super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 249 Don't Mess With This Devil

Chapter 249 Don't Mess With This Devil

"Xiao Gong has an accident!" Chen Zheng heard the painful cry, and then ran forward quickly. From a distance, he felt a terrifying and depressing aura. Existence, he turned his head and told Li Yanran: "Yanran, you have to be careful later."


Li Yanran took out a pistol from her waist, and followed closely behind Chen Zheng.

"Very strong breath!" Tang San drank, and his figure disappeared in front of him in a flash. Soon there were bursts of fighting sounds all around. When Chen Zheng and Li Yanran caught up, they were surprised to find that in the grotto ahead , There were wild wolves standing there. The whole body of these wild wolves was blood red, from their hair to their limbs. It could be seen that these wild wolves had mutated.Some wild wolves surrounded Tiangong, and the other part rushed at Tang San, besieging and killing Tang San.

I saw that Tang San flew up, raised his knife and landed, and the wild wolves were knocked out, but Chen Zheng found something was wrong.

These wild wolves are as tall as humans, and they can lie on all fours and walk on two legs. The most surprising thing is that these wild wolves did not rush to attack, but played guerrilla warfare.In such a scene, Chen Zheng discovered the astonishment of these wild wolves. They seemed to have human consciousness and wisdom. They surrounded and killed Tang San, retreated immediately when they missed a hit, and retreated even after half of the hit, even if it was Tang San. The ancient killer could only kill a few wild wolves, and fell into the guerrilla warfare of wild wolves.

"These wild wolves have human intelligence!" Li Yanran's face turned pale.

"En." Chen Zheng nodded, seeing those wild wolves rushing towards Tiangong, he quickly jumped up, stepped on the stone wall and then rushed over, hitting the wild wolf heavily with his palm, Knock it out.

Chen Zheng helped Tiangong up, and found that Tiangong's limbs were covered with bloodstains, and he was bitten and riddled with holes.

"Master, these wild wolves are as cunning as humans!" Tiangong's face was pale. He was bewitched by a strong force and thus lost himself. When he took out the gun, it was snatched by the wild wolf. The wild wolf fumbled for the gun and shot him in the thigh.At that moment, Tiangong's eyes were full of panic, he never thought that these wild wolves were so terrifying.

It seems to have human consciousness and wisdom.

Now seeing Chen Zheng coming, Tiangong said nervously: "Master, you must not stay here, they are terrifying!"

Ow! ! !
There was a howl of wolves, and the wild wolf behind him rushed up, trying to bite Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng sideways avoided the attack of the wild wolf, then grabbed the wolf with his hand, pinched the wolf's limbs and then tore them fiercely, tearing off the wolf's limbs alive, a wave Blood splattered out, and the wild wolf rushed towards Chen Zheng madly. The strong impact made Chen Zheng feel numb in his arms. He let go of the wolf and rolled on the spot, avoiding the wolf's attack. But it was found that the wild wolf attacked a few times, but stopped attacking. Instead, it groped for something from the ground. After a while, the wild wolf stretched out its claws and picked up a gun. It was Tiangong's gun. The muzzle of the black-painted gun was pointed at Chen Zheng. Although it was trembling non-stop, indicating that this was the first time the wild wolf used the gun, Chen Zheng was still very surprised: "I'm going, it's against the sky, even the wild wolf can use a gun." Killed!"

There was a burst of gunfire, and the wild wolf fired a shot, and the bullet hit Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to hold the bullet, then jumped up, and punched the wild wolf hard on the chest, killing the wolf directly.But before the wolf died, its eyes were full of trembling, and it looked at Chen Zheng firmly, as if saying, "You can catch bullets with your hands?"

Watching the wild wolf die, Chen Zheng was even more surprised: "These beasts seem to have human consciousness and wisdom!"

There was another howl of wolves, and I saw a wild wolf rushing towards Chen Zheng, trying to kill Chen Zheng with one bite, but Chen Zheng kicked the wolf's lower body, and saw the wolf fly upside down Going out, he let out a whimper, covered his lower body with one hand, stretched his teeth and claws with the other, and pounced on him. This time, Chen Zheng simply pinched the wolf's lower limbs. Seeing the wild wolf covering his lower body with his hands, Chen Zheng looked puzzled. , With his hand, he opened the front paw of the wolf, and then he saw the red and swollen lower body of the wolf.

Seeing the shameful look of the wild wolf, Chen Zheng cursed: "I'll go, this wild wolf is a female, and it's as shy as a woman."

Li Yanran was also extremely surprised, unexpectedly this wild wolf really looked like a woman!
There was a low growl, and the wild wolf next to him rushed towards him. From the eyes of the wolf, Chen Zheng could see a strong murderous intent. He must have messed with his wife?Chen Zheng smiled, kicked the wild wolf away, and then opened the female wolf's thigh with his hands, but saw the male wolf's face was angry and roared non-stop. For a while, Chen Zheng He thought it was very funny: "Damn it, it really is a wild wolf that has become a spirit. I just opened its wife's thighs, and it thought I was going to rape its wife!"

There was a burst of neighing, and in such a scene, all the wild wolves rushed over and surrounded Chen Zheng. Even Tang San and Tiangong were stunned for a moment, and they came to their senses: "I'll go, Chen Zheng!" Exactly, you messed with their wives, so it aroused public outrage!"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Zheng laughed loudly, kicked the female wild wolf's lower body to pieces, and said provocatively: "You all come up!"

The pack of wolves came up to kill them, and they all went crazy, and Chen Zheng was very ruthless, kicking towards the crotch of the opponent, every wild wolf directly kicked the opponent's lower body, just like that After waiting for 3 minutes, those wild wolves looked at Chen Zheng in horror, but they didn't dare to go forward again.

From their eyes, one can see trembling fear.

It seemed that Chen Zheng was the devil.

"Haha..." Chen Zheng laughed, thinking it was very funny. These wild wolves seemed to have been transplanted with human thinking and consciousness, and they were very aggressive.

The male wolf on the left greeted its female wolf in wolf language: "Wife, did he fuck your cunt?"

The female wild wolf's face was painful: "Husband, my lower body was ruined by him! You go up and avenge me!"

But the male wild wolf froze there with horror in his eyes: "Honey, let's forget it, don't fight him, he is very vicious, he kicked my lower body to pieces!"

The wild wolves nearby also quickly groaned in wolf language: "Boss, we really don't want to fight against him, he is too poisonous, he just kicked our lower body, he is simply a devil!"

"We attack others, don't mess with this devil!"

The pack of wolves let out a trembling cry, then turned to attack Tang San, Tian Gong and Li Yanran.

"I'm going, what's the situation? Everyone is afraid of me!" Chen Zheng couldn't help but cursed: "These beasts are too smart, and they are also bullying and fearful existences!"

Chen Zheng stood there, watching the pack of wolves attack Tang San, Tiangong and Li Yanran, what made him frown was that the three were at a disadvantage, except for Tang San who could protect himself, Tiangong and Li Yanran were struggling, Even Tang San, it is very difficult to fight against these wild wolves, because the wild wolves have human consciousness and thinking, instead of confronting Tang San directly, they started a guerrilla war. The more Chen Zheng looked at it, the more surprised he was: "Damn, these beasts really Become fine!"

Chen Zheng fled towards Li Yanran, wanting to support Li Yanran, but found that as soon as he walked up, those wild wolves ran away as if they had seen a ghost, and turned to attack Tiangong.

However, Tiangong alone could not fight against the wild wolf. In this situation, Tiangong had already been thrown on the ground and bitten.


With a low cry, Chen Zheng rushed forward, pinched the wild wolf, squeezed it hard, and crushed the wolf's head alive, a burst of brains gushed out.

"He really is a devil!"

Those wild wolves talked with each other in wolf language, and they became more determined not to directly confront Chen Zheng.

"Come here, all of you, I will let you provoke me!" Chen Zheng called out, but found that all the wild wolves had escaped, and he cursed: "Damn, they are all fine!"

At the same time, deep underground, in a simple laboratory, Dr. Smith and a Chinese middle-aged man stood in front of the screen, watching the wild wolves transplanted into human brains, with consciousness and thinking, the Chinese middle-aged man His face was excited: "Dr. Smith, your research is absolutely unprecedented. It is unexpected that human brains can be transplanted across races!"

"It all relies on the TC8 virus as a carrier!" Dr. Smith's eyes flashed a gleam.

"The TC8 virus is really a good thing!" The middle-aged Huaxia had already smelled the smell of money: "As long as we introduce our technology, we will definitely become millionaires!"

"That's why our Satanic organization chose you as the spokesperson of China! We just want you to produce and promote this technology on our behalf!" Dr. Smith paused, and then said: "However, the most important thing now is to kill the outsiders. People! One of them is Chen Zheng, he is the ancient killer, I want him to die!"

"Dr. Smith, please rest assured, I have let the wild wolves go out. These wild wolves are ferocious and intelligent. They can definitely kill Chen Zheng!"

"Of course!" Dr. Smith's eyes were full of murderous intent. He knew too well how crazy these wild wolves were after transplanting the brains of masters. It was frightening that a wild wolf could fight an ancient killer, because wild wolves have Ferocious wolf nature, but also has human wisdom.

And that's true.

In the cave, as Dr. Smith said, these wild wolves are all intelligent. When Chen Zheng attacked, they all retreated, and when Chen Zheng was not paying attention, these wild wolves rushed out again.At such a scene, Tang San was obviously enraged, but Tiangong and Li Yanran simply hid beside Chen Zheng, not daring to fight the wolf.Tiangong scolded: "These wild wolves have human consciousness and thinking, and we cannot fight against them!"

There were bursts of howling wolves.

"You all stay here, don't go out!" Chen Zheng said, and then went out to kill the wild wolf, but when he heard a howling sound behind him, he looked back and his face darkened: " Yanran, didn't I tell you to hide in the cave? Why did you come out?"

"I can kill a few more wild wolves!" Li Yanran said.

"But you have been tricked, there are two wild wolves rushing behind you!" Chen Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What!" Li Yanran looked back and saw two wild wolves attacking her with their bloody mouths open, her face changed drastically: "Ah, they lured me out on purpose?"

"These bastards are too cunning!" Chen Zheng scolded, with such a long distance, even Tang San couldn't go back to save people, let alone him, Chen Zheng clenched his fists, unable to recover, he could only watch helplessly Watching those two wild wolves biting Li Yanran's face...

But at this moment, a figure jumped out of the cave...

(PS: Continue four updates today, make up for the previous one! The first update!)

(End of this chapter)

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