super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 260 The Indispensable Genius

Chapter 260 The Indispensable Genius

Just when Li Yanran made a move and slashed at Dr. Smith's head fiercely, a powerful arm tightly held Li Yanran's wrist, stopping Li Yanran's anger. At that moment, Li Yanran Turning around in doubt: "Chen Zheng, why did you prevent me from killing Dr. Smith? This beast has harmed the world, and it is nothing to regret if it dies 1000 million times!"

Even Dr. Smith raised his head and looked closely at Chen Zheng.

His eyes were full of doubts, why did Chen Zheng prevent Li Yanran from killing him?But Chen Zheng said indifferently: "If yes, Xia Lei and the others are here, we can hand over Dr. Smith to them and let them deal with it. After all, Dr. Smith is the head of the Satanic organization, and we have a lot of information and information. He got it from..."


After thinking about it, Li Yanran agreed with Chen Zheng. After all, Dr. Smith is the person in charge of Satan and is very valuable. What about the soldiers?"

"Don't be afraid, if it's good, there are a few distinguished guests outside, one of them should be Hua Tiandu, I think Dr. Smith can be handed over to him!" Chen Zheng said.

"What!" Li Yanran was startled suddenly: "Hua Tian is here?"

"That's right, Hua Tiandu is outside, and he's already here." Chen Zheng patted Li Yanran on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "So let's hand Dr. Smith over to Hua Tiandu. Occupy it, because it works!"

"En." Li Yanran nodded, feeling that Chen Zheng was right.

Hand over Dr. Smith to Hua Tiandu, and Hua Tiandu will be able to press Dr. Smith about the Satanic organization, and then he will be able to save more innocent victims.Thinking of this, Li Yanran couldn't help being shocked by Chen Zheng's thoughts: This Chen Zheng usually looks calm, but many things are thoughtful, very constructive, and he is an indispensable genius!With him as the backbone, the whole team will be happy!
"Okay, they're here!"

Chen Zheng said.

A group of people came in from the outside, none other than Hua Tiandu, Wang An, Xia Lei, Tiangong, the old village chief and that soldier Wang.As soon as Wang An saw Chen Zheng, he cheered, then ran up, threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms with a snap, and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, I miss you, you miss me!" ?"


Chen Zheng wanted to scold Wang An, but he looked at Wang An's red face, which was very cute. He really couldn't bear to scold him, so he gave Wang An a glare, pulled Wang An down, and said, "You bastard, If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"I miss you..." Wang Anle said with a grin.

"Is there anything else?" Chen Zheng asked again.

"They even brought you Huatiandu!" Wang An was very excited, and pulled Chen Zheng towards Huatiandu: "Uncle, uncle, this is the Chen Zheng I told you about, he is Xiaoying The husband-in-law chosen by my sister, please take a good look at it..."


Hua Tian had already met Chen Zheng, and he had met Chen Zheng at the Xia family meeting, but this time, he still looked at Chen Zheng seriously.

"Mr. Hua, hello..." Chen Zheng greeted him respectfully, no matter what he said, this Hua Tian is the head of the Hua family, and Chen Zheng admired and respected Hua Tian from the bottom of his heart. Greeting, without waiting for Hua Tian to speak, he has already said: "Leader Hua, I have a prisoner here to hand over to you. He is Dr. Smith, the head of the Satanic organization. He has been interrupted by me. No, if you take it back, you can force out more secrets about the Satanic organization!"

"Oh?" A trace of surprise flashed across Hua Tiandu's eyes, and he looked at Chen Zheng seriously: "Xiaozheng, it is very important to ask Dr. Smith, if you force him to ask more about the Satanic organization , can definitely eliminate harm for the people!"

"That's right, that's right!" Chen Zheng nodded and smiled: "Dr. Smith is an important person in charge of the Satanic organization, and the Satanic organization is an evil organization that is wanted by various countries in the world. Huaxia has been looking for him but can't find it. If Capturing him back will definitely force us to find out more about the Satanic organization!"

"Over the past decade or so, Huaxia has been persecuted by the Satanic organization. This Dr. Smith is definitely the key to the Satanic organization!" Thinking of this, his eyes were full of excitement, and he patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder and said: "Xiaozheng, I will accept this meeting gift! Xiaozheng, you did a good job!"

"This is what I should do!" Chen Zheng smiled.

"Uncle, isn't brother Xiaozheng very powerful?" Wang An grabbed Chen Zheng's arm and looked at Hua Tiandu excitedly.

"Yes, that's right, your brother Xiaozheng is very powerful!" Hua Tian smiled inwardly.

"Brother Hua, the Satanic organization is an evil organization. If you capture Dr. Smith, you can conquer half of it. This is really good. As long as you capture him and question him, you can quickly wipe out the entire Satanic organization!" Xia Lei said. Soldiers, all they want is to kill the rubbish of the Satan organization, if not, it will harm the world again, but the Satan organization should be handed over to Hua Tiandu, because Hua Tiandu has a habit of evil!

"If it wasn't for Xiaozheng, there might be chaos here, all of this is much more than Xiaozheng, he is capable!" Hua Tiandu said with emotion.

"That's right, all of this is really too much. If it weren't for him, it would be impossible for us to catch Dr. Smith so quickly. This Satanic organization is very cunning. Interpol has been tracking it for many years. He was not brought to justice, and our Huaxia Kingdom also participated in it, but we ran all over Asia and found no trace of the Satanic organization, and only Xiaozheng took action to arrest the main person in charge of the Satanic organization!" Xia Xia Lei's eyes were full of admiration: "This Xiaozheng is too powerful!"

"So-so..." Chen Zheng waved his hand quickly, and then asked the old village head and Tiangong to go up, tied up Dr. Smith, and prepared to take him back for disposal, but what made people puzzled was that Dr. Smith was surprisingly calm. , as if everything had been planned.

"Chen Zheng, I think Dr. Smith is a bit quiet!" Li Yanran leaned forward suddenly.


Chen Zhenggang wanted to say something, but he saw Wang An behind him stepping up and pushing Li Yanran out.

"What are you doing?" Li Yanran glared at Wang An.

"What are you doing so close to Brother Xiaozheng?" Wang An looked at Li Yanran angrily, "You and Brother Xiaozheng are alone here, and I haven't settled accounts with you yet!"

"Isn't it normal for me to stand beside Chen Zheng?" Li Yanran rolled her eyes.

"According to a lover's point of view, if the distance between a man and a woman is less than 5 centimeters, they are lovers!" Wang An said seriously.

I go!

Chen Zheng quickly tapped Wang An's little head: "Can you stop talking nonsense?"

"Anyway, I think the two of you are having an affair!" Wang An took advantage of the topic: "We just walked over and met Tiangong, and seeing him panicked, but you two stayed here, I think you stayed here to have an affair. It's related... and you are disheveled, it should be just finished..."

Isn't this guy too sensitive?

Chen Zheng couldn't help but glared at Wang An: "You guys are too sensitive, aren't you?"

Li Yanran on the side was secretly surprised, she didn't expect Wang An to be too powerful.

"It's not sensitive at all! This is the truth!" The more Wang An said, the angrier he became, and he said angrily to Li Yanran: "Bad sister, stinky sister, you scoundrel, you took advantage of my absence to punish brother Xiaozheng." , let me tell you, I will never end with you in this life!"

Chen Zheng hurriedly said: "Xiao An, don't talk nonsense! What is the environment here, can we steal it?"

If others knew that he did have such a small relationship with Li Yanran, and if Xia Xue heard about it, his life would be sad.

But Li Yanran on one side was not afraid of Wang An at all: "You said we stole people, what evidence do you have? And even if it is stealing people, what does it have to do with you? You are Wang An, a man!"

"I..." Wang An became anxious: "I am for sister Xiaoying!"

"You for her? Well, you call her over!"

"You..." Wang An became anxious, his small chest was heaving and heaving, and he looked at Li Yanran angrily and tenderly: "I tell you, bad sister, I have a thousand ways to make you regret it, if you really Having sex with brother Xiaozheng!"

"I didn't have a relationship anyway!"

Li Yanran refused to admit it, let's see what Wang An can do to her.

"Let me tell you, bad sister, I am the person that brother Xiaozheng cares about the most. Brother Xiaozheng only sees me! I have a way to prove that you two have a relationship, and then I will capture you back and bring you to my grandfather." Go, let him hit you!" Wang An became anxious, but he was speechless.

"Anyway, you don't have evidence..." Li Yanran shrugged.

She came to admit it to death and see what Wang An can do to her. Anyway, she is not afraid of Wang An at all.

"Look at it..." Wang An said angrily.

"Okay, okay..." Chen Zheng quickly stopped the two of them from messing around, comforted him, and then walked away, but he saw Dr. Smith lying on the ground, with an extra mobile phone in his hand, operating Phone, at that moment, a cold light flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, he walked up, kicked Dr. Smith's chest, causing Dr. Smith to make a sound of killing pigs, Chen Zheng said coldly: "What else do you want to do? "

Dr. Smith did not answer.

Chen Zheng felt that Dr. Smith should have no other options.

But at this time, not far behind, a pistol suddenly held Wang An's head...

(End of this chapter)

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