again.

"Looking for death!" Chen Zheng used the spiritual breath of his dantian, then condensed into a fist, and hit the left shoulder of the one-eared madman heavily. Such a punch was extremely lethal. One-eared man's entire left shoulder was ripped apart, a stream of stinking rotting blood sprayed out, and one-eared man's left arm flew out and hit the ground heavily.But what is surprising is that one-eared maniac broke his arm, but he is still so fierce.

"This is no human! It's a viral person!" Wang An tightly covered his eyes with his hands.

"Yanran, protect Xiao'an!" Chen Zheng shouted, and then ran towards One-Eared Maniac, grabbed the right hand of One-Eared Maniac with a grab, and then ruthlessly tore and snapped the hand of One-Eared Maniac. The crazy right arm was torn off.Chen Zheng kicked One Eared Maniac hard with one foot: "You don't have arms, how fierce are you?"

But he saw that one-eared maniac jumped up from the ground, opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of rotting blood towards Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng quickly stretched out his hand, activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and then blocked the spray of rotting blood, but taking advantage of his gap, the one-eared madman roared and rushed towards Li Yanran and Wang An.Wang An was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she kept backing away, while Li Yanran stepped forward, protecting Wang An behind her, she quickly drew out her gun, and fired a few shots at One Eared Maniac, but the bullets hit her. On One Eared Crazy, it still had no effect.

Li Yanran's face turned pale.

"Kill!" The one-eared man rushed up, kicked up fiercely, kicked Li Yanran's thigh with a slap, kicked Li Yanran out, and smashed it towards the stone.

"Ah!" Wang An was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he turned his head to look closely at Li Yanran. If Li Yanran hit it, his face would definitely be disfigured.


Chen Zheng shouted, his figure flashed, he rushed under Li Yanran, stretched out his arms to hug Li Yanran, and then rolled on the ground, already on Li Yanran's body, looking at Li Yanran's pink face, Chen Zheng Heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, he quickly helped Li Yanran up, only to find that Li Yanran lowered her head and did not speak, but her exquisite ears were shining bright red.Chen Zheng felt strange, just as he was about to say something, he saw the one-eared maniac running towards Wang An in front of him.

"court death!"

Chen Zheng picked up a rock and smashed it hard.


The stone hit One Eared Maniac's chest hard, making a big hole, and all the internal organs were blown out, scattered all over the ground.The one-eared madman also fell to the ground with a bang, vomited rotting blood, and finally became stiff all over, thus dying.

"Master!" Tiangong rushed out of the cave, and when he saw Chen Zheng, his eyes were full of surprise: "Why did you kill this one-eared madman just after I pulled out the gun? Master, you are amazing. The speed is so fast, and I’m not allowed to come out to observe it.”

"Stop talking nonsense, come here and burn the corpse, it's full of viruses!" Chen Zheng ordered Tian Gong.

"Yes!" Tiangong nodded respectfully, then walked up, set up willow branches, and carried the corpse up.

Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts, how could one-eared man be resurrected even though he was dead?Is this virus really so powerful?

"After several years of research on the TC8 virus, from the first animals to the present human beings, the situation is very serious tonight. It is very likely that the incident in 05 will happen again!" said Li Yanran behind him. In a word, she suddenly felt a burning pain on her thigh, and she quickly lifted the bottom of her trousers. On the upper thigh, the wound that was originally kicked by the one-eared maniac had already solidified, and after the spiritualization of Chen Zhengling's breath, it no longer flared up. , but there is still a stream of rotting blood inside.

Just after being kicked by One Eared Maniac, the rotting blood began to flood out again.

Li Yanran frowned, quickly took out the insulin from the purse, and slapped it on her thigh to stop the virus from spreading.

After finishing all this, Li Yanran put down the corners of her trousers, stood up, and walked towards Chen Zheng.

At this moment, Chen Zheng was comforting Wang An. The little girl Wang An was so frightened by the one-eared maniac that her face was pale and she huddled tightly in Chen Zheng's arms.Chen Zheng was a little annoyed by being pestered, but looking at Wang An's pale little face, it was so cute, he couldn't bear to scold him, seeing Li Yanran walking over, he quickly asked, "You were kicked just now, are you okay?" ?”

"It's fine." Li Yanran shook her head.

"That's good. If it's good, Dr. Smith has returned. We'll sneak into Satan's base later, kill the Satanic organization, and then catch Dr. Smith and slowly eliminate the virus on your body!" Chen Zheng said One sentence.

"Thank you for your action tonight. If not, I will definitely be disfigured." Li Yanran thanked Chen Zheng. From her angle, she could see Chen Zheng's handsome side face. For some reason, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. It's like a sweet smile, but it's full of affection.

"It's easy to do." Chen Zheng smiled: "It's this one-eared madness that makes people very disturbed!"

"That's right! This one-eared maniac should have been activated by TC8! The Satanic organization disappeared for ten years and returned again to cause trouble! Now, they are back with the TC8 virus! The TC8 virus can not only turn dogs into virus dogs , now it can turn people into viral people!" Li Yanran was worried: "I don't know how they will do it!"

"Don't worry, brother Xiaozheng is here. He entered the base and destroyed the weapon without being noticed!" Wang An excitedly said.

Chen Zheng smiled, but saw Tian Gong in front of him brought a torch, ready to light the branches. Chen Zheng glanced at the neck of the corpse, but said: "Wait a minute, don't burn it for now."

"What's wrong?" Tian Gong looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously.

"Carry the body down."

"Yes!" Tiangong nodded respectfully, and then carried the corpse down.

Chen Zheng walked up, pointed to the wound on One Ear's neck and said, "Look, what's the condition of this wound? Was it injected with something?"

Li Yanran and Tiangong took a quick look, but their expressions changed: "TC8 phosphor chip machine!"

"TC8 phosphor chip machine? What equipment?" Chen Zheng looked puzzled.

"The TC8 phosphorus tablet machine is the core equipment used by the Satan organization to produce the TC8 virus. If it is good, the syringe on the neck of the one-eared man is produced by the TC8 phosphorus tablet machine!" Li Yanran was a little surprised: "I can't think of Satan. The organization actually brought all the core equipment to Huaxia! According to my information, this TC8 phosphor chip machine is the core weapon, and it is the only one used in the Satan organization to produce the TC8 virus! Unexpectedly, it brought Huaxia!"

When Chen Zheng heard it, he moved, and said, "Let me destroy such an important core weapon!"

"Brother Xiaozheng..."

Just as Wang An was about to say something, Chen Zheng waved his hand to stop Wang An, and said, "It's okay, I'm sneaking back to destroy the core equipment! Wait for me here!"

Chen Zheng ran forward at a very fast speed, and he appeared in the forest in front of him in a few seconds. He used the invisibility technique to make himself invisible, and then performed the flying technique to let himself fly and fly forward. After a while, he landed in Satan's base, but found that the surrounding area was heavily guarded, and there was a big man holding a gun every ten steps. .

In Chen Zhengjian's hall, Song Zhi was sitting there talking with the dozen or so researchers.

Song Zhidao: "Only the most important core equipment is left, but we must not let it disappear! This is the most important equipment that Dr. Smith explained, and it is used to produce TC8 syringes!"

As soon as Chen Zheng moved, there really was a core device, it should be a TC8 phosphor chip machine, but where is it?

Chen Zheng was walking towards the inside of the tent. When he passed the infrared ray, there was a beep, which attracted Song Zhi and others to look over. They all stood up with surprise in their eyes: "Did someone pass by just now? Why did the infrared alarm go off?" ?What's happening here?"

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise, and they all surrounded him, but after some groping, they shook their heads when they saw nothing unusual.

Song Zhi suddenly thought of something, and said, "Come here, two people, and immediately check to see if the core equipment, the TC8 phosphor chip machine, is still there!"


I saw two scientific researchers walking inside. Soon, they came to the innermost tent. They checked and found that the core equipment was still there. They breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't find it. hit up...

(PS: Thank you book friend [Major General Panda] for rewarding 300 book coins!)
(End of this chapter)

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