super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 247 It's Clearly My Daughter

Chapter 247 It's Clearly My Daughter


A burst of motor sounds sounded from outside. At that moment, Wang An froze, and she cried out in her heart: I'm dead, my mother is here, and my mother is a woman. If she knew that I was Huaying, she would definitely say it. Yes, my mother is very gossip, she can't keep any secrets from her!

"Nephew Hua, daughter-in-law Hua is here." Xia Wei said.

"Hmm." Seeing that Wang An was very nervous, Hua Tian patted Wang An's head, cast a look of not being nervous, and then greeted him, while Wang An behind him wanted to slip away because she was afraid of her mother. Recognizing her, she walked towards the inside of the tent, trying to sneak out through the back door, but after turning half a circle, she found that the temporary tent had no back door at all. She was in a hurry, but at this moment she He clearly heard Wu Dan's voice from outside: "Tiandu, who did you ask to call me just now?"

"Wang An."

"Who is Wang An?"

"Wang An is Tian Ping's son."

"Oh." A trace of doubt flashed in Wu Dan's eyes: "Tian Ping has a son?"

"Of course there is, it's an illegitimate child!" Hua Tian smiled and shouted into the tent: "Xiao An, come out and meet your aunt!"

But Huatian yelled a few times, but he didn't see Wang An coming out. His eyes were full of doubts. He said that Wang An's chest was flat, even if it came out, Wu Dan wouldn't be able to recognize it. Why is Wang An so shy?Hua Tian shook his head, then walked in, saw Wang An standing in the corner with a pale face, he smiled, grabbed his daughter and walked out, and said to Wu Dan: "Ma'am, this is Tian Ping's son Wang An gone."

Unexpectedly, Wu Dan stared at Wang An closely, with a surprised expression on his face: " clearly my daughter..."


Hua Tian frowned, and looked back at Wang An. Wang An's chest was very flat. How did Wu Dan find out that Wang An was Hua Ying?


Hua Tian shook his head, pointed at Wang An's chest and said: "Madam, look more clearly, Xiao An's chest is flat, not our Xiaoying, although he looks exactly the same as Xiaoying, but it's really not The Xiaoying we are looking for."


Wu Dan looked at Wang An's nipples, and clearly saw the protruding nipples, she was puzzled, why didn't Hua Tian see her daughter's nipples?Could it be that there is any difficulty in this?After all, Wu Dan is the top leader, and her personal cultivation is very high. She didn't speak at the moment, but was silent. After a while, she pulled Hua Tiandu out, and then said in a low voice: "Tiandu, this is clearly Our daughter Xiaoying, she is clearly a woman!"

"What!" Hua Tian froze, Wang An's chest was obviously flat, why did Wu Dan find out?

"You said her chest is flat, but I can clearly see the swollen chest!" Wu Dan said seriously.

"What! Did you see her protruding breasts?" Hua Tian froze, what's going on?Didn't it clearly say that Wang An's chest is flat?Why did Wu Dan see his daughter's penis at a glance?
At this time, Wang An came over with a pale face, and said pitifully to Hua Tiandu: "Father, with my disease, only men can't see my penis, but women can see it." Yes, so my mother recognized me as soon as I came."


Hua Tian froze.

"Daughter, it really is you, it really is you!" Wu Dan was trembling all over, she walked up, hugged Wang An tightly in her arms, her eyes were full of excited tears: "My dear, I want to Mom is dead, why are you so heartless, and disappeared for a year? You made mom worry so much, you know? You are the only girl left in the entire Hua family. Since your brother had an accident, I haven’t Don't worry, now you have an accident again, making the Hua family even more tragic, do you know?"

As he spoke, tears welled up in Wu Dan's eyes.

"Mom, I..." Wang An also knew that Wu Dan recognized him, so he stopped pretending and threw himself into Wu Dan's arms: "Mom, I don't want's just that I have experienced some things... I have a sequelae and need to recover slowly, so I didn't go to you...Mom, I'm sorry, please forgive me..."

Wu Dan didn't say anything, she held Wang An and cried for a long time, and when she calmed down, she asked, "Xiaoying, tell me the truth, where have you been this year? Why did you run away from home!" Mom also planned to find you a son-in-law, and then inherit the incense and power of the Hua family, but you disappeared, why did you do this?"

"Ma'am, let Xiaoying take a rest first, she has already said it to me just now! Let me tell you!" Hua Tiandu pulled Wang An, and then called Wu Dan to the side of the stream , sitting in the shade of a tree, and then told Wu Dan what Wang An had experienced: "A year ago, Xiaoying experienced Tianping's ancient killer experiment, and she suffered from sequelae, becoming a woman who is neither male nor female. , Later she met Chen Zheng, and only by falling in love with Chen Zheng can she return to normal, because Chen Zheng also went through Tianping's ancient killing experiment, but succeeded, and became a real ancient killer!"

Hearing this, Wu Dan froze, and looked closely at Hua Tiandu: "You mean, Tianping's ancient killer experiment, Chen Zheng, was successful?"

"Not bad!"

"How is this possible? I've also heard about the experiment of Tianping, an ancient killer. I heard that it was never successful, but Chen Zheng succeeded? How is this possible?" As the top leader, Wu Dan is also very clear about some information. This ancient killer experiment is an existence beyond science, but now, there is actually a successful person!
"There is no way, Chen Zheng is a man of great numbers!" Hua Tiandu said.

But Wang An snorted and said, "Mom and Dad, do you now know why I like Brother Xiaozheng? Anyway, he is unique, I like him very much, and Dad, you said a few words, It wasn't that I met brother Xiaozheng, it was he who met me and rescued me from despair!"

"Oh?" Wu Dan looked at his precious daughter: "You mean, you will return to normal only by leaning against Chen Zheng and accepting his spiritual breath?"

"That's right, that's why I haven't been home, and I haven't told you that I am Huaying, that's what I mean. I want to wait until I'm completely back to normal, and confess my love to Brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect side, and then we will be together with him." Let's go back to find you and inherit the incense and power of the Hua family together." Wang Anle grinned.

Wu Dan held up her glasses. For some reason, she felt a little emotional.

Unexpectedly, when her precious daughter grows up, she will finally fall in love with someone else. However, as Wang An's mother, Wu Dan is of course supportive, but she said: "You fall in love with Chen Zheng, confess to him, Does it have anything to do with whether you go home or not? You are our sweetheart, no matter what you become, we will love you deeply, why are you unwilling to go home? And unwilling to tell us that you are Xiaoying? Are you worthy of our 18 years of hardship in raising you? Are you worthy of our love for you?"

Under Wu Dan's questioning, Wang An cried.

"Ma'am, it's all right, don't say anything..." Hua Tian waved his hand quickly.

But at this moment, Wang An looked at Wu Dan, and said stubbornly: "Mom, because I love Brother Xiaozheng, I'm afraid that he will think I'm a weirdo and alienate me if he knows I'm male or female. , I want to restore the most perfect side, and then confess to Brother Xiaozheng, that's why I didn't tell you, firstly, I was afraid that you would worry, and secondly, I was afraid that Brother Xiaozheng would know that I did nothing wrong!"


A flash of surprise flashed in Wu Dan's eyes. She was surprised by what her daughter said, but at the same time she felt normal. After all, her daughter has grown up, fell in love with the opposite sex, and wants to maintain a perfect image in front of the other party. This is normal. Daughter It should be because Chen Zheng knew that she was male or female, and would be disgusted, so the daughter concealed it from everyone.

Thinking of this, Wu Dan sighed: My daughter has really grown up!
Wu Dan is a woman, so she naturally understands her daughter's thoughts.

She smiled: "Xiaoying, my mother is also a woman, and I understand you, but I hope you don't do this next time. After all, the Hua family really needs you! Only when you bring a son-in-law back can you inherit the Hua family." incense and power!"

"Then mother, will you promise to help me keep the secret? I want to restore the most perfect side before confessing to brother Xiaozheng. Can you help me keep the secret?" Wang An looked at Wu Dan seriously.

"You call me mom, how can I not help you?" Wu Dan smiled.

"Mom, I love you to death..." Wang An cheered and threw himself into Wu Dan's arms. At this time, far below the cave, Chen Zheng opened his eyes and felt a strong wave of spiritual energy. The spiritual breath seems to be the ancient killer, but it is different from the ancient killer, very depressed, Chen Zheng walked out, and saw Tang San at a glance, Tang San seemed to feel such a suppressed breath, a little uneasy, Seeing Chen Zheng, he said: "Xiaozheng, there is an aura floating under this hole, which is specially used to fight against the ancient killer, so we feel that dizziness will occur!"

Chen Zheng nodded, that was indeed the case, and he felt a little dizzy after just a short while.

Unexpectedly, here, there is an aura that can fight against the ancient killer: "Then what is down there?"

"I don't know." Tang San shook his head.

Only the purple-gold-eyed tiger opened his eyes and glanced at the situation below the cave, but after a while he regained his composure, as if everything was clear, without any worry.Chen Zheng also saw the expression of the purple-eyed tiger, and asked, "Xiaojin, do you know what's down there?"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger shook his head, showing disapproval, as if the things below were no match for him at all.

Chen Zheng couldn't ask anything for a while, so he didn't ask any more. He hurriedly called Li Yanran, tidied up briefly, and was about to set off, but found that Tian Gong had disappeared: "Didn't Xiao Gong be here before? Why didn't you see him?" gone?"

"I don't know, but I think Tiangong seems to have something on his mind, and his behavior is a little weird." Li Yanran said.

Chen Zheng nodded, remembering that Tiangong looked down the hole from time to time, and was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking, and was slapped by Chen Zheng, and Tiangong became normal. Chen Zheng didn't pay much attention to it before, but now he thinks Thinking about it, I felt something was wrong: "That guy, Xiao Gong, is not obsessed with ghosts, is he?"

At this moment, a painful scream came from below the hole: "Ah..."

Hearing this voice, Chen Zheng's face darkened: "It's Xiaogong!"

(PS: The fourth update is over, please recommend tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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