super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 265 Do You Know About Huaying? 【Part 2】

Chapter 265 Do You Know About Huaying? 【Second update】

At that moment, Wu Dan froze there completely. She looked closely at Hua Tiandu and at her husband: "Are you serious? My daughter has already given Peiyu to Chen Zheng as a gift of love? Moreover, Chen Zheng Have you consecrated this piece of jade?"

Wu Dan knew very well that this piece of jade was given to his daughter by Tang Feng.

Said it was a gift of love.

When a daughter falls in love with another man, she can give this piece of jade to the other man as a gift of love. If the other party is recognized by the ancestors of the Hua family and Huaying's sincerity, then the jade will be consecrated. One point is to be recognized by the ancestors of the Tang family and become the true emperor of the Tang family.The last point, Wu Dan didn't know, she only knew that after Peiyu consecrated her daughter, it meant that her daughter had truly fallen in love with Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng would also be recognized by Hua's ancestors.

Thinking of this, Wu Dan became very excited: "Tiandu, are you serious? Is this jade really consecrated?"

"Of course!" Hua Tiandu nodded, and said with a smile: "Chen Zheng is so kind, he has already won the sincerity of his daughter, and has been recognized by the ancestors of the Hua family, so it can be said that he is the son-in-law of the Hua family! "


Wu Dan felt a little excited.

She used to suspect that after Hua Tiandu met Chen Zheng, she would look down on Chen Zheng. She also thought that her daughter might be pursuing Chen Zheng on a whim. After time passed, her daughter would calm down. But now, knowing that her daughter Having given that piece of jade to Chen Zheng, and this piece of jade has been consecrated, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that all of this is true! That's all right, the Hua family won't be that big The pressure! Ever since Xiaojie’s incident, the Hua family has not had a single day of peace, either quarreling or worrying, because after this generation, there will be no successors, and the Hua family is one of the two major families in the Huaxia Kingdom, with no successors. People mean decline, now that my daughter has chosen Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng has been approved by the ancestors, and Peiyu has been consecrated, I am happy..."

Hua Tian nodded.

"From now on, we can let Chen Zheng enter our Hua family and give birth to a fat grandson who will inherit our incense and power!" Wu Dan's eyes were full of excitement: "As I said, the Hua family will never will fall!"

"From now on, you will be able to enjoy the blessings!" Hua Tian was also excited, no matter what you say, you have to give the Hua family a hope.


There was a burst of cheers, and Wang Anle smiled happily, pulling Chen Zheng towards this side. When she saw Wu Dan, she ran up happily and introduced Chen Zheng: "Auntie, hello , this is the one chosen by sister Xiaoying, please go over it carefully."

Wu Dan glanced at Chen Zheng, at the first glance he felt that Chen Zheng was handsome, handsome, fair, with sharp edges and corners, with a stalwart figure, a standard handsome guy.

In fact, Chen Zheng was baptized by Lingyu, so he became so handsome.

Wu Dan smiled in her heart, thinking that her daughter chose such a man for happiness, she smiled and simply asked: "Chen Zheng, where are you working now?"

"Start a business in Donghai and do some gem business."

"Oh, I heard that you are also an ancient killer?" Wu Dan is still most concerned about this, thinking that if Chen is an ancient killer, it will be happy for the entire Hua family. After all, Chen Zheng's responsibility is not only for Ai Huaying, but also for Huaying. What's more important is to inherit the incense and power of the Hua family. From this perspective, U Thant paid great attention to Chen Zheng's strength.

"Probably." Chen Zheng shrugged.

Anyway, he didn't think it mattered, and he and Huaying had never met, so why should he deal with Wu Dan seriously?Answer whatever you have, and don't care about other things!

"That's good..." A smile flashed in Wu Dan's eyes. Now she understands why her daughter chose Chen Zheng to be her husband-in-law. The reasons are really simple. First, Chen Zheng is handsome, and second, Chen is the murderer of the ancients, of course there are other reasons, but Wu Dan did not ask too much, in fact, it is useless to ask, because the family heirloom jade has already been consecrated, which shows that the ancestors of the Hua family have already recognized it. Chen Zheng, it means that her daughter really loves Chen Zheng.

This alone says it all.

Wu Dan didn't ask any more questions, and just said appreciatively: "Chen Zheng, I hope you can come to the capital when you have time, and we will personally greet you!"

"Okay!" Chen Zheng nodded.

Wang Anle on the side smiled happily, knowing that her mother had already acquiesced in the matter between her and Chen Zheng, she turned her eyes darkly, and realized: Could it be that her mother already knew that brother Xiaozheng had a piece of jade on him, and that this Chun Peiyu has been consecrated?

Thinking of this, Wang An smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, why don't you thank your aunt, she has already approved of your relationship with sister Xiaoying..."

Chen Zheng shook his head, thinking that this was too nonsense, he didn't even know where Hua Ying was, but now he came to recognize his mother-in-law?It doesn't suit his character.

However, Chen Zheng felt that Wu Dan's complexion was a bit bad. How should I put it, he felt that Wu Dan's Yintang was a little dark, so he quickly used the see-through technique to probe into Wu Dan's body, and what made him frown was, He found a black air floating in Wu Dan's body, this black air has been attacking Wu Dan, if it is good, Wu Dan's health must not be very good recently.

Chen Zheng couldn't help asking: "Auntie, your seal is a little dark, haven't you had a good rest recently?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Wu Dan's eyes: "You can see this?"

"Your health should not be very good..." Chen Zheng used the see-through technique to see it.

"Not bad!" A trace of concern flashed in Hua Tiandu's eyes, he pulled Wu Dan, and then said to Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, what's the situation? My wife hasn't been very good in the past year. I can't sleep, I feel tired during the day, and I feel dizzy from time to time. I have been to many hospitals before, and they all said that I was overworked. Since my son and daughter had accidents, my wife has indeed been overworked, but I also give her I went to a psychiatrist and gradually cleared up her psychology. It stands to reason that she didn't suffer from chronic illnesses because of overwork!"

Chen Zheng nodded, thinking that Wu Dan didn't get sick because he was worried about his daughter.

Because there is a black energy in Wu Dan's body.

The source of this black air is unknown, it may be that I was too tired to worry about it before, so I fell into this stubborn disease and produced the black air. Although I sought counseling from a psychiatrist, the black air was still not cleared.Traditional Chinese medicine is right, the root cause of a disease must be cured, but it is obvious that once these black qi condense, they can no longer be cleared away.

"Don't talk about this..." Wu Dan stood up and shook her head. For this disease, she has gone to the hospital many times, and every time she came out, she got a good rest. Gradually, she gave up and felt There's no need to worry about it anymore, she is happy to see her daughter and son-in-law now, and she doesn't want to let this happen.

The Hua family had a tragedy before.

Huajie got into a car accident and became a vegetable. Huaying disappeared.

The Hua family fell into a predicament without a descendant, but now that their daughter has been found and their son-in-law has been chosen, all the troubles can be solved after the daughter returns to normal completely.

Thinking of this, Wu Dan was very happy, so she didn't need to worry about her physical condition anymore.

Chen Zheng wanted to help take a look at Wu Dan's physical condition. It could be seen that Wu Dan didn't want to pay attention to her physical condition. He frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's all go out..." Hua Tiandu said first, he didn't want to stay in this dark cave any longer, so he waved his hand and led everyone out. Along the way, Wang An relied on Beside Wu Dan, talking non-stop happily, this made Chen Zheng frowned, always felt that this Wang An was very weird, you are a man, and you went to build a good relationship with Wu Dan?
And Xia Lei behind him kept paying attention to Chen Zheng and Wang An.

Seeing Chen Zheng's frown, a smile flashed in Xia Lei's eyes, and he felt more anticipation: This Chen Zheng probably didn't know that Wang An might be Huaying, after all, Wang An's chest is flat, but I asked Hua Tianping As I said, it seems that I did an experiment with an ancient killer before, which turned a girl into a boy!

Now, Xia Lei is even more skeptical, thinking that Wang An might be Huaying.

He glanced at Chen Zheng's back and became more determined. He took out his cell phone, walked to the side, and made a call. The call was to Hua Tianping. As soon as the call was made, Xia Lei quickly asked, "Tianping, How is that ancient killer experiment you told me about last time?"

"Brother Lei, do you want to ask this?" Hua Tianping didn't doubt it, and said directly: "The experiment was suspended before because of some malfunctions! But now it's started again!"

"Is it intentional that girls will become boys?" Xia Lei asked calmly.

"That's right, there was a girl who conducted an experiment before, but it failed halfway through, causing sequelae!" Hua Tianping said.

"Then what exactly are the sequelae?" Xia Lei asked.

"That is, the **** will disappear during the day, and at night, when the spiritual breath from the outside world stops, and the acupuncture points and meridians on her body no longer absorb the spiritual energy of the world, her **** will return to normal!" Hua Hua Balance Road.

When Xia Lei heard this, his eyes became agitated, and he became more determined that Wang An was Hua Ying. Thinking of the tragedies that had occurred in the Hua family during this period of time, Xia Lei sighed in his heart. Proving lifelong infertility, then Huajie had a car accident and became a vegetable, and then Huaying ran away from home. It can be said that not only the Hua family, but even the Xia family felt danger and depression.The Hua family and the Xia family were born from the same root. If the Hua family has no successors, the Xia family will definitely not be much better!
Originally, the members of the Hua family and the Xia family planned to help Huaying find a superior son-in-law, and then bring them home, inherit the incense of the Hua family, and guard the Huaxia country together with the Xia family.

But Huaying disappeared.

Now hearing Hua Tianping's words, Xia Lei's eyes flashed with excitement: If it's right, Wang An is Huaying, and Chen Zheng is Wang An's chosen boyfriend!As long as Wang An and Chen Zheng are allowed to go back, the Hua family will regain its former prosperity and glory!

Xia Lei recognized Chen Zheng from the bottom of his heart.

I think Chen Zheng is a rare genius!
Thinking of this, Xia Lei asked excitedly: "Tian Ping, tell me honestly, is Wang An Hua Ying?"


(PS: Ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, the second update, and the fourth update today!)

(End of this chapter)

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