super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 180 This is simply a magic stick!

Chapter 180 This is simply a magic stick!


There was a burst of machine beeping, and in mid-air, one after another military planes were flying towards this side. These military planes all flew out from the Jiangnan Military Region, and Xia Lei was the leader of the team. When he received a call from Li Yanran, he immediately They rushed over immediately, Li Yanran was the captain of the dragon team, and Li Yanran also said that Chen was here, so Xia Lei hurried over with someone.

"A military plane is coming!"

Wang An cheered.

"Find an open place!" Chen Zheng yelled, and led the crowd towards a grassland outside the forest. Helicopters filled the air, and soon some soldiers saw Chen Zheng and the others, and then a car The Dongfeng 21 fighter plane stopped, Xia Lei walked down, and saw Chen Zheng at a glance: "Xiao Zheng, you are indeed here! At first, I didn't believe what Captain Li said, so I came here to have a look. You are indeed there!"

Chen Zheng went up to meet him, and said with a smile, "Brother Lei, I'm going to trouble you now!"

"What's the situation?" Xia Lei looked up at the forest, and when he saw thick smoke in the air, he frowned: "Is this a virus?"

"TC8 virus!" Li Yanran walked up: "These TC8 viruses were released jointly by Song Zhi and Dr. Smith! If these viruses spread to the city, it will definitely cause panic."

"Song Zhi?" Xia Lei frowned: "Song Zhi doesn't have the guts yet!"

"The most important thing now is to deal with the poisonous gas. I suggest that the biochemical team deal with it. As for the matter of Song Zhi and Dr. Smith, let us come and find it," Chen Zheng said.

"Well, then let's cooperate. You are responsible for finding Song Zhi and Dr. Smith, and our military region and the Chemical Defense Bureau are responsible for cleaning up the poisonous gas." Xia Lei said immediately.

"Success." Chen Zheng nodded, but he didn't act in a hurry. Instead, he stood there and wanted to see how the soldiers and the Chemical Defense Bureau dealt with the poisonous gas.After a while, Xia Lei came to the military plane, took the communicator, and gave the order to clear the field. Soon, two bombers flew out of the air, bombarding the opposite mountain, bombs came from It fell from the air and hit the hills opposite. There were bursts of roars, and the whole hills boiled.

"I'm going!" Chen Zheng couldn't help cursing: "I thought they were trying to get rid of the virus, but I didn't expect to send bombers directly to bomb them. The soldiers are really tough!"

Li Yanran, Tiangong and the old village chief behind him were very calm, as if they were used to it, even Wang An thought it was normal: "Brother Xiaozheng, this is normal, anyway, this mountain is infected by poisonous gas Instead of spending so much manpower to deal with it, it is better to send bombers to bomb it directly."

"Okay, I thought it was complicated." Chen Zheng scratched his head.

There were bursts of roaring sounds, and fighter planes flew over the mountain in front of them, bombing the entire mountain.Then Xia Lei commanded his subordinates to deal with the next matters, and walked towards Chen Zheng: "It doesn't need to be too complicated to deal with these poisonous gases, just bomb them directly!"

Chen Zheng didn't answer Xia Lei. He used the see-through eye technique and looked towards the mountain ahead. He found that the infected animals and plants had been destroyed, but the poisonous gas in the air was still spreading. Even bombs can't remove the poisonous gas, Chen Zheng shook his head: "Not yet."

"Huh?" Xia Lei looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously. Just as he was about to ask why, he saw a soldier running up behind him, and said nervously, "Report to Captain, all the plants and animals on the entire mountain have been cleared away." Only the poisonous gas in the air still cannot be cleared."

"What!" Xia Lei's face darkened, and he immediately notified the Biochemical Bureau to deal with the poisonous gas, but soon, those chemical defense workers from Jiangnan ran back: "Officer Xia, ask for support, these are all TC8 Virus, call for support!"

"Support? Who to ask for support?"

"To the capital! To be honest, our Jiangnan area can't deal with these poisonous gases at all. These poisonous gases are all TC8 viruses!"

"This..." Xia Lei frowned. If the capital is notified, the matter will become a big mess, but if the capital is not notified and the central government sends people to deal with it, the TC8 virus will definitely spread. , Xia Lei's eyes became a little anxious, but Li Yanran, who was next to him, glanced at Chen Zheng, and said, "Officer Xia, I think Chen Zheng can eliminate these poisonous gases."

"Xiaozheng can remove the poisonous gas?" Xia Lei looked over in surprise.

He knew that Chen Zheng was good at fighting, but he had never heard of Chen Zheng being able to remove poisonous gas.

Wang An said with a sullen face: "Brother Xiaozheng is very powerful. He was the one who cleared the poisonous gas before. The poisonous gas rushed over and was forced to retreat by Brother Xiaozheng. If it wasn't for Brother Xiaozheng, we would all die today." Here it is."

When Xia Lei heard this, his face was shocked. At first he thought it was Wang An's bragging, but later he learned from Li Yanran that Chen Zheng had indeed used his spiritual breath to force back the poisonous gas just now. Xia Lei's expression was extremely surprised. He looked closely at Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, I heard that you are very good at fighting, but I didn't expect you to be able to clear the TC8 virus? But how is this possible? This is definitely not something that humans can do."

Tiangong on the side said: "Master, he is an ancient killer."

"What! Ancient killer!"

Xia Lei was shocked and froze there, staring at Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, you are an ancient killer? Is this true? Isn't the ancient killer just existing in legends? How could it be possible?" Appearing here? Is this really true?"

Xia Lei couldn't help being surprised.

Every soldier pursues the pinnacle of martial arts, and he is no exception. He has loved boxing since he was a child, but he also knows that there is a group of people in legends who have lived from ancient times to the present. Land, these people are called ancient killers.But all of these are legends. Now, when he heard that Chen is the ancient killer, his face was extremely surprised, but he shook his head again: "Impossible, the ancient killer is just a legend, how could it really exist? Woolen cloth?"

"Brother Xiaozheng is the ancient killer!" Wang An said angrily.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Xia Lei couldn't believe that there were ancient killers in this world.

But at this moment, a crisp voice sounded from behind: "Chen Zheng is indeed the ancient killer!"

"Liu Li!" Chen Zheng looked back and saw a familiar face, which turned out to be Liu Li. Since that time when he disappeared from the basement of Longxing, he has not seen Liu Li. Unexpectedly, Liu Li appeared here .

"Liu Li, are you serious? Xiaozheng is really the ancient killer?" Xia Lei stared at Liu Li intently.

"That's right, that's right! Chen is the ancient killer!" Liu Li nodded.

"This..." Xia Lei's values ​​in his entire life collapsed. He always thought that the ancient killer only existed in legends, but now, the ancient killer appeared in front of him alive, and it was Chen Zheng who defeated him.

"Notify the capital and let them deal with these viruses." Chen Zheng patted Xia Lei on the shoulder, came to Liu Li, and couldn't help asking: "Liu Li, why did you appear here?"

"When I heard Song Zhi was here, I rushed over immediately," Liu Li said.

Chen Zheng fell silent, maybe Liu Li came here for Song Zhi?Song Zhi killed Liu Li's brother, so Liu Li will want revenge in this life.Thinking of this, Chen Zheng nodded and said, "Song Zhi is here, but you have to be careful in everything. It is best that you follow us to find Song Zhi. We are also going to find Song Zhi and Dr. Smith!"

Liu Li nodded: "Yes."

"Chen Zheng, in my opinion, there is no need to disturb the capital, you can deal with it." Li Yanran who was behind came up and said, "If these TC8 viruses are not dealt with, they will spread out."

Chen Zheng looked back and saw Wang An, Tiangong, and the old village head's urgent gazes, he nodded: "Let me try."

"Xiaozheng, what do you want to do?" Xia Lei looked closely at Chen Zheng, his heart was still so shocked, knowing that Chen Zheng was the ancient killer, the first thing he thought of was the martial arts contest with Chen Zheng, Although he lost to Chen Zheng, he was not ashamed, because he lost to the ancient killer.

"Prepare water immediately, the more the merrier!"

Chen Zheng only has spiritual breath to fight against the TC8 virus, so a dead horse should be treated like a living horse.

Xia Lei quickly ordered the soldiers to prepare the stream.

These soldiers are full of doubts in their eyes, and they don't understand the effect of preparing water. Now that the poisonous gas is spreading, the first thing to do is to notify the Biochemical Bureau in the capital, but this is the order of Officer Xia, and they don't Dare not to listen, they hurriedly prepared a bucket of stream water, saw Chen Zheng walking up, reaching into the bucket without doing anything, the eyes of these soldiers were full of doubts: Damn, met a magic stick?Think that reaching into a bucket can make the water have the effect of removing viruses?This is simply a magic stick!
These soldiers were a little upset.

At this moment, the poisonous gas behind him kept spreading, but I saw this guy pretending to be a magic stick here.

The point is, their officer Xia Leixia actually believed the words of this magic stick.

These soldiers were all upset, but they didn't say anything.But Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to grab a handful in each bucket, and said: "Okay, you guys load up the water and then splash it on the mountain."

The eyes of these soldiers are full of displeasure: Damn, you can get rid of the virus by touching it with your hand?

Xia Lei on the side hurriedly said, "You guys should do what Xiaozheng wants."

"But this..." The soldiers became anxious.

"Do as Xiaozheng wants." Xia Lei quickly ordered everyone to act.

These soldiers were helpless, so they had to do what Chen Zheng wanted, but when they poured the stream on the top of the mountain, they were surprised to find that the poisonous gas floating in mid-air was forced down alive, and for a while, Everyone was stunned: "What's the situation? Can the water really remove poisonous gas? My God, isn't it amazing?"

And Xia Lei also closely watched the situation in mid-air. When he saw that the stream could clear the poisonous gas, he was surprised: "Oh my god, it's true! Xiaozheng is really an ancient killer!"

But when he looked back, he found that Chen Zheng and the others had already disappeared. After asking, he found out that Chen Zheng and the others had already gone deep into the forest to find Song Zhi and Dr. Smith...

And it is.

At this moment, Chen Zheng took Wang An, Tiangong, Li Yanran, Liu Li and the old village chief to the depths of the forest to find Song Zhi and Dr. Smith.

Everyone has been running to the depths of the forest.

After running for three hours, Chen Zheng quickly ordered to rest.

Li Yanran's face turned pale. After taking a sip of water, she felt unwell, and her whole body was itchy. She said she was going to take a bath.On the other side, Wang An hurriedly accompanied Li Yanran to find the stream, but after a while, Wang An ran back with a pale face: "Brother Xiaozheng, it's not good, brother Xiaozheng, it's not good... Sister Yanran, Her whole body was covered with large and small poison bubbles..."

"How could there be poisonous bubbles?"

"She was injured by Noto before, and she didn't have an attack, but now she has an attack."

"What! Take me there immediately..."

(PS: It’s the Chinese New Year, and there are so many things! I’m really sorry for the update so late! Thanks to the book friend [Major General Panda] for rewarding another 300 book coins yesterday. Thank you very much! Find a time to repay you!)

(End of this chapter)

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