super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 240 is the real hero

Chapter 240 is the real hero

"Chen Zheng subdued this purple-gold-eyed tiger with a piece of beef jerky? Oh my god, isn't this amazing?" Li Yanran and the others looked at all this with astonishment, their eyes were full of shock, Think this is too much!

Chen Zheng heard the voice, looked up and saw everyone, he moved: "Xiao An, are you here?"

"Yes, brother Xiaozheng, I miss you!" Wang An cheered, ran over with dancing hands and feet, and threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms. He just said a few words, and then his face sobbed. Get up: "Brother Xiaozheng, we all thought something was going to happen to you, but we didn't expect you to live well in the end, so we can rest assured!"

Chen Zheng felt Wang An's sincerity, and felt that this guy was weird, but he didn't say anything.

"Chen Zheng, it's great to meet you!" Li Yanran also walked over.


Chen Zheng wanted to say something, but seeing Tian Gong, the old village chief and Xia Lei staring at the purple-gold eyed tiger, he smiled and said, "What do you think of my mount?"

"Master, you mean, this is your mount?" Tian Gong stared at Chen Zheng.

"That's right, it's the mount that Xiaozheng subdued!" That Tang San walked over and said.

When Tiangong and the others heard it, they were shocked, their eyes were full of shock, they never expected that the majestic 300-year-old purple-gold-eyed tiger would be subdued by Chen Zheng, they were very puzzled, how was this used?Is it really relying on a piece of beef jerky?

Tiangong couldn't bear it the most, and asked, "Master, did you subdue it with a piece of beef jerky?"

"That's it."


The shock in everyone's hearts, this purple-gold-eyed tiger heard from Tang San that it had been cultivated for 300 years, and it had already become a spirit. Even Tang San had to run away when he saw it, but was subdued by Chen Zheng with beef jerky?This is definitely a shocking incident.

Xia Lei smiled, and his eyes were full of admiration for Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, you have such a terrifying creature, it is definitely more powerful, I really hope that you can join the army and contribute your own efforts to our construction." A force! To be honest, as long as you want, I can make an exception and promote you to major!"

Chen Zheng moved: "Brother Lei, what is your current military rank?"

"I am the lieutenant colonel." Xia Lei replied truthfully.

"Officer Xia, you promoted Brother Xiaozheng to be a major, but you yourself are a lieutenant colonel. In the end, you still want to be Brother Xiaozheng's boss!" Boss Wang An was upset, and Brother Xiaozheng followed her back to find his grandfather. This major is even taller!

Xia Lei laughed: "Being Xiaozheng's officer, I can take all the credits of Xiaozheng into my name! You know, Xiaozheng's strength, if he goes to the military area, he will definitely make special contributions Ah, since I'm his boss, I can directly grab the credit."

Chen Zheng rolled his eyes: I'll go, how could I make all these bad friends?Every one of them is a thief and a thief!

The old village head next to him also smiled: "Xiaozheng, why don't you take this purple-gold-eyed tiger back home."

"Impossible!" Chen Zheng shook his head quickly, his face full of disgust: "This purple-gold eyed tiger is greedy. If I take it back, how much beef jerky will I have to give it every day? I won't do it. I'll let it eat." Let it stay here!"

I go!

For a moment, everyone froze, staring blankly at Chen Zheng, feeling terrified in their hearts: This purple-gold-eyed tiger is a terrifying existence, how many people want to get it, and you are so satisfied with it?Can you still make people alive?

"Brother Xiaozheng, can we let this purple-eyed tiger take us to Dr. Smith?" Wang An asked.

"Of course!" Chen Zheng smiled, walked up, patted the big head of the purple-gold-eyed tiger, and said, "Take us to Dr. Smith right now!"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger let out a low growl, and then ran towards the forest, turning its head while running, motioning for everyone to follow.Chen Zheng hurriedly greeted everyone, and chased forward at a very fast speed.Next, everyone followed behind the purple-gold-eyed tiger and ran towards the forest. Soon, they came to a hill, and seeing tents hanging on the hill, there was a flash of excitement in everyone's eyes: "Finally found Smith!" Doctor!"

Chen Zheng waved his hand to stop the purple-gold-eyed tiger. He turned his head and said to the crowd, "You all wait here. I'll go in and see what's going on. Without my order, you can't act rashly!"

"Brother Xiaozheng, go and come back quickly..." Wang An said with a pale face.

"Yeah." Chen Zheng nodded, then went forward, used the invisibility technique to make himself invisible, and then sneaked towards the camp organized by Satan. He walked in, but found that there were guard soldiers everywhere. Dr. Smith was inside the tent, and hurried in. Along the way, he passed by infrared detectors. Soon, he walked into the tent, but his brows were wrinkled. A temporary laboratory with experimental benches placed inside.

When Chen Zheng saw the objects on the test bench clearly, his face darkened.

On the experimental table, there were all little boys, six or seven years old, who were tied to the experimental table and were already in a coma. Some had broken arms, some had broken thighs, some had lost ears, and some had lost eyes. , Chen Zheng was shocked, he clenched his fists tightly: "Bastard!!!"

When he called out like this, the whole camp was alarmed.

In the nearby cave, Dr. Smith was discussing the next plan with several Chinese people. When he heard Chen Zheng's voice, his face changed and he stood up: "Chen Zheng and the others are here!"

"What are you afraid of, we have the power of a legion here!" a Huaxia human said.

"No, Chen is a terrifying existence. I am afraid that the strength of the two legions will not be able to resist him!" Dr. Smith packed his things and said to the bodyguard behind him: "You protect me and leave here immediately! Other things, Just destroy it, don't let our experiment fall into Chen Zheng's hands!"


Those Huaxia people looked at each other, then rushed out, commanding everyone to surround the tent, and seeing the dead silence inside the tent, they yelled: "Chen Zheng, you are already here, get out immediately !"

They called a few times, but there was no answer. With a wave of their hands, the soldiers tore down all the tents. Just like that, Chen Zheng's figure appeared, and he was seen standing in front of the test benches, Looking at the little boy on the laboratory table with a sad face, his fists were clenched tightly, his fingernails even penetrated into the flesh, and a stream of blood flowed out.

"I didn't expect you bastards to attack children!" Chen Zheng said firmly.

But there was dead silence all around, everyone raised their guns and pointed at Chen Zheng fiercely, the leader fired a shot coldly, and the sound of the gun resounded throughout the sky.

"Something happened!" Not far behind, Wang An and the others heard the gunfire, and their faces changed. Wang An wanted to rush out, but was held tightly by Li Yanran. Li Yanran was very rational: " Chen Zheng said that we cannot go out without his order, and besides, Chen Zheng is the ancient killer, he is more powerful than we imagined!"

"But..." Wang An's face turned pale.

At the same time, in the barracks outside the forest, Hua Tiandu, Wu Dan, Xia Wei and Tang Feng saw everything in Dr. Smith's base through the screen. They saw Chen Zheng and at the same time that Looking at the corpses on the test bench one by one, looking at those six or seven-year-old boys, Hua Tian's eyes were full of murderous intent.

A burst of gunfire rang out, and in Dr. Smith's base, the soldiers fired, and shot at Chen Zheng.


Chen Zheng uttered a word from between his teeth, and he rushed towards the soldiers behind him at a very fast speed, like a wolf into a herd of sheep, kicking, elbowing, tearing, or punching, wherever he went , One soldier after another was killed.Chen Zheng's speed was very fast, avoiding the attack of the bullets, and then he pulled hard, killing the leading beast first, and snapping off the opponent's head alive.

The leading beast was about to draw out his saber from behind, but Chen Zheng severed his head.

Chen Zheng took out the saber from the corpse, looked up, and seeing everyone standing there in a daze, he smiled coldly: "You all have to die today!"

After saying a word, Chen Zheng moved, rushed out with a whistling sound, swung his saber and ruthlessly killed all directions. Wherever he went, one young man after another was ruthlessly killed. blood soul.When Chen Zheng thought of those innocent children being used as experimental products, he felt murderous in his heart.

"You bastards of China, let you all die today!"

The saber slammed on it fiercely, killing one young man after another.


The crowd roared wildly, and the guns in their hands crackled and fired bullets, but the bullets hit like cow hair, but they couldn't kill Chen Zheng. On the contrary, Chen Zheng avoided the attack of the bullets, like a wolf in a herd of sheep, Wielding the saber, he slashed and killed one young man after another.

Blood flowed into rivers; corpses piled up into mountains.

Unknowingly, those youths all fell to their knees on the ground, trembling: "Please, let us go, we are Chinese, and we were tempted by Dr. Smith to do such a thing, please, let us go!" past us..."

The youth are begging for mercy.

And Chen Zheng was very cold, he would kill him immediately if he got up.

When the last young man died in a pool of blood, Chen Zheng stopped, looked up into the air, and said in his heart: Children, rest in peace!I have avenged you!

Wang An, Li Yanran, Tian Gong, the old village chief, Xia Lei and others came over and stared blankly at Chen Zheng who was in a pool of blood.

Even Tang San was frightened by Chen Zheng's murderous aura.

But at this time, far outside the forest, Hua Tiandu, Wu Dan, Xia Wei and Tang Feng watched all this through the screen, and Hua Tian was full of excitement: "Uncle Xia, you just said that Chen Zheng When I was a kind, benevolent, and tolerant person, I was a little displeased, thinking that a kind person can’t do great things! But now, when I see Chen Zheng’s cold-blooded actions, I don’t feel cruel at all, even though those young people are Huaxia He knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy, but Chen Zheng still killed them cruelly. I don't think Chen Zheng is a devil at all. On the contrary, I like his character! Cruel to the enemy and kind to his own people, this is the way The pillars of the Huaxia Kingdom! A person who can only be kind will never accomplish great things, and only Xiaozheng, who is cruel to the enemy and kind to his own people, is a real hero!"

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(End of this chapter)

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