super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 229 She's in Jiangnan Forest

Chapter 229 She's in Jiangnan Forest (stuck on the highway)


At that moment, everyone stared blankly at Tang San, they didn't expect that this guy Tang San would worship there stupidly, just worshiping towards the stream, he looked like a fool!

At the moment, Li Yanran couldn't help looking at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, tell me honestly, what is this Tang San doing here?"

"This one……"

Chen Zheng murmured a little, pretending not to know anything, and everyone was not stupid. Seeing Chen Zheng's concealed appearance, it was clear that Chen Zheng had a ghost in his heart. If it was true, Chen Zheng should be cheating Tang San?
"Brother Xiaozheng, what's the situation?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously, seeing that Chen Zheng didn't answer her intention, she ran out, ran towards Tang San by the stream, and asked suspiciously : "Elder Tang, what are you doing here?"


That Tang San had just cast a spirit shield to protect himself, the purpose was to express respect to the gods, how could he know that Wang An ran out, he looked back, and when he saw Chen Zheng and others, his expression changed: "Why are you all here?"

"I said, Elder Tang San, what are you doing here? Are you worshiping the gods here?" Wang An's eyes were dark and dark, blinking and blinking, very cute, and Tang San's eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment The color, he is indeed here to worship the gods, just want to get the spirit stone.

These spirit stones are expensive, each one is holy.

Seeing Chen Zheng kneeling here before, continuously worshiping, Tang San was extremely excited. He believed in the existence of gods in this world.So his first reaction was to kneel down on the ground, and then he kept worshiping the side of the stream.

For the ancient killer, God exists.

In fact, if the ancient killer continues to practice, if he breaks through the bottleneck, he will become a god-like existence.

It’s just that Tang San was a little skeptical before, thinking that gods are noble, and would not give magic weapons to ordinary people casually, but after seeing Chen Zheng worship several times, Tang San was completely convinced, thinking that all of this is possible .

So he also worshiped on the ground.

But after worshiping for a long time, no spirit stone came out.

Seeing Chen Zheng come back now, his face is very embarrassed: "Did you all not leave?"

"Didn't leave." Chen Zheng shook his head: "We were looking for you."

"Oh." Tang San nodded and smiled: "Then let's leave here now and continue on our way!"

"But Elder Tang, you haven't told me yet, what are you doing here?" Wang An picked up any pot that was not open: "Did you see Brother Xiaozheng worshiping here, and you followed him?"

"How could this happen? I'm here to practice!" Tang San smiled awkwardly.

"Oh." Wang Anle grinned, and pulled Chen Zheng to run forward: "Brother Xiaozheng, let's continue on our way."


Chen Zheng nodded.

At this time, far away in the capital, Wu Dan sent someone to investigate the entire Changbai Mountain, and now finally there is information back. As soon as the phone rang, Wu Dan answered the phone immediately, and the other end said: "Minister Wu, we sent a hundred A fighter plane, ten armored corps, and a blanket search of the entire Changbai Mountain have found a hundred men and women, and now all the information is sent to you."


After a while of buzzing, Wu Dan took out her mobile phone and saw that there were more than 100 men and women's information on it. She checked them one by one, and finally looked disappointed, because none of them belonged to her daughter!A trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes: "Mom, what's going on?"

She walked out and soon came to the lobby. When she saw Tang Feng, she immediately said: "Mom, I have searched the entire Changbai Mountain, but I can't find Xiaoying. What's going on? Did something happen to her?" gone?"

That Tang Feng didn't expect Wu Dan to search the whole Changbai Mountain, she sighed and said: "Actually, Xiaoying is not in Changbai Mountain."

"What!" Wu Dan was startled: "Then where is she? Mom, tell me quickly..."

"She's in Jiangnan Forest."

(PS: Now on the expressway, the traffic jam is too serious. I will return to the provincial capital tomorrow and resume three shifts every day. I am really sorry)
(End of this chapter)

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