super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 184 Princess Tang's Son-in-Law

Chapter 184 Princess Tang's Son-in-Law

"What should I do now?" Wang An's face was pale, she was a girl, how could she encounter such a situation?Usually, she grew up in the doting embrace of her grandparents and never experienced any hardships. When she saw that the entire mountain was surrounded by poisonous snakes, she turned pale and shrank tightly into Chen Zheng's embrace.

Chen Zheng used the clairvoyance technique to investigate, and saw tens of thousands of poisonous snakes outside the entire mountain.

He couldn't help feeling that Song Zhi and Dr. Smith attracted all the poisonous snakes with just a hint of fragrance!

"Xiaozheng, this is troublesome!" Xia Lei's face was surprisingly pale. He is an officer, and his mind and will are unmatched by ordinary people. When he went out to perform missions, he knew how to face poisonous snakes in the wild, but But he was frightened by these ten thousand poisonous snakes, because there were too many of them, these poisonous snakes are not afraid of people, I'm afraid they will die here tonight.

The faces of those soldiers were also very pale.

Even special soldiers like Tiangong and the old village chief are aware of the big trouble.

In this jungle, what soldiers are most afraid of are wild wolves and poisonous snakes, and there are tens of thousands of poisonous snakes in front of them. I am afraid that even a regiment of soldiers will have to be exterminated.

"Calm down!" Chen Zheng quickly calmed everyone's panic. He glanced at the poisonous snakes below, and suddenly said, "Go down and catch some poisonous snakes."


Everyone was taken aback, went down to catch the poisonous snake?Isn't this courting death?And what is the effect of catching poisonous snakes?
But I saw Chen Zheng go down, jump on the branch, hang upside down on the branch, and then bent down to catch two poisonous snakes, crushed them alive and threw them towards the crowd: "Dig out the snake gall, and then grind it up." !"

Everyone was puzzled and didn't understand why Chen Zheng gave such an order, but out of trust in Chen Zheng, they quickly dug out the snake gall of the poisonous snake, and then took out a machine box to grind the snake gall.

Chen Zheng caught more than a dozen poisonous snakes in one breath, and made everyone dig out their guts and grind them to pieces. Then, while everyone was not paying attention, he poured the spiritual energy in his dantian into it, and then stained it with blood. After catching them, he said: " Put this liquid on your body."


Everyone was puzzled, not knowing why Chen Zheng gave such orders.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Do you want to die here?" Chen Zheng quickly took a handful of snake bile, applied it on Wang An's face, then wiped it on Wang An's body, and then he also applied it to himself. Served with snake bile.

Everyone saw that Chen Zheng was painted, and they also made it according to the law. They are all soldiers, and they usually eat snakes in the wild, so it was done very quickly. However, they were very strange, why did Chen Zheng do this?

"Brother Xiaozheng, why did you do this?" Wang An's eyes were full of doubts.

"Let's go." Seeing that everyone was smeared with snake bile, Chen Zheng hurriedly beckoned them to go out. He went to the group of poisonous snakes first, and a surprising thing happened. Dispersed in all directions, the speed was very fast, leaving a full body of space.Seeing this, everyone suddenly realized that Chen was making snake medicine!
"Brother Xiaozheng, you are amazing!" Wang An cheered and ran towards Chen Zheng.

Li Yanran, Xia Lei and others behind him are all soldiers, and they often survive in the wild. When encountering poisonous snakes, they are hard-on-hard, or walk around. How can Chen Zheng catch a few snakes? , and then dig out a few snake gallbladders, crush them and turn them into juice, and then apply them on your body to drive away poisonous snakes?For a moment, they all froze there, and they were even more shocked by Chen Zheng in their hearts.

"Isn't this too scary?" Tiangong's eyes were full of surprise.

"He just squeezed the snake gall into juice, how can he drive away the poisonous snake?" The old village chief is an old special soldier, his eyes are full of unbelievable light.

Xia Lei and the soldiers on the side were very shocked. They looked at each other and said, "This may be the terror of the ancient killer! I think he may have added something to the snake bile, so These snake bile can resist poisonous snakes. As for what it is, we don’t need to pursue it any further, we just need to be clear, without Chen Zheng here, we will definitely die!”

"That's right, if Chen Zheng wasn't here, we would definitely die!" The old village head was Hua Xingbang's guard, and he had always been very proud, but facing Chen Zheng, he had to bow his head and admit Chen Zheng's terror.

"What are you still doing there? If you don't leave, the medicine will lose its effect!" Chen Zheng turned around and shouted.

Everyone looked at each other, and then followed quickly. At first, they were very nervous, but when they saw the poisonous snakes scattered to both sides, they breathed a sigh of relief: This Chen Zheng is really the ancient killer, the terrifying ancient killer By!
Chen Zheng in the front pulled Wang An forward, and saw a snake in front of him suddenly stopped moving, lying there motionless, a murderous look flashed in his eyes: "Damn, this poisonous snake wants to ambush here, and then It's really too cunning to attack us!"

With that said, Chen Zheng stepped on it.

And the people behind them came up to take a look, and they were terribly mad: Damn, this snake was killed by the snake medicine you made. It died, so it lay here motionless. It has been killed by you. Poisoned to death, are you still talking sarcastic here?Can you make people live?
Of course, this was the madness in everyone's mind. On the surface, they could only watch as Chen Zheng stomped the poisonous snake into several sections.

Looking at the dead and dead poisonous snake, everyone sighed in their hearts: poisonous snake, you are so unlucky because you encountered a terrifying existence!rest in peace!

Chen Zheng hurriedly called everyone to go forward, and after passing a hill, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, take a break." Chen Zheng gave an order to let everyone rest. He performed the see-through eye technique and looked around. On the top of the mountain, he felt two strong auras. If it was good, it should be the woman. Grandma and Tang Feng were just standing on the top of Snake Mountain, which made Chen Zheng puzzled: what are they going to do?
Not bad.

On the top of Snake Mountain, the third grandma of the Tang family and Tang Feng stood on the branches, looking coldly at the poisonous snake below.

Tang Feng hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said: "Third Grandma, Mrs. Tang just asked us to come over to examine Chen Zheng, so don't kill him?"

"Hmph!" The third grandma of the Tang family snorted coldly, and said, "This Chen Zheng must die. If he doesn't die, Princess Tang's heart will be on him. When he really gets married, then Chen Zheng will be the Tang family's wife." The real emperor, has the right to rule and possess the Tang family. The old lady fell in love with Hua Xingbang before, which is an example. In order to protect the interests of the Tang family, our presbytery does not allow outsiders to occupy it, so we sent people to assassinate Huaxingbang."

"This..." Tang Feng's expression changed.

"In the end, Mrs. Tang personally handed over the power of the Tang family to the Law Enforcement Hall, and we stopped killing Hua Xingbang." The third grandma of the Tang family said coldly: "If Hua Xingbang really controls the Tang family, he will get our Tang family. All the martial arts classics, financial and material resources of the family have become a terrifying existence!"

Tang Feng was silent.

"Now, Mrs. Tang's granddaughter is an adult, and she can go back to the Tang family to accept the baptism of the Tang family and become the princess of the Tang family. If she is allowed to run away with an outsider, our Tang family will definitely suffer great damage. But at the same time, if this When a man marries the princess of the Tang family and becomes the official emperor of the Tang family, for our Tang family, he loses his freedom! This man will own everything in the Tang family!" The third grandma of the Tang family said coldly: "So, in order not to let him To control the huge and ancient Tang family, he must die!"

"Does Mrs. Tang know that you are going to kill him?" Tang Feng asked suddenly.

"Of course she doesn't know. Of course, if you dare to say it, I don't mind killing you!" The third grandma of the Tang family said coldly, her figure flashed and landed in the group of snakes: "Now the princess's heart is already in Chen Chen's heart!" On the body, if I kill Chen Zheng head-on, the princess will definitely be disgusted, but I can let these poisonous snakes be my accomplices! Snakes are spiritual, ancient killers should not kill them, on the contrary, they should be killed for the ancients From this point of view, Chen Zheng has just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers... Or, I will let these snakes have spirituality, and then kill him..."

at this time.

Chen Zheng stood up and said, "Everyone rest well, let's continue on our way."

Chen Zheng yelled, and then led the crowd forward. Xia Lei was very excited along the way. He walked up and said with a smile, "Xiao Zheng, how did you become an ancient killer?"

"Brother Xiaozheng became an ancient killer through the ancient killing experiment. Only brother Xiaozheng can succeed in this experiment!" Wang An said arrogantly: "You should stop thinking about brother Xiaozheng, anyway, no one can be like him. That's the way to become an ancient killer, because brother Xiaozheng is the most special."

"Hehe." Xia Lei smiled awkwardly, touched his nose, and said, "I'm just curious, why did the mysterious and terrifying Tang family come to hunt down Xiaozheng?"

When Chen Zheng heard this, he also moved.

First, Tang Feng came to examine him, and now the third grandma of the Tang family came to kill him. How did he offend the Tang family?Damn, the princess of the Tang family should be Huaying, right?After all, Hua Ying is Tang Feng's granddaughter, and Tang Feng should be the old lady of the Tang family, but damn, Chen Zheng doesn't even know where Hua Ying is, let alone become the son-in-law of the princess of the Tang family!
So he feels innocent.

Wang An rolled his black eyes and smiled happily: "This is because brother Xiaozheng is my sister's husband! My sister is the princess of the Tang family, and she will return to the Tang family in the future to become a saintly existence. But he was lured away by brother Xiaozheng, and he was so fascinated by brother Xiaozheng, so the third grandma of the Tang family is going to kill brother Xiaozheng, hehe..."

"Damn, I haven't even met your sister!" Chen Zheng scolded.

"But I have already betrothed my younger sister to you. My younger sister is my follower. I am a roundworm in my younger sister's stomach, so my younger sister listens to me very much. She will marry you, hehe..." Wang An said very cutely Laughed.

Chen Zheng wanted to scold Wang An, but looking at Wang An's bright red face, he was so cute that he couldn't bear to scold him, so he had to ignore this guy. Seeing that Liu Li's face was pale at this time, he hurried towards Liu Li , before he could speak, he heard beeping sounds. The beeping sounds came from inside Liu Li's body. A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: What kind of sound is this?
Suddenly, he thought of something, and said anxiously: "Liu Li, there is a bomb!"

"Bomb? Where is it?" Liu Li looked pale and looked at Chen Zheng palely.

"In your body! The wound on your belly was not bruised, but was cut open by Song Zhi and the others, and then a time bomb was put in!" Chen Zheng said anxiously.

"What!" Liu Li's face changed drastically: "But I didn't feel there was a bomb."

"Is your stomach numb?" Chen Zheng asked suddenly.

"That's right, it's very numb, and there's no pain. Could it be that I was given an anesthetic?" Liu Li's face changed when she thought of this: "Chen Zheng, what should I do now? They really planted a bomb in my body! What should I do now... ..."

(PS: Thank you [Book Friends 95****] for the two monthly tickets!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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