Chapter 205 The third grandma of the Tang family is unwilling
A series of evil winds rushed over from all directions, like a huge legal net, tightly surrounded everyone, the entire forest was boiling, with everyone at the center, within a radius of 500 meters, all trees, stones, and bushes moved. Yes, that’s right, all these objects that were motionless at first started to shake at this moment, the trees moved around, the stones rolled around, the grasses danced around, and the whole world boiled.

"what's going on!"

Everyone's faces were pale and bloodless. They were terrified when they encountered such a scene.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what's going on?" Seeing something bad, Wang An threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms, stretched out his little head, and looked palely at the wandering and rolling trees, stones, Grass.

"If it's true, someone is casting a spell! Casting the terrifying martial arts of the ancient killer!" Chen Zheng said.


Everyone's face was pale and bloodless.

For atheists like them, it is difficult to accept such a martial art. Even if it is performed by the ancient killer, they think it is ridiculous, but this does not hinder their fear, and it is still a fear from the heart.

Just such a scene, in the sky, a wave of dark clouds surged over, instantly covering the entire forest like a black pot. This feeling is like dark clouds overwhelming the city, and there will be violent storms at any time.Atmospheric pressure increased, and the crowd had difficulty breathing and felt oppressed.

Chen Zheng's face darkened, and he shouted: "The third grandma of the Tang family, get out!"

There was a burst of braking sound, and one after another light and shadow flashed, and around the crowd, one old man after another appeared, and they were all the third grandma of the Tang family. These figures were all real, not phantoms, but real people.The third grandma of the Tang family surrounded everyone. At that moment, everyone felt a sense of despair. They were just ordinary soldiers, how could they meet the terrifying ancient killer?And the ancient killer also displayed a terrifying martial arts array?

"Damn it, half of my life was already dead when I met that gossip martial formation before, and now I have encountered this terrifying martial formation again!" Tian Gong yelled.

"This is my life!" The old village head turned pale, where had he encountered such a martial formation?For a moment, I sighed in my heart. Even Xia Lei had a flash of panic in his eyes. This is the world of ancient killers. How can he, an ordinary soldier, face it?

What to do now?
Everyone was a little anxious.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what should we do now?" Wang An tightly grabbed Chen Zheng's clothes.

"It's okay." Chen Zheng shook his head, looked at the third grandmother of the Tang family in front of him, and shouted: "The third grandmother of the Tang family, what the hell are you doing!"

"What the hell are you doing? Haha, this is the Corpse Killing Formation, I will kill you today!" The third grandma of the Tang family had murderous looks in her eyes: "Once the Corpse Killing Formation is in operation, it will take your dog's life. Of course, I will kill you!" You will lose your life because of this, but it can kill you, so why not? So, you have to die today!"

Chen Zheng looked around and saw the figures of the third grandma of the Tang family one after another. He quickly performed the see-through technique and looked around.

After using the see-through technique, Chen Zheng was surprised to find that the figures were all real. It seemed that such a martial formation was very strange.

"Chen Zheng, you are going to die here today! My martial formation can kill you! This is the Tang family's mysterious martial formation, and no one can decipher it, including you. Let me bombard you now!" I'll kill you!" The third grandma of the Tang family neighed for a while, and all the figures standing among the woods moved in a short time, swam around non-stop, and then came to kill Chen Zhengyong.They are fast.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what shall we do next?" Wang An's face was pale and bloodless.

Tiangong, the old village head, Xia Lei and others were full of anxiety and panic. They were afraid that they would die here today. Even Li Yanran was aware of the breath of death.

"Don't panic!" Chen Zheng said, but his heart was still flustered. He used the see-through technique to look out, but was suddenly shocked. Among the figures, there was an afterimage. He wondered for a while, maybe this afterimage is the hope of living?He used the clairvoyance technique to check, and he knew that the afterimage would eventually fall five meters to the left, so he quickly called out: "Everyone follow!"

Everyone was puzzled for a while, but under such circumstances, they could only listen to Chen Zheng.

They all followed behind Chen Zheng and walked to the empty seats five meters away.

Bursts of powerful rays of light burned up, and figures appeared all around, like a picture of ghosts walking in the night, but the figure that was supposed to appear in front of everyone burned up with a bang, and dissipated into a puff of smoke.

"Ah!!!" The third grandma of the Tang family exclaimed, "How is this possible? You can avoid the attack of Shisha?"

The third grandma of the Tang family couldn't help but be surprised, because she knew that even she would not be able to avoid this corpse, and would be killed by bombardment.But why was Chen Zheng able to escape while leading the crowd?
How did she know that Chen Zheng possessed the technique of clairvoyance?

This see-through eye skill is also equivalent to a kind of martial arts secret book, and the third grandma of the Tang family has not learned it. If she has the see-through eye skill, she will find a flaw in this corpse-killing martial arts formation, that is, one of the figures is illusory.

Chen Zheng was using the see-through eye technique to know this illusory figure, so he avoided it.

The third grandma of the Tang family couldn't hit her once, and then drove the second martial arts formation: "I'll kill you right now! Kill you!"

One after another figures appeared around the forest, all of them were the third grandma of the Tang family, and they rushed towards this side.Soon the point of attack will be reached, and the whole world will explode.Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique again, and looked around. This time, what shocked him suddenly was that outside the forest, there was a figure standing there motionless, and did not attack and kill everyone. Surrounding the crowd, those figures kept rushing forward.

There is something weird here!
Chen Zheng's first reaction was that he felt that this figure was a gap in the entire martial formation.As long as this gap is broken, the entire martial formation will be self-defeating!

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng wanted to fly out of the forest, but he found that he couldn't move because of the strong spiritual pressure around him, so he had to run the three retrograde spirits, and quickly put those before Summoned by his spiritualized viper.Chen Zheng directly issued an order with his thoughts: "All poisonous snakes, go and destroy that figure outside the forest!"

These poisonous snakes attacked the figure outside the forest.

"Kill!" The third grandma of the Tang family neighed, driving the martial formation, causing all the figures to rush towards Chen Zheng and others. She didn't realize that at this moment, Chen Zheng had already discovered the shortcomings of the martial formation, that is, The lonely figure outside the forest.

The lonely figure remained motionless.

Just like the phantom in the martial formation before, it gave Chen Zheng a weird feeling, so he thought it was a shortcoming of the corpse-killing martial formation. As long as this shortcoming was broken, the entire martial formation could be destroyed!

Even the third grandma of the Tang family didn't know about this shortcoming.

In fact, I am afraid that the entire Tang family is not aware that this corpse killing formation has such a shortcoming.

Driven by the third grandma of the Tang family, one after another figure blasted towards the crowd.But just as they arrived, outside the forest, the group of poisonous snakes completely killed the figure.

With a sound of brushing, the figure was broken like this.

On Chen Zheng's side, all the figures that were about to be culled and killed were all cleared away. In just an instant, these figures separated from the third grandma of the Tang family were all blown up, and there was a crackling sound, and everyone was shocked Voice: "What's the situation? All these figures have been broken? Could it be that the martial formation has been broken?"

But what surprised them was that everyone was standing here just now, and no one moved.

Even Chen Zheng stood there motionless.

Who broke this martial formation?
How was this martial formation broken?
For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Not far away, the third grandma of the Tang family, who was performing the martial formation, twitched in her body. She opened her mouth, vomited blood, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of unbelievable light: "What's going on? Broken? Who broke it?"

"It can't be Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng just didn't move at all!" Tang Feng said firmly, "It's definitely not Chen Zheng, this martial formation will suppress the breath of Chen Zheng, so he didn't resist at all The power! He was definitely not the one who broke through the martial formation!"

"Then who broke the martial formation?" The third grandma of the Tang family asked stubbornly.

"Maybe there are other experts!"

"Other experts?" The eyes of the third grandma of the Tang family were full of panic. She had practiced in the Tang family for half a hundred years, and she knew the horror of the corpse-killing formation. Once she used it, she would suppress the people in the formation. Chen Zhenghui was in the center of the martial formation, and he couldn't dodge or do anything. In other words, Chen Zhenghui was held there firmly, and he couldn't break through the martial formation at all!

In fact, it was true, Chen Zheng couldn't move at all.

But he can use his thoughts to summon those poisonous snakes to come out to help him!And he discovered the shortcoming of this martial formation by using the clairvoyance technique. No one knew about this shortcoming, but he was the only one who observed it!


The third grandma of the Tang family spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and died in pain. Before she died, she squeezed her heart fiercely, a red light flashed, and her eyes were full of unwillingness: "It must be true!" There is an expert helping Chen Zheng! We must find out this expert! Because he can decipher this corpse-killing formation, he is a terrifying existence..."

Watching the third grandma of the Tang family take her last breath and then die in pain, Tang Feng was both startled and terrified.

It's normal for the third grandma of the Tang family to die. This murder means that they all died together.But Chen Zheng didn't die, which made Tang Feng terrified. No one could break through this corpse-killing martial formation, but now it has been broken. This expert is definitely not Chen Zheng, because Chen Zheng is at the very center of the martial formation. place, unable to move.

The only explanation is that there are other terrifying experts around.

Thinking of this, Tang Feng took out his mobile phone and called Tang Feng, the old lady of the Tang family who was far away in the capital. As soon as the call was connected, he said in horror: "Old lady, something is wrong, the corpse killing formation has been broken!"

"What!!!!" On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng's expression changed drastically.

When Tang Feng learned that the third grandma of the Tang family was going to use the corpse-killing formation against Chen Zheng, she knew that Chen Zheng would definitely die, but now, to her surprise, someone broke the corpse-killing formation?

How is this possible!
(End of this chapter)

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