super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 257 Falling in love with him!

Chapter 257 Falling in love with him!
When Chen Zheng hit Li Yanran's neck with the potion, he was shocked suddenly, and saw the bloody liquid in the potion quickly injected into Li Yanran's body. Surprisingly, on Li Yanran's neck, there appeared There were streaks of blood-colored light, spreading on Li Yanran's neck like quicksand.

But Chen Zheng clearly felt that the potion contained the aura of an ancient killer.

In fact, this TC8-18 was produced by infusing the breath of the ancient killer at that time, so it is normal to have the breath of the ancient killer.

But Chen Zheng discovered that this spiritual breath could not be dissolved into Li Yanran's body at all. Although it was injected, it was not absorbed by Li Yanran. On the contrary, the spiritual breath kept flowing and was resisted by Li Yanran's blood.


Li Yanran also felt something, she opened her eyes and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "It hurts... What's wrong with me..."

"This TC8-18 potion contains the breath of an ancient killer, which resists the blood of ordinary people, so it cannot be absorbed!" Chen Zheng said.

"Then what should I do..." Li Yanran was suddenly afraid of death. She still had many, many wishes to fulfill, the most important of which was to confess to Chen Zheng. If she wanted to get rid of the virus in her body, she immediately confessed to Chen Zheng. He was together forever, and now that she heard what happened, her face turned pale, she held Chen Zheng's hand tightly, and said word by word: "Chen Zheng, you can't let me have an accident no matter what! If not, you will I will regret it forever!"


Chen Zheng felt that it was strange for Li Yanran to say this. Even if something happened, Chen Zheng would regret it, but it wasn't serious enough to regret for a lifetime, right?He and Li Yanran are just friends.

"Don't doubt my words, just save me, if not, you will regret it!" Li Yanran said firmly, one step closer, she will confess to Chen Zheng, become his wife, and warm him every night Bed, make a man with him every night, isn't Chen Zheng happy?
If Chen Zheng hadn't rescued her, Chen Zheng would definitely regret it, because there was no woman like her to warm his bed.

Li Yanran thought so in her heart.

"Don't worry, I won't let you have an accident!" Chen Zheng said firmly, and he said to Tiangong behind him: "Xiaogong, I'm going to cast a spell, you help me protect the spell!"


Tian Gong was also aware of the seriousness of the matter. If something happened to Li Yanran, it would definitely be a strong blow to the Dragon Team, so he took out his pistol and stood behind Chen Zheng.While Chen Zheng was running the aura in his dantian, all of them gushed out and rushed towards Li Yanran's body. When these auras got into Li Yanran's body, Li Yanran was shocked suddenly and felt a warmth. She didn't expect Chen Zhengyong to come over His aura actually made her so comfortable.

She closed her eyes, carefully feeling Chen Zheng's breath swimming in her body.

Wherever she went, she felt a sweetness.

She glanced at Chen Zheng's focused eyes, and her heart was full of sweetness.

At this moment, she seemed to be doing that embarrassing thing with her Prince Charming.

She is a woman. Although she is stimulated by the virus and cannot have sex with men, she also has desires, especially in the dead of night, when she is lonely, she will reach out and touch her, and then imagine that Prince Charming will gallop with her.

Now, receiving Chen Zheng's aura, Li Yanran closed her eyes, enjoying that burst of happiness.

The difference is that this time she doesn't need to use her hands, and her Prince Charming is beside her, a real existence!He is Chen Zheng!
Chen Zheng didn't notice Li Yanran's red and shy expression, he just focused on running the spiritual breath into Li Yanran's body, and then triggered the TC8-18 potion to rush towards Li Yanran's body. This time, the TC8-18 potion Without any resistance, she entered Li Yanran's body smoothly.

Li Yanran was shocked, she held Chen Zheng's hand tightly, her eyes were full of emotion.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Zheng noticed that Li Yanran's face was red and her eyes were full of doubts.

Li Yanran didn't say anything, just held Chen Zheng's hand tightly, but when the TC8-18 drug entered her body, she completely recovered, those viruses were eliminated, and her ruddy complexion returned.

"Finally done!"

Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, his face was a little tired, and he sat down to rest.

"Master, did you succeed?" Tian Gong walked over, looked at the tired Chen Zheng, and then at Li Yanran who was on the ground, and found that the red poisonous spots on Li Yanran's body had been removed, his eyes were full of excitement : "Master, you are too powerful, right? If you hadn't made the move, the captain might really have an accident!"

Li Yanran sat up from the ground, and her eyes were full of gratitude: "Chen Zheng, you cleared the virus in my body. This virus has plagued me for 20 years. Now because of you, I can finally be a normal person." Already!"

Chen Zheng waved his hand: "I'm just making soy sauce, and it doesn't take my effort at all. Your virus is not serious at all. If it's heart disease, cancer, AIDS, etc., and I rescued you, you should say Thank you, but these little problems of yours don't take my effort at all, so don't say thank you any more."

Hearing this, Tian Gong was touched in his heart. Looking at the tired Chen Zheng, he sighed in his heart: Master is really a master!Save a life without asking for anything in return!On the surface he said it was a minor problem, but he was so tired that he was almost half dead. The fatigue on the master's face showed that it was not easy to deal with, but the master kept saying soy sauce and told the captain not to thank him. From this we can see the virtue of the master. High and heavy!
It was also from this moment that Tiangong admired Chen Zheng from the bottom of his heart.

Before, they admired Chen Zheng's strength.

Now I admire Chen Zheng's character!

A person who has consumed all his energy, is almost half-dead from exhaustion, and his face is full of fatigue, as if his vitality has been seriously injured, but he says that he is a soy sauce worker and does not contribute much, and asks Li Yanran not to thank him. This kind of personality is deeply moved After finishing Tiangong, he said sincerely: "Master, please rest more."

Similarly, Li Yanran's heart was also touched.

She sat there, staring blankly at Chen Zheng, feeling longing, moved and expecting in her heart.

In order to save her, Chen Zheng almost died half of his life, but he said that he made soy sauce and did not contribute. Does such a boy still exist in this society?At that moment, Li Yanran decided in her heart that she must confess her love to Chen Zheng!
Whether it is strength or character, Chen Zheng is worthy of her love.

She looked at Chen Zheng, hesitated to speak.

Chen Zheng noticed that Li Yanran's complexion was not good, he was puzzled: "Yanran, what's wrong with you?"

"I... I have a secret in my heart..." Li Yanran hesitated to speak.

"What's the secret?" Chen Zheng was puzzled, how could a female captain like Li Yanran have a secret?

"I'll let myself keep this a secret." Li Yanran said.

"Okay then, but let me tell you, keeping a secret is very painful. Think about it, you are the only one in the world who knows this secret. How painful it is!" Chen Zheng smiled.

Li Yanran's face turned pale, she glanced at Chen Zheng, then stood up, took out her cell phone from her pocket, then went outside, made a call, it was to her mother, the call connected after a while , Li Yanran hurriedly said: "Mom, let me tell you something."

"what's up?"

"I fell in love with a man, he is Chen Zheng!"

"What!" The other end of the phone was full of surprise.

And Li Yanran hung up the phone after saying a word, she let out a breath, her heart was full of relief: "It's done, I finally told my secret, from now on, I love Chen Zheng, and I will no longer be It’s a secret, I don’t need to keep it by myself! Hehe, Chen Zheng, you are right, keeping a secret is very painful, but I don’t need to keep it now, because I have already told my mother, hehe…”

After speaking, Li Yanran walked back.

Chen Zheng glanced at Li Yanran, seeing Li Yanran's relaxed face, shook his head, and ignored Li Yanran. Instead, he looked forward and found that Dr. Smith had disappeared. He said, "Where is Dr. Smith?"


Tian Gong and Li Yanran also moved, and looked into the laboratory. Sure enough, Dr. Smith was nowhere to be seen.

Chen Zheng used the see-through technique to look forward, and found that the inside was full of fire, and said: "Dr. Smith was burned to death, let's leave him alone, clean up, and then leave here."


Tiangong packed up his things respectfully, but when Li Yanran heard that he was leaving, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, in the fire, in a storage room in the laboratory, Dr. Smith crawled in step by step, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he was hopeless, the TC8-91 virus in his body had already exploded , he will definitely die, but before he dies, he wants to take revenge on Chen Zheng. He walks into the storage room, where there is a set of his armor, which is made of biochemical intelligence, which he spent ten years developing. , has not been applied, just to leave the last weapon for himself, he climbed in, and then took the set of armor from the wall...

"Let's go, there's a lot of smoke here, we'll be suffocated to death!"

Chen Zheng greeted him, and called Shang Tiangong, Li Yanran and the pack of wolves to go outside.

Li Yanran deliberately took a step behind. She stood there, staring closely at Chen Zheng. After hesitating for a long time, she finally made up her mind, walked towards Chen Zheng bravely, and held Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, I I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Chen Zheng looked at Li Yanran suspiciously.

A shyness flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, but she took out a piece from her bosom, and handed it to Chen Zheng.

When Chen Zheng saw it, his expression changed: "Ah, it turned out to be it!"

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(End of this chapter)

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