super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 203 Huaxingbang's Approval

Chapter 203 Huaxingbang's Approval
"Chen Zheng is really so cruel? Those poisonous snakes were used to deal with Chen Zheng, and they were all killed by it?" The eyes of the third grandma of the Tang family were full of shock. How could she have thought that Chen Zheng was such a terrifying existence?Those snakes were spiritized once, but he didn't save them, but killed them directly, not only those who were spiritized, but also those who were not snatched away.

Where is this person?

It is simply a devil!

The third grandma of the Tang family was full of surprise: "Being his friend is the most nervous thing, because if you betray him once, you will be killed by him!"

Tang Feng nodded, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes: "If you have the opportunity to be his friend, don't betray him. As long as you betray him, he will kill you immediately and will never care about your life or death." of!"

The third grandma of the Tang family was extremely angry. This time, she couldn't kill Chen Zheng even if she ran the Three Dead Walking Spirits. Will there be another time?If Chen Zheng and Wang An were allowed to go back to the capital, enter the Hua family, and get married, then she would have no chance!
Once Chen Zheng became Wang An's husband-in-law, everything would be over.

At that time, Chen Zheng will become the son-in-law of the Hua family!Cultivated by Huaxingbang, cultivated by Huatiandu!If Chen Zheng really marries Wang An and enters the Hua family, then he will definitely soar into the sky!
In addition, Chen Zheng will also become the official emperor of the Tang family!

The Tang family is an ancient family. Looking at the whole world, there has never been a family with such a long history as the Tang family. It has been developed since 3000, and its power spreads all over the world.In the final analysis, it is because the Tang family is a family of ancient killers, and the mysterious ancestors did not die, but cultivated to become immortal beings.

But such a family is dominated by women.

Huaying is the princess of the Tang family. As long as Huaying is brought back and becomes the holy daughter of the Tang family, the Tang family can continue to develop. But now, what made the third grandma of the Tang family look anxious is that Huaying has chosen Chen Zheng as her husband. husband.

If Huaying and Chen Zhengzhen get married, then Chen Zheng will become the real emperor of the Tang family.

At that time, the Tang family's panacea, martial arts secrets, power status, wealth and jewelry will be touched by Chen Zheng. This is what the third grandma of the Tang family does not want to see.A murderous look flashed in her eyes, and she said fiercely: "Don't let Chen Zheng succeed, even if we sacrifice our lives, we must stop Chen Zheng and Huaying from being together!"

"I don't think Chen Zheng has anything to do with Huaying!" Tang Feng said.

"No!" The third grandma of the Tang family thought of the relationship between Chen Zheng and Wang An, and knew that Wang An had already deeply loved Chen Zheng. This was detected by her unique induction method.On Wang An, she saw Chen Zheng's imprint, and it was very deep.

So the third grandma of the Tang family knew that Wang An loved Chen Zheng deeply.

I'm afraid that if Chen Zheng and Wang An go back to the capital, the two will get married, and then the real bridal chamber will take place. Chen Zheng will completely become the real emperor of the Tang family after breaking the jade body of the princess of the Tang family.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the third grandma of the Tang family were full of anxiety: "Hua Ying loves Chen Zheng very much, and now even Hua Xingbang and Mrs. Tang also recognize Chen Zheng. As long as Chen Zheng is allowed to leave here, he will become the official of the Tang family." Emperor, we will kill him no matter what!"

"How to kill? He is very powerful!" Tang Feng's face was pale.

"No matter how powerful you are, you have to kill him. At worst, you will die with him!" The third grandmother of the Tang family said here, a murderous look flashed in her eyes, and she said: "I have a magic circle, and this magic circle can kill him!"

"What magic circle?" Tang Feng looked closely at the third grandma of the Tang family.


"What! Corpse killing? Third grandma, are you crazy? This magic circle is a way to die together! God, don't you want to live? Do you want to die together with Chen Zheng?" Tang Feng stared at the third grandma of the Tang family, and The third grandma of the Tang family flashed a murderous look in her eyes: "Kill!"

Now, in the distance.

Chen Zheng felt a murderous aura coming from behind, which made him frown. He hurriedly urged everyone to hurry, but seeing Wang An dragged at the end, he hurriedly said: "Xiao An, come here quickly, we have to speed up the journey!"

"Come here, come here." Wang An responded, but took out the mobile phone from her arms, which was picked up from Tang Feng, and she wanted to use this mobile phone to call her grandpa and grandma.

Chen Zheng glanced at Wang An, and continued to urge everyone to hurry, while the commander Lin in front of him was pale, walked over, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, I want to ask, can you also kill all the poisonous snakes? Transformation? Just like the third grandma of the Tang family, making poisonous snakes her subordinates?"

Chen Zheng smiled coldly: "That's right, just say what you have in mind."

"Hehe..." Commander Lin gave a wry smile, and asked in a low voice: "Just now, I fainted and I don't know what happened. I want to ask if it was those poisonous snakes who killed me Come up, you fight against that Tang Feng, and everyone competes for poisonous snakes? When Tang Feng snatched half of the poisonous snakes, you didn't save them, but killed them directly, is that right?"

Chen Zheng nodded: "Not bad!"

"The reason why you did this is because these poisonous snakes have betrayed you?" Commander Lin stared at Chen Zheng.

"You are right. These beasts have betrayed me. Even if I have the ability to save them, I will not save them. Instead, I will kill them directly!" Chen Zheng said coldly. , his face was pale, his eyes were full of trembling, the terror in his heart, he didn't expect Chen Zheng to be so cold, this is over, Commander Lin had offended Chen Zheng before, he would definitely be killed by Chen Zheng, because Chen Zheng didn't need those rebellious boys, if he had ever betrayed Chen Zheng, he would be bloody killed by Chen Zheng.

Commander Lin wants to cry but has no tears.

If he had known that Chen Zheng was such a person, he would never have done anything wrong to Chen Zheng.

A person like Chen Zheng is like a god of death, as long as you do something wrong to him, he will immediately take your dog's life. How can this be human, he is simply a god of death!

Commander Lin looked pained and walked forward alone.

Behind him, Tian Gong and the old village chief looked at each other, and they knew what Commander Lin was worried about. Their faces were also pale, and they were also very worried. For a person like Chen Zheng, if you betrayed him once, he would kill you completely. This is not a joke, they secretly decided that they must be loyal to Chen Zheng in the future and must not betray Chen Zheng!

And Xia Lei's face was silent, he glanced at the respectful Tiangong and the old village head, and sighed in his heart: "This Chen Zheng's aura makes his subordinates obey unconditionally, how can I compare it? Sigh, Compared with Chen Zhengyi, I am an officer of tomorrow in some military region, and I am nothing!"

A sense of melancholy welled up in his heart, and Xia Lei felt a little lonely.

"What's wrong with all of you?" Chen Zheng turned his head and glanced at the crowd, seeing their pale, melancholy, and pained faces, he was very puzzled for a moment.

"It's okay, they were all intimidated by your aura." Li Yanran smiled, and walked up to straighten Chen Zheng's collar tenderly.

Chen Zheng smiled and ignored everyone, but urged Wang An behind him to speed up, but this little girl took out her mobile phone when everyone was not paying attention, and then made a call, the call was to Hua Xingbang in the capital, After the phone beeped for a while, Wang An immediately put on a sullen face, "Guess who I am."

When Hua Xingbang heard Wang An's voice, he was shocked: "Xiaoying?"

"Hee hee, grandpa, you're too smart, it's no fun at all." Wang An pursed his lips.

"Hehe!" Hua Xingbang smiled for a while, his eyes were full of kindness, kindness for his precious granddaughter, and he asked, "Xiaoying, what's going on with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm still shuttling through this damn forest with brother Xiaozheng." As soon as he said this, Wang An became a little angry: "Grandpa, I hate such a life, I don't want to suffer in the forest, I don't want to suffer in the forest." I want to go back with brother Xiaozheng to find you, brother Xiaozheng is very good at chess, I want to watch him play chess with you, and then lean in your arms, enjoy the world, and don’t want to live a hard life here.”

"Hehe." Hua Xingbang laughed, and he also knew that his granddaughter had been doted on by them since she was a child, and she couldn't bear it. He said, "Well, I'll send fighters to your side now and bring you back."

"No..." Wang An said.

"Why? Didn't you say that you don't want to live these hard days?"

"I haven't fully returned to normal, I haven't confessed my love to Brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect side, I haven't become a couple with Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang An's voice was full of coquettishness: "So Grandpa, you You have to wait for me, when I get Brother Xiaozheng in hand, we will go back, hee hee..."

Listening to his precious granddaughter acting like a baby, for some reason, Hua Xingbang felt a little melancholy in his heart. His own granddaughter grew up on his knees since she was a child. What he wants and wants are other men, how can Hua Xingbang not feel sad?

He sighed: "Sure enough, it's the female university that won't be accepted."

"Grandpa, they found you a grandson-in-law and a visiting son-in-law for the Hua family. Aren't you happy?" Wang An deliberately put on a small face: "Do you want the Hua family to die? Do you want the Hua family to die?" It's over in my generation? Do you want China to collapse?"

Hua Xingbang smiled: "Okay, my precious granddaughter, don't blame your grandpa anymore, grandpa knows his mistake."

Wang Anle grinned: "Grandpa loves me the most."

"Yes, grandpa loves you the most. Grandpa has something to tell you." After a pause, Hua Xingbang said solemnly: "Your grandma and I have spent several months evaluating Chen Zheng, and we think he is suitable for our family." Xiaoying, so it is recognized as his grandson-in-law!"

"What! Grandpa, do you and grandma approve of Brother Xiaozheng? Great, I want to tell Brother Xiaozheng!" At that moment, Wang An's face was overjoyed, and his first reaction was to tell Chen Zheng, so he ran towards Chen Zheng go……

(End of this chapter)

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