super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 171 You Will Have Something Accident Like This

Chapter 171 You Will Have Something Accident Like This
"Let me suck it out for you." Chen Zheng said, and then he sucked the wound on Li Yanran's slender thigh. The wound was already rotten and thick. Chen Zheng used his spiritual breath to expel it before, but he never saw the wound inside. The rotting blood dissipated, so he simply sucked it out.

He held Li Yanran's wound in his mouth, then sucked out a mouthful of rotten blood, and with a snap, he spat out beside him, and then he wanted to suck the rotten blood from Li Yanran's wound again, but this time, Li Yanran retracted her thigh, with a tense expression on her face Authentic: "I... I can actually..."

"Do you still want to procrastinate? The wound has rotted like this, do you still want to procrastinate?" Chen Zheng also became angry.

Li Yanran's wound has been injured all the time. It was infected by airborne bacteria before, and Chen Zheng couldn't completely remove it with his spiritual breath. Now it has become rotten and blackened. If it is not treated, it will be troublesome, but Li Yanran is still procrastinating?
Is taboo disease taboo?
Or pride?
Chen Zheng scolded with a sullen face: "I said Li Yanran, don't delay any longer. If something really happens, I will definitely not be able to explain it to Leader Hua!"

"Okay then, please help me clean up the virus." Li Yanran blushed.

Chen Zheng didn't notice Li Yanran's expression, he only wanted to save people, so he lowered his head and sucked Li Yanran's wound, then sucked out the rotting blood, and spit it out on the grass next to him. She took a sip, but didn't realize that Li Yanran's face was pink, and she was looking at him closely. Her eyes were full of tenderness. At this moment, she was looking at Chen Zheng's handsome and focused face. Pounding.

Before, I hugged Chen Zhengxiang overnight, only to wake up to find that Chen Zheng used his own body temperature to warm her in order to save her.

At that time, she felt more affection in her heart.

Now that she saw Chen Zheng ignoring herself and sucking out the rotting blood on her thigh, she felt even more clearly in her heart.

She knew that she had fallen in love with Chen Zheng.

Especially looking at Chen Zheng's focused and nervous eyes, her heart beat even harder.She is very clear about her own feelings, she has never been tempted, and finally fell in love with the man in front of her. There is a magic power in this man, which attracts her tightly.

Although this man is destined to be Huaying's lover.

And she is Huaying's aunt.

But there was an extremely strong attraction in this man, which attracted her tightly.

When she woke up yesterday and found that this man warmed her with his body temperature, she told herself that she must never fall in love with him. And most importantly, this man is Huaying's lover, how can she be tempted?

So she deliberately let the trace of emotion surging in her body cool down.

Now, looking at Chen Zheng's focused and earnest face, the feelings in her heart surged out, she couldn't lie to herself, she was really tempted by the man in front of her.This man is handsome and handsome, with a strong body but not fat. For those who successfully passed the ancient killing experiment, she was very clear about the various advantages of this man during the time spent with this man.

Just like now.

When the wound on her thigh was rotten and thick, this man kissed her without hesitation, and then sucked out the rotten blood on her thigh.

All of these made her heart flutter.

She just stared blankly at Chen Zheng, at his handsome and handsome face.

Chen Zheng sucked out the rotting blood on Li Yanran's thigh one mouthful, and he didn't stop until he sucked out a mouthful of blood. He spit out the blood in his mouth. He stood up, but he saw Li Yanran's face was pink, and he looked closely at Li Yanran. He, for a moment, was stunned for a moment, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like this?"


Li Yanran's face turned red, but she was still the captain of the dragon team after all, so she was quite calm and said, "It's okay, I just want to see if the rotten blood of this virus stains the corners of your mouth, will it make your lips become pale? Red and swollen."


Chen Zheng was in a hurry. He hadn't noticed this just now to save someone. Hearing Li Yanran's words now, he couldn't help but take out his phone and look at his lips. , and Li Yanran had already stood up, pulled out a tissue, and gently wiped his lips, her eyes were very tender: "Fool, you can't do this next time, you know, sucking a girl's thigh like this, is it right?" Something will happen."

"Something happened?"

Chen Zheng was taken aback for a moment, seeing Li Yanran's tender face, his heart was shocked, and he hurried out.

He didn't know why Li Yanran's eyes were full of tenderness, but he still left here before saying that he was just saving people, and he didn't have so many distracting thoughts.But Li Yanran behind him looked at his back and smiled sweetly.

Chen Zheng walked into the cave and saw Tiangong sleeping on the stone wall, but Wang An was not there.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he walked into the cave, only to find that Wang An was taking off his shirt at this moment, wrapping his chest tightly with the coat. Seeing Wang An's smooth and white jade back, he was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help saying: "Xiao An, your back is really white and jade!"


Wang An was taken aback, looked back at Chen Zheng, buried his chest tightly on his knees, and said anxiously: "Brother Xiaozheng, why did you come in? Get out for me."

"We are all men, what is there to be afraid of?" Chen Zheng looked puzzled.

"No..." Wang An's little face was red and cute, and the way she got up in a hurry was very lovable. A flash of her mind flashed, and she said, "I just called grandpa and discussed it with him. I can betroth my younger sister to you and let you be the son-in-law of the Hua family!"


Upon hearing this, Chen Zheng shook his head quickly, and then walked out.

As soon as he heard Wang An's nonsense, he felt a headache. She didn't even know where Huaying was, so she dared to betroth Huaying to Chen Zheng on her own?It's really painful, and the most speechless thing is that this guy Wang An said so excitedly, as if it was true, as if Hua Ying had agreed.

Neither Chen Zheng nor Hua Ying met.

How could Huaying agree with him?
And this guy Wang An said that he betrothed his sister to Chen Zheng, and it seemed to be true, which made Chen Zheng unbearable.

He shook his head, then walked out, but met Li Yanran at a glance.

Seeing Chen Zheng, Li Yanran blushed again, her love affair had just started, she was still somewhat not used to the feeling of walking with Prince Charming, seeing Chen Zheng, she still felt a little girly and shy.

Chen Zheng said, "Captain Li..."

"Don't call me Captain Li, it's too outlandish, just call me Yanran." Li Yanran said calmly, after all these things, her relationship with Chen Zheng doesn't want to stay at the level of "Captain Li" .

"Cough... Yanran, what's the situation outside? Has Dr. Smith returned?"

Chen Zheng felt weird, always felt that Li Yanran was attracted to him, so he wanted to find Dr. Smith as soon as possible, save Li Yanran, and then separate from Li Yanran as soon as possible, so as not to fall into another relationship.

"You care so much about Dr. Smith?"

"Of course, I want to find him earlier and treat you." Chen Zheng said.

"You want to cure me as soon as possible so that I can leave, right?" Li Yanran immediately exposed Chen Zheng's thoughts.

"What." When Chen Zheng heard this, he felt emotional. She was indeed a beautiful woman with a high IQ, and it was true. No, Li Yanran knew what he was thinking.

"Dr. Smith should be here." Li Yanran said, but in her heart, she said: You hugged me all night last night, and today you sucked my thigh, which made people tempted, but wanted to drive him away Walk?This is bad behavior.

Seeing Li Yanran looking at him strangely, Chen Zheng felt a little embarrassed, said something, and then walked out, performing the see-through eye technique, with him as the center, he could see everything within a 5000-meter radius, and soon, he It was noticed that a foreign doctor was rushing towards Satan's temporary base with two bodyguards.

As soon as Chen Zheng moved, he knew that Smith was back!

"Dr. Smith is back, Dr. Smith is back!"

Inside Satan's temporary base, everyone was excited when they knew that Dr. Smith was back. Song Zhi greeted him personally: "Dr. Smith, I didn't expect you to come back!"

"I came back because someone sent me a message saying that the TC8 virus was fissioned." Dr. Smith said.

"What! Someone sent you a message? No, the TC8 virus hasn't fissioned." Song Zhi asked doubtfully.

"What? Am I being fooled?" Dr. Smith frowned.

"This..." Everyone around was dead silent, Song Zhi turned pale, and suddenly said: "It may be done by ghosts, because in the past two days, our secret weapons and core equipment have been destroyed, destroyed by ghosts! "

"What!" Dr. Smith's face changed greatly: "What did you say? The TC8 phosphor chip machine was destroyed?"

"That's right, it was destroyed!" The big man in the lead came up: "However, please rest assured, doctor, all our scientific researchers are here, give me a month, and we will develop it again!"

"One month? I can't wait that long! Five days at most!" Song Zhi said coldly, "If not, I will refund the full amount!"

"This..." Dr. Smith's face darkened, he looked at the big man coldly, and said, "Did you hear that? There are only five days! You can develop a new TC8 phosphor chip machine for me immediately, if not, I will make you regret it!"

"This... this is going to kill us... people will die in five days..."

"I'm too lazy to care about you. It's your fault that the core equipment has been destroyed. Give it to me to develop it immediately!" Dr. Smith roared.

"Yes!" Those scientific researchers rushed into the tent, and Dr. Smith looked closely at Song Zhi: "Boss Song, tell me the truth, who destroyed it?"



"It's really a ghost. If you don't believe it, I can show you the surveillance video."

After a while, there was a panic in Satan's base: "It's really a ghost!!!"

At this time, in the cave.

Chen Zheng withdrew the see-through eye technique, feeling a little tired, and wanted to practice meditation. Dr. Smith had already returned, so he was not in a hurry to go to Satan's temporary base. He wanted to practice hard first and replenish the spiritual breath in his dantian.He sat down to practice, and the time passed by every minute and every second. Soon, it was dawn. Chen Zheng was not in a hurry to find Dr. Smith, so he practiced very leisurely.

However, in the cave, Wang An said to Li Yanran excitedly, "I'm back to normal! I'm back to my daughter!"

"What!" Li Yanran exclaimed, staring closely at Wang An's chest.

There are clearly women's breasts!

Wouldn't Wang An's breasts disappear during the day?
Now it's broad daylight, but Wang An's breasts are showing!

So, Wang An really recovered?
Li Yanran excitedly said: "Great, the Hua family finally has hope! I'm going to tell Chen Zheng! Said that you have recovered your daughter!"

With that said, she ran outside...

(End of this chapter)

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