super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 216 Tang Feng's Plan

Chapter 216 Tang Feng's Plan

"That's great!" Tang San, the elder of the Tang family, looked excited and his eyes were full of excitement. He quickly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times towards the southeast, and said respectfully: "Tang My ancestors, please accept my worship, the Tang family has hope, the Tang family has hope, please rest assured that the monument of the Tang family will last forever!"

The reason why Tang San was so excited was because the Tang family had been in a powerless state for these years.

As early as 45 years ago, when the last saint died, Tang Feng was asked to take over, but because Tang Feng and Hua Xingbang walked together, the three elder grandmas were angered. Try to prevent the relationship between Tang Feng and Hua Xingbang, saying that this will break the rules of the Tang family.The rule of the Tang family is that the saints of the past dynasties drank the holy water of Tianshan Mountain to conceive the purest, most perfect, and purest daughter as the princess of the Tang family.

When the princess jade is activated by the princess, the princess of the Tang family will become the saint of the Tang family.

Unify the ages!
But decades ago, Tang Feng insisted on being with Hua Xingbang, a mortal, and angered the third grandmother. The third grandmother teamed up to drive Tang Feng out. At that time, the twelve elders in the elders' house had different opinions. , Some elders supported the change, saying that the princess of the Tang family could walk with a man and give birth to a princess through human means. At the same time, the man would become the official emperor of the Tang family and rule the entire Tang family with the saint.

The power of the Tang family spread all over the earth.

Where there are Chinese, there will be Tang family forces.

Whether it is martial arts classics, panacea, gold, silver and jewelry, or power status, they are all terrifying. Whoever can rule the Tang family is definitely a king of a generation. Even the heads of some big countries cannot compare with the Tang family.

At that time, Tang San was on Tang Feng's side, supported the combination of Tang Feng and Hua Xingbang, and advocated the emergence of a new emperor in the Tang family!
Because as early as a long time ago, there was an emperor in the Tang family, who was the husband of the [-]th generation saintess, but it didn't last long at that time, and he was resisted by the various forces of the family. In the end, the emperor was forced to death alive. A generation of saints rebelled against the fate of the people and changed the rules of the Tang family forcefully, allowing the saints to marry mortals. The chosen mortals were not the true emperor of the Tang family, and they ruled the entire Tang family together with the saints.

For more than 1000 years, the saints of all dynasties have always been the representatives of the sacred, but in Tang Feng's generation, something happened. The Presbyterian House exerted pressure to force Tang Feng to abdicate. From then on, the Tang family began a state of no rule that lasted for more than 40 years.

Within a few decades, the Tang family began to split, and various sects emerged. When people thought of confrontation, they often used force to solve problems. However, because they wanted to worship the ancestors of the Tang family, everyone still fought The authentic guise of the Tang family maintains the overall situation.

These situations were very chaotic, and the Tang family fell into a state of no development.

This is also why the third grandma would rush over there as soon as she learned that Huaying was in Jiangnan Forest. The third grandma also realized that if this continues, the Tang family will inevitably collapse, and Hua Ying must be allowed to return to the Tang family and be crowned as a saint. Only then will the development momentum of the Tang family be maintained. If the Tang family really collapses, all the disciples will deserve to die.

When Tang San received the news from Tang Feng, he hurried to the capital. Now that Mrs. Tang said that Huaying was in Jiangnan Forest, he was very excited: "Mrs. Tang, now the Tang family only has this Huaying, she It's your granddaughter who inherited your bloodline and the Tang family's bloodline. Only she can become the princess of the Tang family, and only she can convince others to sit down obediently and discuss the next unification! "

Tang Feng's eyes were full of tears: "The Tang family has been in chaos for decades. In these years, the Tang family has been in a state of no absolute power. The family members are independent and fight against each other. Not only has the Tang family not developed, but also Still stagnant for a long time, it's time for Princess Tang to appear!"

"In this way, Mrs. Tang, you can go back!" Tang San's eyes were full of excitement, but he suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but look at Tang Feng closely: "Old Mrs. Tang, you said the princess A husband-in-law has been chosen? Who is he?"

"He is Chen Zheng, the son of a commoner."

"What?" Tang San was stunned. Hua Ying is the princess of the Tang family, and also the princess of the Hua family. Let alone the Tang family, the power of the Hua family alone is already terrifying. In the capital, there are so many young masters. Huaying didn't even look for it, but after looking for a commoner?
"This Chen Zheng is also an ancient assassin at the same time!" Hua Xingbang next to him said suddenly, he just knew that Chen Zheng was the son of a commoner, and he was like Tang San, so it was unbelievable, but then he made many inquiries and arranged for Tian Gong to enter After making a needle's eye, Hua Xingbang completely changed his view of Chen Zheng. Although Chen Zheng was born as a commoner, not a rich man, nor an official, Chen Zheng was an ancient killer. Take it seriously.

"Ancient killer?" Tang San raised his head and looked at Tang Feng closely: "Could it be that this Chen Zheng is also a descendant of the ancient killer family?"

"No, he was a mortal half a year ago, but in the past six months, he has become an ancient killer." Tang Feng said.

"What!" Tang San's face changed greatly, his eyes full of surprise: "How is this possible? He became an ancient killer within half a year? How is this possible? We were all cultivated with a large number of panacea from the womb , who started practicing martial arts from birth, how could he become an ancient killer within half a year? This is too surprising!"

"That's the truth." Tang Feng paused, and then said: "And the most important thing is that Xiaoying's heart is on him, and she can only return to normal through her relationship with him. You can say that this is bloody. , but the reality is so cruel, without Chen Zheng, Xiaoying would not be able to become a saint!"

"What!" Tang San was shocked.

"So, if Xiaoying wants to become the saint of the Tang family, she must have Chen Zheng!" A sternness flashed in Tang Feng's eyes: "I was kicked out back then, and it has been decades now, but I still can't do it." Don't worry, I live in this world with one goal, which is to break the family rules of the Tang family, so that my granddaughter can take her husband back and become the ruler of the Tang family!"

Tang San's blood was surging: "I am willing to work hard with Mrs. Tang!"

"I'll give you a mission now, go to Jiangnan to find Xiaoying and Chen Zheng, and protect them, because the third grandma has already gone to kill Chen Zheng!" Tang Feng said.

"What!" Tang San's face changed greatly: "If the third grandma kills Chen Zheng, then the Tang family will have no hope. Mrs. Tang, I will set off immediately and go to the south of the Yangtze River!"


Tang Feng nodded, took out her mobile phone, and made a call, which was to Tang Feng who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River. Once the call was made, Tang Feng said coldly: "Send a message to the two grandmas for me, saying that I have sent the elders to We have dealt with Huaying and Chen Zheng's affairs, and we want them to stop immediately! They are not elders' homes, so they don't have the right to meddle in their own business!"

On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng was shocked when he heard Mrs. Tang's order, and nodded quickly: "Old lady, please rest assured, I will tell the two grandmothers now."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Feng ran forward with a pale face and came to the cave, ignoring the Tang family's grandma and the Tang family's second grandma who were practicing, and said directly: "Grandmother, Mrs. Tang is calling, Said that the elders of the elders' house have been sent to deal with this matter, so you don't need to intervene any more!"


The Tang family's grandma and the Tang family's second grandma jumped up in surprise. They looked at each other and realized the trouble.

Several decades ago, when Mrs. Tang was expelled from the Tang family, some elders expressed their support for Mrs. Tang. Needless to say, Tang Feng will definitely send an elder to support her. As long as this elder comes, the two grandmothers will not be able to kill Chen Zheng. Well, if the elders were to bring Chen Zheng and Hua Ying back, then the Tang family would really be turned upside down.

At that time, Chen Zheng will really become the real emperor of the Tang family!

Chen Zheng will become the leader of the Tang family!
Thinking of this, the two grandmothers stood up with cold faces: "We want to kill Chen Zheng before the elder arrives!"

A sneeze!

Chen Zheng sneezed, and he stood up, frowning, feeling a sense of danger.Seeing Chen Zheng sneezing, Wang An at the side hurried over and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, I miss you!"

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An. For some reason, he was a little nervous and wanted to scold Wang An, but it was obvious that this guy's face was red, and he couldn't scold him, so he just stared and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Chen Zheng, do you feel something?" Li Yanran was very understanding.

"En." Chen Zheng nodded. He did feel a murderous aura, but he couldn't feel it after careful observation. He shook his head and said to Li Yanran and Wang An, "Let's continue on our way."

"That's good..."

Li Yanran nodded silently.

Chen Zheng felt that Li Yanran was depressed, so he couldn't help but said: "Yanran, don't worry, we will find Dr. Smith soon, and heal the virus on your body, heal all the injuries on your face, and let you recover The most perfect existence! Promise me, stick to it! Do you know?"

Li Yanran did not answer Chen Zheng, but looked at the sunset in the distance: "The sunset is going to the west mountain, and after the meeting with the willow shoots, Chen Zheng, you said that one day we will buy a piece of land here, and then build a wooden house for some time." How good would it be to live in isolation?"

Chen Zheng frowned, feeling that Li Yanran was very pessimistic, he didn't think too much, and quickly said: "Don't say anything, let's continue on our way."

Afterwards, everyone continued on their way, from the sun rising to the dusk, and everything was safe and sound. Now, Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and his nervous nerves relaxed. He ordered everyone to set up camp and then take a simple rest. .Chen Zheng ate some dry food, and hurriedly seized the time to practice, but at midnight, Wang An walked in with a pale face: "Brother Xiaozheng, something happened to Yanran..."

(End of this chapter)

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