super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 238 All Powerful People Are So Modesty

Chapter 238 All Powerful People Are So Modesty

When Tang San saw that Chen Zheng took out the beef jerky and threw it to the purple-gold-eyed tiger, the purple-gold-eyed tiger became docile after eating it, and lay obediently on the ground.At that moment, Tang San had an urge to spurt blood, how could this be possible?This purple-gold-eyed tiger has lived for more than 300 years. It is a terrifying existence. I am afraid that even ten Tang Sans cannot fight against a purple-gold-eyed tiger. I'm bowing my head.

What's the situation here?

But Chen Zheng knew that the reason why the purple-gold-eyed tiger fell to the ground docilely was because the beef jerky contained mysterious martial arts.He circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian, flowed through the jade, was spiritualized by the mysterious martial arts, then condensed on the beef jerky, and then threw it out to feed the purple-gold-eyed tiger.

The purple-gold-eyed tiger ate it and became docile.

Seeing this, Chen Zheng cursed in his heart: Damn, this beast looks like 300 years old, but it is an old fritters. Give him beef jerky that contains mysterious martial arts, and this beast will be so docile. If there is no mysterious martial arts, this beast will be so gentle. The beast will definitely make a mess!

Chen Zheng took out the last piece of beef jerky, stained it with mysterious martial arts, and threw it out: "Go away, I don't have any beef jerky anymore!"

I go!

At that moment, Tang San behind him heard that Chen Zheng called the Zijin-eyed tiger to go away, and his whole life collapsed. This Zijin-eyed tiger is the king of the mountains, and a king who has cultivated for 300 years may not be found in the whole of China. There is an existence that can fight against the purple-gold-eyed tiger. It can kill everything in the world with a wave of its claws. All creatures have to kneel when they see it, but now Chen Zheng is yelling at it as a beast?
For a moment, Tang San completely collapsed.

"This purple-gold-eyed tiger has become docile. It just recognizes you as its master. If you accept it, you can definitely dominate the entire ranks of ancient killers. Which ancient killer will dare to bully you in the future? You don’t seem to care about it, but on the contrary, you let the Zijin eyed tiger go, can you still make people live?”

Tang San stared at the purple-gold eyed tiger.

But he found that although the purple-gold-eyed tiger was scolded by Chen Zheng, he was not angry at all. On the contrary, he lay docilely on the ground, as if admitting his mistake. For a while, Tang San collapsed even more: Damn, how many people saw Zijin? The tiger with purple eyes would be so frightened that it would fall to its knees on the ground. The tiger with purple eyes would be able to kill all directions with a shake of its back. On the contrary, this tiger actually confessed his mistake to Chen Zheng?
God, what's going on!

The purple-gold-eyed tiger spotted Tang San, roared, and stared at Tang San angrily.

Chen Zheng also found Tang San, walked up quickly, and said with a smile: "Master, why are you here?"

At that moment, Tang San had the urge to squirt blood. As his master, he had to turn around and roll when he saw the Zijin-eyed tiger, but Chen Zheng subdued the Zijin-eyed tiger with a piece of beef jerky, and he could even point at the Zijin-eyed tiger. He yelled at the beast, which showed Chen Zheng's terror, but at this moment, Chen Zheng respectfully called him master, which made Tang San have an urge to kill him: Are powerful people so humble in this day and age?Obviously capable, but respectfully call me master, damn, can this still make people live?
Tang San had an urge to crash to death, he said weakly: "Xiaozheng, what are you doing here..."

"Oh, it's this beast that came to look for me, and I want to drive it away!" Chen Zheng said, then turned around and patted the purple-gold-eyed tiger on the head, cursing: "Beast, you still don't get out!"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger opened its mouth and yawned, revealing its fangs and sharp teeth. Tang San's expression changed drastically when he saw behind him, he quickly pulled Chen Zheng, and said, "Xiao Zheng, what are you doing?" What? This is a purple-gold-eyed tiger. We can't fight it. Why do you fight it? And it's terrifying, why do you want to drive it away? If it were me, there would be such a purple-golden-eyed tiger coming to recognize it. I am the master, I wake up smiling when I sleep, why do you look disgusted?"

Tang San was right, this purple-gold-eyed tiger is a terrifying existence, whoever gets it will be even more powerful, and he also envies Chen Zheng very much.

But Chen Zheng was full of disgust: "Master, you don't know, this beast ate up all my beef jerky! If I take him as my younger brother, wouldn't I have to give him beef jerky every day? So I want to let him It goes!"


At that moment, Tang San coughed violently, coughing and spitting out blood, he was so excited by Chen Zheng's words: Damn, you subdued this purple-gold-eyed tiger with beef jerky, we are still envious What about you, but your face is full of disgust?Isn't it beef jerky?You actually want to drive away the purple-gold-eyed tiger?God, can you still make people alive!
"What are you still doing here? I've already chased you away!" Chen Zheng shouted at the purple-gold-eyed tiger.

I saw the purple-gold-eyed tiger walking back and forth, showing an impatient look at Chen Zheng's attempt to drive it away, Tang San was terrified, and Tang San didn't care about it, and said directly to Chen Zheng: "Little Just, you must not drive it away, how many people envy you, get such a powerful purple-gold eyes tiger! Keeping it will definitely help you a lot in the future! Believe me, keep it, you will definitely Won't regret it!"

"Okay, Master, I'll take it in reluctantly." Chen Zheng said reluctantly.

And that Tang San was very mad in his heart, shook his head, and drove out all the magazines in his mind, and now he thought about teaching the purple-gold-eyed tiger to practice martial arts. Although this tiger has practiced for 300 years, he didn't know martial arts and Martial arts, if you teach it to practice martial arts and martial arts, it can definitely increase its strength, so Tang San said: "Xiaozheng, this purple-gold-eyed tiger has already recognized you as its master, so let's find a way to teach it to practice martial arts."

"Practice martial arts?" A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

"That's right, this purple-gold-eyed tiger is a terrifying existence. If it learns martial arts, it will become a king, and then it will be even more powerful for you!" Tang San envied Chen Zheng for having such a purple-gold-eyed tiger.


Chen Zheng was also looking forward to what kind of existence this purple-gold-eyed tiger would become after practicing martial arts.

At that moment, Tang San took out a martial skill titled "Hundred Beasts at Night", he called Chen Zheng, sat down, activated his spiritual energy, and then opened the martial skill secret book. Flying out a series of sacred patterns, all beasts, or walk, or crawl, or walk, or hit, or claw, or fly and so on.

Chen Zheng yelled at the purple-gold-eyed tiger: "Okay, follow suit!"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger let out a low growl, then jumped up, imitating it in a decent manner, not to mention, it practiced very quickly, making tiger howls from time to time.

The roar of the tiger spread to the distance. When everyone in the cave heard the roar of the tiger, their faces changed greatly, and their eyes were full of panic: "That purple-gold-eyed tiger is screaming!" Biao, shouting so loudly, something will happen to Chen Zheng!"

"I'm afraid even Tang San is no match for that beast, let alone Chen Zheng!" The old village chief touched his broken arm, his eyes full of horror.

"We're going to find brother Xiaozheng!"

Wang An yelled, and then ran outside, but was stopped by Li Yanran, Wang An wanted to struggle, but was slapped by Li Yanran: "Are you stupid? You will die if you go out like this ? That purple-gold-eyed tiger is a terrifying existence, and Chen Zheng told you to stay here because he didn't want anything to happen to you!"

Li Yanran is very rational.

But Wang An cried out: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Hearing Wang An's crying, Li Yanran felt pain in her heart. She looked out of the cave, her eyes were full of worry, wondering what was going on with Chen Zheng?But after all, she is the captain of the dragon team, she is very sensible, she didn't let everyone out, she can only wait...

At this time, in the woods.

Chen Zheng saw that the purple-gold-eyed tiger had been practicing for a long time, but ran over, lay down in front of him, and made a rattling sound with its tongue out. At that moment, Chen Zheng frowned: "Damn, don't tell me, you want to Want beef jerky? Let me tell you, I don’t have any beef jerky now, get out!”

Tang San's complexion changed, and he quickly pulled Chen Zheng: "Xiao Zheng, you must not get angry at it, it is a terrifying existence!"

Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and hurriedly drove the purple-eyed tiger to practice.

Gradually, the surroundings became calm, and inside the cave, Wang An listened to the outside, as if everything had quieted down, she hurriedly said: "We are going out to find brother Xiaozheng!"

"Not yet!" Li Yanran said decisively: "If you go out now, you will definitely die!"

"I... I called my grandparents..." Wang An took out her mobile phone to make a call, but the phone buzzed for a long time but there was no answer. She called her mother Wu Dan again, but the phone was still not connected. For a while, she cried again.At the same time, in the military camp outside the forest, Wu Dan took out his mobile phone and saw someone calling. Just as he was about to answer the call, the other party had already hung up. She was just about to call back, but at this moment, Xia Wei But he walked in: "Nephew Hua, I have already brought the Tang Feng you are looking for. He told me that Chen is the husband-in-law chosen by Huaying!"

"Is it!"

Hua Tian stood up quickly, and Wu Dan also put away his mobile phone, ignoring the number that just called in, they looked forward and saw Tang Feng at a glance.

And Tang Feng also saw Hua Tiandu and Wu Dan, but knelt down on one foot: "It turns out that they are the son and daughter-in-law of Mrs. Tang. Tang Feng has seen you!"

"Old Madam Tang? Do you know my mother?" Hua Tian was startled, helped Tang Feng up, and asked quickly, "Tell me honestly, who are you?"

"I am a disciple of the Tang family."

"What! The Tang family!" Hua Tiandu froze there, looking closely at Tang Feng: "You are a disciple of the Tang family? Then everything you said is true?"

"What did I say?" Tang Feng asked suspiciously.

Xia Wei who was next to him hurriedly said: "Didn't you say before that Huaying is in the forest, and Huaying has already chosen her husband, and the chosen husband is Chen Zheng!"

"Oh." Tang Feng suddenly realized: "So you are talking about this? Yes, that's exactly the case. Chen Zheng is Huaying's chosen husband!"

"Then who told you these things?" Wu Dan looked closely at Tang Feng.

"It's Mrs. Tang!"

"This..." Hua Tian and Wu Dan looked at each other. At this moment, they finally believed that Chen Zheng was Hua Ying's chosen husband...

(End of this chapter)

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