super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 235 Tang San's Panic

Chapter 235 Tang San's Panic

"What! What did you say? You said that the husband-in-law Hua Ying chose was Chen Zheng?" At that moment, Xia Wei froze. He was naturally very familiar with who Chen Zheng was. A few months ago, Chen Zheng Zheng brought a feng shui painting to the military area to look for him. At that time, there was poison in the painting, and the poisonous gas emitted almost killed Xia Wei. If Chen Zheng hadn't taken action, Xia Wei would definitely have died.

It can be said that Xia Wei recognized Chen Zheng from the bottom of his heart, and felt that Chen Zheng was a pillar of talent.

If Chen Zheng is cultivated, he will definitely be a hero of Huaxia Kingdom!
Later, Xia Wei learned that Chen Zheng and Xia Xue were walking together. Xia Xue was Xia Wei's relatives. Knowing that Xia Xue had chosen Chen Zheng, Xia Wei was surprised at first. The eyes of a young lady like Xue, but after thinking about it later, Xia Wei felt normal, because Chen Zheng was talented and worthy of Xia Xue's love!
For this reason, Xia Wei also specially called Xia Shangguo and said something nice about Chen Zheng, just to deal with Chen Zheng and Xia Xue.

Later, knowing that Chen Zheng played chess with Xia Shangguo and Hua Tiandu, the future kings, and severely suppressed Xia Shangguo and Hua Tiandu in chess, Xia Wei became more determined in his opinion, thinking that Chen Zheng was definitely not Wait for the idle generation.

Until now, when he heard that Chen Zheng was the husband-in-law chosen by Huaying, Xia Wei was even more amazed: "This Chen Zheng, ever since I saw him for the first time, I felt that he was definitely not an ordinary person. Sure enough! First he got Xia Xue's love, and now he got Huaying's choice, looking at the whole of China, Chen Zheng is probably the only one who can attract the two daughters of the Hua family and the Xia family at the same time!"

"What, you mean that Chen Zheng not only got Hua Ying, but also got Xia Xue?" Tang Feng was very surprised, this Chen Zheng is so powerful?

"Hehe." Regarding Chen Zheng's feelings, Xia Wei didn't say much, but he really wanted to confirm whether Chen Zheng was the husband-in-law chosen by Hua Ying. After all, where Hua Ying was, I am afraid Chen Zheng himself I don't know, besides, Huaying is the eldest daughter of the Hua family, she has been arrogant and spoiled since she was a child, she is unruly and lively, how can ordinary people fall into her eyes?So Xia Xia prestige turned to Tang Feng: "How do you know that Chen Zheng is the husband-in-law chosen by Hua Ying? Don't forget that Hua Jie, nephew Hua's son, had an accident a long time ago and became a vegetable. Now Still lying in the hospital in the United States, the Hua family has only one daughter, Huaying, and the man she chooses will directly adopt into the Hua family, inherit the incense of the Hua family, and inherit the power of the Hua family!"

"Of course I know this! Mrs. Tang also said, find Princess Hua and protect her back to Beijing, let Princess Hua choose an outstanding husband, and then adopt him to the Hua family's clan hall!" Tang Feng said.

In fact, the man Huaying chose was not only the son-in-law of the Hua family, but also the emperor of the Tang family.

Of course, Tang Feng will not tell Xia Wei about the Tang family.

"Then how do you know that Chen Zheng is Hua Ying's chosen husband?" Xia Wei looked at Tang Feng closely.

"Because Mrs. Tang told me that!" Tang Feng said.

"Tang Feng?"


"That's right!" Xia Wei's eyes were full of excitement. If Tang Feng really approved it, then Chen Zheng would definitely be Hua Ying's husband-in-law. As for Chen Zheng and Xia Xue's matter, Xia Wei He didn't think too much about it. What he cared most about was the Hua family. The Hua family and the Xia family were one of the two major families in Huaxia. The Hua family now only had a daughter like Huaying left. What they needed most was an excellent son-in-law, and Chen Zhengzheng According to Xia Wei's wishes, if Chen Zheng and Huaying walk together, Xia Wei will definitely be the first to support them!
Because the Hua family really needs an excellent son-in-law!

The Xia family was not too anxious, Xia Xue could give up Chen Zheng to Hua Ying, because the Xia family had other men.

However, Xia Wei had some doubts about Tang Feng's identity: "You came out of the forest, have you seen Chen Zheng and the others? What's going on with them? And why did you appear here?"

"I was sent by Mrs. Tang. I need a mobile phone now, and I need to report the situation to Mrs. Tang!" Tang Feng was nervous, not knowing that Mrs. Tang knew that the second grandma and grandma of the Tang family were killed by Chen Zheng How will it feel?
"Oh." Xia Wei thought quickly: "So, Mrs. Tang only told you one person? Didn't say anything?"

"should be!"

"Even Mrs. Tang's son Hua Tian didn't tell?" Xia Wei asked the key point.


"Oh!" Xia Wei's eyes flashed with excitement, if Hua Tiandu and Wu Dan knew that Huaying's chosen husband was Chen Zheng, how would they feel?After all, Chen Zheng is very good, they will definitely like it!
"Commander Xia, please let me contact Mrs. Tang now. I want to report back what happened in the forest," Tang Feng said.


At this time, in the depths of the forest.

For some reason, Wang An suddenly missed her grandma and grandpa who were far away in the capital. Looking at the dead woods around her, and there was a wolf corpse on the ground every now and then, she felt very uncomfortable. She wanted to go back to the capital with Chen Zheng, and find Her grandparents went, and she was thinking about giving birth to a great-grandson with Chen Zheng.

"Xiao An, what's wrong with you?" Chen Zheng noticed Wang An's sadness.

Wang An looked at Chen Zheng pitifully: "Brother Xiaozheng, when will we leave the forest and go back to the capital? I want to introduce you to my grandparents and let them know you."

"A boy is a girl! I started to miss my home within a few days. If I knew this, what are you doing here today?" Li Yanran couldn't help but tease Wang An, his rival in love.

"Bad sister, shut up!"

Wang An didn't say a few words, then he drank, and rushed towards Li Yanran, wanting to teach Li Yanran a lesson, but he didn't expect that Li Yanran quickly turned sideways to avoid Wang An's attack, and then came a monkey to steal peaches , squeezed Wang An's dick.


Wang An uttered a cry of pain, sat down on the ground, panting, "Bad sister, you pinch her place every now and then!"

"Who called you a little kid?" Li Yanran said this, and even deliberately puffed up her chest to provoke Wang An, only to see Wang An screamed angrily, and jumped up from the ground, because Wang An The attack came so suddenly that Li Yanran couldn't dodge at all, and Wang An rushed up. In anger, Wang An even opened his mouth and bit him: "Tell you to call me young, tell you to call me young... ..."

Li Yanran was in pain, anger, and helplessness: "Xiao An, I was joking, don't worry about it, oh, it hurts me to death..."

"You bastard!"

Chen Zheng saw that Wang An threw himself on Li Yanran, unexpectedly biting a piece of spring, so he quickly pulled Wang An up.

"Brother Xiaozheng, I haven't bitten enough yet, let me bite." Wang Anna's small face was flushed with post-exercise flush.

"Okay, okay." Chen Zheng hurriedly held Wang An to prevent this guy from messing around, and Li Yanran also jumped up, wanting to take revenge, but at this moment, a low-pitched roar came from a distance. , resounded through the entire forest, and everyone was shocked when they heard it, and they all froze there. They clearly felt that there was a bloody murderous aura in this roar, a murderous aura that made people unable to move.

Tang San's face was solemn, and he ordered Chen Zheng: "Xiao Zheng, quickly restrain the spiritual breath on your body!"

Chen Zheng felt a depressing and terrifying aura floating around, and he quickly released the spiritual breath on his body. He couldn't help but ask, "Master, what is this thing?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely a terrifying existence!" Tang San closed his eyes and carefully felt the surrounding atmosphere. For some reason, he felt a little worried in his heart, and said: "This thing is definitely not something we can deal with. We can deal with it." Avoid it as much as possible, don't lean on it, and the most important thing is not to disturb it!"

Seeing that Tang San was so dignified, Chen Zheng also realized the danger.

At this time, waves of howling wolves sounded, especially loud in this forest. The people who were originally concentrated were shocked by the sound of howling wolves, and their whole body shuddered. What, I saw wild wolves rushing out of the forest, roaring and killing everyone.

"Don't do anything!"

Tang San said something, but he didn't know what kind of martial art he was using, he saw a figure flashing, rushing into the pack of wolves, when he raised his knife and fell, wild wolves were ruthlessly knocked out, and Tang San was nowhere to be seen. San used martial arts and martial arts, but killed the opponent with a single move.

Chen Zheng glanced at it, and knew clearly that Tang San didn't dare to use the spirit breath, for fear of disturbing the terrifying and mysterious existence on the other end.

But seeing that Tang San killed more than ten wild wolves in just one minute, Chen Zheng also admired Tang San very much.

"Master, Master is so powerful, you must be right to listen to him!" Tian Gong behind him said to Chen Zheng cautiously.

Chen Zheng nodded, and told everyone: "I'll listen to Tang San later, don't move around!"

There was another burst of howling wolves, and more than 50 wild wolves jumped out of the jungle and rushed towards the crowd.Just as Chen Zheng wanted to make a move, he was stopped by Tang San. Tang San did it himself, and rushed into the pack of wolves without using any martial arts or martial arts. He directly relied on his 150-year-old palm strength to kill a wild wolf with a single palm. It turned out that all the wolves died in a pool of blood.Chen Zheng was surprised when he saw it: "This is the horror of the 150-year-old killer. He can kill all the wild wolves without using his breath! If it were me, I would have to use my spirit breath to fight against the wild wolves!"

At that moment, Chen Zheng finally knew that he had just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers, and there was still much to cultivate!
At this moment, a low growl sounded, and a tiger with a height of three people jumped out of the jungle. This tiger had three eyes, and the one on its forehead radiated purple blood.As soon as it came out, it roared, and the whole world boiled, and Tang San's face changed drastically, and he knelt down alive: "Purple-gold-eyed tiger, oh my god, I didn't expect to meet a purple-gold-eyed tiger here, yes I don't know Taishan, I disturbed your rest, please forgive us..."

(End of this chapter)

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