super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 225 The Too Shy Wang An

Chapter 225 The Too Shy Wang An

A plan came to Chen Zheng's mind.

Chen Zheng glanced at Tang San in the distance, didn't say anything at the moment, and continued to greet everyone on their way.Along the way, everyone didn't speak much. For some reason, this Wang An deliberately dragged at the back, with a red face and lowered head, as if he didn't say anything.

Chen Zheng always wondered if Wang An was taking off his clothes before.

And Li Yanran, who was next to him, took a few glances at Wang An, walked up and shouted: "Xiao An, what are you doing with your blushing face? Let me tell you, none of your schemes have succeeded! But it still surprised me. I thought you It will be very reserved, unexpectedly it is also a sloppy word!"

When Wang An heard this, he became angry.

What does it have to do with Li Yanran that she and brother Xiaozheng did that?

She lost her temper, crossed Xiaoman's waist, and said angrily: "Smelly sister, bad sister, what nonsense are you talking about? Even if I mess with Brother Xiaozheng, it should be! But you, what nonsense? Do you take love with a knife?"

"You..." Li Yanran was also wronged, but in the end she cursed: "You are simply shameless!"

"I'm just shameless, what can you do to me? I'm just sex, what's your business? I'm just messing around, what can you do to me?" Wang An crossed Xiaoman's waist, looking like I'm a **** arrogant expression.


Seeing Wang An being so arrogant, Li Yanran really wanted to teach this spoiled princess a lesson, but she knew she was wrong, after all, Chen Zheng was still Huaying's fiancé in name.

"What's wrong with me?" Wang Ande was ignorant and aggressive.

"You bastard!" Li Yanran glared at Wang An, thinking that this bastard is too arrogant, so what if you are the princess of the Tang family?My old lady has never missed anything she likes!

Seeing that Li Yanran and Wang An were about to scold, Chen Zheng quickly said, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's all let go, Xiao An, tell me honestly, what did you mean by taking off my clothes before?" Woolen cloth?"

Being stared at by Chen Zheng's fiery eyes, Wang An felt a little shy, but seeing Li Yanran looking at her provocatively, she ignored it and said directly: "It's nothing interesting, I just want to have sex with you."


Chen Zheng was taken aback for a moment, feeling disgusted in his heart. Isn't this Wang An too disgusting?

"You have talent!" Li Yanran glared at Wang An, it seems that we are exhausted, Wang An, look at it!
Chen Zheng glanced at Li Yanran and Wang An, feeling weird, as if they were fighting?I'll go, Li Yanran is also reasonable, but what about Wang An?

Isn't Wang An a man?

Why do you look like a girl?
Chen Zheng thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he shook his head and drove out all distracting thoughts. He raised his head and looked at Tang San in front. Seeing Tang San looking at him, Chen Zheng felt a little nervous. To dispel Tang San's suspicion as soon as possible.

He used the see-through eye technique to look around, and felt as if there was a wolf's den in front of him.

He quickly said: "Everyone, get ready, let's rush forward."

"Yeah." Tiangong, the old village chief, and Xia Lei all felt that there was a strong smell of gunpowder between Li Yanran and Wang An, but they didn't say anything at the moment, but continued on their way. There was a burst of wolf howling.

The faces of the people changed drastically, and they all looked forward nervously, only to see wild wolves flying out from the jungle in front, and rushed towards the crowd. At this time, Chen Zheng was running forward Take a step forward, run the spiritual breath in Dantian, pass through Peiyu's spiritualization, and then hit a wild wolf in front of you with a fist, sending it flying, hitting the ground heavily, and killing the opponent with just one blow. Killed directly.


The rest of the wolves whined intermittently, trembling all over, and then ran away, probably also frightened by Chen Zheng's aura.

"I'm going, these wolves are bullying and fearing the weak!" Everyone's eyes were full of surprises. They didn't expect that after Chen Zheng killed a wild wolf with one palm, all the remaining wolves ran away.


Behind Tang San, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, he looked closely at Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng's blow just now gave him a very powerful shock, he came to the dead wolf, and with his hand With a pinch, he lifted the other party up, but his brows frowned, and the palm print Chen Zheng slapped was clearly the same as the one he slapped on the second grandma of the Tang family before.

The strength of this palm is equivalent to the hall master among practitioners.

But isn't Chen Zheng just an apprentice among practitioners?

Why can hit such a terrifying blow?
For a moment, Tang San looked closely at Chen Zheng, his eyes full of doubts: "Xiaozheng, can you honestly explain why you can strike such a terrifying blow just after stepping into the ranks of ancient killers?" Woolen cloth?"


Chen Zheng said something in his heart, pretending to be nervous, he took out the stone from his bosom, and handed it up: "Master, this is such a stone, all my energy is obtained from this stone."

"What!" Tang San's eyes trembled, he took the stone from Chen Zheng's hand, and probed it with his spiritual sense, his expression changed greatly: "Oh my God, this is a spirit stone! It is a spirit stone specially used to store spirit breath, What is surprising is that it contains so much spiritual energy!"

Chen Zheng smiled inwardly, this is all right, he can finally divert Tang San's attention.

If Tang San discovers that the jade in Chen Zheng's arms can produce successive mysterious martial arts, Tang San will definitely have evil desires.The reason why Chen Zheng took out this spirit stone was also to dispel Tang San's doubts about him.

I saw Chen Zheng walking up, and said: "Master, the reason why I was able to kill the second grandma of the Tang family is because of this stone!"

"En." Tang San nodded, he saw Chen Zheng make a move just now, and killed the wild wolf with a single palm, and Chen Zheng was just an apprentice who had just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers, it was impossible The only explanation for such a terrifying blow is the spiritual breath in the spirit stone.

Tang San picked up the spirit stone and observed it carefully, the more he observed, the more excited he became: "Sure enough, this stone is full of spirit energy! It's very powerful! It seems that I misunderstood you!"

Chen Zheng smiled in his heart, this is all right, Tang San no longer doubts him!
Just when Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, he saw a trace of doubt flashing in Tang San's eyes: "Xiaozheng, that's not right, why is this spirit stone full of spirit breath? It seems that it has never been used, you just now What happened to that blow? Didn't you use the spirit breath in this spirit stone?"

Chen Zhenggang's relaxed mood became tense again.

Damn, this Tang San is too good, isn't he?How do you know that this spirit stone has never been used?How to explain it now?If the explanation is not clear, Tang San will definitely be suspicious. If he finds that there are mysterious martial arts in Peiyu, Tang San will definitely have a different heart.

After all, the martial art in this jade is very mysterious, and any ancient killer will be moved!
What should I do now?

"Xiaozheng, what's the situation?" Seeing that Chen Zheng's face was pale and very nervous, Tang San felt puzzled.

"I...Master...Well, I actually have two spirit stones, this one has not been used, and the one just now has been used up..." Chen Zheng said.

"Oh." Tang San was still skeptical at first, but it can be seen that Chen Zheng's face turned pale and he was very nervous. He felt that Chen Zheng shouldn't have lied, but he still couldn't help asking: "Xiao Zheng, be honest with me. Tell me, where did you get these two spirit stones?"

Sure enough, he told a lie and quoted another lie!

Chen Zheng was speechless in his heart, but he still had to say seriously on the surface: "Tell Master, I picked up these two spirit stones from the stream."

"Picked up from the stream?" Tang San's eyes were full of doubts: "In this forest, how could there be such spirit stones? These spirit stones are usually refined by ancient killers, how could there be such spirit stones?" What about here? Unless there is an ancient killer in this forest, but if there is, we will find it as soon as possible!"

After talking, Tang San was still very suspicious of what Chen Zheng said.

Chen Zheng muttered in his heart: Sister, this can't fool you?
But Chen Zheng had to continue lying, so he said: "Master, please believe me, I really didn't lie to you. I picked up these spirit stones from the stream. If not, where do you think I picked them up?"

Tang San nodded, feeling that what Chen Zheng said was correct, if these two spirit stones were not picked up from the stream, where else would they be picked up?It couldn't be on Chen Zheng, after all, Chen Zheng was just an apprentice who had just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers.

Thinking of this, Tang San nodded: "Okay, I believe you."

"Thank you, master, for your trust!" Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally Tang San didn't discover that there was a mysterious martial art in the jade in his arms. If Tang San found out, I'm afraid Tang San would definitely Will be evil!
However, looking at Tang San's expressionless face, Chen Zheng was thinking in his heart, find a chance to pretend again...

"Let's continue on our way." Tang San said, and then walked forward, but he deliberately lagged behind by a certain distance, and walked in step with Wang An. He glanced at Chen Zheng, and then asked in a low voice: "Princess, may I ask if you have realized your plan..."

"I..." Wang An's face was blushing, full of shyness.

When Tang San saw Wang An being so shy, his heart was moved, and he said excitedly: "Could it be that you have already had a relationship with Xiaozheng? This is great. If you have a relationship with Chen Zheng, princess, then everything will go to the right place." Good development! The negative energy in your body will be deciphered, and you will become a real saint of the Tang family!"

"I...I'm actually that...haven't been with brother Xiaozheng...that..." Wang An became more shy as he spoke, wishing that there would be a hole in the ground and let her disappear.

"What!" Tang San was anxious: "Princess, you mean, you haven't had a relationship with Xiaozheng yet?"

"En." Wang An nodded.

"This..." Tang San's eyes were full of anxiety. He originally thought that Wang An would have a relationship with Chen Zheng, and then break the negative energy in Wang An's body, but unexpectedly, Wang An was so shy that he didn't do it in the end. In a hurry, he wanted to bring Wang An and Chen Zheng back as soon as possible, and become the saintess and emperor of the Tang family...

He hesitated for a while, and couldn't help calling Tang Feng who was far away in the capital. As soon as the call was connected, Tang San immediately said: "Old lady of the Tang family, Wang An has no relationship with Chen Zheng."

"What!" On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng was taken aback, a little anxious: "What's the matter?"

"Because Wang An is shy..."

"What?" On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "Hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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