super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 271 Xia Xue's Love [Part 2]

Chapter 271 Xia Xue's Love 【Second】

"Chen Zheng is not only the ancient killer, but also Hua Tiandu's son-in-law?" Han Feng froze there, he naturally knew who Hua Tian was, the most promising star, and the Hua family had a long history Hua Jie had a car accident and became a vegetable, Hua Tianping was infertile for life, and Hua Tian had only his last daughter left. I heard that Hua Tian wanted to find a son-in-law for this daughter. , Then let the son-in-law inherit the incense and power of the entire Hua family.

But to Hanfeng's surprise, this son-in-law turned out to be Chen Zheng?

Then Wu Sheng slapped Han Feng hard on the head again, and cursed: "Han Feng, you are a fucking idiot, we finally apologized to Chen Zheng and asked him to forgive Let's stop pursuing the matter of us colluding with Dr. Smith with Commander Wang, and you actually want us to kill Chen Zheng? Your mother is an idiot!"

As Wu Sheng said that, he punched Han Feng hard on the head.

Han Feng was beaten into a daze, he just asked firmly: "Tell me, is Chen Zheng the son-in-law of Hua Tiandu?"

"of course!"


Han Feng was completely paralyzed, he knew that his life was going to be over, if he offended Hua Tiandu, he would have no future in the future.

"Get lost!" Wu Sheng kicked Han Feng away. From a distance, he saw Chen Zheng standing there, looking at him coldly. Going up, he said respectfully to Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, we are the ones who are sorry, Han Feng is our subordinate, he wants to avenge Commander Wang, he wants to confuse us, and then let us do it for him, but how can we Dare to offend you? So we beat him up..."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Zheng smiled, patted Wu Sheng on the shoulder, and then walked out with Wang An. Anyway, these little hellos can't make any trouble.

At about noon, Xia Lei came back, smiled and said to Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, the matter here has been settled, and my father has ordered me to send you all back to the East China Sea by helicopter, because this time it is about You belonged to the Satanic organization, so I don’t want you to be exposed, for fear of attracting revenge from the Satanic organization.”

"That's a good idea!"

A smile flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he immediately ordered Tian Gong, Liu Li, and Wang An to prepare things, and before leaving, Hua Tian found Chen Zheng, patted Chen Zheng's shoulder solemnly, and said : "I wish you success in no time!"

Chen Zheng smiled: "I also wish you, uncle, that you can reach the sky in one step!"

Hua Tiandu laughed out loud, he knew very well that what Chen Zheng was talking about was Dr. Smith, and if he captured Dr. Smith and exposed him to the public, he was afraid that Hua Tiandu's positive image would be greatly exposed, and it would be smoother then. Yes, Hua Tian patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder: "You boy, I like you very much! I like you, work hard!"

Soon, Chen Zheng, Wang An, and Tiangong got into the helicopter and flew back towards the East China Sea.

Then Tang San didn't follow, he wanted to go back to find Tang Feng, before he left he bowed deeply to Chen Zheng, his eyes were full of respect: "Lord Zheng Huang, I will wait for you at the Tang House arrival!"

Chen Zheng's eyes turned, when did he become the real emperor?

Tang San said tightly again: "However, my lord Zhenghuang, can you let me take the purple-gold-eyed tiger back and nurture it well?"

Chen Zheng smiled, and patted the purple-gold-eyed tiger on the head: "Xiao Jin, be obedient to me, follow Tang San back to the Tang family, and I will look for you then!"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger roared, but shot Tang San a shot of tiger urine, expressing its dissatisfaction. At that moment, Tang San's wishful thinking failed again, and he could only vomit blood out of anger.Chen Zheng on the side laughed, patted the purple-gold-eyed tiger, and said, "Then go back to the forest, and I'll come back to find you when I'm free!"

"Brother Xiaozheng, don't drive it away, I like it very much!" Wang An said anxiously.

"No, it has to go back to the forest!" Chen Zheng patted the purple-gold-eyed tiger on the head, forcing the tiger away. Watching the tiger disappear into the depths of the forest, Chen Zhengcai heaved a sigh of relief, and the old villager Chang and Xia Wei bid farewell, then boarded the helicopter and flew into the East China Sea.On the helicopter, Chen Zheng called Xia Xue. As soon as the call was connected, Chen Zheng quickly said: "My wife, I'm back!"

But on the other end of the phone, Xia Xue was surprisingly calm: "Are you Chen Zheng? I'm sorry, I already have another man and I'm going to break up with you."


Chen Zheng's heart sank.

"In the past three months, you disappeared without a word, and you didn't even give me a call. What qualifications do you have to be my boyfriend? During the days when you disappeared, I went out to nightclubs to vent. The man met, I'm sorry, let's break up!" On the other end of the phone, Xia Xue's voice was very cold.

"Xia Xue, you must never..." Chen Zheng became anxious: "I'm going back to Donghai now, the food stall outside the community, I'll explain it to you face to face!"

"No time!"

Xia Xue said something, and then hung up the phone. Chen Zheng wanted to call back, but the other party kept reminding him to turn off the phone. At that moment, Chen Zheng's heart sank, and he suddenly regretted that he hadn't called Xia Xue in the past few months.

But if Xia Xue cheated because of this, he would definitely not let Xia Xue and that adulterer go!

Xia Xue, Xia Xue, I really love you, if you really betray me, I will never let you live a happy life!
But Chen Zheng also thought that these days, Xia Xue couldn't bear it, so she messed up and cheated. Such a woman is not worthy of his love!

He has to rush back to Donghai now, and ask Xia Xue to find out if he cheated on her or not!
Along the way, Wang An, Liu Li, and Tian Gong felt something and were very silent.

On the way, Wang An called Dalizhen and Xu Ying and told them that Chen Zheng had returned and they were meeting for dinner at a food stall outside the community.

After hanging up the mobile phone, there was a dead silence inside the helicopter. It really was parting and hurting people, and separated from the Zijin Eyed Tiger. Now that he heard the news of Xia Xue's rebellion, Chen Zheng clenched his fists. He didn't know what to think. In the East China Sea, a low growl sounded from behind, and everyone looked back, but saw the purple-gold-eyed tiger, and everyone burst into joy: "So this tiger didn't leave? Did it get on the helicopter secretly?"

Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and the Zijin-eyed tiger didn't want to leave.

Soon, Chen Zheng, Wang An, and Tiangong brought Zijinjinghu back to the apartment, and then walked out of the food stall, but they saw a woman sitting there in a distance. The woman was dressed in a police uniform and looked heroic. , it was Xia Xue.Xia Xue sat there, looking out constantly, when she saw Chen Zheng, she ran up quickly, and then slapped Chen Zheng on the face.


Chen Zheng froze there.

"This slap is my punishment for you. You disappeared for three months and didn't call me to report your safety! Do you know how worried I am about you? Do you know that I can't sleep because I miss you every night? Why are you so cruel? The corners of Xia Xue's eyes were red, she had cried and her face was haggard.

However, guilt and anger welled up in Chen Zheng's heart, and he said firmly, "Xia Xue, tell me honestly, have you cheated?"

"Are you in pain? Are you angry? That's right!" Xia Xue smiled: "When you disappeared for three months and didn't even give me a call, I was like this, very painful and angry. Now you Do you know how I got here in the past three months?"

Chen Zheng suddenly felt something, and asked tightly: "Then have you cheated?"

"I lied to you." Xia Xue smiled: "The purpose is to let you experience my pain and anger."


Chen Zheng was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, hugged Xia Xue tightly, and then kissed Xia Xue's small peach tassel lips, telling you to lie to me, I will kiss you to death, Chen Zheng kept hugging Xia Xue and kissing Xia Xue until Xia Xue had difficulty breathing Only then did he let go of Xia Xue. Looking at Xia Xue's haggard face, he secretly decided that he would never leave Xia Xue again. When he heard Xia Xue say that she found another man, he felt depressed and angry. , And this feeling is also the portrayal of Xia Xue in the past three months. When he disappeared for three months without any news, not even a phone call, Xia Xue also felt the same way, depression, pain, and anger.

Only when you have experienced it can you know how to cherish it.

Chen Zheng hugged Xia Xue tightly, and said, "Honey, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't have left you for three months, and I haven't given you any information. It's my fault, and I won't do it again!"

"If you have a next time, I'll tell you that I've already had a baby with another woman!" Xia Xue said angrily and coquettishly.

Chen Zheng smiled inwardly, hugged Xia Xue tightly, and said nothing.

And Wang An and Tiangong behind them looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. They really thought that Chen Zheng's girlfriend Xia Xue had cheated, but they didn't expect Xia Xue to use this to warn Chen Zheng.

At that moment, Chen Zheng pulled Xia Xue and sat down. After a while, Dalizhen and Xu Ying rushed over. The moment they saw Chen Zheng, Dalizhen burst into tears: "Xiaozheng, your sister's disappearance After three months, I almost thought you were dead, but you are finally back!"

Vigorously crying, Xu Ying also cried.

Chen Zheng quickly punched him vigorously: "Your sister, why is a man crying! See how anxious this girl is!"

Dali Zhen laughed, and punched Chen Zheng in the chest: "Damn you, do you think I'm crying for you? I cried because you disappeared and no one came to manage the company, which caused the company to run poorly and was about to go bankrupt." !"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Zheng, Tian Gong, Wang An and Xia Xue all laughed.

But Chen Zheng knew that Dali Zhen cried because he was worried about his accident. The two had been in college for three years, and their relationship with each other was very clear.

At that moment, everyone sat down and began to discuss the next plan. Chen Zheng had been arranged by Hua Tiandu and Xia Wei to go to the Armed Police Force. This plan was strongly supported by Xia Xue, but Dali Zhen and Xu Ying on the other side Getting anxious, Dali Zhen lowered her head and drank bitterly, while Xu Ying looked at Chen Zheng pitifully: "Mr. Chen, are you going to abandon our rhythm?"

(PS: The second change, repay today's monthly pass! Thank you very much!)

(End of this chapter)

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